How far is it from Yanjiao to Chengde?

Introduction How many kilometers are there between Yanjiao and Chengde? Question 1: How far is Yanjiao from Chengde Driving directions: The total distance is about 241.6 kilometers Starting point: Yanjiao Town 1. Driving directions in Langfang Town.

How far is it from Yanjiao to Chengde?

Question 1: How far is Yanjiao from Chengde? Route: About 241.6 kilometers

Starting point: Yanjiao Town

1. Driving plan in Langfang Town

1) Start from starting point due west, follow Jingyu Street for 1.5 kilometers and continue straight into Tongyan Expressway

2) Continue along Tongyan Expressway for 50 meters and continue straight in Tongyan. Expressway

3) Travel 6.8 kilometers along Tongyan Expressway, cross Dingezhuang Bridge, head towards the direction of East Sixth Ring Road/Daxing/Shunyi, turn slightly right and enter in Sanhui East Bridge

p> 2. Walk along Sanhui East Bridge for 850 meters, pass Changtun Bridge for about 190 meters and continue straight into the Sixth Ring Road

3. Continue along the Sixth Ring Road for 36.7 kilometers, cross the Xiwang Road East Bridge and head towardss Jingcheng Expressway. From the direction of North Fifth Ring Road/Chengde/Daqing, turn slightly right and enter Suanzaoling Bridge

4. Walk along Suanzaoling Bridge for 740 meters. , pass Gaoliying South Bridge for about 200 meters and go straight to Jingcheng Expressway

5. Travel 52.4 kilometers along Jingcheng Expressway and go straight to Yangshan Tunnel

6. Travel 230 meters along Yangshan Tunnel and continue straight into Jingcheng Expressway

7. Continue along Jingcheng Expressway for 1.6 km, cross Jingcheng Hongmenchuan Bridge and continue straight into Dengjiawan Tunnel

8. Continue along Dengjiawan Tunnel for 430 meters and go straight into Jingcheng City Expressway


9. Travel 4.6 kilometers along Jingcheng Expressway, cross the fourth bridge of Jinding Lake, and go straight into thee Jinding Lake No. 1 Tunnel

10. Continue 320 along Jinding Lake No. 1 Tunnel meters, go straight to Jingcheng Expressway

11 .Continue along Jingcheng Highway for 150 meters, go straight to Jinding Lake Tunnel No. 2

12. Drive along Jinding Lake Tunnel No. 2 for 1.1 km, continue straight into Jingcheng Expressway

13. Continue along Jingcheng Expressway for 12.5 kilometers, cross the second Caoci Bridge and continue straight into Cangzhuhui Tunnel

14 .Continue along Cangzhuhui Tunnel for 260 meters and continue straight into Jingcheng Expressway

15. Continue along Jingcheng Expressway for 160 meters, cross the West Circle Bridge and continue all the way. straight into the West Circle No. 1 Tunnel

16. Travel 460 meters along the West Circle No. 1 Tunnel and go straight to Jingcheng Expressway

17. Travel 590 meters along Jingcheng Highway,cross the Second West Circle Bridge and continue straight into West Circle Tunnel #2

18. Continue 220 meters along West Circle Tunnel #2 and continue straight into the Jingcheng Expressway.

19. Continue along Jingcheng Expressway for 24.4 kilometers, cross Hengchengzi Third Bridge and continue straight into Hengchengzi Expressway. Tunnel

20. Travel 440 meters along Hengchengzi Tunnel, cross Laowa Bridge and continue straight into Jingcheng Expressway

21. Travel 8.5 kilometers along Jingcheng Expressway and continue straight into Daguang Expressway 22. Travel 2.4 kilometers along Daguang Expressway and continue straight into the Tunnel of Xindaogou

23. Continue through Xindaogou Tunnel for 390 meters and continue straight into Daguang Expressway

24. Continue along Daguang Expressway for 19.4 kilometers and continue tstraight into Yinjiagou Tunnel

25. Along Yinjiagou Tunnel Travel 280 meters through Jiagou Tunnel and continue straight into Daguang Expressway

26. Continue along Daguang Expressway for 41.0 kilometers and continue straight into Changshen Expressway

27. Follow Changshen Expressway. Expressway Drive 210 meters on the expressway and continue straight to Daguang Expressway

28. Driving plan in Chengde city

1) Drive 2.7 kilometers along Daguang Expressway and go straight to Changshen Expressway


2) Continue along Changshen Expressway for 8.1 kilometers, exit Chengde/Shuangqiao District/Bameiao outside Summer Resort, turn slightly left onto the ramp

3) Continue along the ramp for 1.1 kilometers, go straight

4) Continue 190 meters, go straight into Yingbin Road

5) Continuousez along Yingbin Road for 4.6 kilometers, continue straight into Pule South Road

6) Continue along Pule South Road for 1.9 kilometers, pass Shuncheng Building on the right for about 240 meters, head towards Chengde Bridge and turn right behind

7) Continue 120 meters, turn right in front

8) Continue 300 meters, cross Chengde Bridge Chengde, turn right and enter Wulie Road.

9) Continue 930 meters along Wulie Road, pass Chengde Rehe Fitness Plaza on the right and turn left into Dutongfu Street

10) Continue along Dutongfu Street for 70 meters and reach the end point (on the right side of the road)

End point: Chengde Town

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Question 2: How many kilometers are there between Yanjiao and Chengde for a driving route: about 153.8 kilometers in total

Starting point: Yanjiao Town

1. MapDriving in Langfang Town

1) Start from the starting point due west, follow Jingha Road for 1.4 kilometers, direction Beijing. , turn slightly right and enter the Jingha Line

2) Follow the Beijing-Harbin Line for 110 meters and continue straight on the Tongyan Expressway

3) Follow the Tongyan Expressway for 110 meters. 260 meters and continue straight on Tongyan Expressway

4) Travel 6.5 kilometers along Tongyan Expressway, towards the East Sixth Ring Road/Daxing/Shunyi, turn slightly right into the Sanhui East Bridge

2. Walk along the Sanhui East Bridge for 990 meters and cross the Changtun Bridge. After about 180 meters, go straight and enter the Beijing Sixth Ring Road.

3. Along BeijingTravel 26.7 kilometers on the Sixth Ring Road. At Huairou/East Fifth Ring Road/G101 exit, turn slight right onto Liuyuan Bridge

4. Continue alongfrom Liuyuan Bridge for 1.3 kilometers, turn slightly right onto Jingshen Road.

5. Follow the Jingshen Road for 14.7 kilometers, cross the Mangniu River Bridge for about 270 meters, and continue straight to the Jingshen Line

6. Follow the Jingshen line for 980 meters. meters and wait a while. Turn right onto Jingmi Expressway 7. Continue along Jingmi Expressway for 30 meters and continue straight onto Jingmi Expressway 8. Continue along Jingmi Highway. Highway for 140 meters towards Jingcheng/Beijing City/Chengde Expressway, turn slightly right and enter Huaishan Roushui Station Viaduct

9. Travel 830 meters along the Huaishan Roushui Station Viaduct Huaishan Roushui Station and continue straight on Daguang Expressway.

10. Driving plan in Chengde City

1) Drive 97.1 kilometers along Daguang Expressway. At the exit Bakshiying/Pianqiao, turn slightly right and take the ramp.

p> 2) Follow the ramp Continue for 810 meters and turn left to enter the Beijing-Shenyang line

3) Continue along the Beijing-Shenyang line for 1.3 kilometers and reach the end point (on the right side of the road)

End point: one room


Question 3: How many kilometers are there between Yanjiao and Chengde Refuge Villa Driving directions: The route? the total distance is about 230.8 kilometers

Starting point: Yanjiao Park

1. Langfang City driving plan

1) Start from the starting point due south, continue along Yingbin Road for 140 meters and enter Yingbin Road

2) Continue along Yingbin Road for 80 meters, at the second exit, continue straight into Yingbin Road

3) Continue along Yingbin Continue for 520 meters, turn right onto Jingyu Street

4) Continue along the streetJingyu for 1.9 kilometers, continue straight into Tongyan Expressway

5) Continue along Tongyan Expressway for 50 meters, continue straight. in Tongyan Expressway

6) Continue along Tongyan Expressway for 6.9 kilometers, cross Dingezhuang Bridge, head towards the direction of East Sixth Ring Road/Daxing/Shunyi , turn slightly right and enter Sanhui East Bridge

2. Continue along Sanhui East Bridge for 850 meters and cross Changtun Bridge for about 190 meters. After meters, go straight and enter the Sixth Ring Road.

3. Continue along the Sixth Ring Road for 26.8 kilometers, Cross East Dulan Bridge, exit at Huairou/East Fifth Ring Road/ G101, turn slightly right and enter Liuyuan Bridge

4. Continue along Liuyuan Bridge for 500 meters. After crossing the Liuyuan Bridge for approximately 670 meters. ,

5. ContinueFollow for 90 meters and turn slightly right onto Jingshen Road

6. Continue along Jingshen Road for 15.5 kilometers and continue straight onto Jingmi Road

7. Continue along along Jingmi Road for 440 meters and turn slightly right to enter Jingmi Expressway.

8. Continue along Jingmi Expressway for 20 meters and go straight. Enter the expressway Jingmi

9. Drive 160 meters along Jingmi Expressway, towards Jingcheng/Beijing City/Chengde Expressway, turn slightly right and enter Huairou Bridge.

10. Continue for 380 meters across Pont Huairou Highway. After crossing Huairou Bridge for about 480 meters, go directly to Daguang Expressway.

11. Continue along Daguang Expressway for 164.8 kilometers and stop at the eight temples at the exterior of the summer resort in Chengde/Shuangqiao. Leave the district/summer station and turnz slightly left on the ramp

12. Follow the ramp for 1.1 kilometers and continue straight on G101

13. Driving plan in Chengde city


1) Along G101 Road for 100 meters and continue straight into Yingbin Road

2) Continue along Yingbin Road for 4.8 kilometers and continue straight into Pule Road

3) Continue along Pule Road for 3.2 kilometers and turn left. Turn

4) Drive 370 meters, cross Songhe Bridge, take the 3rd exit, direction Lizhengmen Street/Summer Resort, turn left and enter Shanzhuang Road

5) Follow 320 meters on Shanzhuang Road and go straight on Lizhengmen Street

6) Continue 350 meters along Lizhengmen Street and reach the end point (on the right side of the road)

End point: Chengde Summer Resort


Question 4: How long does the bus take from Yanjiao to Chengde

Question 5: Does anyone know how to get there by car from Yanjiao or Sanhe? How much does it cost to drive to Chengde? Gasoline costs about 130 km

Route: about 225.1 km

< p> Starting point: Yanjiao Town

1. Route map to Langfang< /p>

1) From the starting point due west, follow Jingha Road for 1.4 kilometers, towards Beijing, turn slightly right to enter Jingha Line

2) Continue along Jingha Line for 110 meters, go straight into Tongyan Expressway

3) Continue along Tongyan Expressway for 260 meters, go straight into Tongyan Expressway.

4) Continue along Tongyan Expressway for 6.6 kilometers, heading east. Heading towards Huan/Daxing/Shunyi, turn slightly right and enter Sanhui East Bridge.

2. Continue along Sanhui. East Bridge for 1.1 kilometers and continue straight on the Si Expressway.Beijing Sixth Ring Road.

3. Continue for 26.8 kilometers on the Beijing Sixth Ring Road. At the Huairou/East Fifth Ring Road/G101 exit, turn slightly right into Liuyuan. Bridge

4. Continue along Liuyuan Bridge for 1.3 kilometers and go straight into Jingshen Road


5. Continue along Jingshen Road for 14 .9 kilometers and go straight to Jingshen Line

6. Continue along Jingshen Line for 980 meters and turn slightly right to enter Jingmi Expressway.

7. Continue 30 meters along Jingmi Expressway and continue straight onto Jingmi Expressway.

8. Continue along Jingmi ExpresswayDrive 140 meters at high speed towards Jingcheng Expressway/Beijing City/Chengde, turn slightly right and enter Huaishan Station Viaduct Roushui

9. Walk 830 meters along the Huaishan R Station Viaductoushui and go straight into Datong University Guangzhou Expressway

10. Travel 153.8 kilometers along Daguang Expressway and go straight into Changshen Expressway

< p> 11. Travel 10.9 kilometers along Changshen Expressway and arrive at Chengde District/Shuangqiao/Summer Resort Exit Waiba Temple, turn slightly left and enter Shuangqiao Viaduct

12. Driving plan in Chengde City

1) Drive 1.1 kilometers along the Shuangqiao Viaduct and continue straight into Yingbin Road< /p>

2) Continue along from Yingbin Road for 4.0 kilometers, towards Fuqian Road/Chengchao Expressway, turn right into Fuqian Road

3) Continue along Fuqian Road for 160 meters, turn left, turn



4) Go 30 meters, turn right

5) Go 220 meters, turn left

6) Go 240 meters, turn left

7) Browse 210meters and reach the end point (on the right side of the road)

End point: Chengde city

Question 6: Yanjiao to Chengde Guojia How many of kilometers covers the route in the bay: about 393.4 kilometers in total

Starting point: Yanjiao town

1. Driving plan in Langfang town

1) From the starting point, head due west. Departure, follow Jingha Road for 1.4 kilometers towards Beijing, turn slightly right and enter Jingha Line

2) Continue on Jingha Line for 90 meters and go straight. in Tongyan Expressway

3) Continue along Tongyan Expressway for 280 meters and continue straight into Tongyan Expressway

4) Continue along Tongyan Expressway for 6.5 kilometers towards East Sixth Ring Road/Daxing/Shunyi, turn slightly right and enter East Sanhui Bridge.

2. Drive along East Sanhui Bridgeover 990 meters. After passing Changtun Bridge for about 180 meters, continue straight and enter the Beijing Sixth Ring Road. p>

3. Drive along Beijing Sixth Ring Road for 26.7 kilometers, cross East Dulan Bridge, take Huairou/East Fifth Ring Road/G101 exit, turn slightly right into Liuyuan Bridge

4. Continue along Liuyuan Bridge for 1.3 kilometers, cross East Dulan Bridge, turn slightly right into Jingshen Road

5. Continue along Jingshen Road for 14, 7 kilometers, cross the Mangniu River Bridge for about 270 meters, and continue straight to the Jingshen Line

6. Continue for 980 meters on the Beijing-Shenyang Line, turn slightly right and enter into Jingmi Expressway

7. Continue along Jingmi Expressway for 30 meters, then go straight and enter Jingmi Expressway

8. Follow the expressway Jingmi over 140 meters en direction of Jingcheng/Beijing City/Chengde Expressway, turn slightly right and enter the Huairou Station Viaduct

9. Walk along the Huaishan Roushui Station Viaduct for 240 meters and cross Huairou Bridge for about 590 meters. After 590 meters, go straight. Enter Daguang Expressway

10. Follow Daguang Expressway for 175.1 kilometers, direction Chaoyang/Chifeng/Weichang, turn slightly right and take the ramp

11. Follow the ramp to After 1.3 km, continue straight on Changshen Expressway 12. Follow Changshen Expressway for 4.4 kilometers, direction Weichang/Chifeng/Qijia Hot Spring/Saihanba Forest Park, turn slightly right and enter the ramp

13. Drive along the ramp for 760 meters, continue straight and enter Daguang Expressway

14. Continue along Daguang Highway for 50.7 kilometers, towards Lanqi Karen/Weichang/Saihanba Forest Park/S50, turn slightly right and enter Ramp 15. Travel 1.2 kilometers along the ramp and go straight into Chengduo Expressway 16. Drive 70.8 kilometers along Chengduo Expressway, direction Duolun/Saihanba Forest Park/G111, turn slightly right onto Chengduo Expressway

17. Continue along the highway Chengduo for 50 meters and turn left to enter Jingjia Line

18. Continue along Jingjia Line for 5.3 kilometers towards Saihan Ba ​​Scenic Area. /Direction

Final point: Guo Jiawan

Question 7: Where is the most convenient place to go from Chengde to Yanjiao? How many kilometers is the entire trip? Now that I am in Chengde, I mainly wantIt's easy to go to Beijing, but self-driving cattle are not allowed to enter. Driving route: The total distance is about 232.6 kilometers

Starting point: Chengde City

1. Driving plan in Chengde city

< p> 1) Start from the starting point due west and follow Dutongfu Street for 110 meters, turn around and enter Dutongfu Street

2) Continue along Dutongfu Street for 200 meters, turn left into Muyeol Road

3) Follow Muyeol Road Continue for 340 meters along the road, turn right into Shanzhuang Road

4) Continue along Shanzhuang Road for 230 meters, direction Pule North Road/Jingcheng Expressway/Chengchao Expressway, and continue straight into Shanzhuang Road

5) Continue along Shanzhuang Road for 390 meters, cross Songhe Bridge and turn right

6) Continue for 200 meters and continue straight onto Pule Road

7) Continuealong Pule Road for 2.1 kilometers, pass Chengde Xin Damei store on the left, turn slightly right onto the ramp

8) Continue along the ramp for 350 meters and go straight into Pule Road

9) Continue 520 meters on Pule Road and go straight on Yingbin Road.

10) Continue on Yingbin Road for 4.6 kilometers. After passing the Chengde Viaduct for about 190 meters, continue straight on G101 <. /p>

11) Along the G101 road for 130 meters, turn slightly right and onto the ramp.

2. Continue along the ramp for 880 meters, turn right and enter Daguang Expressway.Highway

3. Continue along Daguang Expressway for 164.9 kilometers, cross the South Circle Bridge, head to Beijing-Milan/Shunyi Expressway /Huairou town, turn slightly right and enter Huairou Bridge

4. Walk along Huairou Bridge for 550 meters. After crossing the pont Huairou for about 900 meters, go straight to Jingmi Expressway.

5. Continue along Jingmi Expressway for 20 meters and go straight to Jingmi Expressway. Jingmi Expressway

6. Travel 140 meters along Jingmi Expressway and continue straight into Jingmi Road

7. Continue 300 meters along Jingmi Road and continue straight into Jingshen Road

p> 8. Continue along Jingshen Road for 15.9 kilometers, towards the Sixth Ring Road, turn slightly right and enter Liuyuan Bridge

9. Continue along Liuyuan Bridge for 1.0 kilometers, and after crossing Liuyuan Bridge for about 180 meters, continue straight and enter the Sixth Ring Road.

10. Continue along the Sixth Ring Road for 26.8 kilometers, cross Liuhe North Bridge, head towards Tongyan Expressway/Beijing-Harbin Expressway/Sanhe/Tongzhou Beiguan, turn slightly.turn right and enter Changtun Bridge

11. Drive along Changtun Bridge for 1.3 kilometers, cross East Sanhui Bridge for about 520 meters, and continue straight into Tongyan Expressway< /p>

12. Driving plan in Langfang Town

1) Continue along Tongyan Expressway for 5.9 kilometers, cross the Chaobai River Bridge and continue straight into the Tongyan Expressway

2) Continue along Tongyan Expressway for 50 meters and go straight. in Jingyu Street

< p> 3) Continue along Jingyu Street for 1.8 kilometers, pass Victoria D Building on the right for about 120 meters, turn left into Yingbin Road

< p> 4) Continue along Yingbin Road for 90 meters, turn right. After about 140 meters from KFC Yanjing Restaurant, turn around and enter Yingbin Road

5) Continue along Yingbin Road for 220 meters, turn right into Jingyu Street

6) Assholecontinue along Jingyu Street Continue along the street for 340 meters, pass World Style Clothing department store on the right for about 110 meters and reach the end point (on the right side of the road)

< p>End point: Yanjiao Town

Question 8: The nearest self-driving route from Chengde to Yanjiao Xinghe Haoyue Driving route: the total distance is about 242 .5 kilometers

Starting point: Chengde city

1. Driving plan in Chengde city

1) Start from the starting point due south , drive 40 meters, turn right into Dutongfu Street

2) Continue along Dutongfu Street for 30 meters and pass the Golden Dragon on the right. After about 100 meters from Royal Plaza, turn around and enter Dutongfu Street.

3) Continue along Dutongfu Continue for 150 meters, pass Shuntianhe Business Hall (Dongdajie Branch) on the right and turn rightinto Wulie Road

4) Continue along Wulie Road for 990 meters, turn left into Xinhua Road

5) Continue along Xinhua Road for 300 meters,

< p> 6) Continue for 240 meters towards Pule South Road/Yingbin Road, turn left and reverse into Pule North Road

7) Continue along Pule North Road for 340 meters, continue straight in Pule South Road

8) Continue along Pule South Road for 1.6 kilometers, continue straight into Yingbin Road

9) Continue along Yingbin Road for 5, 0 kilometers, towards Jingcheng Expressway, turn slightly right and enter Shuangqiao Viaduct

10) Continue along Shuangqiao Viaduct for 900 meters and continue straight on Jingcheng Expressway Changshen

2. Continue along Changshen Expressway for 11.0 kilometers and go straight into Daguang Expressway

3. Travel 174.5 kilometers along Daguan Highwayg, pass Gaoliying South Bridge, head towards Guangzhou/G45, turn slightly right into Jingcheng Expressway

4. Travel 570 meters along Jingcheng Expressway, pass Suanzaoling Bridge , direction Shunyi/North 6th Ring Road/Guangzhou/G45, turn slightly right and enter Suanzaoling Bridge

5. Walk along Suanzaoling Bridge for 270 meters, cross Suanzaoling Bridge for about 190 meters and continue straight into Beijing Sixth Ring Road. Ring Expressway

6. Continue along Beijing Sixth Ring Road for 23.6 kilometers, towards Jingping Expressway/Pinggu/Capital Airport, turn slightly right and enter Litian Overpass


7. Along route 770. a few meters from the Litian viaduct. After passing Litian Bridge for about 510 meters, go straight to Jingping Expressway

8. Driving plan in Langfang Town

1) Continue thealong Jingping Expressway for 11.8 kilometers and Pass Zhuzhuotun West Bridge, at Muyan Road/Beiwu/Yanjiao exit, turn slightly right to enter Zhuzhuotun Viaduct

2) Travel 460 meters along Zhuzhuotun Viaduct, turn right to enter Muyan Road

3) Continue on Muyan Road for 640 meters and turn right

4) Continue for 1.2 kilometers, cross Zhuzhuitun West Bridge and turn left to enter Muyan Auxiliary Line

5) Travel 820 meters along Muyan Auxiliary Line, continue straight on Yanshun Road< /p>

6) Drive 6.0 kilometers along Yanshun Road, turn right

7) Continue 30 meters, turn right ahead< /p>

8) Drive 240 meters to the end (on the left side of the road)

End point: Galaxy Haoyue

Question 9: Arrival at Yanjiao How many kilometers travel the route to Chifeng: environ 416.1 kilometers in total

Starting point: Yanjiao Town

1. Driving plan in Langfang Town

1) From the point of departure to the west From the direction, continue along Jingyu Street for 1.5 kilometers and continue straight into Tongyan Expressway.

2) Continue along Tongyan Expressway for 50 meters and continue straight into Tongyan Expressway

3) Travel 6.9 kilometers along Tongyan Expressway, cross Dingezhuang Bridge, head towards the direction of Sixth Ring Road east/Daxing/Shunyi and turn slightly right onto the Third Ring Road.Huidong Bridge

2. Walk along Sanhuidong Bridge for 850 meters After passing Changtun Bridge for about 190 meters, continue straight and enter the sixth ring road.

3. Continue along the sixth ring road. Continue for 26.8 kilometers. Cross East Dulan Bridge, take Huairou/East exitFifth Ring Road/G101, turn slightly right and enter Liuyuan Bridge

4. Walk along Liuyuan Bridge for 500 meters and continue for 26.8 kilometers. after crossing Liuyuan Bridge for about 670 meters,

5. Continue 90 meters, turn slightly right onto Jingshen Road

6. Continue along Jingshen Road for 15.5 kilometers, go straight into Jingmi Road

7. Continue along Jingmi Road for 440 meters, turn slightly right to enter Jingmi Expressway

8. Continue along from Jingmi Expressway for 20 meters and continue straight to enter Jingmi Expressway 9. Continue along Jingmi Expressway for 160 meters, towards Jingcheng/Beijing City Expressway /Chengde, turn slightly right into Huairou Bridge

10. Continue along Huairou Bridge for 380 meters, and cross Huairou Bridge for about 480 meters. After a few meters, continue straight andenter Daguang Expressway.

11. Continue along Daguang Expressway for 175.0 kilometers, direction Chaoyang/Chifeng/Weichang, turn slightly right. and take the ramp

12. Walk along the ramp for 690 meters, cross Gangouzi Bridge for about 670 meters and continue straight on Changshen Expressway

13. Continue along the Changshen Expressway. Highway for 4.3 kilometers towards Weichang/Chifeng/Qijia Hot Spring/Saihan Towards Ba Forest Park, turn slightly right and take ramp

14. Travel 760 meters along the ramp and continue straight on Daguang Expressway.

15. Travel 168.0 kilometers along the Daguang Highway. Cross Heimenggou Bridge, head towards Chifeng/Daban/Chaoyang/Tongliao and turn slightly right onto the ramp.

16. Travel 1.4 kilometers. along the ramp and continue directly onto Danxi Expressway

17. Con planfrom Chifeng City

1) Drive 6.9 kilometers along Danxi Expressway, Chifeng/Xincheng/Chifeng/Jinshan Airport exit, turn slightly right to enter the Yulong Interchange

2) Continue along Yulong Interchange for 480 meters, pass Yulong Interchange, turn left and enter S206

3) Continue along the S206 for 1.8 kilometers. , go straight into Yulong Street

4) Continue along Yulong Drive for 890 meters into the main street, turn left into Jinshan Road

5) Continue along Jinshan Road for 440 meters, turn around and enter Jinshan Road

6) Continue along Jinshan Road for 140 meters to the end (on the right side of the road)

End point: Chifeng Town

Question 10: How far is Yanjiao from Chengde Erdaohezi Route: About 228.4 kilometers in total


Starting point: Y cityanjiao

1. Langfang City driving plan

1) Start from the starting point due west, drive 1.4 kilometers along Jingha Road, direction Beijing, turn slightly right to enter Jingha Line

2) Travel 90 meters along Jingha Line and continue straight on Tongyan Expressway.

3) Continue along Tongyan Expressway for 280 meters and continue straight into Tongyan Expressway.

4) Continue along Tongyan Expressway for 6.5 kilometers towards the East Sixth Ring Road/Daxing/Shunyi. Turn slightly right and enter East Sanhui Bridge

2. Walk along East Sanhui Bridge for 990 meters, pass Changtun Bridge for about 180 meters, and continue straight on the Sixth Expressway Beijing Ring Road

3.Drive along Beijing Sixth Ring Road for 26.7 kilometers, cross East Dulan Bridge, exit at Huairou/East Fifth Ring Road/G101, turn slightlyright into Liuyuan Bridge

4. Continue along Liuyuan Bridge for 1.3 kilometers, cross East Dulan Bridge, turn slightly right and enter Jingshen Road

5 .Continue along Jingshen Road for 14.7 kilometers, cross the Mangniu River Bridge for about 270 meters, and continue straight to Jingshen Line.

6. Continue along the Beijing-Shenyang line for 980 meters, turn slightly right to enter Jingmi Expressway.

7. Continue along the expressway Jingmi Expressway for 30 meters and continue straight until you enter Jingmi Expressway

8. Continue along Jingmi Expressway for 140 meters, towards Jingcheng Expressway/Beijing City/ Chengde, turn slightly right and enter the Huaishan Roushui Station Viaduct

9. Walk along the Huaishan Roushui Station Viaduct for 240 meters, after crossing the Huairou Bridge for about 590 meters, continue straight onr Daguang Expressway

10. Continue along Daguang Expressway for 153.9 kilometers, then go straight. on Changshen Expressway

11. Follow Changshen Expressway for 11.0 kilometers on the highway, exit at Chengde/Shuangqiao District/Waiba Temple of Summer Station, turn slightly turn left and enter Shuangqiao Viaduct

12. Driving plan in Chengde City

1) Continue along Shuangqiao Viaduct for 1.1 kilometers, turn at right and enter Yingbin Road

2) Continue along Yingbin Road for 630 meters, pass Chengde Viaduct, turn left into G101

3) Follow G101 Road for 260 meters, turn right into Wulie Road

4) Continue along Wulie Road for 7.0 kilometers, pass Shuntianhe Business Hall (Dongjie Street Branch) on the left and turn left into Dutongfu Street

5) Continue 80 meters along Dutongfu Street and reach theend point (on the right side of the road)

End point: Chengde City

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    The simple yet profound question, "For what?" often serves as a gateway to deeper reflections on purpose and intention. It is a query that invites us to delve into the reasons behind actions, decisions, and circumstances that shape our lives and the wor
  • Choosing the Right Cart Battery

    This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need about cart batteries, from understanding different types to making an informed purchase decision.
  • 30mAh~500mAh 3.7 V Li-ion Battery

    Welcome to Ufine's collection of 3.7V lithium-ion batteries ranging from 30mAh to 500mAh. Explore a diverse range of compact and lightweight batteries suitable for various electronic devices,
  • Here are 10 essential facts about drone batteries for 2024.

    10 Key Facts About Drone Battery for 2024 In 2024, drone batteries have advanced significantly, offering a range of options to cater to various needs in the consumer, commercial, and industrial sectors. Below are the primary types of drone batteries avai
  • Could you please explain the difference among IMR, ICR, INR, and IFR 18650 batteries?

    What is the Difference Between IMR, ICR, INR, and IFR 18650 Battery?In 18650 batteries, discerning the differences among IMR, ICR, INR, and IFR types is fundamental for tailored and efficient battery usage. These distinct
  • Safety considerations for cart batteries

    Selecting the ideal cart battery is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and longevity of your electric vehicle or vaping device. This comprehensive guide w