Writing essay “The conscientious mother”

Introduction Essay Writing: A Devoted Mother 1. An essay titled A Devoted Mother In my opinion, you were originally a romantic and sentimental person. When I was young I always remember you

Writing essay “The conscientious mother”

1. An essay on the title of a loving and devoted mother

In my opinion, you were originally a romantic and emotional person. When I was young, I remember you always loved to walk with my father and me in the streets near our house. It was not a wide road, but there were well-proportioned street trees on both sides of the street. At night, the moonlight shines on the road through the gaps between the leaves, making this inconspicuous path suddenly shrouded in a silver world.

Father is on the left and you are on the right. You all leaned down slightly and held the younger me. At that time, I felt that the warmest spiritual port was between my father's right hand and your left hand. My father's hands were strong and strong. At that time, I felt that he could easily hold up the sky for me. And your hands are delicate and soft, always so warm, I even feel your blood flowing. On my way,I listened to the stories told by my deep father. Although I still had a vague understanding of these philosophical stories, I always kept in mind the principles my father gave me. I always love listening to your sweet voice, which is as beautiful as a song, lingering in my ears and lingering. This road is filled with wonderful memories of my childhood nights.

As I get older and busy with homework, I don't have much time to walk around. But the bright moon in the sky, like you, has been with me every night for eleven years, never stopping.

2. Write a 600-word essay on the topic of conscience

Today, during the eloquence class, the teacher taught us two idioms, namely conscience and helping others .

These two expressions were learned in a story, told by a lively and cute little rabbit. The little rabbit says: “The rooster crows every daybefore dawn, inviting people to get up early; the frog catches parasites in the rice fields every day and protects the crops; so that people can drink it slowly. A delicious honey; woodpeckers look after the big trees of the forest every day, they are the doctors of the forest.

Each of them does their duty. in their own messages, it's really Shanghai. Hugao Ju is a good animal who helps others with his fur! » After listening to the little rabbit's words, I thought that there are many responsible uncles and aunts in our lives. Our teachers teach us every day, correct our homework and teach us new knowledge. They are doing their best.

Sanitation workers get up before dawn every morning to sweep leaves and clean the road. They are doing their duty. The water factory workers deliver water to us every day so that we can wash our hands.ins, drink water and wash our clothes. They are doing their best.

Workers at power plants provide us with electricity every day, allowing us to light up, watch TV and listen to music. They are doing their best. The natural gas plant workers deliver gas to us every day, allowing us to cook, boil water, and take showers, and they do their best.

The traffic policeman at our school intersection stands on the road every day to direct traffic so that our primary school students can cross the road safely.They are doing their duty. I would like to thank all the uncles, aunts and teachers above. It is through your hard work and willingness to help others that we can live a good life and grow up healthy and happy. Thank you for your hard work.

3. A 400-word essay on the theme ofconscience

The conscientious housekeeper In our community, there is a conscientious housekeeper, and everyone who knows her calls her Xiao Gao.

Aunt Gao works very hard every day sweeping the floor. No matter it rains or snows, she insists on sweeping the floor. Aunt Gao sometimes sweeps the floor at two in the morning, which keeps me from sleeping.

One night, I was sleeping soundly, but at two or three o'clock in the morning, Aunt Gao started sweeping the floor, she swept the door of my house to the side of the road, and also swept the floors of each home. The waste in the trash can is emptied cleanly. I heard the sound of shovels picking up trash, the sound of brooms sweeping the ground, and the sound of the garbage truck wheels rolling.

Keeps me from sleeping. Another time on Saturday there was a violent storm. I hid in my bed during breakfast and didn't darerise. It was too cold.

When I went to bed, I heard Aunt Gao pushing a garbage truck to sweep the floor. I said to myself: it’s so cold today! Aunt Gao is still sweeping the floor! I climbed up and looked out the window: Aunt Gao was wearing a raincoat, rain boots, rain pants and a bamboo hat, sweeping the ground.

And she swept it away very cleanly. If the pile of trash swept here was blown away by the wind, she would start sweeping it again.

Aunt Gao is a very dedicated housekeeper who continues to sweep the floor and stay at her job no matter how hot or cold it is.

4. A 400-word essay on motherhood written by someone I admire

Warm maternal love

The first emotion a person can feel when they are born is maternal love, although at that time we He has no memory, but has an instinctive attachment to his mother. The most popular words sweet and the most beautiful cry that can come from human lips is “Mom”. It is a simple but profound word, full of hope, love, comfort and all the intimacy, gentleness and beauty of the human heart.

In life, mother is everything.

In times of sadness, she is comfort;

In times of depression, she is hope

In times of weakness, she is strength; p> < p> Mother encourages us to study hard

The only eternal thing in the world is maternal love Some people say that maternal love is like the sea, because she has a spirit that tolerates everything; /p>

Some say that maternal love is like a candle, because it burns to enlighten others, it is the most beautiful flame. ..

Some people say that maternal love is a ray of sunshine, because it warms the body and mind and gives strength... I think it's not an exaggeration d 'utiluse any beautiful thing in the world to describe motherly love. , but I prefer to use it as a metaphor for maternal love /p.> 5. Write an essay about mother

When we talk about parents, we immediately think of father's love as a mountain, wide and deep ; to mother's love like water, delicate and soft. Yes, ever since our parents welcomed us into this world with happy smiles, our parents have had a particularly heavy task: raising us. Help us learn to walk, teach us to speak, send us to school and accompany us to grow day by day. How much hard work, how much love, how much advice, how much worry. There's a song that goes like this: "Someone will bring you your new schoolbag when you start school, someone will hold your folding flower umbrella in the rain, someone will wrap your three favorite candy bars, someone 'one will wipe away your tears of resentment.' , Ah, this person is mother. Ah, this person is a mother...." There is also a song that goes like this: "When I was young, I often sat on my father's shoulders. sky, and my father's name was Nala. I will never forget that I was raised on a simple diet, and I will never forget that I sighed with half a pot of old wine..." One of these two songs is sung to my mother, and the other to my father All reflect children's dependence on their parents' love and the irreplaceable role of parents in their children's growth. care of our parents? As the old saying goes: "Sheep are kind to kneel to nurse, and crows are kind to feed." So we should know how to be grateful and how to be grateful to our parents! My mother is a gentle and caring person who cares about her children. She took care of the black earth every day.r my brother and I, and raised me and my brother to be beautiful and fat, while she herself was thin and thin. Hard work made her delicate hands covered with thick calluses, and hard work made her black hair stained by the wind and frost of the years. I remember last winter, the north wind was blowing and it was bitterly cold. In the cold yard, my mother would wipe the dust off the peppers with a damp cloth, then bag them to sell. I said, “Mom, can I wipe it for you too?” » Mom looked at me, smiled slightly and said, "No, just hold the bag for me." » However, holding the bag is not an easy task. pain and my arms hurt. As I watched my mother briskly rub the chili, I thought how comfortable it would be to sit and rub the chili! While my mother went to get the bag, I grabbed the wet rag, picked up the piment and started rubbing it. Oops! As soon as my hands touched, I immediately threw the pepper and the rag away! It felt like my hands were holding ice cubes, like thousands of steel needles were piercing my palms, and it hurt so much! I looked at my mother's hands, which were red and cracked from the cold, and I thought of the smile my mother gave me earlier, and the tears couldn't help. stop me from filling my eyes! Mom! It’s a silent love, dear mother! Entering middle school, I, a good girl who obeyed my parents, also developed my own sense of independence and became a rebellious girl. I gradually began to have differences with my father and mother's ideas: I didn't like clothes. my mother loved it, so my father taught me a few words. I find it annoying... I get a little angry with my parents from time to timetime. The most common thing I say when I get home is "I'm so tired!" » Now that I think about it, I really shouldn't have done it, I was too ignorant. I don't realize my parents' good intentions at all! Now that I realize this, allow me to say here, on behalf of the children of the world: “Thank you, dear parents! "Our parents' hard work is something we can't understand, even if we can't give it. Parents share the difficulties of life, but we can let them care less about us in studies and in the life. For parents, any progress in learning is an excellent reward for them! Independence and self-improvement in life are the greatest gratitude to our parents! Start with small things, say a word of concern to your parents, make them a bowl of noodles, wash their feet, bring them a piledrink some hot tea, wash some clothes, wipe off the sweat, clean the room... be grateful to your parents In every gesture, I am grateful to my parents in every little thing! “The old people are as old as the rest, and the young are as young as the rest.” Only by being grateful to our parents first can we be grateful to the aunt who gave us a bowl of water during the long journey, and be grateful. for giving up his place to us over long distances. Only as a big brother can we be grateful to our dear teachers who worked hard to cultivate us... Yes, "filial piety comes first" and being grateful to our parents is. the basis of all our gratitude.

6. Composition: Be kind to your parents

On a certain day, year, month, hour and second, you came out of your mother's womb. Looking at howthe outside world was beautiful, you started to do it. cry loudly, so loudly and so hard that I blinked at my mother from time to time, as if to tell my mother, I am the most beautiful child in the world and your mother raises you day by day.

I don't know how many years have passed, but you're not as good as you were in high school, it's so sad. But your mother always supports you, encourages you and silently pays for her favorite son. .They think it's a happy thing, but some children don't think so. They think that their parents are too busy, that they have to ask questions about everything and that they have no freedom, so they hate their parents. . They fight their parents, some to get money on the Internet, others to buy drugs. Have you ever thought about who gave birth to you and who raised you? Gave you life? I will help you when you go through the most difficult times.For those of you who are young, if you beat the people closest to you impulsively, you might be very arrogant in front of your companions, but when you grow up, When you look at the past, you will think about these things which are unbearable. When you are in your 50s, have you ever thought that just acting in a different place will leave a shadow in your heart, a shadow. shadow that can never be erased. When you want to apologize to your parents, they are no longer there, left with the eternal pain in my heart. By now you all have your own sons and daughters. You don't need to think about how you feel when they hit and kick you. When you were teenagers, you felt the same way when you attacked your parents. kind to your parents."

Being kind to your parents is the imperative duty of every child. Youmust always remember that everything you have is given by your father. You must be a good child who is filial to your parents. Because they are the dearest people in the world and no one can replace their place in your heart.

In a word, your parents give you life so that you can repay them during their lifetime and do your best to bring some happiness to your elderly parents. This is called the “family relationship”. Happy."

7.Please write an essay on mother

In this colorful world, it is not easy to be a mother without difficulties, work and sweat, how can you be considered as a competent mother? Therefore, it is not easy to be a mother. Since I was born, my mother worked hard and worked hard for me.

< p>Symphony of the Four Seasons

When I was in elementary school, in spring, when the birds sangnt and the flowers were fragrant, my mother went back and forth on her bike to pick me up from school; protect me from the sun; in autumn, when the golden breeze blows cool, my mother stands by the door every day, waiting for my return in winter, when it rains and snows, my mother endures hunger and cold, greets me and buys me clothes. You say, is it easy to be a mother?

Tetrameter in middle school

When I was in middle school, classes were even more intense, I got up early and came home late every day, but my mother still rose. earlier than me. When I got up in the morning, there were already hot meals on the table; when I came back from school in the evening, a cup of hot milk was waiting for me on the table; was ill, my mother's haggard face became a little more anxious; When I was in a bad mood, my mother did her best to comfort me. You say, is it easy to be a mother?

The spring breeze turned into rain.

Once I made a very big mistake. My mother was very angry. She had never had such an expression on her face. and hit me, I was so scared. But she endured it. She treated me “with reason and emotion”. Eventually, I finally understood the seriousness of the matter and I never made the same mistake again. You say, is it easy to be a mother?

Hydrate things in silence

Mother, I am sad and you are even sadder, my heart is happy and you are happy too; You always leave good things for me to eat and buy good clothes to wear, but you are reluctant to eat them or wear them yourself. Sometimes I lose my temper with you and argue with you. I know you are very sad right now, but you never feel sad in front of me. Instead, you hide in your room and sob alone. For me, you held back your anger and your chagrin. It's not easy for you. Your greatness, your brotherhood and what you have done make me see your nobility, your calm and above all your love for me.

It's not easy being a mother, taking care of your daughter has nothing to do with yourself. When spring comes, you take your daughter to school. During the summer solstice, you protect your daughter from burns. the sun. When autumn comes, you wait for its return. In winter, you add clothes to your daughter, you are extremely worried about your daughter, to ease the sorrow of women when they are injured.

Mom, it’s not easy for you!

8. The title is an essay about my mother, about 400 words.

My mother is a waiter in a clothing store. Its excellent service is often praised by some customers. But she said, "It's our job."

I remember once I went to a clothing store to deliver food to my mother. It is to thisThat's when I saw a customer come to return some clothes. As soon as she entered the store, she said angrily: “What kind of ugly clothes are these! When I got home and washed it, all the color was gone. "After that, the customer slammed the clothes in front of my mother. I thought to myself: how will my mother handle this this time? I saw that my mother was in no hurry, but I I patiently asked the customer: "When you were buying clothes, what did the waiter give you? Do you still have the invoice you issued? The customer hurriedly said: “Yes, yes!” After saying this, she quickly handed the bill to her mother. After her mother read the invoice carefully, she gave the best dress to the customer without saying a word. After reading it, the customer said, “Waiter, you have the wrong dress. "Sorry, that's not the kind of clothes I bought. But my mom said, "It's okay, this dress ismy gift for you!" "The customer's anger disappeared and he left the clothing store happily.

My mother not only served me responsibly in the clothing store, but m 'also took meticulous care at home.

One noon, I came home from school and was sweating profusely and said to my mother who was cooking: "Mom, I want to eat noodles !” "After hearing this, my mother left her work and went to buy me some noodles under the scorching sun. When she came back, she was already sweating. I looked at my mother who was completely soaked and said in tears: "Next time I won't let you go buy me noodles under the blazing sun. ”

She's my mother. An ordinary worker, but dedicated to her work; an ordinary mother, but who devoted all her love to me.

Mom, I love you

p> 9. Chinese essay on a person I admire, how to write on my mother

JI'll give you two tries My mother is tall, neither fat nor thin, with a few shallow lines on her forehead, always with. a smile on his face.

My mother is a caring person. She taught me to be honest and generous to others. She has cultivated my good character since I was a child. something I can never forget. .

It was a hot afternoon and the sun burned the earth like a big ball of fire, but the sweat continued to flow. /p> p>

I said to my mother: “Mom! It's so hot, so hot! I want to eat ice cream. Mom said, “Let’s go, I’ll take you to buy ice cream.” »

Then I got my wallet. When I arrived at the place where I bought ice cream, my mother took out a 50 yuan bill from her wallet and handed it to the uncle. who bought the ice cream. After receiving the money, my mother and I rushed home.

When we returnedWhen we got home, my mom counted the money and was like, “Huh? No, the total is 7 yuan. How can I get 45 yuan back? When I heard this, I happily said, “Great! The person who bought the ice cream was really confused and received an extra 3 yuan. Mom, can you give me the 2 yuan? “My mother looked at me and said angrily: “There are 2 yuan more. We should send him back. We can't take advantage of it! Plus, it’s not easy for people to sell ice cream! "After that, my mother braved the scorching sun and gave 3 yuan to others.

When I went to bed at night, I couldn't sleep in bed, thinking about Bai Bai.I suddenly understood that a person should start from small things and should not do something sorry for others just because of a small gain in front of him. This incident taught me a lot. I love my mother. and I admire her from the bottom of my heart

My mother is thirty-four years old this year.This year and she still looks young. Guazi has a pair of big, watery eyes on his face. He is tall and neither fat nor thin.

My mother loves me very much and attaches great importance to my studies. Some time ago, Galen's English teacher told us that there was a national English competition and he hoped we could actively participate and show off.

I signed up for the English singing competition. After I grew up, my mother started searching for songs on the Internet. After finding the songs, she first taught herself to sing them. After she became good at singing, she started teaching me.

The song my mother chose for me was the English version of "Girl with Wings". At that time, I was in the final revision phase and the exam was about to take place. My mother took an hour every day to help me practice singing and correct my pronunciation without delaying ma revision.

Hard work pays off. I passed the preliminary round of the stadium branch, the semi-finals of Jinzhou City, and participated in the finals of the Liaozhong division. If I can win the Liaozhong Division, I can. participate in the national final. This is what I expected. Mom is very filial towards her parents.

One day my grandmother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital with a minor cerebral thrombosis. This made my mother very anxious. She took care of her grandmother in the hospital every day, washing her face and helping her practice walking. She was busy with everything.

After my grandmother came home from the hospital, my mother took over the housework, washing clothes, cooking, mopping the floor... My mother would never forget to buy gifts for my grandparents every new year. Day before. I want to follow my mother's example and be a good child who respects my parents.

Every summer, my mother always says that she is very fat and that she only eats two meals a day. Do you know why she does this? Because she wants to lose weight, wear fashionable clothes and become more beautiful. It is my mother. Sometimes she's sweet, sometimes she's strict, sometimes she's cute. My mother is of average height, with fair skin. She is not very beautiful but dignified and generous. She dresses like everyone else, not fashionable but very elegant.

My mother has a bad personality and often loses her temper. There are many advantages and many disadvantages. Do you want to know? My mother is an ingenious person and can make many exquisite crafts.

The wind chimes she made are very beautiful. They come in all shapes and colors. They are hung outside my window, especially some small decorations under the wind chimes are very beautiful. Magnificent. Every timehen the wind blows, when they stand up, they make a soft whistling sound, it's like having wings and they can fly very far. I like my mother's handwriting, which is neat and clear; what she does best is five keystrokes on the computer. You only see ten fingers flying up and down the keyboard, which dazzles you. clicks and a long line The words appeared on the computer screen.

My mother loves to sing and sings beautifully. I can hum the songs she can sing, but I don't like listening to songs or singing. My mother is also very good at managing family life. The steamed buns are round, white and have a special fragrance. I have a healthy body and I can't live without these delicious steamed buns.

My mother's food is more delicious. I love his favorite snacks, like fried cabbage, mutton skewers, buns and mushrooms. Theyare much more delicious than those sold on the road. You can eat them regardless. What. Not enough. My mother is a very serious and careful person.

When she takes something seriously, her eyes are scary and she won't give up until there is a result. She was even more serious when she was typing on the computer. No matter how exciting the sound on the television was or how exciting the program was, she seemed unable to hear it and never watched it.

My mother also has many faults. I usually don't dare to say them, but today is a good opportunity to write an essay. My mother has a bad temper. She is always angry for no reason. When she speaks, her voice often goes up an octave, which scares me. Then the air throughout the house seems to become cold and I naturally don't feel well. neither. Eat the fruit, I think it would be better if she didn'tdidn't get angry, at least I wouldn't be used as a punching bag.

Also, sometimes my mother doesn't mean what she says. For example, I once agreed to take me to Tianqi Temple on Sunday afternoon. I was very happy and made preparations early. However, since she didn't get enough sleep after her nap this afternoon, she didn't take me with her. which was really disappointing.

Moreover, my mother always compares my shortcomings to the advantages of others. It's not what I like the most. I really hope that my mother can change these bad habits, so that our family will always be full of joy.

This is my mother, a respectable, charming, individual, but unpredictable mother. I love my mother, always, forever.

Emerald 386 All Elf Capture Locations

Invisible, intangible, running in all directions, crossing rivers and creating waves , passing throughs the trees of the forest roar and the answer is not the zodiac but the wind.

Detailed explanation of the riddle:

Wind is an invisible natural phenomenon. It is the movement of air on the surface of the earth. Since the wind is invisible, we cannot see it. Yet we feel his presence. When the wind blows around us, we can feel the coolness or warmth of the wind, and we can also hear the whistling of the wind.

The wind can blow across the water surface of rivers and cause waves. Indeed, the movement of the wind causes the movement of water molecules. Wind can also blow through trees in the forest, causing leaves to sway and rustle.

The wind blows from all directions and you can run everywhere. Whether on the plain, in the mountains or by the sea, the wind can reach it. It has no fixed direction and changes direction and speed ase as the atmospheric pressure changes.

The concept of wind:

Although wind is invisible, it has a great impact on our lives. Wind can cause temperature changes, affect weather changes and also affect plant growth. Wind therefore plays an important role in nature.

Benefits of wind for people:

1. Providing air circulation

Wind can bring movement to the air, thus providing fresh air. allows people to breathe cooler. Wind also helps disperse dirty air and harmful gases, thereby maintaining air quality.

2. Lower the temperature

Wind can lower the ambient temperature, especially during hot summers. The breeze can blow away heat around the human body, making people feel cool and comfortable.

3. Bring natural sounds

When the wind blows through the leaves, the herbe and water, it will produce natural sounds, such as rustling leaves, rubbing grass and sound. waves on the water. These sounds can give people a relaxing and calming feeling.

4. Promote wind energy production

Wind energy is widely used to produce clean energy. Wind power uses wind energy to drive a wind wheel, which is then converted into electrical energy via a generator. This renewable energy source is environmentally friendly and helps reduce fossil fuel consumption and carbon emissions.

5. Provide outdoor recreational activities

Wind can add fun to sports and outdoor recreational activities. For example, windsurfing, kite flying, surfing, etc. all depend on the power of the wind. Additionally, wind can also create dynamic effects on objects such asballoons and wind chimes, adding beauty and interest.

400-word urgent essay on college topics! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Author's location to catch 386 Pokémon in Pokémon Emerald

NO.001 (Bulbasaur): encountered on Route 101

NO.002 (Ivysaur): evolves from Ivysaur at level 16

NO.003 (Ivysaur): evolves from Ivysaur at level 32

NO.004 (Charmander): encountered on route 101

NO.005 (Fire Dinosaur): Evolution of Charmander at level 16

NO.006 (Charizard): Evolution of Fire Dinosaur at level 36

NO.007 (Squirtle): Encountered on Route 101

NO.008 (Kami Turtle): evolved from Squirtle at level 16

NO.009 (Blastoise) : evolved from Camille at level 36

NO.010 (Green Caterpillar): Encountered on route 101 or 102

NO.011 (Iron Armored Pupa): Evolution of the Caterpillar green at level 7

NO.012(Bada Butterfly): from an armored nymph at 10 Evolved to level 1

NO.013 (One-horned insect): Encountered on route 103

NO:014 (Iron Shell Insect): From a one-horned insect at level 7 Time Evolution

NO.015 (Big Needle Bee): Evolution of Iron Shell Kun at level 10

NO.016 (Bobo): on routes 101 and 103, encounter

NO.017 (Bibi Bird): evolved from Bobo at level 16

NO.018 (Bibi Bird): Evolved from Bibi Bird at upcoming level 36

NO. 019 (Ratada): encountered on route 101

NO.020 (Ratada): evolved from Rattata at level 20

NO.021 (Sparrow): encountered on routes 102 and 103< /p>

NO.022 (Large-billed Sparrow): evolved from the Spearow at level 20

NO.023 (Arbour Snake): encountered on route 112

NO.024 (Arbor Monster): Evolved from Arbor Snake at level 22

NO.025 (Pikachu): Encountered in Sandy Paradise Grassland

< p>NO.026 (Tonnerrechu): Evolvedn using Thunder Stone on Pikachu

NO.027 (Pangolan): encountered on route 113

NO.028 (Pangolan): evolved from pangolin at level 22

< p>NO.029 (Nidolan): Obtained from Nidona and other pet eggs

NO.030 (Nidolan): Encountered on Route 113

< p>NO.031 (Nidoqueen): Evolved after using the moonstone on Nidona

NO.032 (Nidoro): encountered on route 113

NO.033 (Nidolino) : evolved from Nidoro at level 16

NO.034 (Nidoking): evolved after using the moonstone on Nidolino

NO.035 (Leather Pi): encountered in the cave on Route 113

NO.036 (Pixi): Evolved after using the Moonstone on Pi Pi

NO.037 (Six Tails): Encountered in the flowers at the back of Sunset Mountain

NO.038 (Nine-Tails): Evolved after using the Fire Stone on Six-Tails

NO.039 (Piggy Ding)) : Encountered on Route 115

NO.040 (Piggy Din): Evolved after avoir used the moonstone on Jigglypuff

NO.041 (Super Sonic Bat): can be found in most caves

NO.042 (Big Mouth Bat): evolution of Super Sonic Bat at level 22

NO.043 (Walking Grass): available at 117, 123 and Shagu Paradise

NO.044 (Stinking Flower): Evolution of the grass that steps on level 22

NO.045 (Overlord Flower): evolution of the use of the grass leaf stone on the stinking flower

NO.046 (Pai Ras) : Encountered in the Rock Mountain tunnel

NO.047 (Paras): evolved from Paras at level 24

NO.048 (Furball)): encountered in Sand Gu Paradise


NO.049 (Moth): Furball evolution at level 31

NO.050 (Gopher): Combat Borderland Painting Dog Cave Level 2

NO.051 ( Three Gophers): Evolution of Gophers at level 26

NO.052 (Meow Meow): At level 116 Encountered on route No. 053 (Cat Boss): Evolution of Meow Meow at level 28

NO.054 (Can reach Duck): On the surface ofe water from Sand Gu Paradise Encountered on the road

NO.055 (Gotha Duck): Evolution of Gotha Duck at level 33

NO.056 (Monkey Monster): Encountered on Route 112 Obtained

NO.057 (Fiery Monkey): Evolution of the monkey monster at level 28

NO. 058 (Carty Dog): encountered on Route 112


NO.059 (Wind Speed ​​​​Dog): evolved using the Fire Stone on Kati Dog

NO .060 (Mosquito Tadpole): Encountered on Waterway No. 112

< p>NO.061 (Mosquito Frog): Evolves from a Mosquito Tadpole at level 25

NO.062 (Fast Swimming Frog): Evolves from Mosquito Frog using Water Stone

NO.063 (Casey): Encountered in the stone cave

NO.064 (Yongjira): evolved from Casey at level 16

NO.065 (Hu Di): evolved from Yongjira at level 40

NO.066 (Wrist Strength): encountered on Bump Island

< p>NO.067 (Powerful): Evolution of Brachium at level 28

NO.068 (Strange Force): Evolved from Haoli to level 40

NO.069 (Trumpet Bud): Encountered on Route 123

NO.070 (Kouduhua): Evolved from from Trumpet Bud at level 21

NO.071 (Big Food Flower): Opposite of Kouhua Evolved from the stone grass leaf

NO.072 (Medusa Agate): Can be found on most water surfaces

NO.073 (Jellyfish Sting): Made from the Onyx Jellyfish evolved at level 30

NO.074 (Small Fist Stone): Found in Stone Cave

NO.075 (Rumble Stone): From Small Fist Stone to level 25, evolved from time

< p> NO.076 (Rumble Rock): evolution of Rumble Stone at level 40Coming soon

NO.077 (Little Fire Horse): Encountered in the flame shortcut

NO.078 (Flame Horse): Evolution of the Little Fire Horse at level 40

NO.079 (Slowpoke): hung on the water on route 114

NO.080 (Slowpoke ): evolved from Slowpoke at level 37

NO.081 (Magneto): Encountered in the new Silverleaf Power Plant

NO.082 (Magneto three-in-one): evolves from Magneto at level 30.

NO.083 (Duck to green onion): Encountered on Route 115

NO.084 (Dudu): Encountered in Sand Valley Paradise

NO.085 (Duduli): Evolution of Dudu to level 31

NO.086 (Little Sea Lion): Found in Kankan Cave

NO.087 (White Sea Lion) Evolved from a small sea lion in level 34

NO.088 (Stinking); Mud): Encountered in Flame Shortcut

NO.089 (Stinky Mud) Mud): Evolved from Smelly Slime at level 38

NO.090 (Big Clam tongue): Get in Kankan Cave

NO.091 (Iron Armored Clam): Evolved after using the Water Stone on the Big Tongue Shell

NO .092 (ghost stone): encountered in Sunset Mountain Tower

NO.093 (Ghost Stone): evolution of Ghost at level 25

NO.094 (Gengar): evolution by GhostCommunication

NO.095 (Big Rock Snake): Found in the Stone Cave

NO.096 (Sulip): Found in the grass behind Sunset Mountain

< p>NO.097 (Sulip): Found by Sulip evolved to level 26

NO.098 (Giant Claw Crab): Obtained from Waterway No. 124

NO.099 (Giant Claw Crab): Obtained from the Giant Claw Crab in No. 124 Waterway Evolved at level 28

NO.100 (Thunder Ball): Encountered at the New Power Plant in Silver Leaf

NO.101 (Naughty Bullet): From the Thunder Bullet at level 30 Evolved from time

NO.102 (Egg): encountered on route 120


NO.103 (Coconut Egg Tree): Evolved after using Grass Leaf Stone on Dandan Coming

NO.104 (Kora Korra): Encountered in Stone Cave

NO.105 (Gala Gala): From Korra Korra at level 26, evolved from Balang at level 20

NO.106 (Savarang): Evolved from Balang at level 20 when its attack is knownsuperior to its defense

NO.107 (Aibilang): De Balang Lang evolves when its attack is lower than its defense. defense

NO.108 (Big Tongue): Encountered on Route 117

NO.109 (Gas Bomb): Encountered in the Flames Shortcut

NO.110 (Double Gas Bomb): Evolution of Gas Bomb at level 35

NO.111 (Iron-Armored Rhinoceros): Encountered in Sand Gu Paradise

NO .112 (Armored Tyrannosaurus): Evolved from the Armored Rhinoceros at level 42

NO.113 (Auspicious Egg): In the sand encountered in the Orphan Paradise

NO. 114 (Vine Monster): Encountered in the Sand Orphanage

NO.115 (Hybridosaurus): Encountered in the Sand Orchard


NO.116 (Mo Haima): earned at levels 132, 133, 134

NO.117 (Sea Spiny Dragon): evolved from Mo Haima at level 32

NO .118 (Horned Goldfish): Obtained on routes 102 and 114

NO.119 (Goldfish King): Evolution of the horned goldfish at level 33

NO.120 (Sea Star): Obtained from the sea area on the right side of Atian Town

NO.121 (Gem Starfish): Evolved after using water stone on the star sea

NO.122 (Sucker Demon Even): encountered on Route 121

NO.123 (Flying Mantis): Encountered in Shagu Paradise)

NO.124 (Mistress Mizui): Let's take a look Encountered in the cave

>NO.125 (Electric Shock Beast): Encountered at the new Silver Leaf Power Plant

NO.126 (Duck-billed Fire Dragon): encountered at Flame Shortcut


NO.127 (Dajia): encountered at Shagu Paradise

NO.128 (Kentaro): encountered in Sandy Paradise

NO.129 (King Magikarp): can be hooked. in most water surfaces

NO.130 (Gyarados): evolution of King Magikarp at level 20

NO.131 (Chenglong): you can find it in the cave .

NO.132 (Variety Monster): you can find it in the cave behind Fossi's housel Fan.

NO.133 (Eevee): Can be found on route 121

NO.134 (Water Elf): Evolved after using the Stone of water on Eevee

NO.135 (Thunder Elf): against Eevee Eevee evolved after using the Thunder Stone

NO. 136 (Fire Elf): Evolved after using the Fire Stone on Eevee

NO.137 (3D Dragon): Encountered in the new Silver Leaf Power Plant

NO. 138 (Ammonite Beast): Obtained from the water surface of Shagu Paradise

NO.139 (Spiky Ammonite Beast); The stone beast evolves at level 40

NO.140 (Fossil Helmet): Obtained by hanging on the water surface of Sand Island Paradise

NO.141 ( Sickle Helmet): Obtained from the Fossil Helmet Evolved at level 40

NO.142 (Stone Winged Dragon Evolution): Encountered in the deepest part of Popular Falls

NO. 143 (Gabimon): encountered on route 115

NO.144 (Frozen Bird): encountered in Popular Falls

NO.145 (Lightning Bird): Encountered at the new Silver Leaf Power Plant

NO.146 (Flaming Bird): Encountered painting of a dog cave in Battle Frontier

NO.147 (Mini Dragon): Obtained from Sand Gu Paradise

NO.148 (Huck Dragon): Evolved from Mini Dragon at level 30

NO. 149 (Kuailong): Evolved from Hackerosaurus at level 55

NO.150 (Mewtwo): Encountered in the Painter's Cave at the Battle Border (Fantastic): Found at the popular waterfall NO.152 (Chrysanthemum Grass Leaf): Found on Route 102 NO.153 (Bay Leaf): Evolves from Chrysanthemum Leaf at level 16

NO .154 (Big Chrysanthemum): Evolves from Bay Leaf at level 32

NO. 155 (Fireball Rat): encountered on route 102

NO.156 (Fireball Rat): evolved from Fireball Rat at level 14

NO.157 ( Hot) Beast): evolved from Fire Rat at level 36

NO.158 (Small Crocodile encountered on Route 103);

NO.159 (Blue Crocodile): Evolution of the Little Crocodile at level 18

NO.160 (Powerful Crocodile): Evolution of the Blue Crocodile at level 30

NO.161 (tailed): encountered on route 102

NO.162 (Big Odachi): evolved from Odachi at level 15

NO.163 (Gugu): activated Route 102, encountered at Sand Gu Paradise

NO.164 (Owl); evolved from Gugu at level 20

NO.165 (Ladybug): on Route 103, encountered in Sand Gu Paradis

NO.166 (A ladybug): evolution of the ladybug at level 18

NO.167 (String Ball): Tongba Ladybug

NO.168 (Alidos): Evolution of the string ball at level 22

NO .169 (Forked Bat): Evolution of large mouth when bat intimacy is very high

NO.170 (Lanternfish): Encountered in aquatic plants after diving on Routes 124 and 126

NO.171 (Lamp Monster) The lantern fish evolvesu level 27

NO.172 (Pichu); ): Pikachu lays eggs

NO.173 (Pibaby): Pipi lays eggs Coming soon

NO.174 (Baby Ding): Coming from Jigglypuff laying eggs

NO.175 (Togepi): Encountered on Route 121

NO.176 (Togepi): Evolution of Togepi when the level of intimacy is very high Come

NO.177 (Natural Bird): Encountered in Sand Gu Paradise

NO.178 (Natural Bird): Evolution of Natural Bird at level 25

NO.179 (Sheep Meili): Encountered in Shagu Paradise

NO.180 (Sheep): Meili Sheep evolution at level 15

NO.181 (Electric Dragon): Mianmian evolution at level 30

NO.182 (Beautiful Flower): Evolved using the Sun Stone on the Stinky Flower

NO.183 (Mary Road): Found on the water on routes 114 , 117 and 111

NO.184 (Mary Road): development of Mary Road at level 18

NO. 185 (Nonsense Tree): At the edge of the battle, use the Roaring Whale Watering Can on the Nonsense.Tree in the lower right corner, then a battle ensues

NO.186 (Niuwajun): Use the Mosquito Incense Frog to carry the King's Certificate, then communicate Evolved

< p>NO.187 (Flywheel Grass): Encountered on the water surface of Waterway No. 122

NO.188 (Flywheel Flower): Evolved from Flywheel Grass flying at level 18 Come

NO. 189 (Flying Cotton): Evolution of Flying Flower at level 27

NO.190 (Long-tailed Monster): Encountered in Sand Gu Paradise

NO.191 (Seed of the Sun): Encountered in Sand Valley Paradise

NO.192 (Sun Flower Monster): evolved after using the Sun Stone on the Sun Seed

NO. 193 (Yangyangma): Encountered on Route 120< /p>

NO.194 (Ubo): Encountered on the water surface of Sand Gu Paradise

NO.195 (Swamp King) : evolved from Ubo at level 20

NO.196 (Sun Elf) evolved after using the Sun Stone on Eevee

NO.197 (Moon Elf): Evolved after using the Moonstone on Eevee

NO.198 (Dark Elf) Raven): Encountered in the stone cave, route to champion< /p>

NO.199 (King Hippo): Evolved from Slowpoke when the level of intimacy is very high

NO.200 (Dream Demon): Encountered in the ghost tower of Sunset Mountain< /p>

NO.201 (Unknown Totem): Encountered in the Misty Grass of Sunset Mountain

NO.202 (Guo Ran Weng): Encountered in Sand Gu Paradise

NO.203 (Kirin (It): found in Sand Guy Paradise

NO.204 (Hazel Nut Ball): found in Sand Guy Paradise

NO.205 (Fritos): From Hazel Fruit Ball evolves to level 31

NO.206 (Brother Earth Dragon): Encountered on Route 110

NO.207 (Scorpion): Encountered in the Paradise of Men of Sand

NO.208 (Great Steel Snake): Evolved from the Big Rock Snake at level 45

NO.209 (Blue): encountered at Sand Gu Paradise


NO.210 (Blue King): From blue to Evolved at level 23

NO.211 (Thousand Needle Fish): Obtained from Waterway No. 105

NO.212 (Giant Pincer Mantis): Obtained from of the flying mantis at level 40, evolved from time

NO.213 (Huhu): encountered after breaking the stone in the sand orchard

NO.214 (Heracross ): encountered in the sand orchard obtained

NO.215 (Nula): Encountered in Sunset Mountain

NO.216 (Baby Bear): Encountered in Sand Gu Paradise

NO .217 (Circle Bear): Evolution of Baby Bear at level 30< /p>

NO.218 (Lava Bug): encountered on route 113

NO.219 ( Lava Bug): Evolved from Lava Bug at level 38

NO. 220 (Little Mountain Boar): Encountered in Kankan Cave

NO.221 (Long-Haired Pig): Evolution of the Little Mountain Boar at level 33

NO.222 (Sun Coral): Obtained in Waterway No. 128

NO.223 (Iron Cannon Fish): Obtained in Sand Gu Paradise Hanging

NO.224 (Octopus Bucket): evolved from Iron Cannon Fish at level 25

NO.225 (Messenger Bird); found in Kankan Cave

NO.226 (Giant Winged Flying Fish): Encountered on Waterway 106

NO.227 (Armor Bird): Encountered on Route 113< /p>

NO.228 (Dalubi): Encountered at Sand Gu Paradise

NO.229 (Heiluga): Evolved from Dalubi to level 28

NO.230 (King Thorny Dragon): Evolution of the Sea Thorny Dragon at level 45

NO.231 (Little Elephant): Encountered in Sand Gu Paradise

NO.232 (Dunjia): evolution of Little Elephant at level 25

NO.233 (3D Dragon 2): 3D Dragon equipment evolution after card communication upgrade

NO.234 ( Shock Antlered Deer) Encountered in Shagu Paradise

NO.235 (Tutu Dog): Encountered in Tutu Dog's Cave on the Battle Border

NO.236 ( Balang); ); encountered on the road to the champion

NO.237 (Kebo Lang): evolved from Ballang when attack = ddefense at level 22

NO.238 (Mizui baby); eggs laid by Sister Mizui

NO.239 (Electric Shock Monster); obtained by laying Electric Shock Monster eggs

NO.240 (Little Duck-billed Dragon): obtained by laying Duck-billed Salamander eggs

NO.241 (Busty Pot): Encountered in Sand Gu Heaven

NO.242 (Happy Egg): Evolved from the Auspicious Egg when intimacy is very high

< p>NO.243 (Thunder God); Encountered at the new Silver Leaf Power Plant

NO.244 (Enti); Encountered on Champion's Road

NO.245 (Suicune; Encountered at Pop< Falls); /p> p>

NO.246 (Yukira): Encountered in Meteor Falls

NO.247 (Shakiera) evolved from Yukira at level 30

NO. 248 (); Banjira): Evolved from Shakira at level 55

NO.249 (Lukia): encountered on waterway #109

NO.250 (Feng King encountered on shortcut flame<); /p>

NO.251 (Celebi); encounteron route 119

NO.252 (Mu Shou) Palace): encountered on route 119

NO.253 (Lizard Forest): Evolved from Wood Shou Palace at level 16< /p>

NO.254 (Lizard King): Since The Forest Lizard has evolved to level 36

NO.255 ​​​​​​(Fire Chicken); encountered on Route 113

NO.256 (Strong Chicken): From Fire Chicken to level 16

NO.257 (Flame Chicken): Evolved from Strong Chicken to level 36


NO.258 (Water Jumping Fish): At level 111 Encountered on the waterway

NO.259 (Swamp Jumping Fish): Evolution of the water jumping fish at level 16

NO.260 (Giant Swamp Monster): Evolution of Swamp Jumping Fish Fish evolves to level 36

NO.261 (Coyote Dog): Available on routes 101, 102 and 104

NO.262 (Big Wolf Dog): Coyote Dog evolved to level 18

NO.263 (Snake Bear) available on routes 101 and 103

< p>NO. 264 (Direct Bear): From Snake Bear to level 20 Evolved from epoch

NO.265 (Spinytgarlic): Encountered in Tianyuan Forest

NO.266 (Pupa Shell): Evolved from Spinytail at level 7 comes

NO.267 (Hunting Papilio); evolves from Carapace Chrysalis at level 10

NO.268 (Shield Cocoon evolves from Spinytail at level 7); Evolved at level 10

NO.269 (Poisonous White Butterfly): Evolution of Shield Cocoon at level 10

NO.270 (Lotus Leaf Boy): At level 114 Encountered on the road

NO.271 (Lotus Leaf Child): by Lotus Leaf Child Evolved to level 14

NO.272 (Lotte Kappa): Evolved after using a water stone on Lotus Leaf Kid

NO.273 (Acorn Fruit): Can be found on routes 102 and 117

NO.274 (Long-nosed Leaf): evolution of acorn fruit at level 14< /p>

NO.275 (Cunning Tengu): Yes The long-nosed leaf evolved from the grass leaf. stone

NO.276 (Proud Swallow): Encountered on route 104, 115

NO.277 (Big King Swallow): From the Proud Swallow in Evolved at level 22< /p >

NO.278 (SoftLong-winged Gull): Can be found on most water surfaces

NO.279 (Large-billed Gull): Found in Evolved at level 25

NO .280 (Lalu Lasi): Found on Route 102

NO.281 (Qilulian): Found on level 20 by Lalu Lasi. Evolved from Time

NO.282 ( Gardevoir): Evolved from Qilulian at level 30

NO.283 (Yo-Yo Ball): Encountered on Route 103. Obtained

NO.284 (Rainwing Butterfly) evolved from Yo-; Yo Ball at level 22

NO.285 (Mushroom): encountered in Tianyuan Forest

NO.286 (Bou Li Mushroom): evolved from the mushroom at level 23< /p>< p>NO.287 (Lazy Man): Found in Tianyuan Forest

NO.288 (Hyperactive Monkey): Evolved from Lazy Man at level 18

NO.289 (Leave the king); Evolved from Hyperactive Ape at level 36 NO.290 (Hermit): Encountered on Route 116 NO.291 (Iron Mask Ninja) Evolved from the Hermit tolevel 20

< p>NO.292 (Shelling Ninja): It will be automatically generated when NO.290 evolves into NO.291. Please note that there must be room in the team

NO. .293 (Bass Monster): Encountered in Rock Mountain Tunnel NO.294 (Howling Bomb) evolves from Bass Monster at level 20 NO.295 (Booming Monster) ): Evolves from Howling Bomb at level 40

NO.296 (Makusha Rikishi): Encountered in the Stone Cave

NO.297 (Super Power King): Evolved from Makuta Rikishi at level 24


NO.298 (Lu Lili): Evolution of mother Marylu after carrying the tides

NO.299 (Nose to the north) : After breaking the stone in the stone cave encountered]

NO.300 (Tailed Cat): encountered on route 116

NO.301 (Elegant Cat): evolve after using the moonstone on the upcoming tailed cat

NO.302 (Ecstasy Eye): encountered in the stone cave, Tianzhu

NO.303 (BigMouth Baby) encountered on the road to the champion

NO.304 (Coco Dora); ); encountered in the Stone Cave

NO.305 (Coco Dora): evolved from Coco Dora at level 32

NO.306 (Bo Scodora evolved from Kodora at level 42);

NO.307 (Mashana): encountered on the route of champions

NO.308 (Charemu): evolved from Masana at level 37

NO.309 (Thunder Beast): Encountered on Route 110

NO.310 (Thunder Beast): Evolution of the Thunder Beast at level 26

NO.311 (Positive Electric Pat): Encountered on route 110

NO.312 (Negative electric pat): encountered on route 110

NO.313 (electric firefly encountered on route 117

NO); .314 (Sweet Bug): Same as Electric Firefly NO.315 (Pink Poison); Tongdian Firefly

NO.316 (Melting Beast): encountered on route 110

NO.317 (Swallowing Beast): evolution of the Melting Beast at level 26

< p>NO.318 (Fang Fish): Obtained by hanging on water on Route 118

NO.319 (Megalodon): Evolution of the toothfish at level 30

NO.320 (Roaring Whale): Can be hoisted onto most water surfaces

NO.321 (Roaring Whale King): Evolution of the roaring whale at level 40

NO.322 (Fire-breathing hunchback): encountered on route 112

NO.323 (Fire-breathing hunchback) Camel): Evolution of the fire camel at level 33

NO.324 (Coal turtle): Encountered in the flame shortcut

NO.325 (Leaping Pig): Encountered on Bump Island

NO.326 (Puffy Pig): evolution of the Tiaoting Pig at level 32

NO.327 (Dangdang Ban): encountered on route 113

NO.328 (Giant Ant): Encountered in the desert

NO.329 (Ultrasonic Larva); evolved from Giant Ant at level 35.

NO.330 (Desert Dragonfly): Evolved from Ultrasonic Larva at level 45

NO.331 (Desert Naia): encountered in the desert


NO.332 (Meng Song Naiya): evolved from the desertNaiya at level 32

NO.333 (Green Sleeping Bird): encountered on routes 114 and 115


NO.334 (Blue Qixi Bird) evolved from of the Blue Sleeping Bird at level 35

NO.335 (Meerkat Killer): Encountered on Route 114

NO.336 (Meerkat Snake): Encountered on Route 114


NO.337 (Moon Rock): Found in Pop Falls

NO.338 (Sun Rock): Found in Pop Falls

NO.339 (Mud Loach) : No. 114 111 Obtained on the route

NO.340 (Twisted Fish King): evolved from Loach at level 30

NO.341 (Lobster Soldier): obtained on routes 102 and 117

NO. 342 (Tie Ao Lobster): Lobster Soldier Evolution at Level 30

NO.343 (Balance Puppet): Found in the Desert

NO.344 (Soil Psychic Illustration ): Balance artwork evolution at level 36

NO.345 (Tentacle Lily): found on Bump Island

NO 346 (Cradle Lily): evolution of Tentacle Lily at level 40<. /p>

NO.347 (Ancient feathered insect) : encountered on Bump Island

NO.348 (Ancient Armor): Evolution of Archaic Feathered Insect at level 40

NO.349 (Stupid Fish); obtained from waterway No. 119

NO.350 (Meinas); Stupid Fish Intimacy Evolution

NO.351 (Floating Bubble): Obtained automatically. after completing the Weather Research Institute mission

NO.352 (Transformation into a hidden dragon) encountered on routes 118 and 119

NO.353 (Resentful ghost doll): encountered on route 121, 123

NO.354 (Curse Doll): evolution of the grudge ghost doll at level 37


NO.355 (Night Skull) : encountered at the upper level of the ghost tower of Sunset Mountain

NO.356 (Night Giant): evolution of the Night Skull at level 37


NO .357 (Tropical Dragon): Encountered on Route 119

NO.358 (Wind Chime): Encountered in the misty grass of Sunset Mountain

NO.359 (Abu Solu): Encounteron Route 120

NO.360 (Little Guoran): Hatched by the female Guoran Weng with a spirit in her egg.

NO.361 (Snow Boy): Found in the Kankan Cave

NO. 362 (Ice Ghost Protector): evolved from Snow Boy at level 42

NO.363 (Seal Ball): found in Kankan Cave

NO.364 (Sea Demon Lion) : evolved from Seal Ball at level 32

NO.365 (Diya Sea Lion): evolved from Sea Mage at level 44

NO.366 (Pearl Oyster): found in 126 Undersea Aquatic plants

NO.367 (Spotfish): Evolved after using water stone on pearl oysters

NO.368 (Sakura Fish): Beauty of pearl oysters evolves

NO.369 (Ancient Coelacanth): Same as pearl oyster

NO.370 (Love fish); Obtained at Waterway #128

NO.371 (Baby Dragon): Encountered in the deepest part of Popular Falls Obtain

NO.372 (Dragon Shell): Evolved from Baby Dragon at level 30

NO.373 (Explosive Salamander): Evolved from Dragon Shell at level 50 Coming soon .375 (Metal Monster): Iron Dumbbell evolution at level 20 coming

NO.376 (Metrogross): Metal Monster evolution at level 45

NO. 377 (Regirock): Same as Iron Dumbbell

NO.378 (Regiice): Encountered in Kankan Cave

NO.379 (Regischilu): Encountered at the New Power Plant in Silver Leaf

NO.380 (Latias) encountered at Waterway No. 106

NO.381 (Latios): encountered at Waterway No. 107

< p>NO.382 (Kyogre) was hoisted into an abandoned ship

NO.383 (Groudo): encountered in the flame shortcut

NO.384 (Rayquaza): encountered in Tutu Dog's Cave in Battle Frontier

NO.385 (Giraki) encountered in Sunset Mountain Ghost Tower;

NO.386 (Diosis): In battle, encounter aith the Tutu dog cave on the border

The feeling of the first year of middle school

Times we pass, and today we are no longer children playing at home on the grass ; we are no longer the elementary school students who read “Moonlight Before the Bed” aloud; today we have said goodbye to childhood and are heading towards youth; Eager for the future, we arrived at the high school affiliated with the National People's Congress and entered the first year of middle school.

It's been a week since school started and I have some understanding of the new environment. I also have many feelings about life in my first year of high school.

I'm in my first year of college and the first thing I feel is freshness. The campus is so clean and tidy, with green trees; the teachers' classes are so energetic and fascinating; the students get along so harmoniously et happily; the modern library, audiovisual education center, network center and laboratories make me linger. This is all very different from primary school, which makes me feel extremely fresh and interesting.

I'm in my first year of college and the second feeling I feel is desire and aspiration for the future. During the opening ceremony, we enthusiastically attached our best wishes to the balloons and let them fly into the blue sky. Everyone has different wishes. Some hope to become a musician and promote traditional Chinese music to the world; others hope to become a journalist and let all humanity be amazed by the rapid development of today's China; I hope to be a literati and let people hear the weak voices in the corners of society. .. Ideals can only be realized through actions. During the three years of college,we will lay a solid foundation for the future and move forward towards. our goals step by step.

I'm a freshman in college and I feel nervous every time I do it. In colleges, especially excellent colleges, the competition for learning is quite fierce, and there will also be some pressure. If you don't pay attention to your grades, you will fall behind the team, so you won't be able to relax at all and you will have to be in a learning state at all times. You have to adapt to this intense learning atmosphere in order to obtain results in three years of study.

I'm in my first year of college. I'm excited, I'm looking forward to it and I'm nervous at the same time. Anyway, we start from scratch and integrate into the new life. Let's face the first year of high school with a can-do attitude.

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