Mining air ducts are divided into flexible air ducts and rigid metal air ducts according to different materials. Flexible air ducts are made of leather, plastic, canvas, rubber, etc. The rigid metal hair dryer is made of iron, steel, aluminum, etc. Among them, iron air ducts are divided into ordinary iron air ducts and anti-return iron air ducts.
The iron air duct is therefore a rigid metal air duct. The function of the air duct is to connect ventilation equipment to extract and exhaust air and guide the air flow in a certain direction. pipe currently used in coal mines or tunnels. It is the most commonly used air guiding and air supply device in narrow tunnels and other places.
Coal mine safety is very important. Drying fabrics are mainly used underground incoal mines, mainly for ventilation. The flame retardant properties of mine air duct fabrics are very important for safety. mines. Therefore, many hair dryers are used in coal mines.
The dryer fabric is made of high-strength polyester fiberglass and is woven into a modified PVC coated base fabric as the surface film. This is an effective combination of high-strength and high-strength base fabric. technical surface film.