400 Words Style Essay Sample (9 Selected Articles)

Introduction A 400-word style composition sample (9 pieces selected) A 400-word style essay sample (9 pieces selected) In daily study, work and life, everyone must have come into contact with the composition.

400 Words Style Essay Sample (9 Selected Articles)

400 Words Style Composition Sample (9 Selected Articles)

In daily study, work and life, everyone must have come into contact with composition. Composition is what people store in their memory. . A narrative method in which relevant knowledge, experiences, and thoughts are expressed in written form. So how do you write a good composition? The following is a 400-word style essay (9 selected articles) that I put together for everyone. I hope you will like it.

Feng Composition 400 words 1

That day, the wind was sunny and the sky was cloudless. The birds were chirping in the woods and they were very happy. Grandma Feng saw the sun outside in the cave and wanted to go out to have fun. She gently stroked the grass and flowers, and the grass and flowers shook slightly. She also greeted Uncle and Aunt Tree, and their hair flowed gently. The forest was filled with laughter and laughter...

A few days later, Grandma Feng and Grandpa Yu had a little conflict in the forest, and the birds were taken away by her , and the branches were blown away by the wind. She blew it and refused to listen, no matter who tried to persuade her. "Hey, she's a woman after all, so petty." Eunuch Yu couldn't stand it anymore, so he hurried up and said, "Grandma Feng, I'm sorry. I just said that your temper is not as good as before, so you shouted in anger “Yu. As soon as the father-in-law finished speaking, Granny Feng shouted in an earth-shattering voice: “Get out of here” With! this roar, many tree dolls were uprooted and fell to the ground. At this moment, Uncle Tree and Aunt Tree shed tears sadly. Grandma Feng made Grandpa Yu anxious, and Grandpa Yu said angrily: “You old woman, are youare we crazy? Don't get in trouble with me. Don't get in trouble with the kids. Look what you have turned into children! "

After hearing this, Granny Feng stopped, looked at the tree doll that fell to the ground, and lowered her head in embarrassment.

Later, the woods became forests Even if Granny Feng loses her temper again, the trees will be at peace

Essay on. the wind 400 words 2

The wind is variable It is different at different times and in different places

The wind is gentle sometimes. to my mother's gentle hug, or my mother's touch on my cheek when I was sick When it passed my ear, "huhuhu", the sound was like my mother's careful exhortation, like thoughtful comfort. from my mother, very gentle.

The wind can be scary sometimes.than a demon, and its power can destroy almost everything and make everyone tremble. When a typhoon blows, it is like a thief, destroying buildings, destroying farmland, and even uprooting trees, damaging people's lives and property. What terrible destructive power!

The wind is sometimes colorful, like a painter. The spring breeze blows across the ground and all things come to life again. The wind flows through the air, bringing everything in nature to life. Almost all of them are dyed bright green. The summer wind arrives, mixed with humidity and heat, driving away the dry spring breeze and turning nature into dark green. The autumn wind came, blowing away the heat of summer and bringing the coolness of autumn, and the earth also turned into golden clothes. The winter wind came, bringing heavy snowfall all over the sky, and the earth turned into a world covered in silver.

Wind also brings many conveniences to people's lives. For example, wind can bring some coolness to people, send kites in children's hands skyward, and can also be used to produce wind power. It is inseparable from our lives.

The wind is variable, I love this variable wind!

Essay on Wind 400 Words 3

Many people say that the spring wind is the gentlest When it blows on your face, it is like a girl on you caressed the face.

But the wind was different today: as soon as I went out, a strong wind blew and hit my face. It felt like I was being scratched by a witch with long nails on my face, causing pain. The wind was blowing hard and I was very cold even wearing cotton clothes and holding a hot water bottle. I have to close my eyes when I walk. When I open them, sand blowsit in my eyes, which is very uncomfortable. What's even more annoying is that when I was cleaning the outside in the afternoon, the leaves that I finally collected were blown away by the wind, and the leaves were blown everywhere, making my job vain.

The weather was bad and I was in a bad mood. As the physical education class had to take place outside, I almost died of cold: my ears and hands were red from the cold, as well as my face. I turned white, like I was frozen. It was like an ice cube and I didn't want to move at all. Plus, I can't eat ice cream anymore. I bought one after school, my stomach hurt, it's really annoying!

The lanterns hung on the trees for the New Year have to be taken down one by one by the workers after the New Year. With such a strong wind, the workers risk falling if they are not careful. Another burst ofThe wind blew and a “rain of colorful lanterns” began to fall. I have the impression that the wind no longer bothers us today.

Even though I hate the wind today, it's also the best wind. It's also like a little girl with a changing personality. Sometimes she is indifferent and disgusting, at other times she is very helpful. I don't think I will ever hate the wind again like I did today, because I accidentally saw the beauty it brought us.

Feng Composition 400 words 4

In spring, everything is reborn, in summer the sun is scorching, in autumn the fruits are fragrant, and in winter it is covered with snow. Each season has its own characteristics. The winds of the four seasons are also completely different.

The spring wind is gentle and gentle. It brushes against your cheek, accompanied by the warm golden sun, caressing you like a mother's hand, making you feel very comfortable. She blew the skyl blue, green grass and red flowers. The whole world was a vibrant scene, and they all seemed to say: "Spring is coming!"

The summer wind Weird, insisting on hiding at home and not going out. Until the people on the ground were so hot that the puppy stuck out his tongue and knew "Zhi." "I got it, I got it," he eagerly took out and danced vigorously in the air. Everyone suddenly felt refreshed, but the summer wind was gone. Why did he come home!

The autumn wind. was so mean. He blew up the fallen leaves. On one side, the leaves were like golden butterflies with broken wings, fluttering and turning in the air, and then they slowly fell to the ground. /p>

The wind in winter is biting and cold. He accidentally blew on people's faces, and everyone felt like a knife was cutting them. When the winter wind saw this scene, he had to flee timidly.

The wind in summer is cute, the wind in autumn is nasty, and the wind in winter is cold in all seasons

Wind composition 400 words 5 <. /strong>

Wow, the rain roars on the sea and the white waves roll all over the sky, as if playing a beautiful piece of music. Who is the manipulator behind all this? The wind is the girl with one. a thousand faces! . Sometimes she is gentle, but inside she is violent.

In the rice fields, the calm waves of wheat stand like upright sentinels in the rice fields. Immediately the golden waves rolled in the distance. , it looked like a golden carpet was spread on it. With the wind girl's hand, the golden carpet moved slowly.

In the woods, the daughter of the wind was passing. quickly, and I don't know what kind of magic was cast. Suddenly, the maple leaves all over the tree fell in unison, making a rustling sound, the ground was really golden, and Istopped to sit in the maple forest at night. . The frost leaves were as red as the February flowers.

The dandelions on the hillside were covered in gray. A breeze came, and the little paratroopers shook and fought in the wind. louder, and the little parachutists suddenly took off. Surrounding the mountain, descending slowly, in the blink of an eye, the mountain is dressed in a simple evening dress.

The wind also has a violent side, and. the boat on the sea floats weakly in the wind and waves. If you are not careful, you will be swallowed up. The wheat was blown away, the trees were blown away, the leaves flew all over the sky, the dandelions were blown away. uprooted, and the little paratroopers were taken to a distant place before they could land

Feng is truly a girl with a thousand faces who makes people love and fear her. Feng's essay 400 words 6

Feng's character is changeable, sometimes. He is like a lion roaring in the sky, and sometimes he is like a docile and adorable lamb, unpredictable.

Where. I live, the rhythm of the wind is steady and steady. It is as deep and steady as a young man, breathing rhythmically, the footsteps of the wind are strong and powerful, and the young leaves that have just sprouted. are in the sky full of yellow sand.Grow against the wind, without fear. The wind smiled. In summer, when the birds sang and the flowers were fragrant, the wind seemed to have calmed down, bringing some coolness to the hot summer. Look ! The willow leaves sway with grace, it is the wind that spreads the breath of happiness! smell! The ears slowly passed over the sound of the wind, and the breath of the wind lingered in the ears, making people want to dance, ***. In autumn, the wind is dynamic. Wherever the wind passes,People wear golden clothes, and the few incomplete leaves on the branches are also mercilessly blown away by the wind.

The wind in winter is wild, the earth is covered with thick cotton clothes, and the earth sleeps. The only thing that remains unchanged is the few pines and cypresses that stand proud in the wind and snow. How many people have described the winter wind as a "howling cold wind", a "cold and harsh wind"... But they cannot escape the word "wild". The winter wind is indeed a roaring lion.

The traces of the wind, where are you? When will you stop and let me look at your face more closely...

Feng Composition 400 words 7

Dreams are beautiful, dreams are the wings of wishes , let dreams The wings of wings carry us to make our wishes come true. I dream of being a ray of breeze, floating and floating - floating wherever I want to go.

If I were the wind, I would not bebut not like Uncle Feng and Uncle Feng. The wind is strong and rampant, whipping up sandstorms, toppling tall trees by the side of the road and carrying away the children's beloved. kites. Bringing down the seedlings that Farmer Uncle had worked so hard to sow. I will be a beautiful spring breeze, I will help the children to fly colorful kites,

Let the little trees send out little green buds, the spring breeze blows the young plants to grow quickly and lets the greenery cover the Earth.

As the saying goes: “The wind is the head of the rain”. If I were the wind, I would give a few heavy rains to the dry areas, moisten the dry earth, and water the seedlings in the fields so that they could grow strong. Victims will no longer suffer from lack of food and water. Let them enjoy the moisture of rain and dew, let them enjoy the joy ofthe harvest and that the children have no more sorrow. If I were the wind, I would help drive away the dark clouds in flooded areas, block the attacks of heavy rain, and let the floods dissipate early, so that they do not cause more innocent victims and make people homeless.

If I were the wind, I would blow my love to the four corners of the world; if I were the wind, I would protect our beautiful house with my companions; if I were the wind, I would send; love all year round. Give people good luck and good wishes; if I were the wind, I would take my endless steps, chase away the dark clouds and bring warmth to the ends of the earth; ..

Composition of the wind 400 words 8

The autumn wind can be seen, heard and heard.

Look, the autumn wind is blowing and the golden leaves of the ginkgo are like little fans flying from the sky; fiery red maple leaves and yellow leavessome of the sycamore are like butterflies dancing in the air; the fairies wore colorful clothes, danced beautifully and competed among the flowers. They were so beautiful!

Listen, the golden rice sea is dancing in the wind, making a sound of "swish" and "swish", like the rough sea making a sound of "swish" and "swish" blowing on the ground ; children were running, flying kites and playing games in the square, and their joyful laughter spread throughout the square; "Ding dong" "Ding dong", the stream played happy tunes flowing over the mountain "Brush" "Brush" "brush; ", the autumn wind blows and the leaves of the trees fall one after another.

Smell, which gave off this intoxicating scent, ah! It turned out that it was the sweet-scented osmanthus on the treetops, quietly exuding its light fragrance, that made people linger; in the orchard, the apples were turning redsmiles, the red persimmons on the trees were like small lanterns, and the grapes The brothers leaned together and said in a whisper, there are also yellow pears and fiery red pomegranates, etc. Their sweet smell makes people salivate.

The autumn wind brings us magnificent colors, beautiful sounds and an intoxicating scent. I love the fall breeze!

Essay on the wind 400 words 9

I love the wind, because it is like a kind mother, caressing your cheeks, making you feel relaxed and happy; transports moisture. The moist, fragrant breath blows gently over the earth, through the treetops and through my house; I love the wind, because it tints the world with colors and beautifies it in a magnificent and living way.

The spring wind is green.

He walks lightly, facing the bright sun, driving away the snow, opening the glaciers, awakening all things on earth, dyeing greenendless wilderness and bringing endless green happiness to the world.

The summer wind is light blue. When the blazing sun spreads across the earth, it gently blows across the sky and the earth, giving people a coolness as cool as the sea breeze. The south wind in late spring and early summer brings the fragrance of new wheat and grass, which makes people feel even more refreshing. The autumn wind is golden. The lawn was dyed gold**. Maple leaves are grouped in clusters, like burning flames. The willow's leaves have also turned yellow and sway playfully on the branches in the autumn wind. The fields also reveal their ripe golden color and the joy of harvest.

The wind in winter is goose yellow. Even if it's very cold in winter, don't you feel warmer when the light and gentle wind blows on your body? The winter wind will make the beautiful snow dancee, bringing a white scene on the earth. Isn't that worth admiring?

The colors of the wind are constantly changing! The color of the wind makes the homeland more prosperous! The color of the wind makes the world more beautiful!

I love the color of the wind!

Tags: Selected Essay Example

Fossil energy and nuclear energy are considered types of non-renewable energy

Non-renewable energy is obtained from.om sources at a rate that exceeds the rate at which sources are replenished. For example, if the biogenic origin of fossil fuels is correct, we could consider fossil fuels renewable. /p>

over a period of millions of years, but existing reserves of fossil fuels are

consumed over a period of centuries because we consume

fuels fossils. at a rate that exceeds the replenishment rate, we consider thefossil fuels as non-renewable. Similar comments apply to nuclear fuels such as uranium, as we observe in subsequent chapters. considered

renewable energy for the following reasons.1

Renewable energy is energy obtained from sources at a rate less

than or equal to the rate at which the source is replenished. In the case of solar energy, we can use only the amount of energy provided by the sun, because the remaining life of the sun is measured. In millions

years, many people consider solar energy to be an inexhaustible reserve of energy

In fact, the sun's solar energy is limited, but should be available

for use by many generations of people. Solar energy is therefore considered. /p>

Renewable. Energy sources associated with solar energy, such as wind andbiomass, are also considered renewable.

Solar radiation can be converted into other forms. energy through several conversion processes. Thermal conversion relies on absorbing solar energy to heat a cold surface. Biological conversion of solar energy relies on the absorption of solar energy. photosynthesis. Photovoltaic conversion generates electrical energy by

the generation of an electric current as a result of a quantum mechanical process

The conversion of wind energy and Ocean energy depends on the atmosphere.

Ocean pressure gradients and temperature gradients to generate electrical energy

In this chapter, we focus on thermal conversion . We first discuss the available solar source, then consider solar energy technology in two of its three forms: passive solarand active solar energy. The third form of solar energy, solar power, is discussed in. the next chapter. We end this chapter with a discussion of solar power plants.

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