Poem with seven rhythms describing the lotus

Introduction The seven-rhythm poem describing the lotus is as follows: 1. “Lotus” by Dong Sigao of the Song Dynasty: Tianji snow brocade is woven with mackerel gauze, and the colorful pavilions lean against the painted bridge . A clean and pure gentleman, who would mi

Poem with seven rhythms describing the lotus

The seven-rhythm poem describing the lotus is:

1. "Lotus" Dong Sigao of the Song Dynasty:

The Tianji snow brocade is woven from mackerel gauze, and the colorful pavilions lean against the painted bridge.

A gentleman is innocent and pure. Who wants to be charming if he's handsome?

The lotus leaves in the greenhouse are withered, the roots of the jade lotus are turning, and the leaves are shaking in summer.

You might as well call friends in the flowers, and you must use the moonlight to pick incense.

2. Du Fu's "Mad Man" of the Tang Dynasty:

There is a cottage to the west of Wanli Bridge, and the water of Baihuatan is Canglang.

The wind contains green Xiaojuan and Juanjuan, and the raindrops are red and fragrant.

His fortune is cut off from his old friends and his childish appearance is desolate.

If you want to fill the ravine, you can only let it go, and the fool who laughs at himself becomes even moregets crazier as he gets older.

3. "Lotus Picking Song" by Zou Denglong of the Song Dynasty:

The wind is clear and the lotus flowers are blooming and reflecting the sun.

A pair of owls suddenly flew away, making the orchids at the base of the flowers sing.

Whose daughter is in the orchid river? She has a bun with a bun and a black eyebrow.

Pick lotus flowers to fill your sleeves with perfume. The flowers are so deep that you forget where you came from.

4. "East Lake Lotus" by Shi Wenjue of the Song Dynasty:

Three thousand hectares of rich red and bold green are always transformed by the spirit of the waves.

It comes from Yuanburan in Yuni and was opened in Yujing.

Summer days are better than cool days, and leaves are better than flowers.

Why does Lianxi prefer this? This is because its branches and vines never grew.

5. "Lotus in front of the State House Hall" Fan Chengda of the Song Dynasty:

The fairy Lingbo is motionless and fragrant, but also wears rich red makeup to imitate. drunkenness.

Deliberately very open to the morning dew, merciless in capturing the setting sun.

The roots of mud, jade and snow are not contaminated, and the green onions of wind leaves also have their own fragrance.

I think the flowers in the stone lake are perfect, and the clouds and brocade paintings in the sky are cool.

Finding Couplets: Palindrome Couplets, Numerical Couplets, Overlapping Word Couplets, and Dice Couplets

The wind blows and the clouds fly, and we return to our hometown in the sea. The warriors of An De guard the four sides!

It loses three leaves in autumn and can flower in February. Thousands of feet of waves cross the river andthousands of bamboo poles lean there.

The morning breeze blows and the northern forest is dark. I haven't seen a gentleman yet, so I'm worried. How? So much altruism!

Learn the valley wind and maintain the wind and rain. I will be afraid, Wei Yu and my daughter.

The autumn wind blows and the white clouds fly, the vegetation turns yellow and the wild geese return to the south.

Lift your eyes to the new wind. Use Weidu. I would like to ride in the horse's name. Suddenly towards the north. The wind will always come. Think about it. I want to follow the birds that fly. Fly south.

The sky is high with severe frosts, the sun is weak and wild red leaves are flying down the stairs. The north wind does not care about the guests south of the Yangtze River and even blows the guests' clothes through the broken windows.

When I first heard the roar of the roaring wavess in the cave, I heard that the war horses were galloping. Sitting on a paper futon at night, it feels like you are in Ruoye Village.

The clear light condenses the dew and blows away the smoke. The osmanthus branches are bowed and the soul flows, and the apple leaves move in the breeze.

The breeze brings out the fall colors and the wine bottles are also opened.

High winds swept the water and destroyed the trees.

At the end of the year, the wind shakes the earth and the nights are cold and snowy.

Everything grows in spring. Groups of vegetation rise with the strong wind. How graceful it is to be scattered.

The breeze blows in the blue sea, and the dragon scales grow finely. I ride a crane half-drunk to pay homage to Lord Qinghua.

When the wind blows, I won't sing to myself. The dark green law rises and the white apple pgo far away.

The breeze harmonizes with the grass and the large leaves are long and round. The clear dew drops are together, and the sunset flowers are reflected deeply.

The wind rises in the silence of dawn, and slowly disperses across the fields. The dewdrops tremble and the forest leaves curl silently.

The rising sun hovers over the clear landscape and the breeze blows across the green bands. There is no sound upon entering the pine tree, and the shadows of passing willows sway in the air.

I climbed up to the Shaocheng Gate and looked at the world around me. A strong wind rises from the north, roaring and shaking the dangerous ramparts.

The cool breeze arrives and I think quietly. Go into the forest and flip the leaves, and go around the trees to defeat the red orchids.

The water of the Three Gorges is gurgling, vast and vast. Not like onthe new pond, the breeze ripples.

The old foundation is not covered with dry clams and the monument is covered with moss. The gentle breeze rises in the evening, just like hearing howls while sitting.

Silk and bamboo move in the flow, and water and earth are used for roasting. The light rain calms the tower and the gentle breeze stirs the orchids and musk deer.

When the gentle breeze comes, the green grass grows. Xu flies away and floats in the green, half-shaded and floating.

Clouds fly in Qiongyao Garden and turtles rest among the orchids. The jade basket cannot be opened, but there is a slight breeze through the skylight.

The streets are filled with poplar flowers and there is suddenly a strong wind in front of the market. Suddenly, the leaves of the orchids are shaken and the bamboo bushes gather in the air.

There are thousands of pbamboo poles in Donggang, and the largest are over a foot wide. The breeze blows among them, making them rustle and cool.

Why is the scorching wind coming? It looks like the mountain is about to fall. There are wolves and clouds under the trees, and the grass is scattered over the house.

Last night the wind was so strong that the trees at the head of the river were broken. The darkness is unlimited, where are the pedestrians?

Look at the dark bamboo near the pond and observe the shiny sand as you leave the island. It's worth the breeze and the sound of flowing silk pipes.

The setting sun lights up the beach and the kites fly in the breeze. Quietly under the forest stone, sit and read the article on preserving health.

The hunting tree is far away in the breeze and its strings warble. Raindrops shine brightly on the tips of the forestand the pine trails are desolate at night.

The wind and rain came from the north, and all the trees roared. It didn't stop at night, and the sound disturbed the waves of the river in autumn.

The beautiful sun reminds us of late landscapes, and the fan makes us think of the beginning of spring. Hot floating Danfeng Que, Shao Mei Heilongjin.

A strong wind blew from the north, raging against a hundred thousand soldiers. The vegetation is dead and the road is indistinguishable. The mountains and rivers are filled with qi and the heavens receive it in the form of clouds. Mountain clouds are like horses and oxen, and water clouds are like fish and turtles. The morning is dark and the day is dark, and the twilight is heavy on the sky. The upper town is about to be moved, but how do I raise my house? The son is afraid to lie down on the bed, and the maid is afraid to close the door.The old man's ears are sharp, and he has no place to fall in love with Qi Xin. Ye Ai doesn't know snow, but her hands and feet are chapped. The fabric quilt is as cold as iron, and the scorching ball makes it slightly warm. Don't you think that when you drink it, the bottle will be dark and empty of dust. We can't do anything, Xiang Gucun froze to death!

The rising sun hovers over the clear landscape and the breeze blows across the green bands. There is no sound upon entering the pine tree, and the shadows of passing willows sway in the air. Long-term support should lead to latent changes, while support and sparse support should lead to latent changes. When there are trees, they are deserted, but when there are no trees, they are temporarily deserted. Slowly the clear smoke disperses, lightness and good omen are rare. Knowing that good harvests have brought youwait, I sing the praises of Tang Yao.

The breeze stirs the water waves and the thin sun turns the clouds into an egg-colored sky.

With the curtain of clouds, the strong wind blew six flowers.

The sun sets on the west peak and the greenery lingers on the remaining snow. The strong wind pushed the kittens backward, forcing the monkey to climb onto the folds of jade.

The Qinghai wind blows with flying sand hitting the face. The wind in the Dongting makes the dangerous wall seem empty. What's the problem with traveling west and south? It will take a hundred years to decide.

It's raining and snowing, and strong winds are coming, making the weather cold and distant.

Support wine to persuade Baiyun, sing songs to comfort the years of decadence. The gentle breeze blows through the bamboo and rings like the string of my bell.

Leaning on the bed and looking at the new moon, II stopped to fan myself and catch the breeze.

The grass is green, the breeze is long, the warblers are singing and the drizzle is gentle.

The breeze rustles the pampas grass and the light rain wets the lotus root.

The desert floor is moist in the spring and the breeze is gentle in the cold spring.

The beautiful falcon flies in the sky, and the rain and strong wind sweep across the wilderness.

When I come to Surabaya to shine on the stars, the mirror surface is flat even if the breeze does not lift it.

The wind is cold, the rain is heavy, and there are many maple trees in Xindan, north of Shebei.

The gentle breeze brings thoughts of spring and the light rain washes away dark makeup.

The spring breeze blows on the willows, which are as green as glittering leaves, and the bright red peaches bloom on a sunny day.

Heavy snow hits windows and flying gravel,and the strong wind blows on the wild waves.

The beautiful Sihe is like a flat wall, and the breeze does not move the golden fragrance.

The sky is as drunk as the gentle breeze does not move, silently moistening things and making a difference in spring.

The cool breeze was still blowing last night, and the leaves of the fireflies were falling in front of the bed.

The strong wind pushed the clouds like collapsing mountains, and the roads were covered with snow and there were few pedestrians.

The cold at the head of the ridge returned. cold, and the gentle breeze and drizzle penetrated the heart and liver.

The turbulent wind disturbed the water of the hibiscus, and the dense rain tilted into the Xili wall.

The wind shakes the handle of the Big Dipper, the sky overflows with rain and the waves rise on the river.

It was a windy day in Chengdu in June and the houses were built with great strength. The nakedblack ages and Cui Wei move in the wind, as cold as ghosts and gods blocking the void, and lightning bursts into fire and the ground is red. God has commanded the dragon to rise and fall, and the dragon's tail will not wrap around the eastern sky. It is so magnificent that the raindrops are on the same axle as the axle, the mountains are destroyed and the rivers overflow, the road is blocked, and the roots of thousands of pine trees are uprooted. It is not said that he will have a prosperous life and that his greatness will erase his troubles.

The sky is blue, without clouds or scattered stars, and a strong wind suddenly blows from the southwest. If the old longevity vine tree is not intact, there will be no room for cracks outside the door. Wenglao exclaimed that her children were crying and she was shocked to see the tiles flying through the air. The nest is overturned, the blackbirds and piThey are dead, the sky is dark and suspicions of ghosts and evil spirits remain. There is only one melon and cow hut in the south, and I hope it will be swept away leaving nothing behind. The rotten scientist makes fun of himself and remains alone in his work. He always reads under the flickering light of a lamp.

The light rain and breeze separated the painted curtains, and the golden stove and sandalwood sticks were cold and carefree. Peach blossoms fall everywhere in spring and catkins pile up in the snow.

Fisherman. Fisherman. There is a light breeze and drizzle on the river. Raincoat in green coconut fiber and yellow bamboo stripe. Red wine and white fish return at dusk. Back at dusk. Back at dusk. Where is the sound of the flute?

In spring, a pole adds water to the water. Fragrant grass and geese fill the shore with a green breeze.

The dragonof stone lying high up cannot breathe. The breeze does not move and the sky is like intoxication.

Green apples grow in the breeze and golden ponds emerge from time to time. Gently shaking in the deep green forest, quietly hunting in the secluded trail. Covering time and the future, even feathers will not hurt. Once you enjoy the harshness, you will be known as Qingshuang for thousands of miles. Go north and destroy Denglin, go east and lose Fusang. Sweep away the hanging clouds and clarify the selfless light. Quiet return to emptiness and silence, Yanhai is open to navigation.

The gentle breeze floats in the air, relaxing and relaxing in the morning. Wherever Xixi comes, Xixi and Chun are in love.

The breeze blows in the courtyard and the tall rhyme of the pines arises by itself. Nothing is cluttered when listening, Feel refreshed throughout the day.

The maple is soft and graceful, and the air is indifferent and hazy. Like gods speaking in the sky, like music playing in the cave.

Learn the valley wind and maintain the wind and rain. I will be afraid, Wei Yu and my daughter. The general will be happy, but the woman will abandon you. Get used to the valley wind, hold the wind and decrease. Keep fear in mind. There will be peace and joy, and they will be abandoned as if left behind. The wind is blowing in the valley and the mountain is Cuiwei. No grass will die, no wood will wither. Forget my great virtues and think of my little grievances.

The breeze pretends to be charming, blowing gold coins.

The night sky is clear and the breeze blows on the green apples. The scales are visible on the distant peaks and the lake is flat in spring.

Emotions, anger and greetings are uneven and ultimately have no formnor any cause. He can soften the dust and deceive others, but his love can make the waves trap people in vain. Music and fragrance flow with each passing day, and the willows and flowers bloom from year to year. I know that the power of the king is responsible for creating good fortune, so I try to boast and lend spring.

The setting sun produces apple powder, which swings everywhere in the distant forest. The phoenix dances with the flowers and the dragon sings on the bamboos. The moon moves across the autumn fan and the light pines enter the night piano. If you go to the orchid terrace, you will brush the back of the King of Chu.

Every year, the East comes to the aid, dancing quietly in the skies around the world. The color of the fragrant grass and the pond is faintly added, and the sound of the flute and the flute of the tall buildings can be heard in the distance. There'shas hatred in the Li Palace through the curtain and the passion is left in the flower garden. How can a lucky car write the sun and blow the blue clouds to make the road smooth?

A bell on the tower speaks alone, and the wind will blow tomorrow. In the morning, white waves hit Cangya and reflected rain on the building's windows. Dragons don't dare pass in front of thousands of dendrobiums and fishing boats dance with each leaf. Think carefully about the activity in the city, but laugh at the person the dragon is angry with. Children and servants remain strangers for a long time when nothing happens, and this wind makes the wife and children confess. What does a Yanshan Taoist do alone? He stays up in the middle of the night listening to porridge drums.

Paromantic couplet: The water of the curtain of the cave hangs the cave of the water curtain

The flowers of the fruits of the mountaindo not bloom and the fruit mountain

The mist locks the mountain peak and locks the fog< /p>

The sky is connected to the water, the water is connected to the sky< /p>

The blue sky is connected to the water, the water is connected to the sky, the water and the sky are the same color

The bright moon is accompanied by the stars, the stars and the moon shine together

The face reflects the pink peach Reflecting the face

p>The wind shakes the willows and the green willows

Numerical couplet : Iced wine, one point, two points, three points

Hundreds of lilac flowers


One palm holds the sky, five fingers are three long and two short

The six are inserted into the ground in seven levels in all directions

One large Qiao, two small Qiao, three inches of golden lotus and four inches in size, five squares and six squares Colorful, eight dots, nine dots and ten charming dots.

In the 19th month, there are eight quarters of thisrcle, six of the seven Jinshi have returned, there are four drums and three directions in the fifth eve, and two Qiao and Daqiao are occupied by one person.

Duplicate couplet: wind, rain, rain, hot and cold, searching and searching everywhere

Warblers and swallows, flowers and leaves, Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing dusk and morning


Overlapping mountains, twists and turns;

Trees high and low, tinkling springs-ding-dong-dong.

Mountains and rivers are bright and beautiful everywhere;

Sunny or rainy, I'm always curious.

South and south, north and north, civilized and military, fighting and fighting, killing and slashing, plundering and plundering all the time

Every house, women and men The man was ; alone and widowed. He was scared and crying everywhere. It was really miserable. Miserable.

Thimble couplet: The water wheel follows the water wheel and the water stops when the water wheelraulic stops.

The fan blows on the fan, fanning the wind.

Fishing for fish Fishing Horrible fishing

Horse whip, horse whip , horse whip

The goat climbed the mountain and the mountain touched the goat's horn

The buffalo entered the water, and the water covered the size of the buffalo

The boat Carrying the oar, rocking the boat, the oar moves and the boat moves

The thread is threaded into the needle, the needle carries the thread, the thread is sewn and the thread is sewn

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