How to use the generator in The Sims 4

Introduction How to use Sims 4 Generator 1. First open the Sims 4 game. Secondly, find accessories like generators in the game. Finally, you need to refuel the generator first. After refueling, this may be normal.

How to use the generator in The Sims 4

1. First open The Sims 4 game. Secondly, find accessories like generators in the game. Finally, you need to refuel the generator first. After refueling, it can be used normally.

2. Find the main generator station, then generate electricity and refuel. Manufacturing machines in The Sims 4 can only be invented and used by Sims with the Scientist profession. If you want to use the inventive manufacturing machine, you must first join the scientist profession.

3. Fuel from The Sims 4 Generator requires the purchase of a Recycling Machine. Then, the unwanted electronic products will be recycled to produce motor fuel.

4. Loading method: First open "The Sims 4", enter the game and choose to enter the lobby. Then in the left corner of the living room, find a specific charger. Finally, plug in thespecific charger on the power source to charge the drone.

5. In "The Sims 4", when building houses for first generation characters, don't be greedy.

6. Water and electricity will be cut off, and even the mobile phone network will not be able to be used. Therefore, there is no way to use electricity in isolation. “The Sims 4” is a simulation business game developed by Maxis Software. It is the fourth generation of the "Sims" series and was released in the United States on September 2, 2014.

The Fujian city most suitable for a day trip day, how to plan the order of visits?

Have you accepted Swan Fajin's mission? I will give you the things you need for this mission

1 Engine - Use the metal detector to find it between the 2nd of the 1st row and the 2nd of the 2nd row on the west side of the power plant wind turbine (if youlook for that. If you can't figure it out, or don't understand what I said, you can ask me. I'll dig through the archives and I should be able to give you a screenshot)< /p>

2. Propeller - use level "..Ama" in salvage house Sea Salvage, location is random (it only takes a few times to find it, if you don't have enough money in it at first you can SL)

3. Fuel Cell - Human Prop Shop in Port Ezra Town (Um, you swan The town has arrived, you need to know where Port Isla is) ps: In this game, you need to buy several things from the store. If you see unknown things in the first week, it is recommended to buy them, because you will get the hidden things later. It will be very difficult to go back and watch. for this

Please try to adopt it

Contact details for CCTV10's "I like inventions" section

If you give me a day to come If I travel to Fujian, I will choose Pingtan Island, because even the roads in this place are beautiful. You could say I appreciate the beauty of this place throughout the trip.

Route: Yangtze River Ao Wind Power Scenic Area-Pingtan Island Internet Celebrity Cave-Pingtan Island Glass Plank Route-Ecological Corridor North-Xianrenjing Scenic Area-The Most Beautiful Internet Celebrity Road in Heping Village


Go to the Energy Scenic Area first Ao wind turbine on the Yangtze River. Along the way, you can see electricity-producing windmills standing on the beach as you skirt the coastal road. When you stop at the coast, you can go straight to the beach to take photos Beach and wind?Car

Go along the highway and cross an overpass. There is a red arch "Mirror Holy Sand Mirror" on the left about 50 meters away. Note that you cannot navigate to this location. at {Jingsha}. Here is the Internet. The Red Cave scenic spot requires a long reef road, which does not is recommended only for adults.

The next stop is the navigation in the Northern Ecological Corridor, be careful? will pass by the most beautiful windmill route - the windmill forest route where you can take photos. The most representative portrait of Windmill Road should not be missed

Recommended departure time: 9:30 a.m.

Transport. : self-driving

Key points Recommended attractions:

1. Beibu Bay Glass Walkway?

Located in the north of Pingtan Island, not far from the Yangtze River Ao, the glass walkway is 45 meters long, it is a cliff plank road facing the sea. a windmill of aside and a bay on the other. Stand on the plank road and listen to the sound of the waves and the forests. Look at the beautiful coastline, reefs, blue sky, blue sea and beach.

: There is parking: If you want to go to the beach? Drive your car next to the beach.

: Free advice


The coastal road leading to the Northern Ecological Corridor is very beautiful. Remember to take photos.

It's windy up there. Are you wearing a dress? Remember to wear leggings to avoid exposure.

I went there around five in the afternoon and crossed the glass covered bridge. I took photos of the backlight there. , and it looks good on my cell phone.

Because it's a small island with few people? There is still a small amount of trash on the beach.

The sand here is a bit rough. It's not as good as Tannan Bay. There are mless people.

Are there multiple observation decks? Observation decks F1 and F2 should be the most beautiful.

2. The Fairy Well

The Fairy Well in the East China Sea Wonderland looks ordinary from the ground. Tourists line up to check in between the cliffs, but the drone perspective is too jarring. Sea cliffs surround a natural rock well and seawater pours into the cave at the bottom which is connected to the sea, creating waves in the well.

Destination:Xianrenjing, Pingtan County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province

Address:Direct navigation to "Xianrenjing"

p> < strong>Tickets:
15 (8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.) ID is required to purchase tickets! One of the escorts can bring an ID card

Transportation:Self-driving (from Putian city, about 1.5 hoursie ! Take the highway)

Parking: < /strong>Parking is paidThere are 20 parking spaces (more expensive than the ticket) and you can walk ten minutes or take a scenic tourist bus!

Recommended attractions

? Immortal Valley:A great place for blockbusters! The bottom of the valley is covered with pebbles! (I especially love watching the waves crush the stones! It’s so stress-relieving!) The sea is really clear and clean! No smell of the sea!

Fairy Well:Sigh over nature's strange craftsmanship! Marine erosion forms a super natural well! Shocked! The seawater in the well will rise and fall with the tide! Figure 3 Drone shot of the Immortal Well! You can also see it from the observation deck!

Immortal Peak: A plank road has been built around the peak! But some roads areclosed! Maybe the waves are too big! Fear of being swept away by the waves.

Photo suggestions:

It is recommended to wear clothes and skirts with bright colors or black and white texture (try not to wear blue , as it would easily conflict with the background) ) Bring hats, sunglasses, magazines and other accessories for shooting fashionable and retro-style blockbusters; bring bubble machines, windmills, daisies, etc. to be more casual and natural, highlighting a more free and romantic atmosphere.

The Sims - How to bring out the wind turbine in Island Story

If you want to sign up for "I Love Inventions", you can learn more more via its official website

Official "I Love Inventions" website: - I Love Inventions

Any inventor wishing to participate in the "ILove Inventions" must complete the following registration and submission procedures:

1. Relevant registration information must be completed on the I Love Inventions column page of

2. Read “Registration Undertaking” carefully on this web page Once registration is completed, the Registration Undertaking will be signed by default

3. the registration commitment", a copy of the patent certificate of invention, the video material of the invention and the associated textual documents, all accurately submitted to the chronicle team. Otherwise, l. Registration will be considered invalid

Detailed information:

The format of the "I Love Inventions" program is an indoor studio combined with an outdoor short film. , in which the indoor studio is equipped with hosts and guests. Each program lasts 55 minutes. In each episode, viewers deco.will reveal several wonderful inventions of ordinary people and the touching stories behind them.

All these inventions have something in common: they all come from life, they are closely related to our lives, they all have the characteristics of exquisite creativity, practicality and convenience, easy promotion and huge value. inventions are both intended for The perception and experience of life are also the flexible and wonderful use of knowledge.

In each program, the audience not only experiences the birth experience of each invention and the story of the inventor through short film sets, but also fully understands the experience through the The studio host's real experience, prop demonstration and analysis of principles.Each invention contains wonderful ideas and scientific principles.

“I Love Inventions” is thehe first national television program to encourage Chinese people to start their own businesses through their own inventions. Its aim is to encourage all people to build a career wisely and convey the concept that "invention changes destiny, wisdom creates wealth". All material resources can be exhausted, but only invention and creation are the engine of human survival.

References CCTV Network - I Love Inventions

The chef is above the doctor, and the market gardener is above the residence (you can sleep on her bed there , and the recovery effect is very good In the future, I can The tent can also cause this)

The boss's task is very simple, you can get peaches (the tree. next to the hammock) by shaking the tree< /p>

The next task concerns the peppers, go to the market gardener. Next to the market gardener (bottom left), there is a small plant, which is a pepper. Water itand grow it for the chef

The market gardener is a banana (next to the market gardener's house). Water the banana. The bucket is made of coconuts and firewood (The firewood is located in an area above the residence). will grow and be shaken even to the market gardeners.

The next task is the potion.

Find a doctor to help you make medicine. She will ask you to find insects and fish. places (under the big rock) Bugs), try your best to achieve perfection and hidden bugs will appear. Take everything to the doctor and collect the potion.

The next task is: 1. You need eggplants and sugar cane. Wait for the vegetable seeds to flower (these two seeds are not available). at the beginning)

2. You need a recipe, wait until the chef's task is completed and you can exchange the recipe

The market gardener gives youra the medicine after starting. the task is completed, you will get a shovel head, which can be synthesized into a shovel

By the way, also find the stick needed for the hammer head exchange

Shovel. can be used to dig stones. Collect 15. Go to the place with three stones on the right. Place the stones to show SOS. You will be able to get airdrops in a few days (it's on the map). The logo will change to. a plane~~)

The next task is the mango. Wait until the boat is ready. Go to the island on the left to find it.

Then find the boss to finish. task. Stove, right next to the fire, 2 branches (one for making fire), 2 stones, a shovel is needed, make the stove, then make a fire, the task is completed, and you get a shovel (necessary to make a boat)

The next task requires lemons (wait for the market gardener) and sardines (catch these by hand).beach, a very small fish)

Build a boat:

A hammer is necessary (this one directly uses a stone, a stick (you need ask a doctor to replace it), and a cane), plus a shovel after three repairs. , once a day it is completed and you can explore another island.

On the first island map, you can catch insects. Some insects will be used to complete a lady's task on the island.

Go straight and you. will find a plane., there is an iron bar under the plane, which can be transformed into a "key" to the ship. You can go to the ship to open the door (there are no necessary props on the ship, which can increase your collection rate). , 2TG

There is A woman (Doctor) wants you to make her clothes The first gives her coconuts and rattan directly

The second is grass and large leaves. the grass is on thethird island and needs a knife to cut it (Wait until the Chef Lemon mission is completed)

Go complete the Mango mission at that time... Mango is on the map where you can swim on the island on the left. There is a tree on the left side of the pool (I didn't see it at first, and it took me a long time...)

Give it to the market gardener. You can exchange seeds in the future. If you don't have eggplant seeds at first, you need to wait and plant bamboo and lemons (other seeds are also available). You can buy it. to increase the collection rate)

Also take a look when you have time. Its seeds will continue to increase. The second increase is useless. After the third increase there are eggplants and sugar cane, among others. which sugarcane It is also a consumable item, it will disappear after being chopped once (the seeds mustbe watered at least twice)

First go to the chef, deliver lemons and sardines, take a knife, and you can harvest grass (cut, later bamboo and the sugar cane also use a knife to cut)

The next mission is to upgrade the stove, a metal pole, which the doctor will give you (you have to wait until all his missions are completed) and you need bamboo

Now to go to the third island you need a rope and two driftwoods. Rope can be made from three rattans. If you can't. find driftwood on the beach, go to the doctor to exchange it. You can exchange two firewoods for one wood. Go to the broken bridge and repair it

Okay, I've arrived at the third island

In front of the skull door here, to the right of the rattan on the left, there is a slightly different spot in the field, collect it

Ago to. right to make clothes, get grass and deliver the materials.

Find the female doctor and complete the task. The next task is to find the required tissues.

Then there is the bug, it should be the one on the island where the doctor is, perfect five times.

Then there's the flagpole, which requires wood and rattan. The wood must be made into a large one. ax first ( 1. The head of the ax can be made (the material is dug with a shovel, this is a common type), or it can be picked up, or it will be obtained in a certain task? 2. The handle of the axe, I don't remember, it seems to be given by the task), Go cut down trees, coconut trees are recommended, you can also get large leaves in exchange for bamboo seeds...

< p> And then, there are the insects... This one, I got it directly... So I don't know which one it is, it doesn't seem to be that one The island, pmaybe on the third island

Then there is the musical instrument

Using hollow wood (at first the beach had to be collected), nails (collected from the beach) and stones (one of the common objects dug up) can be made. After showing the key sequence, press a key and blow. finished and you get the iron bar. , you can complete the chef's task

Go to the chef, make a new stove, light a fire, the task is completed and collect the pot...

Now you can trade, buy the green soup recipe, go home and make soup...

When you go home, upgrade the cooker first, because there is a cooking pot... start a fire, make some soup and complete the task

At this point, all tasks on the island are completedborn and all the cards have been collected. Go to the lookout. from the island on the right. There is an extra one going down. Start with the right map, then get on the middle boat to cross the level... On the left, you will return to the skull door. .. ...Okay, don't be too happy when you finish the level and stop playing... Otherwise you will return to the last save point...

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