How to make paper pinwheels

Introduction How to Make a Paper Cup Pinwheel: How to Make a Paper Cup Pinwheel: Prepare materials: disposable paper cups, scissors, straws, glue or double-sided tape. 1. Make the main body of the windmill: take a disposable

How to make paper pinwheels

How to make a paper cup windmill:

Prepare materials: disposable paper cups, scissors, straws, glue or double-sided tape .

1. Make the main body of the windmill:

Take a disposable paper cup and use scissors to cut it into eight or sixteen equal pieces, depending on the size you want to make. That. windmill.

Use scissors to cut out one or two windows on the paper cup. This window will serve as the center of rotation of the windmill.

2. Make the windmill fan blades:

Take a straw and cut it into several sections equal to the length of the paper cup fan blades.

Glue both ends of each straw section onto the fan blades of the paper cup, making sure to keep it symmetrical and neat.

3. Create the center of rotation:

Take a sectionof straw and stick it to the center of the bottom of the paper cup as the center of rotation of the windmill.

4. Decoration and reinforcement:

You can use colored pens to draw your favorite patterns or words on the windmill.

If you find that the structure of the wind turbine is not strong enough during the production process, you can add glue or double-sided tape to key parts to strengthen it.

5. Test the windmill:

Find a windy place and place the paper windmill there.

Observe whether the windmill can rotate smoothly under the influence of wind.

Notes on making paper cup pinwheels:

1. Material selection:

Try to use disposable paper cups as they are lighter. and more Easy to cut. The straw should be slightly harder to ensure the stability of the windmill.

2.Production skills:

When cutting paper cups, keep them neat and symmetrical, so that the windmill looks more beautiful. When you stick the straw on the paper cup, make sure the straw fits the edge of the paper cup to ensure the pinwheel rotates smoothly. During the production process, you can add some decorative elements according to your personal preferences, such as stickers, colored tape, etc.

3. Safety issues:

When using scissors and other lead coding tools, pay attention to safety and do not cut your fingers. When inserting the straw into the paper cup, be careful not to puncture the paper cup or hurt your fingers.

4. Test the windmill:

Before testing the windmill, make sure that the windmill has been completely manufactured and the structure is stable. During testing inwindy environment, you can place the windmill in a higher place to better observe the effect of the windmill rotating.

5. Environmental Awareness:

After using paper cups and straws, you should throw them in the trash and do not throw them into the environment. During the production process, try to minimize waste and pollution and choose to use reusable tools and materials.

How to use a computer to draw a large windmill

1 Primary school students enlarge it. Windmill Journal

In the aftermath -noon, my parents went out for something and I was doing my homework at home. When I heard them knock on the door, I quickly got up and put on the windmill hat that I had on myself- even made to greet them.

The moment they walked through the door, my parents were shocked: whyis there a strange hat on that head? There's a beautiful thing whirring on the hat. What is this ? “It’s my windmill hat!” The origin of this windmill hat must begin from this day. This section is a science subject and the theme is “Wind, Blow! » The teacher asked us to create something about the wind ourselves. I wanted to make a windmill.

So I took out a piece of colored paper and cut each of the four corners in half with scissors to make eight corners. Then I held every other corner, pinned it with a thumbtack in the middle and held the whole thing. then put a thumbtack in the middle. Remove the pencil with the eraser and nail the other end of the nail to the eraser, and the pinwheel is ready. To make a hat, cut colored paper into strips and make a rope according to the size of your head. After finishing, cut a piece of semi-cir papercular and stick it on the edge, then press the prepared pinwheel.

The windmill hat is now ready. I put it on and as soon as I ran it got windy. The windmill began to spin in the wind and I felt like I was going to fly through the sky.

2. Can you tell me how to write a composition about the windmill competition in the second grade

Today our class is holding a windmill competition?

I watched as students filed out of class one by one, looking for their best friends to participate in a windmill competition. I was very anxious, and when I was anxious, I couldn't complete the windmill.

Because it was not done well, the windmill could not turn. Shortly after, without knowing it, my windmill was so rotten that only one stick remained. My classmates laughed when they saw it, and somecouldn't even stand up anymore.

But I have not lost courage. I immediately ran to the classroom, took out some colored paper and made a windmill. Regarding the composition of my classmates, I saw that I was working seriously on the windmill, so I helped me do it together.

Thanks to the concerted efforts of the students, a perfect windmill appeared before us. I couldn't stop looking at this magnificent windmill.

I really wanted it to spin, so I tried to blow it, and it spun quickly. Suddenly I felt very happy, as sweet as drinking honey. I ran for a while, and it flew faster and faster, and I felt happier and happier.

So I asked my best friend Hu Wentuo to organize a windmill competition. He accepted me without hesitation.

We competed to see who could run pback toe forward first, then back, three times in total. During the first competition, we were full of confidence and smiling.

But because he was running too fast, he couldn't stop when he crashed. But I stopped easily and ran quickly.

Hu Wentuo was very anxious, so he tried his best to catch up. My heart is secretlyI was smiling, because I was not far from the finish line and I was sure of winning this match.

The first set is over and I really won. In the second set, Hu Wentuo discovered the reasons for the first failure and corrected them.

But I became proud and underestimated the enemy. As the saying goes, humility makes people succeed and pride makes people fail.

I really lost this game. The third set was about to start and we were all scared and very nervous.

At first, I took the devants and I beat Hu Wentuo. Not to be outdone, Hu Wentuo quickly came to pick me up.

At one point, Hu Wentuo was already in front of me. We are almost at the finish line, but Hu Wentuo is still ahead of me.

So I sprinted with all my strength and got ahead of Hu Wentuo. The game is over and we are tied.

3. The third-grade teacher couldn't say he copied a simple 400-word essay on hand-made windmills.

Today at noon, Professor Jiang gave us the task of making a windmill.

After hearing this, the students jumped up and down excitedly. I also clapped happily.

I have to make a windmill that spins quickly and beautifully. I found a square piece of colored paper, folded it along the diagonal corners, folded it again, then cut a small section along the diagonal line,then I folded the four corners towards the center at regular intervals.

Then I cut a small circle out of the white paper, glued it to the center of the four corners with strong glue, then passed the wire through it and finally I wrapped it around a wooden stick. This way a simple windmill is ready.

Looking at the finished windmill, I felt a little complacent, so I ran to the playground and played with the windmill. Everyone ran with various windmills under the warm sun and against the autumn wind.

Hey, the little windmill is spinning. Beautiful windmills looked like blooming flowers, filling the sky above the playground... Suddenly, Xie Yongle gently patted me on the shoulder, which shocked me.

He laughed loudly, took out his windmill from behind and shook it in front of me, "Compete with me to see who can spin the windmillwind faster, okay." "3.2.1.GO!".

Two windmills were spinning quickly in the autumn wind, and I suddenly felt that the sound of the windmills wind was really spinning like a song

4. A 50-word essay on the process of making windmills by children

This afternoon, my classmates and I were making windmills. in class.

The windmills made by the students were so colorful. There are red, white, green and purple ones...

The windmill! windmill that I made is red. I think my red windmill is the most beautiful because it was made by me using my brain.

I came out first. took a rectangular piece of colored paper and carefully cut it into a square, then folded it diagonally, and the four diagonal lines were immediately displayed in front of me. Take out the scissors along the diagonal.Cut it. the in two, then tourn one corner out of two of the eight corners upwards and attach it to the center point. Finally, nail the four corners of the center point with big-head zip ties and attach them to the bamboo branches. the windmill was ready.

I ran onto the playground with the windmill, and the windmill was spinning "whirring", and I felt indescribable joy in my heart .

Sample essay 2:< /p>

“Little windmill, spin and spin, come…” Kids, does that sound good? Bursts of singing come from the class, and we sing and do our little thing!

The teacher prepared colored paper, scissors, straws and staplers for everyone. I was still very nervous at first. Why do I say nervous? Because I was afraid of breaking the windmill, but I still wanted to make a small windmill myself, and then I started to make it.

We first folded colored papern four triangles, then used scissors. Cut two thirds of the fold, actually a little more than half. Don't cut too far inside. Then fold the paper on the other side toward the center, then use a stapler to staple the center. Finally, use scissors to make a small hole in the center and insert the straw into the hole. This way a small windmill is ready. So colorful windmills appeared in the classroom, spinning and spinning. so beautiful!

5. For a composition for the second grade of primary school, how to write about the process of making it by hand

There is a small wooden barrel the size of a fist on my desk, I know its manufacture. method very well, and I still remember its cool manufacturing process.

That day our grade went to the base of work for the courses. This course consisted of making small wooden barrels. The teacher gave us a pair of disposable chopstickss, 14 short disposable chopsticks of the same length, milky white glue, a saw, scissors, a ruler, a pencil, a paper cup and a rubber band.

Once the teacher finished explaining the method, we started putting it into practice. I first used a ruler to measure the 9cm locations on each pair of disposable chopsticks, marked them, cut them out with a saw, and used them to make barrel ears. Then remove the paper cup, place the base of the paper cup against the 0 mark on the ruler and mark 6 cm. Use scissors to cut off the excess along this line and tie a rubber band around the paper cup. Then use short disposable chopsticks inserted into the elastic.

However, during the insertion process, I found that the wooden sticks were tilted. I straightened it and it was crooked again. I took out all the chopsticksand inserted them with the big end facing up. This time the chopsticks were straight. I continued inserting, inserted 7 wires, then inserted a barrel terminal. Insert 7 more parts, insert the other barrel ear and the barrel body is ready.

Finally, I found a suitable position for the remaining sticks to make the barrel ears, cut them with a saw, applied milky white glue to both ends and put them placed horizontally between the ears of the barrel. The small wooden barrel is finished.

After I got home, I put some of my cartoon stickers on the small wooden barrel, and a "small cartoon wooden barrel" was ready.

When making small wooden barrels, I not only cultivated my practical abilities,It also enriched my life after school.

6. The third grade teacher couldn't say he hadcopied a simple 400 word essay on handcrafted windmills.

Today at noon, Professor Jiang gave us the task of making a windmill. After hearing this, the students jumped up and down excitedly. I also clapped happily. I have to make a windmill that spins quickly and beautifully.

I found a square piece of colored paper, folded it along the diagonal corners, folded it again, then cut a small section along the diagonal line, then I moved the four corners towards the center at regular intervals. . Then I cut a small circle out of the white paper, glued it to the center of the four corners with strong glue, then threaded the wire through it and finally wrapped it around with a wooden stick. This way a simple windmill is ready.

Looking at the finished windmill, I felt a little complacent, so I ranI went to the playground and played with the windmill. Everyone ran with various windmills under the warm sun and against the autumn wind. Oh, the little windmill started to spin. Magnificent windmills looked like blooming flowers, filling the sky above the playground...

Suddenly, Xie Yongle gently patted my shoulder, which made me fear. He laughed loudly, took out his windmill from behind and waved it in front of me: "Compete with me to see who can make the windmill spin faster, okay." " All right ?

"3.2.1.GO!". Two windmills were spinning quickly in the autumn wind, and I suddenly felt that the sound of the windmills was really spinning like a song.

7. Look at the pictures and write words. Make a windmill in the first volume of the first year.

Windmill (Look at the pictures and write words) Spring is here! the spring is coming!The spring breeze turned the fields green and opened the smiling faces of the peach, apricot and pear blossoms.

Two good friends, Xiaohong and Xiaobai, made an appointment with three or five friends to go to the fields to play with windmills tomorrow. In order for everyone to have fun tomorrow, Xiaohong and Xiaobai made a windmill at home together.

They prepared scissors, rulers, pens and colorful paper, including red, green, pink and glitter. At this time, Xiaohong said to Xiaobai: “Competing! See who can do more and better. »

“That’s a good idea,” Xiaobai said.

Xiaohong said again: “Then let’s start now!” » As soon as she finished speaking, the two friends started making kites. I saw Xiaohong take out a square piece of paper, fold it in half, mark it, cut it, and pierce it carefully.

In a short time, a magnificent millwind was ready. Xiaobai showed no signs of weakness. Look at her seriousness, she was afraid to cut the paper.

Time passed minute by minute and the time for the competition was approaching. Xiaobai just heard an exclamation: "Oh no, the cut is broken. What he feared finally happened."

When the time comes, the two good friends stop. Count together "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6."

PetitBai said: "I folded a windmill less than you, you win! If I had been more serious and careful, I would have done the same number as you. What a shame Xiaohong said: "We are all the best, we don't lose." let's all win for our good friends, so we can have fun tomorrow

If you put my windmill and yours together, you can't tell who is more and who is less. "Friendship between us has become deeper."

The two friends laughed happily. The lthe next day, several good friends ran in the fields in the spring breeze.

The windmill whirred and turned, and laughter echoed in the fields. Laughter intoxicates bees, butterflies and flowers.

They sang the song "Big Windmill" together, just like the lyrics of "The windmill spins and spins, happy partners hold hands, hold your hand, hold my hand", the today's boyfriend, tomorrow's good friend. '.

Who can help me think of a scientific invention?

In the blink of an eye, spring comes, just like the warm spring breeze. Magnificent kites and windmills appear again in the streets and alleys. Let's use the computer to draw a big windmill to express. our joy!

1. Open the "Paint" software, select the "Polygon" tool in the toolbox and draw a trapezoid in the drawing area like a windmill bladent.

2. In order to make the windmill more three-dimensional, select the "Curve" tool, take a vertex of the trapezoid as the end point, draw a diagonal curve to the right on the two parallel sides, and fill -them respectively with “Paint Bucket”.

3. Use the "Selection Tool" to select the drawn fan blade, hold down "Ctrl" and copy the other three fan blades.

Fourth, select these three fan blades respectively, click the "Image" menu ---- "Flip", in the pop-up dialog box, select "90 degrees reversed at a certain angle, 180 degrees, 270 degrees

5. Uncheck the "Opacity" option in the "Image" menu, assemble the four blades, then select the "Ellipse" tool. Its foreground color is black and. its background color is red. Draw a circle in the center of the fan blades, so that the windmill fan ready

6. Select the "Rectangle" tool and place it next to the fan blades. the windmill handle and color it

7. Finally, use the "Select" tool to place the fan blade on the handle

You have a beautiful windmill wind. in your hands! Try it!

Scientific handmade requirements add essence

Colorful wool dolls are beautiful and cute because it is your skillful hands and love that give. With beautiful images, they will also be your best friends

1. Materials and tools: threads of different colors, cotton or stretch wadding, silk flower petals, post-its of different colors, buttons, ribbons, doubles. -adhesive tape, scissors

2.Take the emperor? Embarrassment?

4. After confirming that the cotton is completely wrapped in the wool, tie the bottom part with a ribbon (use double-sided tape to stick the ruban), and the doll's head and body will be separated.

5. Take a small piece of wool and tie both ends tightly. These are the doll's hands.

6. Separate the wool doll body from the middle and put on the doll's hands.

7. After closing the body, tie the bottom of the hand with a ribbon.

8. Use wool to braid a small braid. Of course, she can have the hairstyle and color you like.

9. Use the thread hanging from the middle of the doll's head to tie the braid.

10. Pass the silk flower petals and a button through the hanging wire successively, and cover the top of the doll's head.

11. Cut out the eyes and mouth from the sticky notes and glue them to the doll's face.

12. These are the finished wool dolls. They can be hung on your bedside or on your desk lamp or your school bag to accompany youdaily.

Test how much rain it rained today

It's still raining looking at the rainy scene outside the window, do you suddenly want to know how much rain fell on farmlands, rivers, and streets? Usually, when listening to the weather forecast, we often hear: "According to a weather station, how many millimeters of precipitation will there be today... So, what is precipitation?" How is precipitation measured?

The depth of the layer of water that falls from the sky to the ground and accumulates on the horizontal surface without evaporation, infiltration or loss is called rain (in millimeters), which can visually represent the amount of rain currently used. by meteorological observatories (stations) to measure precipitation are rain gauges and measuring cups. The diameter of the rain gauge is generally 20 cm. It contains abarrel and a bottle. The diameter of the measuring cup is 4 cm. rain gauge in the measuring cup. The scale on the cup can tell you how much rain that day.

If you don't have a rain gauge on hand, don't worry, you can make one. yourself using a few common utensils, and the effect is quite good. A porcelain bowl with a diameter of 20 cm, drill a small hole slightly larger than a kernel of corn in the bottom, then place the porcelain bowl on a pot without a lid (there is a glass bottle in the jar, the neck of the bottle and the small hole at the bottom of the Connect bowl). This way the simple rain gauge is ready. Once the simple rain gauge is completed, it can be placed in one location. height of 70 cm from the ground to receive rainwater. Once the rain stops, use a scale to weigh the water in the bottle, 30 grams of water is equivalent to 1 millimeter of rain. from the sky is a sourcesignificant amount of water on earth. If it is not polluted, its water quality is almost comparable to that of distilled water. Rainwater collectors have been installed in some places, and the collected rainwater can be used to water the green spaces, clean. vehicles, washing roads, etc. after being lightly treated.How to get the most out of “The Sky is Falling Into Water” Do you have your own tips?

A trumpet that can "spit" flames

Take a can, cut the entire open end of the can and make a small hole about 2 cm from the bottom of the can . Take another piece of hard paper (or horse manure paper) and roll it into a trumpet shape. Insert the blowing port of the trumpet into the small hole in the box. Use Black and Decker glue to secure the joint to prevent air leaks, because. this is linked to the success or failure of the experiment (scratch the little t several timesrou of the box with a knife to make the surface rough and easy to stick).

Experiment (1): Light the candle, place the flame near the mouth of the horn and quickly push the can into the container filled with water. You can see that the candle flame is deflected outwards. , as if the flame was coming out of the horn (Figure 1).

Experiment (2): After slowly lowering the can into the water to a certain depth, quickly lift the can upwards, and you will see the horn swallowing the candle flame ㄍ2) ?BR>< BR> The physical principle is as follows: for a certain quantity of gas, provided that the temperature remains constant, its pressure is inversely proportional to its volume. When you press quickly, the gas in the tank is compressed and the pressure increases when it is higher than the external air pressure, the gas in the tank will be expelled from the horn and the flame will deflecta towards the outside. you pull it quickly, the internal air pressure will be lower than atmospheric pressure, and the candle flame will be swallowed into the speaker.

Seven-star ladybug

Materials: spherical medicine box containing Chinese patent medicines; red or black watercolor pens or paints;

1. Wash the medicine box, remove the smell, dry it and take half of it for later use

2. Use a red watercolor pen or red paint to evenly paint half of the medicine box;

3. Place the painted half of the pillbox under a fan to dry. Use a black watercolor pen or black paint to draw dots on the red background and draw a semicircle on the edge as the head (see the picture for specific drawing methods). Take this half circle as a starting point and place it in the middle. the pillbox. Draw a lineslightly thicker black.

4. Insert 2 pins on either side of the head to serve as the ladybug's whiskers. This way a cute seven-star ladybug is ready.

A double cone that can roll upwards

1. Materials: thick paper cut into a circle (with a diameter of less than 15 cm), scissors, glue, a pair of chopsticks. or two A longer, thin stick, a large book and a small book.

2. Cut the thick round paper in half, roll it into two cones with the center of the circle as the top, and glue them tightly.

3. Connect the bottoms of the two cones and glue them together to form a double cone.

4. Place a large book and a small book some distance apart on the table, with their backs facing up. Place two chopsticks or thin sticks on the book so that the top end is slightly smaller than this one. the lower end. Leave some aside. At this timement, if you place the double cone at the end of the wand near the little book, you will be surprised to find that it will roll uphill along the track!

The principle behind this is:

The center of gravity of the double cone is at the intersection of the line connecting the two ends and the center of the middle circle since the rods are open, if you look closely at both. ends of the double cone, they actually roll downward, on the surface it appears that the end point of the double cone is higher than the starting point, but its center of gravity is still moving downward. Remember that unless an external force acts on it, gravity will always keep objects moving toward the center of the Earth, so don't be fooled.

A scale to weigh the air

Materials: paper, glue, candle, thin wire.

Production steps:

1. First cut 2 pieces of paper 34 cm long and 15 cm wide.wide. Divide each piece into five parts according to the picture, including the narrow part. the right is 2 centimeters wide and the remaining quarters.

2. Fold the strip of paper into a square barrel shape along the dividing lines and use the 2 cm wide narrow part as an adhesive strip.

4. Press the middle ends of both sides of the upper part of the square barrel, glue it, and glue a thin line 20cm long in the middle, and then press the fold line on the lower part. to form a square barrel shape. This is the weighing bag of the scale.

5. Cut a strip of paper 25 cm long and roll it into a thin stick. This is the weighing rod of the scale.

6. Tie the two openings of the weighing bag down on both sides of the scale rod, tie a thin line in the middle of the weighing rod, and carefully adjust the scale.

7. Place a lit candle under a weighing bag (make surebe careful not to burn the weighing bag), and the weighing bag will immediately begin to rise. And the other weighing bag started to fall. This means that hot air is lighter than cold air! Why ? Because warm air has a lower relative density than cold air, it is lighter than cold air. Hot air balloons are made based on this principle.

The “Little Pig Who Can Run”

It would be fun to create a “Little Pig Who Can Run” yourself in your free time.

Material L: cardboard, yellow clay, rubber bands, string, color, paste, scissors.

Method: ① As shown in Figure 1, draw the graph on the cardboard, cut it out, punch a hole at the “0” and fold it at the dotted line.

② Make a “mud wheel” out of yellow clay (preferably playdough).

③ Insert a single rubber band into the left and right holes of the “mud wheel” and tie knots of thetwo sides to attach the upper elastic.

④ Attach a string to the "mud wheel", thread the string several times around the middle of the wheel and pass the end of the thread through the hole in the middle.

When playing, first lift the string from the top. At this time, the weight of the pig will pull the wheel to rotate backwards, and the rubber bands on both sides of the "mud wheel" will be tightened in the opposite direction; then, place the cardboard pig on the table and put down the string. With the power of the rubber band, the small wheel will rotate forward and the "little pig" will automatically run forward.

Self-rotating paper

Prepare a small rectangular piece of thin paper (3 cm long and 1 cm wide) and a long sewing needle.

Fold the paper in half along its two horizontal and vertical center lines. Unfold the paper again and place the intersection of the two folds vertically. On the tip ofthe needle (the needle is first inserted into the cork and fixed with the tip upwards), let the tip of the needle touch this point and keep the paper balanced on the tip of the needle. Rub both palms together to increase the temperature of the palms, then slowly place the palms next to the paper (as shown in the image below).

Note that the hand should be moved gently and that the wind will not cause the paper to fall when the hand moves. At this point you can see the paper spinning. Slowly at first, then gradually faster. If you gently remove your hand, the paper stops spinning immediately; if you move your hand closer, the paper starts to spin again.

What mysterious force makes the paper spin?

It turns out that due to the different temperatures of different parts of the human hand, the temperature at the fingertips is always lower than that of the palm; bytherefore, a stronger updraft will be created near the palm; and the force it exerts on the paper will be greater than that exerted on the palm. The fingertip is large and the force can rotate the paper.

Cut out and shape a sponge chick

Use the pieces of sponge, depending on their shape, combined with the appearance of the animal, use your brain, use it Cutting, pasting and dyeing methods, you can create an exquisite small animal work. Let's take as an example the making of a chick:

1. Production materials

A sponge, watercolor paint, two small beads and Badgum.

2. Production method

1. Cut the sponge into a rectangular parallelepiped, draw the body, the head, the feet (the feet can be larger) and the outline. of the contour of the mouth. (Figure 1).

2. Pay attention to the drawn contour (leaving a certain margin) and boldly cut out itslateral shape (Image 2).

3. Along the front and back direction of the chicken, cut the shape of the head, body and legs, and cut out the chicken wings (do not cut too deep). When trimming, be sure to keep the chicken upright (Photo 3)

4. Starting from the general shape, carefully cut the parts and remove the large cuts with scissors.

5. Depending on your preferences, you can dye all or part of it. After drying, glue decorative beads which will serve as eyes (Photo 4). If there are several sponges of different shapes, you can follow the method above to design several chicks with different postures. A group of lively and cute chicks will make you put it down

The magic paper bridge

1. Experimental materials: two cups, cardboard, a heavy object (like soap), a paper cutter and solid glue.

2. Place two cups on each side and lay a piece of cardstock flatssus to create a simple paper bridge.

3. Try it and see how much weight it can hold? As a result, it would collapse as soon as a heavy object was placed on it.

4. Fold this piece of paper into a wavy shape at 1cm intervals and the new bridge deck is complete.

5. Replace the paper bridge and look, this time the heavy objects are firmly placed.

6. Cut the cardstock into several thin strips and roll them into cylinders.

7. Glue these cylinders side by side and what you see is a different type of bridge deck.

8. This type of paper bridge is also very strong and has a large bearing capacity.

Experimental principle: A flat piece of paper is very thin, and a small thickness of force results in a small force. After folding the paper into a wavy shape or rolling it into a cylinder, the thickness of the paper is greatly increased and the bearing capacity is good.a lot bigger. This type of structure is often used in stress-bearing structures such as bridges and buildings. It is light and strong and saves a lot of materials compared to solid structures. Think about it, what other structure can produce such an effect?

Egg Jet Boat

1. Experimental materials: eggs, cardboard, thick wire, candle ends, straws, double-sided tape, scissors, tweezers.

2. Cut out a piece of cardboard 25 cm long and 15 cm wide and draw fold lines according to the pattern. It will be transformed into a boat hull.

3. Fold the shell along the fold line.

4. Stick double-sided tape to the extra cardboard on both ends of the boat, fold it inward and tape it in place.

5. Cut a rudder?

6. Cut a vertical slot in the middle of the stern, insert the rudder and thread two thick wires through the middle of the boat, spacedés of 3 cm, the middle part of the wire being slightly bent in an arc.

7. Poke a small hole in one end of the egg and two small holes next to each other in the other end. Blow air into the egg from a small hole to let the egg's contents flow out the other end.

8. Cut the straw into two 4 cm long pieces (jet tubes), insert them into the two holes at one end of the egg to a depth of about 1 cm and seal them with wax.

9. After pouring water from the other end of the egg (note that the water level should be below the jet hose), seal the opening with double-sided tape. This is a small boiler.

10. Now re-do the stove! Place a candle head at the bottom of the boat (between the two wires) and light it. A bottle cap can be placed under the candle.

11. Place the egg cooker on the thick wire with the jet hose horizontally vers the rear. After a while, the water boiled, a jet of steam erupted from the jet pipe, and the boat moved forward in the water! If you turn its rudder at a certain angle, the boat will rotate vigorously in the water.

Experimental principle: The steam generated continuously after boiling water can only be discharged to the rear of the jet pipe, thereby generating a force acting backward, and this force has a forward reaction force on the boat. So the boat moved. Before. This is consistent with Newton's third law, which states that for every action, there is an equal reaction.

Ping Pong Doll

1. Let's make another cute doll. It is also made of the small waste that surrounds us. Just imagination and your little hands, the Ping pong doll is your favorite. .

Materials and tools: bath balls, cardboard of different colors, table tennis balls, threads, pompoms, velvet strips,small objects that can be used as eyes, double-sided tape and scissors.

2. Cut a 1.5 cm diameter hole in the middle of the table tennis ball.

3. Use cardboard to cut out a piece with a top width of 5.5 cm, a bottom width of 10 cm and a length of 11 cm. To make a trapezoid, stick double-sided tape to a hypotenuse and glue it to the other hypotenuse to form a cylinder. Finally, use scissors to cut the top and bottom ends flat. This is the doll's body.

4. Cut a small piece of nylon mesh from the bath ball, wrap it around the cylinder and stick it with double-sided tape.

5. Insert the upper end of the cylinder into the hole of the table tennis ball and the head of the doll will be connected to the body.

6. Cut a strip of velvet 10 cm long, stick it to the back of the body with double-sided adhesive tapee, then fold it to make the doll's hands.

7. Use wool to braid a small braid.

8. Use double-sided tape to glue the braid to the ping pong doll's head, glue two pom poms to the bottom of the cylinder to make the feet, and glue the eyes and mouth to the ping pong face.

9. Cut a strip of cardboard equivalent to the circumference of a table tennis ball, use double-sided tape to stick it to the table tennis doll's head like a hat, and flatten the top with your fingers. .

10. Stick a strip of double-sided tape to the middle and top of the hat respectively, and stick the colorful pompoms one by one as accessories for the hat. you can also use flannel to cut it out for her. A small bow tie is stuck to the neck. Look, the ping-pong doll is smiling at you.

New Year's pendant

It's New Yearn Chinese, and the students probably all received a lot of New Year money. Have you ever thought that the New Year bag contains New Year money. can also be made into a beautiful and festive pendant. And the pendants?

1. Materials and tools: 12 Lunar New Year bags, 1 Chinese knot, 1 silk thread (thin rope), adhesive paper, double-sided tape.

2. First fold each Lunar New Year bag in half, then fold the four corners to the middle crease.

3. Attach double-sided tape to the bottom of each folded corner.

4. Wrap the silk thread and tie a knot. One end of the ribbon passes through the silk thread and sticks to the silk thread. The other end is glued to the inside of a Lunar New Year bag. (near the fold). This way the hanging silk thread is secured and be careful not to expose the ribbon paper.

5. Glue together 4 Lunar New Year bags with silk threads, folded cornerto corner. This is the top of the pendant.

6. Take another folded New Year bag and stick the Chinese knot inside like a hanging silk thread. Then fold the four New Year's bags including and glue them together by folding them in half. This is the bottom of the pendant.

7. There are now 8 folded corners at the top and bottom of the pendant that are not glued, so fold the four remaining New Year bags and glue them in the middle.

8. After the bottom and top are connected by four New Year's bags, is the pendant finished?

The little roaring box

1. Experimental materials: a paper box (wooden or iron), a pencil, a piece of rope, a piece of rosin, colored pens, glue, white paper.

2. Tie the rope in the middle of the pencil.

3. Rub the string with rosin, just as you rub the bowstring of an instrument, to make it astringent.

Four. Open a sea bream on aside of the box to wish you┕? Blessed ? persimmon rice.诤鈥湩Mu驩妗?BR> 5. Wrap white paper outside the box and stick it with glue.

6. Draw a lion or other guy with a loud voice on the box, and the tail should be exactly aligned with the exit of the rope.

7. Hold the box with one hand, and use the index finger and thumb of the other hand to stroke the rope. Ah, you heard the lion's roar... Principle of the experiment:

When the sound of the rope rubbing is transmitted to the box, its four walls vibrate and emit a sound. Using boxes of different shapes and materials to perform this experiment will produce different sounds, sometimes the sound can be alarming. The sound production of stringed instruments, such as violins, cellos, etc., uses this principle.

Guzheng with elastics

1. Materials and tools: an empty wooden or cardboard box, a piece of plywood orstronger cardboard, rubber bands and scissors.

2. Cut the plywood or cardboard into a right triangle and cut out a small space every 1 to 2 cm on the hypotenuse.

3. Glue the cut out right triangle to the middle of the empty wooden box, stretch the rubber band and place it over the box and the hypotenuse space.

4. Pull the rubber band and try to see if you can play 1-2-3-4-5-6-7... Adjust the tightness of the rubber band to adjust the scale.

Auspicious pendant

The new semester has started and the students are happy together again. In your free time, try making a few small pendants, keep them for yourself or give them to teachers and classmates to express a sincere wish.

1. Materials and tools: gold paper (can also be replaced with other colored paper), Chinese knot, KT blowing board (can also be replaced with colored cardboard), thin strips of wood, thin wires, double-sided tape, paper cutter, scissors.


Students, if you have a periscope, you can clearly see things in the distance. For example, if it is blocked by a tall person, you can also see things inside. water like a submarine. Observe the same situation on the sea below. Interesting, isn't it? Let's make one now.

1. First prepare production materials: thick cardboard, two small mirrors measuring 10 × 7.5 cm, scissors, double-sided tape, a triangular ruler, a knife and a pencil.

2. Cut the thick red cardboard into a 31 × 40 cm format. Draw lines on the cardboard as shown in the picture. The four parallel lines are spaced 7.5 cm apart. on the left is 7.5× The size is 7.5 cm. The square in the lower right corner is also the same size, and a circle with a diameter of 4 cm is drawn in the middle.

3.Cut out the square marked "Glue the cardboard into a long cylinder, and the square and the circle you just cut out form two small windows in opposite directions.

4. Remove the glass from the small mirror and stick double-sided tape on all four sides

5. Stick the two pieces of glass inside the long cylinder at a 45 degree angle to the window. last two pieces of glass should be parallel Note that the window and the inside of the column should not be blocked

6. long cylinder You can use it to see many unexpected things The experimental principle is that since the light is reflected twice by the mirror and transmitted into the periscope body (long cylinder) at the same time, your line of sight can. be extended as long as your periscope body is made

Write with it.“invisible” ink

In adventure novels, you can often read secret letters or treasure maps written with “invisible” ink... What about it? he of the protagonist of the book? Go through trials and dangers to reveal the secret. Today we are going to learn how to write this kind of top secret letter...

1. Plain white paper, pen, lemon.

2. Cut a lemon in half. This is your “invisible” ink.

3. Press the pen firmly into the lemon pulp so that the tip of the pen penetrates the lemon juice. But not too much, otherwise it will leak.

4. Use this special ink to write your “top secret letter” on paper. Use more force when writing and make your lines thicker. Lettering works best when written with a thick nib.

5. Lemon juice dries quickly and nothing you write will be visible.

6. Use a lighter to cook thently the written paper. Be careful not to burn the paper otherwise your writing will be lost forever! When heated, the invisible writing gradually turns brown and appears, and the letter is ready to read!

Small phone

1. Experimental materials and tools: 2 paper cups (or empty cans), a long piece of rope, colored paper, scissors, double-sided tape and something. which can be used as eyes Small round beads.

2. The two microphones of the small phone are cute cartoon friends. Let's make them live first. First, use green paper to cut out the “parts” of a small frog: front limbs, hind legs, eyes, etc.

3. Glue these pieces onto a paper cup to make a little frog.

4. You can also use this method to create a puppy or other small animal that you like and glue it to another paper cuper.

5. Poke a small hole in the center of the bottom of the two paper cups (now transformed into cartoon microphones).

6. Thread both ends of a long rope (the length should be more than 10 meters) through the small holes at the bottom of the cup, then tie a large knot.

7. Once the small phone is made, place one of the microphones of the small phone to your ear, then ask your friend to hold the other microphone and stand 10 meters away from you (if the rope is longer). at 10 meters, you must then stand further away from you (i.e. the length of the rope corresponds to the distance between the two) and sing or speak into the microphone The rope must be taut and not. should not come into contact with anything else

8. Even if you and your friend are 10 meters apart, you can still hear his voice clearly. works experiment: your friend chante. The sound of speech will vibrate the bottom of the paper cup (microphone). The vibration is transmitted along the string to the paper cup next to your ear, causing vibrations, then vibrations in the air next to it. As a result, you can clearly hear your friend's sound. (This is much clearer than speaking directly at the same volume and distance, because sound travels better through solids than through air.)

Obedient and Disobedient Eggs


1. Experimental materials: a few eggs, sand, candles, felt-tip pens or watercolor pens and colored paper.

2. Take two eggs, poke a hole in the smaller end, empty the egg white and yolk inside and dry the empty egg shells in the sun.

3. Fill the empty eggshells with sand to about 1/4 to 1/3 of the total volume.

4. Take out one of the sand-filled eggshells. You will be surprised tosee how obedient the egg is. The egg will stay in the position you put it in. Look, he can hold tightly on the mouth of the small medicine bottle like an acrobat. You can also balance it on different slopes, as long as the surface is not too slippery. If the top opening is sealed, he can still stand upside down with his little head down. But to keep it in the posture you set, you'd better place it and tap it several times to level the sand inside.

5. Take another eggshell filled with sand, let it stand upright, and gently tap it several times to level the sand. Light the candle and let the wax oil flow onto the sand to fix the position. sand.

6. This makes a disobedient egg. No matter what position you place it in, it always returns to its original position. If you use papercolor to make him a little hat and draw a pretty face, it will become an interesting roly-poly. Experimental principle: The egg's original center of gravity is in the middle, so it is difficult for you to make it "obedient" or "disobedient". After loading the sand, the egg's center of gravity is on the sand. Before the sand is fixed, as the position of the egg changes, the center of gravity of the egg, the sand, is always located in the lower part of the egg in this position. The egg is heavier at the bottom and lighter at the bottom. high, which maintains the balance of the position. When the sand is attached to the bottom of the vertical egg, it also becomes a cup through the principle of center of gravity.

Snake-shaped windmill on candle

1. Production materials: pins, empty film cans, candles, thin plastic straws, pencils, cardboard and scissors.

2. Draw a line en spiral onto the cardboard and draw a snake head shape at the end.

3. According to the figure, cut along the line and poke a small hole in the middle, which should just fit through a thin plastic straw. This is the snake-shaped windmill.

Four. Now let's make the tripod. First, insert a pin into the eraser end of the pencil, then cut a small piece of thin plastic straw and seal one end, then place it over the pin to form a cap.

5. Make a round hole on the top of the empty film can and insert the pencil vertically.

6. Pass the small hole in the middle of the snake-shaped windmill through the cap, and the windmill is complete.

7. Light the candle under the windmill and you will see the snake start to spin. The same effect is achieved if the windmill is placed anywhere above a stove or radiator. Why thatis it happening? Because warm air is lighter than cold air, rising warm air can cause the windmill to spin. In daily life, in a room, the rising hot air keeps rising, flows along the ceiling to the window, cools at the window and then falls to the floor when heated, it goes back... Gliders don't have them. engines, but they often have what is called a thermal (rising) barrier: hot air rises, which causes the glider to rise.

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