Car owners generally think that increasing horsepower requires engine modifications. Zeng Chaoyuan, chief technician of Junli Auto Repair Service Company, revealed a little secret: to improve the power of the car, the speed will increase further without changing the engine.
Modification 1: Increase exhaust flow
It is worth mentioning that switching to an exhaust pipe with a larger diameter and faster flow can increase horsepower faster. It may take 3-4 seconds for the engine to reach 3000 RPM from 0. Changing to an exhaust with a higher flow rate may reduce the sound of that exhaust by 1-2 seconds seems very exciting, like high power. For cars, it is generally more suitable if the middle section of the exhaust pipe is about 15% larger than the original diameter. Additionally, if you choosea counterfeit or poor quality filter can damage engine components.
"For this reason, the filter must be replaced after traveling more than 5,000 kilometers, and certain brands of filters are recommended. It is recommended to use imported products."
Modification 2: Improve ignition efficiency
Since most vehicles currently use high-voltage ignition systems without distributors, high-voltage wires and spark plugs lose a large part of their energy, which is The voltage actually used for ignition is only a small part, therefore reduce the energy loss of the ignition system, by using spark plugs High energy and stable ignition, uniform mixing and good oil can increase the power by about 10%.
“Many car owners believe that fuel consumption will be higher if the power isincreased. In fact, good modifications are very fuel efficient. » Zeng Chaoyuan analyzed that it is better to clean fuel injectors regularly. When driving for a long time, fuel injectors are prone to carbon deposits, inaccurate ignition and insufficient combustion will cause power loss.