Xinyu City Bus Routes

Introduction Xinyu City Bus Routes 1 and 101: Chongqing University of Technology Campus No. 3 - Railway Station First class: 06:00 Last class: 22:05 Route direction: University of Technology Campus No. 3 of Chongqing—Chongqing University of Technology—Discount

Xinyu City Bus Routes

Route 1, 101: Chongqing University of Technology Campus No. 3 – Station

First shift: 06:00 Last shift: 22:05

Route direction: No.3 Campus of Chongqing University of Technology—Chongqing College of Engineering—Preferential Zone—Twenty-Five Enterprise—Xianlai Park—Municipal Party Committee—Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce—Municipal Radio Center and Television—Taiping Life Insurance—Qiaobei—Maternal and Child. Health Hospital—Xinhua Bookstore—KFC—Xin Yaxin—Station—Golden Triangle—Qiao North—Taiping Life Insurance—Municipal Radio and Television Center—Municipal Construction Bureau—Municipal Party Committee—Xianlai Park—Unicom Company —Changlin Intersection—City No. Middle School 5—Yugong Campus No. 3

2. Route 102: Sanliangku No.3 Dieyuan Xinyu Bridge

First shift: 06:35 Last shift: 22:00

Route direction: Sanliangku-Chongqing Institute of Technology-Preferential Zonethe-Twenty-Five Companies—Xianlai Park—Municipal Party Committee—Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce—Municipal Radio and Television Center—Taiping Life Insurance—Qiaobei—Kindergarten and Child Health Hospital—Xinhua Bookstore— Huarui Hotel—Tianheng International Plaza—Sandie Garden—Kixing Pavilion—Yushui Church—Kangju Intersection—Xinyu Bridge—District Forestry Bureau—Guanxia Village—City No. 3 Middle School—Singapore Community—Telecommunications Building—Traditional Chinese Hospital medicine—Haitong Securities—Maternal and Child Health Hospital—Qiaobei—Taiping Life Insurance—Municipal Radio and Television Center—Municipal Construction Bureau—Municipal Party Committee—Xianlai Park—China Unicom - Changlin Intersection - No. 5 Middle School from the city - Sanliangku

Route 3, 103: Steel Wire Factory - Xinyu Bridge

First shift: 06:30 Last shift: 21:30

Direction of the route: Steel wire factory - South gate of the thirdmy campus of Chongqing University of Technology - Third Campus of Chongqing University of Technology - Chongqing University of Technology - Preferential Zone - Twenty-five Companies - Xianlai Park - Municipal Party Committee - Municipal Industry Bureau and Commerce - Municipal Radio and Television Center — Taiping Life Insurance — Qiaobei — Maternal and Child Health Hospital — Xinhua Bookstore — Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital — District Government — Kangju Intersection — No. 3 Middle School town—Guanxia Village—District Forestry Bureau—Xinyu Bridge—Kangju Intersection—Kangju Road—Singapore Community—Telecommunications Building—Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital—Haitong Securities—Maternal and Child Health Hospital—Qiaobei—Taiping Life Insurance —Municipal Radio and Television Center—Municipal Construction Bureau—Municipal Party Committee—Xianlai Park—Unicom Company—Changlin Intersection—City CollHall No. 5 — Yugong Campus No. 3 — Chongqing South Gate of Gongsan Campus — Steel Wire Factory

4 Route 104: Sanliangku — Shuixi

First shift: 06:35 . Last shift: 6:00 p.m. Line direction: Sanliangku - Chongqing Institute of Technology - Preferential Zone - Twenty-Five Company - Xianlai Park - Municipal Party Committee - Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce commerce - Municipal Radio and Television Center - Jinjue Hotel - Seventh Hospital - Municipal Industrial and Commercial Bank - Fourth Hospital — Xinyu Customs — Jiangnan Institute of Technology — Qianwei — Gangcheng Furniture Plaza — Lijiacun — Donghua College — Xinxin Driving School — Xijiabian — Baishuitang Village — Zhenshang Village — No. 16 Center School — >

Laoliang Station- Shuixi - Shuixi Market - Shuixi Health Hospital - Shuixi Gas Station - Shuixi Yifu Primary School - Shuixi Zhongshan Middle School - Shuixi City Government - Xinhe Pharmaceutical - No. 16 Town Middle School - Zhenshang Village - Baishuitang Village - Xijiabian - Xinxin Driving School - Donghua College — Lijiacun — Gangcheng Furniture Plaza — avant-garde — Jiangnan Institute of Technology — Xinyu Customs — Fourth Hospital — Municipal Industrial and Commercial Bank — Seventh Hospital — Jinjue Hotel — Municipal Radio and Television Center Television—Municipal Construction Bureau—Municipal Party Committee—Xianlai Park—China Unicom—Changlin Intersection—City Middle School No. 5—Sanliangku

5, 105 Road: Sun Yat-sen University - Park North Village

First class: 06:50 Last class: 17:35

Route direction: Sun Yat-sen-Municipal University Middle East Fourth Gate - Certification Center - Office newspapers - OfficeMunicipal Letters and Complaints - Municipal Federation of Trade Unions - Qingquan Garden - Nar Shopping Center - Guangdong New Materials Market - Limutang - City No. 9 Middle School - Maternal and Child Health Hospital - Xinhua Bookstore - Baoshi Park - Xingang Hospital - Cultural District - Xingang Vegetable Market — Park Park Nancun — Beicun Food Market — Park Park North Village

Park Park North Village — Beicun Food Market — Park Park South Village — Xingang Food Market — Cultural District — Xingang Hospital — Baoshi Park — Haitong Securities — Maternal and Child Health Hospital — City No. 9 Middle School — Limutang — Guangdong New Building Materials Market — Nar Shopping Center — Qingquan Garden — Municipal Federation of Trade Unions — Municipal Letters and Appeals Bureau—Newspaper Bureau—Certification Center—Municipal Fourth East Gate—Sun Yat University-sen

Route 6, 106: Sanliangku—Economic Development Zone

First shift: 07:05 Last time: 17:10

Route direction: Sanliangku—Institute of Chongqing Technology—Preferential Zone—Twenty-five Enterprises—Xianlai Park—Municipal Party Committee—Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce—Municipal Radio and Television Center—Jinjue Hotel—Seventh Hospital—Municipal Industrial and Commercial Bank of China—Fourth Hospital—Xinyu Customs—Jiangnan Institute of Technology—Qianwei—Gangcheng Furniture Plaza—Lijiacun—Shopping Mall—Oriental Flower Town—Yaojiabian—Chunlong Group—Liuxin Industrial Park—Bus Parking lot—Xinyu Pharmaceutical—Huateng Carpet —Gujiacun—Feiyu Group—Nanguo Furniture—Development Zone Management Committee—Tiangong College—Lijiacun—Gangcheng Furniture Plaza—Qianwei—Jiangnan Institute of Technology—Xinyu Customs—Fourth Hospital—Industrial and Commercial Bank of China—Seventh Hospital —Jinjue Hotel—Municipal Radio and Television Center—Municipal Construction Bureau—Municipal Party Committee—Xianlai Park—China Unicom—Changlin Intersection - City No. 5 Middle School - Sanliangku

Route 7, 203 : Bus Terminal - Railway Station

First shift: 06:40 Last shift: 18:00

Route direction: Bus terminal—Chongqing University of Technology—Changlin intersection—Ziyan intersection —Municipal Urban Management Bureau —Zhushan Intersection—Nar Mall—Guangdong New Materials Market—Limutang—City No. 9 Middle School—Maternal and Child Health Hospital—Xinhua Bookstore - KFC - Xin Yaxin - Station - Triangle Golden - City No. 9 Middle School - Limutang - Guangdong New Building Materials Market - Nar Mall - Zhushan Intersection - Municipal Urban Management Bureau - Ziyan Intersection - Changlin Intersection - Chongqing Institute of Technology - Terminal bus

Route 8,301: Changhong - People's Hospital

First shift: 06:20 Last shift: 22:10

Line direction: Changhong — Changlin — City No. 4 Middle School — Certificate Application Center — News Agency — Municipal Letters and Appeals Office — Municipal Party Committee—Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce—Municipal Radio and Television Center—Taiping Life—Qiaobei—Maternal and Child Health Hospital—Xinhua Bookstore —Huarui Hotel—Tianheng International Plaza—People's Hospital - Xingang Hospital - Baoshi Park - Haitong Securities - Kindergarten and Child Health Hospital - Qiaobei - Taiping Life Insurance - Municipal Radio and Television Center - Municipal Construction Bureau - Committee Municipal Party - Municipal Letters and Appeals Office - News Agency - Certificate Application Center - Municipal College No. 4 - Changlin - Changhong

Route 9, 302: Sun Yat-sen-Bouldering University Park

First lesson: 6 a.m.30 Last class: 9:20 p.m.

Route direction: Sun Yat- Sen University-City No. 4 Middle School East Gate—Certificate Application Center—Beihu Hotel—Second Courtyard of the Municipal Party Committee— Agricultural Bank of China—Gas Company—Jinjue Hotel—Taiping Life Insurance—Qiaobei—Maternal and Child Health Hospital—Xinhua Bookstore—Huarui Hotel—Tianheng International Plaza—People's Hospital—Xin Steel Hospital—Baoshi Park—Haitong Securities— Maternal and Child Health Hospital—Qiaobei—Taiping Life Insurance—Jinjue Hotel—Gas Company—Agricultural Bank of China—Second Hospital of the Municipal Party Committee—Beihu Hotel—Certification Center—East Fourth Municipal Gate—Zhongshan University< / p>

Route 10, 303: Middle School No. 3 of Changhong Station

First shift: 06:25 Last shift: 9:43 p.m.

Line direction: Changhong -Changlin- City No. 4 Middle School—Certification Center—Beihu Hotel—Second Courtyard of the Municipal Party Committee—AgribankChina School—Gas Company—Beihu Garden—Qiaobei Village—Jiyang Century City—East of the Fourth Hospital—Telecommunications Bureau—No. 1 City Middle School—Nanhu Park West—District Finance Bureau—Nanhu Park—Market equipment—Chengdong Bus Station—City No. 3 Middle School—Singapore Community—Telecommunications Building—Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital—KFC—Xin Yaxin—Station—Zhanqian East Road—Nanhu Park West—No. Middle School 1 of the city—Telecommunications Bureau—East of the Fourth Hospital—Jiyang Rose City—Jiyang School—Warm House—Gas Company—Agricultural Bank of China—Second Hospital of the Municipal Party Committee—Beihu Hotel—Certificate Application Center— City No. 4 Middle School—Changlin—Changhong

Route 11,304: Sun Yat-sen City University Station No. 3 Middle School

First class: 06:40 Last class: 9:00 p.m.

Itinerary direction: Sun Ya Universityt-sen-Rive Lvjingshui - Beihu Park - Chunlong Lake Garden - Beihu Star City - Qingfeng Garden - Maojia Primary School - Power Plant Housing Area - Maojia Village - Jinjue Hotel - Taiping Life Insurance - Qiaobei - Maternal and Child Health Hospital - Ganxi Power Station—Station—Golden Triangle—Qiaobei—Taiping Life Insurance—Jinjue Hotel—Shaxin Intersection—Power Station Housing Area—Yangjiacun—Qingfeng Garden—Beihu Star City—Chunlong Lakeside Garden—Park Beihu—Lvjing Waterfront—Sun Yat-sen University

Route 12, 305: Yangtiangang Station Block Park

First shift: 06:45 Last shift: 9:00 p.m.

Line direction: Yangtiangang—Safety Supervision Bureaurity of coal mines—Fenyi Power Plant Housing Area—Beixin Ecological Garden—Municipal Court—Beihu Star City—Audit Building—Armed Police Detachment—Chengbei Place—Bus Company—Interchange Bridge of Changqing—Yujiang Garden—Kangsheng Garden—Maternal and Child Health Hospital—Xinhua Bookstore—Huarui Hotel—Tianheng International Plaza—People's Hospital—Xinang Hospital—Baoshi Park—KFC—Xinyaxin—Station—Golden Triangle—Kangsheng Garden—Garden Yujiang—Changqing Interchange Bridge—Bus Company—Chengbei Square—Armed Police Detachment—Audit Building—Beihu Star City—Municipal Court—Beixin Ecological Garden—Fenyi Power Station District—Supervision Bureau Coal Mine Safety—Yangtiangang

Route 13, 306: Changhong—New University Campus

First shift: 7:05 a.m. Last shift: 5:30 p.m. line: Changhong—Changlin—City No. 4 Middle School—Certification Center—Hotel Beihu—Second Court of the Municipal Party Committee—Agricultural Bank of China—Gas Company—Power Plant Housing Area - Vehicle Management Office - Moon Bay Community - Human Resources Market - Sports Center - Municipal Office of land management - Tianrun Logistics - Chunlong Hotel - Yaojiabian - Chunlong Group - Liuxin Industrial Park - Bus Parking - Dongjiabian — Xinxing Yarn Industry — Dasheng Science and Technology Park — Shoe and Hat Factory — New University Campus

New University Campus—Shoe and Hat Factory—Dasheng Science and Technology Park—Xinxing Yarn Industry—Dongjiabian—Bus Parking—Liuxin Industrial Park—Sawei—Yaojiabian—Chunlong Hotel—Tianrun Logistics—Municipal Land Management Office—Sports Center—Human Resources Market—Moon Moon Bay Community—Vehicle Management Office—Power Plant Housing Area—VilMaojia Lage—Gas Company—Municipal Agricultural Bank of China - Second Court of the Municipal Party Committee - Beihu Hotel - Certificate Application Center - No. 4 Municipal College - Changlin - Changhong

Route 14, 401 : Xinfang Station Block Park

First shift: 06:34 End shift: 21:25

Line direction: Xinfang - Moon Bay Community - Vehicle Management Office - Power Plant Housing Area - Maojia Village - Jinjue Hotel - Taiping Life - Qiaobei - Maternal and Child Health Hospital — Xinhua Bookstore — Huarui Hotel — Tianheng International Plaza — People's Hospital — Xingang Hospital — Baoshi Park — Haitong Securities — Maternal and Child Health Hospital — Qiaobei — Taiping Life Insurance — Jinjue Hotel — Shaxin Intersection — Power Plant Living Zone — Institute of Vehicle Administration - Moon Bay Community - Xinfang

Road 15, 402: Station - Xinfang

First shift: 06:30 Fromlast shift: 9:35 p.m.

< p >Route direction: Xinfang—Yueyuewan Community—Vehicle Management Bureau—Power Plant Housing Area—Maojia Village—Jinjue Hotel—Taiping Life Insurance— Qiaobei—Maternal and Child Health Hospital—Xinhua Bookstore—KFC—Xinya New—Station—Golden Triangle—Qiaobei—Taiping Life Insurance—Jinjue Hotel—Shaxin Intersection—Power Station Housing Area—Resource Management Bureau vehicles—Moon Moon Bay Community—Xinfang

Route 16, 501: Railway Station—Hexia

< p >First shift: 06:15 Last shift: 18:00

Directorate of line: Railway Station-Golden Triangle-Qiaobei-Taiping Life Insurance-Municipal Radio and Television Center-Municipal Construction Bureau-Municipal Party Committee-Xianlai Park-China Unicom —Changlin Intersection—City n Middle School #5—Yugong Campus No. 3—Gas Station No. 4—Water Plant No. 3—Steel Wire Factory—Taian Driving School—Lishan Village—Villagee Zhengjia—Mufu Villa—Bright Steel Market—Hexia Vegetable Market—Agricultural Bank of China—Hexia Industrial and Commercial Office - Metallurgical Technician College - Fairy Lake Restaurant

Fairy Restaurant Lake - Metallurgical Technician College - Hexia Industrial and Commercial Office - Hexia Agricultural Bank of China - Hexia Vegetable Market - Huachen Steel Market - Mufushan Villa - Zhengjiacun - Lishan Village - Tai'an Driving School — Steel Wire Factory—Third Water Factory—Fourth Gas Station—Third Yugong Campus—Yugong College—Preferential Zone—Twenty-Five Companies—Xianlai Park—Municipal Party Committee—Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce commerce—Municipal Radio and Television Center—Taiping Life Insurance—Qiaobei—Golden Triangle—Station

Route 17,502: Station—Jiangkou Pier

First departure: 06:20 Last departure: 5:20 p.m.

ItineraryDirection: Station-Golden Triangle-Jardin Kangsheng-Jardin Yujiang-Jinxiu Garden-Tiantian Kindergarten-Sunshine 365-Second Hospital-Electric Factory-South Gate of the Third Campus of Chongqing University of Technology-Steel Wire Factory-Taian Driving School-Lishan Village- Zhengjia Village- Confused Villa—Huachen Steel Market—Hexia Food Market—Hexia Agricultural Bank of China—Hexia Industrial and Commercial Office—College of Metallurgical Technicians—Fairy Lake Restaurant—Hexia Administrative Center— Louqiao Village—Longhu Village—Jiangkou—Jiangkou Wharf

Jiangkou Wharf — Jiangkou — Longhu Village — Louqiao Village — Hexia Administrative Center — Fairy Lake Restaurant — Metallurgical Technician College — Office Hexia Industrial and Commercial Company—Hexia Agricultural Bank of China—Hexia Vegetable Market—Huachen Steel Market—Hutu Villa—Zhengjiacun—Lishan Village—Taian Driving School—Steel Wire Factory-Third Campus South Gate from Chong University of Technologyqing-Electricity Factory-Second Hospital-Sunshine 365-Tiantian Kindergarten-Jinxiu Garden-Yujiang Garden-Kangsheng Garden -Golden Triangle-Station

Route 18, 503: Station—Fairy Lake

First departure: 06:40 Last departure: 17:35

Direction line: Railway Station—Golden Triangle—Qiaobei—Taiping Life Insurance—Municipal Radio and Television Center—Municipal Office construction-Municipal Party Committee-Xianlai Park-China Unicom-Changlin Intersection-City No. 5 Middle School-Yugong No. 3 Campus-South Gate of Yugong No. 3 Campus-Steel Wire Factory-School Driving Taian-Lishan Village-Zhengjia Village-Mufu Villa-Huachen Steel Market — Hexia Vegetable Market — Hexia Agricultural Bank of China — Hexia Industrial and Commercial Office — Metallurgical Technician College — Restaurant Fairy Lake — Hexia Former Toll Station — Greystone Village — Liquan Village — Gengshang Village — Hexia Expressway Management Station — Banpi Village — Sculpture of Fairy Lake — Yanjia Village - Gaotou Village - Louxia Village - Maritime Safety Bureau - Fairy Lake

< Fairy Lake - Maritime Safety Bureau - Louxia Village - Gaotou Village - Yanjia Village - Sculpture Fairy Lake - Banpi Village - Hexia Highway Management Station - Geng Shangcun - Liquan Village - Huishixia Village - Hexia Old Toll Station - Fairy Lake Restaurant - Metallurgical Technician College - Industrial and Industrial Office Hexia Commercial - Hexia Agricultural Bank of China - Hexia Vegetable Market - Huachen Steel Market - Hutu Villa - Zhengjia Village - Lishan Village - Tai'an Driving School - Steel Wire Factory - South Gate of the Third Campus of Chongqing University of Technology - Third Campus of Chongqing University of Technology - Preferential Zone - Twenty-Five Company - Xianlai Park - Municipal Party Committee - Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce - Municipal Radio and Commerce CenterTelevision - Taiping Life Insurance - Qiaobei - Golden Triangle - Railway Station < /p>

Route 19, 601: Shuixi - Railway Station

First summer shift: 06:30 Last shift winter: 9:00 p.m.

Line direction: Lao Grain Station - Shuixi - Shuixi Market - Shuixi Health Center - Shuixi Gas Station - Shuixi Yifu Primary School - Shuixi Zhongshan Middle School - Government of Shuixi Town - Xinhe Pharmaceutical - No. 16 City Middle School - Zhenshang Village - Baishui Tangcun - - Xinyu Customs - Fourth Hospital - Municipal Industrial and Commercial Bank of China - Seventh Hospital - Jinjue Hotel - Taiping Life Insurance - Qiaobei - Maternal and Child Health Hospital - Xinhua Bookstore - KFC - Xinya New - Railway Station - Golden Triangle - Qiaobei - Taiping Life Insurance - Ji Hotelnjue - Seventh Hospital - Municipal Industrial and Commercial Bank of China - Fourth Hospital - Xinyu Customs - Jiangnan Institute of Technology — Avantgarde — Gangcheng Furniture Plaza — Lijia Village — Donghua College — Xinxin Driving School — Xijiabian — Baishuitang Village — Village of Zhenshang — City TenCollege No. 6 - Xinhe Pharmaceutical - Shuixi City Government - Shuixi Zhongshan Middle School - Shuixi Yifu Primary School - Shuixi Gas Station - Shuixi Market - Shuixi - Laoliang Station

No. 20 , 602: Machine No. 1 Repair - Park Beicun

First shift: 06:30 Last shift: 21:40

Line direction: Machine repair No. 1 - Gangcheng Furniture Plaza - Qianwei - Jiangnan Institute of Technology - Xinyu Customs - Fourth Hospital - Industrial and Commercial Bank of China - Seventh Hospital - Jinjue Hotel - Taiping Life Insurance - Qiaobei - Maternal and Child Health Hospital - Xinhua Bookstore - Baoshi Park - Hopital Xingang - Cultural District - Xingang Vegetable Market - Park South Village - Beicun Food Market - Village Park North Cultural District - Xingang Hospital - Baoshi Park - Haitong Securities - Maternal and Child Health Hospital - Qiaobei - Taiping Life Insurance - Jinjue Hotel-Seventh Hospital-Industrial and Commercial Bank of China-Fourth Hospital-Xinyu Customs-Jiangnan Institute of Technology -Qianwei-Gangcheng Furniture Plaza-First Machine Repair

Route 21, 701: Railway Station-Erhua


First shift: 07:00 Last shift: 20:35

Line direction: Railway Station - Golden Triangle - Maternal and Child Health Hospital - Xinhua Bookstore - Baoshi Park - Xingang Hospital - Cultural District - Xingang Vegetable Market - Xingang Middle School - Tieshan - Auto Repair Workshop de Xingang - Huanshan - Wuyi Road Intersection - Yuanhe Community - Xiaolukou - Yingjia New Village - Shuangqiao Market - Jianhe Concrete Company - Yuanhe Office - Railway Overpass - Yuanhe Industrial Platform - Songpi - Power Station Electric - Erhua

Erhua - Power Plant - Songpi - Yuanhe Industrial Platform - Railway Overpass - Yuanhe Office - Jianhe Concrete Company - Shuangqiao Market - Yingjia New Village - Xiaolukou - Community Yuanhe - Wuyikou - Huanshan - Xingang Auto Repair Factory - Tieshan - Xingang Middle School - Xingang Vegetable Market - Cultural District - Xingang Hospital - Baoshi Park - Haitong Securities - Maternal and Child Health Hospital - Golden Triangle - Railway Station

Route 22, 702: Xinfang-Erhua

First shift: 06:55 Last shift: 18:05

Route direction: Xinfang - Moon Community Bay - Management Officevehicle operation - Power supply Factory housing area - Maojia Village - Jinjue Hotel - Municipal Radio and Television Center - Municipal Construction Bureau - Municipal Party Committee - Xianlai Park - China Unicom - Changlin Intersection - School No. 5 city intermediary - No. 3 Campus of Chongqing University of Technology - No. 4 Gas Station - Shuangqiao Market - Jianhe Concrete Company - Yuanhe Office - Railway Passage - Yuanhe Industrial Platform - Songpi - Power Station - Erhua of Chongqing University of Technology-Preferential Area of ​​Chongqing University of Technology-Twenty-five Enterprises-Xianlai Park-Municipal Party Committee-Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce-Municipal Radio and Hundredtelevision station-Jinjue Hotel-Shaxin Intersection-Power Station Living Area-Vehicle Management Office-Moon Moon Bay Community-Xinfang

23, Route 801: Economic Development Zone - Moon Hospital people

First shift: 06:50 Last shift: 21:24

Route direction: Xincheng Group-Xinwanglong-Bus Parking -willowNew Industrial Park - Saiwei - Yaojiabian - Oriental Flower Town - Business Center - Lijia Village - Gangcheng Furniture Plaza - Qianwei - Jiangnan Institute of Technology - Xinyu Customs - Fourth Hospital - Municipal Industrial and Commercial Bank of China - Seventh Hospital - Jinjue Hotel - Taiping Life - Qiaobei - Health Hospital maternal and child - Xinhua Bookstore - Huarui Hotel - Tianheng International Plaza - People's Hospital -China Industrial and Commercial Union—Fourth Hospital—Xinyu Customs—Jiangnan Institute of Technology—Qianwei—Gangcheng Furniture Plaza—Lijia Village—Business Center—Oriental Flower Town—Yaojiabian—Chunlong Group—Liuxin Industrial Park—Parking for bus—Xin Wanglong—Xincheng Group

Route 24, 802: City No. 3 Middle School—Highway Intersection

First shift: 6:40 a.m. Last shift: 9:20 p.m.

Line direction: City No. 3 College – Singapore Community – Telecommunications Building – Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital – KFC – Xin Yaxin – Station – Golden Triangle – Qiaobei – Taiping Life Insurance – Jin Jue Hotel – Seventh Hospital – Industrial and Commercial City Bank of China — Fourth Hospital — Bus Station — People's Hospital — Jiuding Market — Wetland Park Phase II — Highway Intersection

Intersection of the highway — Wetland Park Phase II — Jiuding Market — Hospitalal popular — Bus station — Fourth Hospital—China City Industrial and Commercial Bank—Seventh Hospital—Jinjue Hotel—Taiping Life Insurance—Qiaobei—Maternal and Child Health Hospital—Xinhua Bookstore—Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital—Government of district—Kangju Intersection—City No. 3 Middle School< /p>

No. 25, 803: Wetland Park - People's Hospital

First shift: 6:30 a.m. Last shift: 9:20 p.m.


Route direction: Wetland Park - Sports Center - Gold Coast Hotel - Jiyang Rose City - Jiyang Rose City Yang School—Warm House—Gas Company—Agricultural Bank of China—Armed Police Detachment—Chengbei Square —Bus Company—Changqing Interchange Bridge—Yujiang Garden—Kangsheng Garden—Kindergarten and Child Health Hospital—Xinhua Bookstore—Huarui Hotel—Tianheng International Plaza—People's Hospital—Xinang Hospital—Baoshi Park—Haitong Securities—Hotel maternal and child health—Kangsheng Garden—Yuji Gardenang—Changqing Interconnection Bridge—Bus Company—Chengbei Square—Armed Police Detachment—Agricultural Bank of China—Gas Company—Beihu Garden—Beicun Bridge—Jiyang Century City—Gold Coast Hotel—Sports Center—Wetland Park

Route 26 804: Railway Station—New University Campus

First class: 06:10 Class: 20:40

Route direction: Railway station - Golden Triangle - Maternal and Child Health Hospital - Xinhua Bookstore - Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital - District Government - Kangju Intersection - City No. 3 Middle School - Tongji Bridge - Zhangcun - International Star City—Xinyu Customs—Jiangnan Institute of Technology— avant-garde—Gangcheng Furniture Plaza—Lijiacun—Tiangong College—Development Zone Management Committee—Nanguo Furniture—Feiyu Group—Gujiacun—Huateng Carpet—Xinyu Pharmaceutical—Dongjiabian—Xinxing Thread Industry—Dasheng Science and Technology Park—Factory shoes and chapeaux — New University Campus

New University Campus — Shoe and Hat Factory — Dasheng Science and Technology Park — Xinxing Thread Industry — Dongjiabian — Xinyu Pharmaceuticals — Huateng Carpet — Gujiacun — Feiyu Group — Nanguo Furniture —Development Zone Management Committee—Tiangong College—Lijiacun—Gangcheng Furniture Plaza—Qianwei—JiangSouthern Polytechnic - Xinyu Customs - International Star City - Zhangcun - Tongji Bridge - College City No. 3 - Singapore Community - Building Telecommunications - Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital - KFC - Xinyaxin - Railway Station

27,901 Route: Park North Village - Railway Station

First departure: 06:45 a.m. Last departure: 21:25 p.m.

Route Direction: Park North Village - Beicun Vegetable Market - Park South Village - Xingang Vegetable Market --Cultural District—Xingang Hospital—Baoshi Park—KFC—Xin Yaxin—Station

Station—Golden Triangle—Hospital dMaternal and child health—Xinhua Bookstore—Huarui Hotel—Tianheng International Plaza—People's Center Hospital—Cultural District—Xingang Vegetable Market—Gongyuan Nancun—Beicun Vegetable Market—Gongyuan Beicun

Route 28 , 903: Sandie Garden — Liu Family

First shift: 07:05 Class: 18:00

Line direction: Sandieyuan - Yuanhe Hotel - Ju'an Intersection - Xingang Construction Company - Office of Yuanhe - Dashuigou Village - Liujia Village Committee

Liujia Village Committee—Dashuigou Village—Yuanhe Office—Xingang Construction Company—Juan Intersection—Yuanhe Hotel—Sandieyuan

Route 29, 904: Sun Yat-sen University Station Yushui No. 1 Middle School

First class: 06:40 Last class: 21:45

Directorate of route: Sun Yat-sen University-Middle East Fourth Municipal Gate-Jiangxia-Laowuchang Hospital-Second Hospital-Sunshine 365-Tiantian Kindergarten-Jardin Jinxiu - Yujiang Garden - Kangsheng Garden - Maternal and Child Health Hospital - Xinhua Bookstore - Huarui Hotel - Tianheng International Plaza - Sandie Garden - Yuzhou Bridge - Liaojia Village - Zhushan Village - Yushui No. 1 Middle School p>

Yushui No. 1 Middle School—Zhushan Village—Liaojia Village—Yuzhou Bridge—Sandie Garden—Kixing Pavilion—Yushui Church—Kangju Intersection—Telecommunications Building—Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital—KFC— Xinyaxin - Railway Station - Golden Triangle - Kangsheng Garden - Yujiang Garden - Jinxiu Garden - Tiantian Kindergarten - Sunshine 365 - Second Hospital - Laowuchang - Jiangxia Hospital - Fourth East City Gate - Sun Yat-sen University

30, dedicated line of Hexia troops of the station

First summer shift: 00. :00 Last winter shift: 00:00

Line direction: Station - Golden Triangle - Qiaobei - Taiping Life Insurance —Municipal Radio and Television Center—BMunicipal Building Office—Municipal Party Committee—Xianlai Park—China Unicom—Changlin Intersection—City Middle School No. 5—Yugong Campus No. 3—South Gate of Yugong Campus No. 3—Steel Wire Factory —Hexia Troops

Hexia Troops—Steel Wire Factory—Chongqing South Gate Third Campus of the University of Technology—Third Campus of Chongqing University of Technology—Chongqing University of Technology— Preferential Zone—Enterprise No. 25—Xianlai Park—Municipal Party Committee—Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce—Municipal Radio and Television Center—Taiping Life Insurance—Qiaobei—Golden Triangle - Railway Station

31 Changhong Night Line Wetland Park

First summer flight: 6:35 p.m. Last winter flight: 9:30 p.m.

Line direction. : Changhong Hong—Changlin—City No. 4 Middle School—Certification Center—Beihu Hotel—Second Courtyard of the Municipal Party Committee—Agricultural Bank of China—Gas Company—Residence AreaPower Plant Station—Vehicle Management Office—Moon Moon Bay Community—Human Resource Market—Sports Center—Wetland Park

Wetland Park—Sports Center—Human Resource Market—Moon Moon Community Bay—Vehicle Management Bureau—Power Plant Housing Area—Maojia Village—Gas Company—Agricultural Bank of China—Second Courtyard of the Municipal Party Committee—Beihu Hotel—Certificate Application Center—City No. .4 Middle School—Changlin—Changhong< /p>

32. Night Line Wetland Park of Chongqing Institute of Technology

First summer class: 6:30 p.m. Winter class: 9:35 p.m.

Line direction: Chongqing Institute of Technology Chongqing - Discount District—No. 25 Enterprise—Xianlai Park—Municipal Party Committee—Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce—Municipal Radio and Television Center—Jinjue Hotel—Seventh Hospital—Municipal Industrial and Commercial Bank of China – Fourth Hospital– Fourth Hospital East – Gold Coast Hotel – Sports Center – Wetland Park

Wetland Park – Sports Center – Gold Coast Hotel – Fourth Hospital East – Fourth Hospital – Municipal Industrial and Commercial Bank of China – Seventh Hospital—Jin Jue Hotel—Municipal Radio and Television Center—Municipal Construction Bureau—Municipal Party Committee—Xianlai Park—China Unicom—Changlin Intersection—City No. 5 Middle School

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    Four 3.7V lithium batteries in series and parallel produce 7.4V/4.4A. I personally think it is impossible to reduce it to 4.8V/4.4A. Because the discharge platform of lithium batteries is generally set
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    What are the materials of the negative electrodes of lithium batteries? The main commercial applications of lithium batteries include graphite, which is a sheet of copper used to guide current and which does not react. another safe
  • The difference between 18500 and 26500 batteries

    What is the difference between 18500 and 26500 batteries? The answer above is 18650. The person asking the question should ask what is the difference between 18505 and 26500 batteries. In the case of Fuant ER1
  • What does 3.7V 80mAh written on a lithium battery mean?

    What does 3.7V 80mAh written on a lithium battery mean? 3.7 V, 80 mA = 0.08 A, H means 1 hour, or 3600 seconds. Taken together, it is
  • How long does a lithium battery (cell phone battery) last?

    How long does a lithium battery (cell phone battery) last? The lifespan of mobile phone batteries, under normal conditions of use and without serious impact, the lifespan set by the manufacturer must be 5 years.
  • Will lithium batteries explode when charging?

    Will lithium batteries explode when charged? Will lithium batteries explode when charged? Lithium battery explosions usually occur during the charging process, because the negative electrode material of lithium batteries is graphite or other carbon materi
  • Parameters of lgdas31865 lithium battery

    Parameters of lgdas31865 lithium battery The parameters of lgdas31865 lithium battery are as follows: LGDAS31865 is a model 18650 lithium battery with a capacity of
  • What are the main components of lithium battery electrolyte?

    What are the main components of lithium battery electrolyte? The composition of lithium battery electrolyte is shown below. 1. Ethylene carbonate: molecular formula C3H4O3. Colorless transparent liquid (>35℃), room temperature
  • Who are the lithium battery manufacturers in Shandong?

    What are the lithium battery manufacturers in Shandong? Shandong Shengyang Power Supply Co., Ltd. and Shandong Weineng Environmental Protection Power Technology Co., Ltd. 1. Shandong Shengyang Power Supply Co., Ltd. is located in Shengyang, Qufu City.
  • Types of drone batteries available in 2024

    Part 1. Types of drone batteries available in 2024In 2024, drone batteries have advanced significantly, offering a range of options to cater to various needs in
  • How long does it take to charge 26650 battery?

    How long does it take to charge a 26650 battery? The charging time for a 26650 battery is generally between 3 and 6 hours, but the precise time depends on the power of the charger and the capacity of the battery. in general
  • For what?Sure, here's an article based on the phrase "For what?

    The simple yet profound question, "For what?" often serves as a gateway to deeper reflections on purpose and intention. It is a query that invites us to delve into the reasons behind actions, decisions, and circumstances that shape our lives and the wor
  • Choosing the Right Cart Battery

    This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need about cart batteries, from understanding different types to making an informed purchase decision.
  • 30mAh~500mAh 3.7 V Li-ion Battery

    Welcome to Ufine's collection of 3.7V lithium-ion batteries ranging from 30mAh to 500mAh. Explore a diverse range of compact and lightweight batteries suitable for various electronic devices,
  • Here are 10 essential facts about drone batteries for 2024.

    10 Key Facts About Drone Battery for 2024 In 2024, drone batteries have advanced significantly, offering a range of options to cater to various needs in the consumer, commercial, and industrial sectors. Below are the primary types of drone batteries avai
  • Could you please explain the difference among IMR, ICR, INR, and IFR 18650 batteries?

    What is the Difference Between IMR, ICR, INR, and IFR 18650 Battery?In 18650 batteries, discerning the differences among IMR, ICR, INR, and IFR types is fundamental for tailored and efficient battery usage. These distinct
  • Safety considerations for cart batteries

    Selecting the ideal cart battery is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and longevity of your electric vehicle or vaping device. This comprehensive guide w