A beautiful phrase to describe red maple leaves

Introduction Aesthetic phrases describing the redness of maple leaves, popular essay category 1. Maple leaves in autumn are like burning balls of fire, glowing in the sun, so beautiful! 2. I entered the maple forest and saw everything on the ground.

A beautiful phrase to describe red maple leaves

Popular writing category

1. Maple leaves in autumn are like burning balls of fire, glowing in the sun, so beautiful!

2. I entered the maple forest and saw red and yellow maple leaves everywhere. I picked up a piece of red maple and compared it. It was smaller than the palm of my hand, but the color was very rich, red like fire.

3. Enjoy the autumn landscape and see the red leaves, expressing your feelings and ambitions.

4. The big, strong and vicissitudes of this great maple become so beautiful under the setting sun. The leaves are like little red hands, holding each other tightly, transmitting infinite attention to each other. provocative.

5. Looking out the window at the maple forest under the golden autumn sunset, with blood-red leaves, in the shape of a small hand with five spread fingers, I clapped my red hands forr greet the arrival of the autumn girl.

6. Ah, the fiery red maple leaves! You spoke to me warmly about the beauty of autumn, the splendor of autumn and the preciousness of autumn. You showed me the spirit of fall and the style of fall.

7. I love you intensely, I love your enthusiasm and your wildness. It is you who dye the colors of autumn red, and it is you who give me the reverie of autumn and the sigh of autumn!

8. Maple leaves are green in spring, but gradually turn red in autumn, fiery red, like a magician, extremely beautiful.

9. When the boundless maple leaves I looked at were illuminated by the setting sun like burning flames, my heart was so drunk that the blood all over my body boiled and stirred. As long as you have the persistence of Maple Leaf, it will be as red as the sky and red like a burning flame.

10. I praise the maple leaves, they are red like fire, red like blood, bright red maple leaves! You ignite the passion of autumn and you praise the passion of autumn.

12. A gust of cold wind passed, and the fiery red maple leaves were lifted by the wind. As they flew past me, the wind gradually disappeared. Without the wind, the maple leaves swayed and fell, dancing like red butterflies.

13. Look, in the woods, the fiery red maples seem to be on fire, and the maple leaves are like little hands waving, as if saying hello to us.

14. The red leaves are scattered in the evergreen forest, tall and straight, like flying flags: slender and graceful, as tender as flowers shining like clouds, like an eternal flame.

15. At the beginning of winter, maple leaves, dyed fiery red by frostt the wind, are blown away by the wind and fly out of the trees, just like pieces of red snow falling from the sky. , covering the front of my house. The backs of the houses are covered with a thick layer of leaves, and the mountains and fields are covered in reddish brown, making our little village colorful.

16. I never discovered that the red leaves had a slight scent. With the rain and mist in the maple forest, it gives people the feeling of being in a fairyland.

17. Maple leaves are like beautiful red butterflies, falling from the trees and floating in the air, like a beautiful picture full of vitality.

18. A gust of wind blew, picking up a leaf, and the leaf danced with the wind. It's a small group. The fire was burning brightly and there was another flaming red butterfly dancing gracefully.

19. On both sides of the trail, the large maple trees have been shrouded in maple leavesRed fire. After being washed by rain, the original fiery red maple leaves are particularly charming. fallen leaves on the ground, the world seems to be connected as one.

20. I looked up and what caught my eye was a forest of flaming red maples. Maple leaves are so shiny and red. I looked at the maple leaves again. They were bright red, so shiny and beautiful.

21. This maple leaf looks like a beautiful red five star, and also like a small open palm tree. The leaf veins extend among the leaves, as if they are the most beautiful here, but they quietly add a touch of beauty to the maple leaves.

22. In late autumn, especially after frost, the maple leaves are extremely red and the ginkgo leaves are golden, which is vivid, magnificent and beautiful.

23. The warm color of maple is like a burning flame, condexperiencing passion and growing confidence. I long to continue the beauty of this romance, I long for it, shining brightly in the eyes of wonder.

24. Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty had a poem that says: At the top of the cold mountain, the stone path is inclined and there are people living in the white clouds. Stop and sit in the maple forest at night, the leaves are as red as the flowers in February because of the frost. The poet stopped moving forward and was so mesmerized that the mountains were red and the forests dyed.

25. Maple leaves are most beautiful in autumn. With their altered climate, they decorate the magnificent autumn landscape of the mountains. She, with the love of every maple leaf, inherits the praise, but few people know that she is sorry in the heart.

26. Maple leaves in late autumn have already appeared in their proud appearance. This touch ofred really makes us linger. The red color is truly amazing.

27. The autumn wind blows and the frost falls, and the setting sun shines on the dead grass, flowers and ginger. The sky is high, the clouds are pale, the geese are flying south, the red-leaved maples, and the birds are singing.

28. The leaves of the valley's maples are red like a ball of fire. I wonder if they drank too much wine.

29. Waiting, waiting, when the red maple leaves cover the paths of the campus, my heart will have completely lost the noisy and rushing past, and it can allow me to heal my pain in the rustling. autumn wind.

30. Autumn is here, and even nature is slowing down. The mountains are slowly turning red and yellow. The red leaves of the maple trees slowly fall to the ground. There are yellow grass and red leaves on the ground, and there is a carpet of yellow and red crisscrossing each other.isent.

31. The Great Wall in autumn is famous for its flamboyant red maple leaves. They are rooted in the cracks of rocks and are powerful. They spread inside and outside the Great Wall like ignited wildfires, dyeing the Great Wall. The Great Wall is red and the landscape is also tinged with red. The desolate and lonely autumn is red.

32. When I looked at the boundless maple leaves illuminated by the setting sun like burning flames, my heart was so drunk that the blood all over my body was boiling and stirring.

33. I praise the maple leaves, they are red like fire and red like blood. Bright red maple leaves, you tint the colors of autumn red, you give me the reverie of autumn and the sigh of autumn!

34. The gentle color of maple shines with eye-catching joy, reflecting the dazzling sunlight, ehe kisses with warmth, touching every piece of bark, calling to all life and the golden fields far away, all over the mountain. . The fiery red orchard illuminates the golden autumn.

35. The red leaves have endured frost for a long time, but they still love old branches. Open the window to listen to the dawn birds and tilt your head to pick up new poems.

36. Facing the sunset, I returned to the long-lost maple forest. At that time, the maple leaves appeared redder. As if to compete with the sunset, which is more prosperous and more eye-catching.

37. When the leaves gradually become sparse, the autumn forest shows its elegance, which is free and easy without any embellishment and distance that does not care about the prosperity of the world.

38. I think the “fire” to the right of the word “autumn” in autumn describes maple leaves! The leavesMaple trees are most active in fall. In late autumn, if you go to Qixia Mountain, climb to the top of the mountain, stop and look into the distance, you will see a sea of ​​fire.

39. Autumn is the time when the maple forest grows vigorously. He will show us all his vitality. Welcome my friends to visit my hometown, come and see this red maple forest, and share this fiery red maple forest with me.

40. The red maple leaves on the tree are all childlike and light green leaves. After a long period of wind and rain, they became the red leaves they are today. his life. Often, nature is actually very similar to that of humans.

41. Pure, the color of maple, exquisite and transparent heart, listening, the leaves and the autumn wind sing, the innocent thoughts like a flawless mirror, the homesickness of the gentle wanderer singing like a song. ,rtells the sincerity of love.

42. While passing through the yard today, I accidentally glanced at the maple tree Hey, the maple leaves that were green a few days ago have turned red today! A leaf is like a fire, like a red flower, which looks so leisurely and calm, as if it wants to use the last color of life to ignite people's hope and encourage them to work hard.

43. At the foot of Changbai Mountain in my hometown, there are patches of burning maple forests, which I particularly like.

44. Look, maple leaves are fiery red, brilliant red, and bright red. They flutter in the autumn wind, smile in the sunset, and vigorously show your beautiful figure.

45. A work song explains boating, red leaves, green mountains and rapids.

46. Climbing to the high Siming peakand looking from a distance, the maple leaves all over the mountain are like red mist, the morning glow is flowing, and the clouds are smoking white and green, wonderful. and magnificent !

47. The river is calm in autumn. At this time, a cool wind blows, and the maple leaves on the bank fall, as if dancing like red butterflies, falling into the river from time to time. over time. In the water, when they fell into the water, they transformed from butterflies into boats, floating gently on the water.

48. Maple leaves are so red that they appear to have been coated with leg fat. The colder the weather, the redder it becomes. The red maple leaves resemble the little legs of the duck. The breeze blows, like the little duck swimming in the river.

49. In addition to being deep and penetrating, Xiangshan red leaves also possess elegant beauty. As soon as autumnarrives, the entire hillside is covered with red leaves, which are fiery red under the sunlight, it looks like balls of flames burning, or "flames are about to fly into the sky ".

50. In autumn, the mountains and fields are full of fiery red maple leaves. The first light of the morning looks like red clouds falling down the mountainside, and the sunset shines like clusters of agates.

In the spring of Muyu fishing village, autumn frost and maple leaves are in full bloom. ——"Wanxing in Yueyang·Chunming in Muyu Fishing Village" by Zi Ziqi. It happens to many students that articles that are worth reading again and again often contain beautiful sentences. Beautiful sentences have a very beautiful structure and can express a certain aspect of our character. What beautiful writing do you like? I sorted it out and compiled ithas editorial on Maple Leaf for your reference. I hope this will help you.

Essay on Maple Leaves 1

1. The maple leaves whistle on the pillow and the meditation room is pitifully silent at night. ——"Autumn Xing" by Zhong Qian

2. The reed flowers are fascinated by the moon at night, and the maple leaves dance in the frosty wind. ——Ye Yong's "Autumn Colors"

3. Maple leaves fall under the clear frost of Wuyuan, and wild geese walk alone under the cold moon of Chu County. ——Zhang Ning "Walking with Xu Xueshi Qiong to the grandson of Dapu's poems of Weichang"

4. The maple leaves are red, the lotus hall is plump with dew, and the pillow mat is initially tender and fresh. ——"Qing Bei Ling·Glowing Maple Leaves" by Lv Wei Lao

5. The fields are vast and the sky is high, and the maple leaves are red You can go up to Phoenix City and look. above from the building. ——"Mao Chi's Yellow Rhyme in the Southwest Corner of Climbing City" by Zhang Dan

6. The thin crescent moon hangs on the curtain hook, and the maple leaves and reed flowers separate the autumn water. . ——Li Zan’s “Two Songs of Yuzhuang · Part 2”

7. Looking forward to seeking the beauty of this romance, yearning for it and shining brightly in the eyes of wonder. The color of maple condenses loyalty, tenacity, optimism and perseverance, and is full of pride to render the magnificent picture of life.

8. The falling snow spreads across Nagisa and the maple leaves roll across the flat fields. ——Looking at the Forbidden City of Li Shen

9 The maple leaves all over the mountain are like a pile of burning fire, shining like silk, like clouds, like the sunset and red. flags fly all over the mountain.

10. New yellow leaves and red persimmon leaves are also combined with bird mortar and red maple. ——Yang Wanli “The Sigh of Autumn Rain in the Autumn Mountains”

11. Red maple leaves bring the freshness of autumn.

12. The village is full of moonlight. Maple leaves and reed flowers share the soul. ——Qin Guan's "Nanxiangzi·Moonlight Manhu Village"

13. Maple leaves under the river town. Huai Shang heard the autumn anvil. ——"Send Congdi Fan for a Visit to Huainan" by Wang Wei

14. Maple leaves are the saddest in autumn She constantly uses the remaining breath of her soul that is on the not falling like a leaf. speaks of his desolation, but no one understands or cares. The maple leaves withered day by day, still suffering from the attack of frost, until the leaves fell and fell toearth.

15. The cold sun shines brightly on the maple leaves, and the maples fly in the icy wind. ——"Changfengsha" by Cai Kan

16. The autumn sky is near the old river, and the maple leaves are fluttering and hanging red. ——"Missing Title 2" by Chen Jiru

17. How calm the autumn night is in Dongting, with the fluffy temples floating in Maple Leaf Village. ——"Autumn Night in Shanzhai" by Zhang Ben

18 Hard, the color of maple, appreciate the temperament of the years, the beating of frost, as strong as iron, experience the waves stormy life, calm. like a rock, Flying over the bright red height of the tree tip.

19. The golden wind and dew make autumn look long, the color is blue, and the maple leaves are red. ——"Cheng Bozi Rhyme at Yungu Yahui" by Pang Song

20. The maple leaves all over the mountain are like clouds, like clouds,like red flags fluttering and waving all over the mountains and plains.

21. The maple leaves are cold on the isolated island, and the reed flowers on both sides of the riverbank are autumn. ——"Evening View from the River Tower" by Ye Yong

22. The green mountains in the area have lost their former greenery, and the dihua and maple leaves shine in the sunset . ——Ten Poems about Autumn by Wang maple leaves are flying ——Liang Dong's “Deposit Secretary”

24. Maple leaves are like dancing flames, vigorous and full of beauty.

25. . This maple leaf is like a palm tree, bright red, bright red;

26. I picked up a piece of red maple and compared it. from my hand, butThe color was very strong, as red as fire. The shape of the maple leaf resembles that of the palm of a hand, with a vein on each "finger", straight and slightly protruding. Just like the lines on our hands.

27. The autumn house is red with maple leaves and the door is white with reed flowers at night. ——Shen Zhou's “Fishing Village”

28. When the breeze blows, the maple leaves fall like flying butterflies.

29. Orange flowers bloom in Shandian and maple leaves are new in Jiangcheng. ——Send Zhou Zi to visit Jingnan of Cen Shen

30. You have shown me the spirit of autumn, the richness of autumn, the autumn of life As long as you have the persistence of maple leaves! , they will be red towards the sky and red in a burning flame.

31. I love you intensely, I love your enthusiasm and your wildness. It's you who dyes the colors of theautumn in red. It is you who gives me the reverie of autumn and the sigh of autumn. to the boundless maple leaves falling in the distance, When XXX shone like a burning flame, my heart was so drunk that the blood all over my body boiled and stirred.

32. The rising of the moon in the maple forest makes the monkeys bitter, and the sweet-scented osmanthus vomits in the cold weather in Guizhu. ——Liu Changqing "Entering the Stone Cave of Guizhu Cisha Niu"

33. Di flowers, maple leaves and water shields are missing in Jiangzhu, and the shield of water and perch recall their hometown. ——The "Autumn Wind" by Yu Qian

34. The current in the Zhaohui River is fast and the maple leaves are left with a lot of frost. ——Wang Wei's "Wan Shumeng Pavilion"

35. Hold your hand and listen to the maple leaves, open the door and wait for the lotus flowers to bloom. ——"Sending Li Zai to the Westof Zhejiang, the city official to be exempted from prison" by Shi Baotan

36. The fiery red maple leaf statueBeautiful morning glow.

37. I praise the maple leaves, they are red like fire and red like blood Bright red maple leaves You ignite the passion of autumn, you praise the passion of autumn I love you intensely, I love. your enthusiasm and your unleashing It is you who dyes the colors of autumn red It is you who gives me the reverie of autumn and the sigh of autumn When I look at the maple leaves without. boundaries in the distance and! are illuminated by the setting sun like burning flames, my heart was so drunk that the blood all over my body boiled and stirred Ah, maple leaf! of the splendor and preciousness of autumn

38 In the spring of the fishing village of Muyu, the autumn frost and the maple leaves.t in full bloom. ——"Wanxing in Yueyang, Spring in Muyu Fishing Village" by Zi Ziqi

39. In late autumn, maple leaves look like red clouds in the horizon.

40. From a distance I saw these fiery red maple leaves burning like balls of fire.

41. The Chengjiang River is like a full moon, with maple leaves and reeds stretching from one bank to the other. ——"Zhang Xuan's five-stone powder successfully used Xuan Zhenzi's nursery rhyme to delight the fifth part"

42. In autumn, the maple leaves of Xiangshan are like the sunset red.

43. The long forest is silent and the maple leaves are red, and the clear waves are still and the river is cold. ——Zhao Bingwen, "Yang Mijian's Photo of Fishing in Qiujiang River"

44. The maple leaves in autumn are fiery red, and many maple leaves gather together, tout like the sun hides in the woods and plays hide and seek. The shape of the maple leaf resembles that of the sole of a duck's foot. When it rains, there is a little dew on the maple leaves, which are clear. At this time, maple leaves are like a makeup box for red. The breeze blew gently and the tall trees shook slightly. Many maple leaves fell from the trees like red butterflies dancing in the air; they also looked like little dolls falling from the air. I quickly moved forward to grab them. , I couldn't help but fall in love with Hong Maple at this moment. The more I watched it, the more I fell in love with it, I believe you will also fall in love with Hong Maple.

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