Are there any famous aphorisms with stories behind them about inspiring people to study hard?

Introduction Are there any famous aphorisms with stories about people who study hard and travel from east to west? When will they return to the west? Lazy young man, old beggar. (Han Yuefu "Long Xing Song")

Are there any famous aphorisms with stories behind them about inspiring people to study hard?

When the rivers reach the sea from the east, when will they return to the west? Lazy young man, old beggar. ("Long Song Xing" by Han Yuefu)

After you pick hundreds of flowers and turn them into honey, it will be sweet for the one you work hard for. (Luo Yin)

Read it a hundred times, and its meaning will appear by itself. (Three Kingdoms)

Read thousands of volumes and write like a master. (Du Fu)

The reading method is to go step by step, read carefully, and think carefully. (Zhu Xi)

Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. (Liu Yi)

Read a book and gain wisdom.

If you don't eat, you will be hungry; if you don't study, you will be stupid.

If you don't move forward, you won't know how far you have to go; if you do not study hard, you will not understand the truth;

If a tree is not cultivatedé, it will not grow straight; if a person does not learn, he will have no knowledge.

It is better to enrich oneself with knowledge than to adorn oneself with pearls.

Bees pick hundreds of flowers to make sweet wine, and people read books to understand the truth.

Work is the source of knowledge; knowledge is the guide of life.

Knowledge is the torch of wisdom.

A sword will rust if it is not sharpened; a person will fall behind if they don't learn.

Lush plants need water; Growing teenagers need to learn.

The stars make the sky dazzling; knowledge allows people to increase their talents.

Make candles for clarity and read for reason.

Food nourishes the body and books enrich wisdom.

There are three most precious things in the world: conbirth, food and friendship. (Burmese proverb)

Books kept but not read are like waste paper. (British proverb)

It is better to accumulate knowledge than to accumulate gold and silver. (European proverb)

Modesty is the friend of learning

Mount Tai is not built for building, and knowledge is not for boasting. The sky says nothing about its height, and the earth says nothing about its height.

When the water is full, it will overflow; when the moon is full, it will suffer losses; when you are complacent, you will be defeated; when you are conceited, you will be foolish.

Buns have meat, not skin; people are well informed and don't talk about it.

If you are not honest, you will achieve nothing, and if you are not humble, you will know nothing. Those who are not right-thinking will be well informed, and those who are not complacentwill benefit from it.

A humble person always thinks about his faults; a proud person always praises his own strengths.

To congratulate yourself is to put yourself down. Complacency is the end of wisdom.

If having a beard means you are knowledgeable, then a goat can also give lectures.

Success is the ladder allowing the humble to advance and the slide allowing the proud to retreat.

People who brag about their knowledge are promoting their ignorance.

Exaggerating is useless. The more superficial the knowledge, the deeper the trust.

A calm and taciturn person may not be stupid, and an eloquent person may not be wise.

A wide river is calm, and a knowledgeable person is humble. Scholars are not afraid that their clothes will be torn, but they are afraid that their stomachs will be empty.

Mountains are never too high andthe water is never too deep. Pride is the precursor to failure.

Pride comes from superficiality and arrogance comes from ignorance. Pride is the beginning of failure and complacency is the end of wisdom.

People who lie are like firecrackers, they explode once and that's it. Only when it is difficult to discern clearly can we shed light on things; only when the scales are balanced can we weigh things.

Humility is the friend of learning, and complacency is the enemy of learning.

The enemy of haste is laziness, and the enemy of learning is complacency.

Humility makes people progress, pride makes them fall behind. A modest person will learn ten things like ten, and a proud person will learn one thing like ten things.

The strongest of the strongest, the strongest of the strongest. Don't brag in frontothers. Being content with present achievements stifles the future.

A person who likes to brag is like a big drum that sounds loud but has an empty stomach.

Only when people are empty can they know others. If you are full, you will suffer losses, but if you are modest, you will benefit. If you are full, you will overflow; if you are arrogant, you will be defeated.

Knowledge is stored in the ocean of humility. (Korean proverb)

Do not be complacent, no matter how deep your knowledge, and do not ignore your mistakes, no matter how small. (Mongolian proverb)

Knowing that you are ignorant means that you have gained something. (Latin American proverb)

If you don't understand something, ask questions

A dull sword will be sharpened by a stone, and a stupid person will learn from it. Learning from others can make youogress.

There is no penalty for trying, and there is no penalty for asking. People who know how to ask questions are rich in knowledge.

Don't listen to instructions and take many detours. Pretending to understand if you don't will always be a loser.

A wise man will lose something if he thinks much; a fool will gain something if he thinks hard.

If you can't learn something, if you don't know it, ask questions. If you are ashamed to ask others, you will never progress.

A person with deep knowledge will always ask when he understands; a person with superficial knowledge will not ask even if they don't understand.

If one washes the wells three times and eats good water, he will become a master of martial arts.

Fingers can be long or short, knowledge can be highed or weak. There is no before or after in learning, and those who have mastered it are the teachers.

Only by asking questions while learning can you gain knowledge. If you want to know more, listen to others.

Children should also listen to their words as long as they are beneficial.

You have to learn from bees to pick hundreds of flowers and ask hundreds of experts to become an expert.

Old ginger has a strong pungency, and older people have more experience. Ask others for advice without breaking the bank and rolling your tongue.

Fear of asking for directions and getting lost. Be diligent and never take the wrong path.

Books kept but not read are like waste paper. (British proverb)

He who does not ask will always be in ignorance. (East African proverb)

Ears have no stockings and they canwind heard from morning to evening. (African proverb)

Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb

No matter how hard you work, If you work hard, you will earn something thing. To succeed in an art, you must devote your whole life to it.

A person who does not want to cross a small river naturally does not want to cross an ocean. The more you use the needle, the brighter it becomes, and the more you use the brain, the smarter it becomes.

Learning comes from hard work, and art comes from hard work. Don't be afraid of being ignorant, but be afraid of lacking ambition.

Talent is the product of blood and sweat. Talent is the blade, hard work is the whetstone.

Although climbing stairs is laborious, each step gets higher. Without polishing, a gemstone will not shine.

Only with a dedicated mind cane you can embroider flowers, and only with a calm mind can you weave linen. There are roads in the mountain of books, and diligence is the way, and there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning, and hard work is the boat.

If you travel every day, you are not afraid of thousands of kilometers; if you study every moment, you are not afraid of thousands of volumes. The more you practice, the better you will be. If you don't practice, you will be boring.

Only those who work hard to climb to the top can climb there. Difficulties are human manuals.

Sweat and harvest are faithful partners, and diligence and knowledge are the loveliest couple.

Learning is like drilling for oil. The deeper you drill, the more you can find the essence of knowledge. Learn to crawl first, then learn to walk.

A stone can penetrate evenme a strong heart. A good memory is worse than a bad pen. Diligence is the mother of success.

Those who aim too high will achieve nothing, but those who work hard will gain knowledge. Mastering all kinds of skills is not as good as mastering a single skill.

If you chase two rabbits at the same time, you won't catch either one. The first time he was alive, the second time he was familiar with it, and the third time he became a master.

Learning is like sailing against the tide. If you don't move forward, you will move backward. Learning is like rushing, you can't be slow.

The root of knowledge is bitter, but the fruit of knowledge is sweet. Knowledge comes from diligence, wealth comes from thrift.

Attention is the gateway to wisdom. To make amazing art, you have to work hard.

As long as you worklt hard, the iron pestle can be ground into embroidery needle. The fist never leaves the hand, the song never leaves the mouth.

He often speaks fluently and his hands are not clumsy. The lightest ink is better than the strongest memory.

Don't relax while rubbing the rope and don't stop moving forward. Aiming is not shooting, starting is not reaching.

Without careful study, there would be no simple invention. (Yugoslav proverb)

He who plays too much has no time to study. (French proverb)

He who knows more must sleep less. (Armenian proverb)

Knowledge is like spring water under sand and gravel. The deeper you dig, the clearer the spring water becomes. (Danish proverb)

Knowledge requires repeated exploration and the land requires hard work. (Nepali proverb)

Learning is like driving a car for grto avert a mountain. If you don't move forward, you will move backward. (Japanese proverb)

Read a book a hundred times and its meaning will become obvious

If you can't understand it after reading it, it won't be of much use .

If you know one thing, you can know everything

If you don't have eyes in your heart, there's no point in having eyes.

Think carefullyOne day is better than ten days of hard work.

Eating steamed buns that have been chewed by others has no taste.

There is no better way to believe in books than to have no books at all.

If the light is not on, it will not come on, and if the reason is not justified, it will not be clear.

To a person without willpower, everything seems difficult; to a mindless person, everything seems simple.

The most important thing in learning is doubt. A little doubt leadssmall progress, and big doubt leads to big progress.

Hearing without examining is worse than not hearing.

Reading without knowing its meaning is like chewing the bark of a tree.

If you don't chew your food, you won't know the taste; if you don't read, you won't know the meaning.

If you don't want to study, you will scratch your head.

Review the past and learn the new.

The more you sharpen your knife, the sharper it becomes, and the more you use your brain, the more effective it becomes.

The body is afraid of not moving and the brain is afraid of not being used.

Memorizing is not as effective as understanding.

To think is to discuss with oneself. (Spanish proverb)

One thought is worth a hundred hasty actions. (Yugoslav proverb)

Knowledge has no bottom and learning has no limit

All rivers returnwill go to sea and the sea will never be full.

One can carry all the stones from the mountain, pour all the water from the river and learn all the knowledge in the world.

The satchel has no bottom.

Life is limited, but knowledge is unlimited.

There is an endless path to travel and infinite principles to know.

Learning is like earning a salary, and those who come after you will take over.

Only when you learn to know your shame can you know that your art is not good.

Everyone who pays attention is well informed.

Spring water cannot be drained and knowledge cannot be exhausted.

Be old, learn to be old, and continue to learn skills when you live to be eighty.

An intelligent lumberjack must be good at cutting wood and sharpening his knife.

Intelligence comes from being well informed. (Arabic proverb)

He who does not want to see is worse than a blind man; he who does not want to hear is worse than a deaf person. (French proverb)

The day of a scholar is more valuable than the life of an uneducated person. (Arabic proverb)

Countless grains of earth cross the endless ocean of learning. (Mongolian proverb)

Knowledge has no bottom and learning has no limit. (Mongolian proverb)

Time is a precious commodity

An inch of time is worth an inch of gold, but an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time.

The young and the ignorant, the old and the ignorant.

If a young man does not work hard, the old man will be unhappy.

When the sun sets, people feel the value of the sun.

I remember the boy was riding a bamboo horse, and when he turned around, he saw a man with white hair.

It is difficult to buy youth with money.

Wasted time cannot be found.

Saving time means extending life.

The miser says that money is the root of life, and the diligent man thinks that time is his life.

Time is the most precious asset.

You joke about time, but it takes you seriously.

Fix leaks when the weather is clear and study while you are young.

One today is better than two tomorrow.

If you don't get up early in the morning, you will miss a day of work; if you don't be diligent in your studies when you are young, you will miss out on a lifetime.

Anyone who waits for time is a waste of time.

The most precious wealth is time, and the greatest waste is wasted time.

Black-haired people don't know how to study hard early, and white-haired people regretfor having studied late.

Wasting money is a corrupt thing, and wasting time is a corrupt person.

He who wastes his life has left gold behind without buying anything.

Treasures can be found if lost, but time can never be found if lost.

Lazy people will have more in their mouths tomorrow.

There are no two mornings in a day and time will never come back again.

If you know the science of swimming, it is better to swim in the big river

When you are outside the mountain, you feel that the mountain is small , but when you enter the mountain, you know how deep the mountain is.

There's nothing better than doing it yourself.

Weaving a small basket from acacia sticks seems easy but is difficult to achieve.

If you don't see it, you don't know it, and if you don'tno, you won't know.

If you don't get into the water, you will never know how to swim; If you don't set sail, you'll never sail.

If you don't climb steep mountains, you won't know how flat the earth is.

See, see, not see, not know.

The scale is a measure of weight and a touchstone of good and evil.

Water is released once, mud is cleaned once; after one thing, wisdom is acquired.

Money can't buy you more experience.

Having knowledge but not applying it is like plowing but not sowing.

You can see Sanchun Well with your eyes closed, but you can only see the mud on your legs when you are out of the water.

Only when the book is used will it be regretted, and things will not be difficult until they have been experienced.

Looking is worse than listeningter, and acting is worse than watching.

You know the nature of fish when you are near water, and you know the sounds of birds when you are near mountains.

Children who go out often know more than their parents.

Those who read thousands of poems are good at poems, and those who look at thousands of swords know how to use swords.

If reading is not combined with reality, knowledge is just clouds in the sky.

You can't fully understand the forest by standing outside it.

If you want to know what's happening on the other side, you have to cross the river.

A wise man hears it once and thinks about it ten times; he sees it once and practices it ten times.

Dancing with a sword is one thing, fighting is another. (Korean proverb)

Only by forging iron can one become a blacksmith. (French proverb)

Intelligent and eager to learn, not ashamed to ask questions - Confucius

Success comes from hard work, waste comes from play; success comes from thinking, failure comes from following through - Han Yu

Learning without thinking will lead to waste, thinking without learning will lead to waste. peril - Confucius

Those who know well are not as good as those who are good at it, and those who are good at it are not as good as those who are happy - Confucius

When three people walk together, there must be one who is my teacher. Choose those who are good and follow them, and change those who are not good - Confucius

Thrived in "Poetry", established on etiquette and successful in music - Confucius

Do what you don't like Do nothing to others if you want - Confucius

He read thousands of volumes and his writing is like a spirit - Du Fu

< p> HeThere are three ways of reading, namely the heart, the eyes and the mouth—— Zhu Xi

To establish oneself, one must give priority to learning, and to establish one's education, the reading is the basis - Ouyang Xiu

Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles - Liu Yi

People with black hair don't know how to study hard, but people with white hair regrets being behind in studies - Yan Zhenqing

Books are as affectionate as old friends, and they are sad and happy every time they get together in the morning and at dusk - Yu Qian

Books are like medicine, read Well, it can cure stupidity - Liu Xiang

If a young man doesn't work hard, the old man will be sad - “Han Yuefu.” "Long Song of the world, determined to reade all the books in the world - Su Shi

< p> If a bird wants to fly high, it first flaps its wings; if a man wants to progress, he first studies - ; Li Kuchan

It is best to think about one's true character when making a decision, and to study hard, one must work hard - Ruan Yuan

Without indifference, he there is no way to clarify his ambition. Without tranquility, there is no way to go far - Zhuge Liang

Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small - The “Three Kingdoms” by Chen Shou.

Read three hundred Tang poems by heart, can not compose poems but can also recite them - "Preface to the Three Hundred Tang Poems" by Sun Zhu

This is only when the book is used be regretted, and the things that did not happen do not know difficulties - Lu You

Ask Qu If you are so clear, you will have a spring of living water - Zhu Xi

I never tire ofe read old books a hundred times, and I will know myself after reading them carefully and thinking about others - Su Shi

A bookworm must be clever in his writing Those who are crazy. about art, one must have good skills - Pu Songling

Read it a hundred times and the meaning will be obvious to you - "Three Kingdoms"

A journey of a thousand miles begins by a single step - Lao Tzu

The path to cultivation is long and long, I will search up and down - Qu Yuan

Enjoy the wonderful articles together and analyze the doubts - Tao Yuanming

The reading method lies in the order of the steps. And gradually read carefully and think carefully - Zhu Xi

My life has a limit, but my knowledge also has no limit - Zhuangzi

Without learning, there is no limit there is no way to develop one's talents, without ambition, there is no way to learn- -Zhuge Liang

If a jade is not pecked, iit will become useless; if a man does not learn, he will not know - "Book of Rites"

Famous Stories

Once, Socrates As he was walking down the street, someone hit him on the back with a stick. The pain made him unable to stand. He got up and squatted down, but soon he got up again as if nothing had happened. Passersby who witnessed the whole incident saw that he had no reaction and asked him curiously: Why didn't you fight back when you were beaten? Socrates smiled and replied: When a wild donkey kicks you, will you push him away?

*Bernard Shaw loved riding his bike when he was young. Once he fell and broke his leg. His classmate took care of him with great consideration. George Bernard Shaw was concerned that he was not strong. wanted and wanted to propose to this classmate, so he decided to run away. But he accidentally fell down the stairsiers all the way down and broke both his legs. As expected, he asked her if she wanted to marry him. When the classmate nodded, George Bernard Shaw fainted.

* A woman told Maugham: I've been with a man for a long time, but I'm not sure I've fallen in love with him. This famous writer has a very unique take on the test of love. He said: There is only one way to test whether you really fall in love with him. Are you ready to brush your teeth with your toothbrush?

* Someone asked Alexandre Dumas Say: Why can we approach old age with peace of mind? He retorted disapprovingly: It took me my whole life to survive until today.

* Fang Xuanling, a famous prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, fell seriously ill while not serving as an official. He told his wife, Lu: If I die of illness, you should not be a civil servant. widowed but remarried. Mrs. Lu went to the room and dug out one eye to show that she would never change her integrity for the rest of her life. Later, Fang Xuanling recovered from his illness and rose to the position of prime minister. He always respected his wife very much.

*Novelist Agatha. Christie's husband is an archaeologist. One day, a friend asked him at a meeting: How would you feel if an imaginative woman like you married a man who plays with antiques? The crime novelist said: An archaeologist is the most ideal husband If you think about it, the older the thing, the more he loves it.

* Voltaire visited England in 1727. He found that the English hated the French very much. A group of Englishmen yelled at him: Kill him and hang the Frenchman! Voltaire said: English! You want to kill me because I'm French. Is it not enough that I am not punished because I am not British? The British haveburst out laughing and even sent him safely back to his apartment.

*Zhuo Peilin knows how to write, direct and act. He is a rare versatile filmmaker. One day he held a movie shooting meeting and a fly flew around him in circles. At first he hit it several times with his hands, but when it didn't hit it, he asked for a fly swatter. As the meeting was going on, he held a fly swatter in his hand, pretending to swat a fly, and stared at it fiercely. But I tried three times but I couldn't do it. Later, the fly was on the table in front of him. He slowly picked up the fly swatter, and when he was about to deliver a fatal blow, he suddenly dropped the weapon in his hand and let the fly fly away. The people sitting next to me saw it and said, "Why don't you beat him to death?" The actor shrugged his shoulders and said: This one is not the one from earlier!

* After Li Bai's death, his body was buried in Caishijiangtou, and poets from all over the world wrote poems on his tomb. Someone wrote a quatrain: When there is bad soil by the Caishi River, Li Bai's poems will be famous throughout the ages; they will write two lines about the comings and goings and will fall in front of Luban's door. Big axe.

* During his later years, Ouyang Xiu revised the words he had written in his life every day and worked very hard. His wife told him not to revise it, saying: Why torture yourself like this? Are you still afraid of being scolded by the teacher? Ouyang Xiu said with a smile: I'm not afraid of being scolded by my husband, but I'm afraid that future generations will laugh.

*Lincoln once dreamed that he was at a rally. As he walked, everyone made way for Lincoln to pass. At that moment, among a large group of people, one personne murmured: He's just an ordinary-looking person. After hearing this, Lincoln said: My friend, God loves people with ordinary faces, so he has given birth to many people with ordinary faces.

* American steel magnate Carnegie spoke about the secret of his success: I think my greatest advantage is my ability to inspire enthusiasm in others. The best way to get someone to do their best is to appreciate and praise them. Criticism from the boss is the easiest way to destroy trust in the deployment. I have yet to see anyone who does things better when flattered than when admired.

*Elroy Edwards, president of Harvard University in the United States, said: I think Harvard can indeed be considered a treasure trove of knowledge today. But I think Harvard can become a treasure trove of knowledge because undergraduatesfirst year bring knowledge, while final year graduates leave school with only little knowledge.

*Koldus, a famous German doctor, once entertained guests, from the host's point of view, he had to cut the roast pig on the table and distribute it to the guests. He first made a straight cut in the roasted pork belly with a knife, then made a cross cut in it, then he chopped the shiitake mushrooms and other stuffings stuffed into the pork belly, and removed them with a fast and excellent technique. . Then he took out a leather case from his pocket, took out the surgical needle and thread from the leather case, and stitched up the cut chest. After sewing, he patted the roasted pork belly and said to the guests with a smile: As long as you investigate carefully and take good care of him, he will soon be able to walk on the ground.

He stood up and said with great enthusiasm to the students: Afterforty years of teaching, this is the first time that I have been on the same level as the public!

* Once an acting competition to imitate Chaplin was held somewhere. Chaplin himself also participated anonymously, but he actually came in third place. Chaplin thought it was the biggest joke. in his life!

*There was a student at Smith Women's University in the United States. One time, she was late returning to her dorm for a date with her boyfriend, so she had to climb out the window. But the window was too heavy and she couldn't lift it. Suddenly someone came to help him through the window and whispered: Don't let others see. As I went inside, I saw Principal Wilson with a smile on his face.

*Dr Johnson, his father runs a large used book stand. One day there was a show nearby and everyone went to the market. That day it was raining. SFather wanted Dr. John to share some books and take them to the market to sell. His father called him three times to leave, but Dr. Johnson was engrossed in reading. Reading a big, thick book, he pretended not to hear it and ignored it. My father sighed and had to go himself. At that time, Dr. Johnson was eighteen years old. Fifty years later, one day at 11 a.m., residents saw this bloated old man kneeling in the middle of the street. He put his hat under his arm, put his crutch aside, bowed his head and knelt in the sun, tears streaming. on his face. By this time, Dr. Johnson had become famous, and everyone came to see him. He said to everyone: On the same day and at the same time, fifty years ago, I disobeyed my father, and now I kneel here to repent!

* A Parisian bartender said: After a customer drinks two double martinis, I can determineher nationality. The French fall in love, the Spanish dance, the Germans brag, the Italians sing, the Irish fight and the Americans stand up and speak.

* Joey Brown traveled East during the Pacific War and met General MacArthur. The two took a photo together. The famous big-mouthed celebrity said: I'm lucky to be able to take a photo with you! But General MacArthur said: This photo was taken for my youngest son. He often hopes that his father can take photos with famous people.

* During his later years, Ouyang Xiu revised the words he had written in his life every day and worked very hard. His wife told him not to revise it, saying: Why torture yourself like this? Are you still afraid of being scolded by the teacher? Ouyang Xiu said with a smile: I am not afraid of being scolded by my husband, but I am afraid that the generalsfuture generations laugh.

* Mark Twain worked at a newspaper when he was young, six months later the editor told him not to come back tomorrow. Mark Twain asked why? The editor-in-chief said: Because you are too lazy. Mark Twain smiled and replied: It took you six months to discover that I was lazy, but I knew it from the first day I joined the newspaper office.

* Yang Xiu, a close minister of Cao Cao during the later Han dynasty, was very intelligent at the age of nine. One day, his father Kong Pingping came to visit him and met him. He prepared her a treat made from bay berries. When Kong Pingping saw it, he asked jokingly: Is this your family's fruit? Yang Xiu immediately replied: I have never heard that peacocks are your fowl!

* When Su Shi was a magistrate of Hangzhou in the Song Dynasty, there was a county citizen whoearned his living making fans. However, the weather was cold and the fans could not be sold, so he. owed taxes. Dongpo asked him to take a fan and draw dead wood, bamboo and stone on it. After drawing more than twenty fans, the county residents simply walked through the door of the county government and people came to buy them. Thus, all taxes due have been paid.

*The Italian Renaissance painter Raphael painted a portrait of Mary holding the Son of Jesus. At the bottom right is an old man and at the bottom left is a servant. But there's a big empty space just below and I'm thinking about what to fill. At that moment, he saw two children from the window of the nearby bakery. The oldest, about four or five years old, held his chin, looked up at the sky and talked to his younger brother. on his arms, also looking at the sky. Raphaël found them bwaters, so he drew them at the bottom of the painting and added wings to make two angels.

* Someone asked how Raphael could paint such beautiful works? He replied: I had a lot of dreams, then I painted around my dreams. fantasyIt can make people see invisible things, and will can make invisible things become visible entities.

* Einstein presented his views on success in life at a press conference. He expressed it with a mathematical formula: Suppose A represents a person's success, then I can write the following formula A=X+Y+Z, where X represents work and Y represents play. The journalist asked: What does Z mean? Einstein smiled and replied: Z is shutting your mouth.

*Finnish conductor Boris. Mr. and Mrs. Sebo came to the United States to perform. The house they live in is said to be haunted. One day I wasawakened by the voice of the ghost. Mrs. Seiber asked her husband to go look, but the driver said, No, honey, you better go. Because you speak better English than me.

* When Mozart was six years old, he gave his first concert at the Royal Palace in Munich, Germany. Because the floor of the palace was slippery, he slipped and fell as soon as he entered the palace gate. At that moment, a little princess came, helped him up and kissed his hand. Mozart was very grateful and didn't know how to thank him. He said: When I grow up, I must take you as my wife. After everyone heard this, they burst into laughter.

* During the 1948 US election, President Truman rushed from the White House to his hometown to vote. A group of journalists chased the president to his home, but did not see him. When he met the president later, a journalistasked him what happened along the way. President Truman responded: There was a police car asking us to stop. It looked like someone important was going to pass through this little town today.

* A reporter once asked Kennedy: How did you become a hero during World War II? Kennedy replied: They sank my cruiser and I became famous. We know that Kennedy was on board the DT-O boat No. 8, which was sunk by the enemy, and that he was injured.

*Socrates' wife was very fierce. Once she got angry and scolded Socrates. Still angry, she took a large bucket of water and poured it over Mr.'s head. Socrates scratched his wet hair and laughed: After the thunder, there must be heavy rain. This is a law of nature, and it also proves that it is the truth.

*Newton was very attentive in his studies. One day, his friends told himare spending dinner. During dinner, he remembered a bottle of wine at home, so he told his friends to wait a while while he went home to get some wine. This friend waited and waited, but didn't see Newton come back, so he had to go see what was going on. It turned out that Newton remembered an experiment when he was returning home, he immersed himself in the laboratory and began to do the experiment, forgetting to get some wine to entertain his friends. Another time he was hungry and boiling eggs to eat, but while thinking about the problem, he put the eggs in the pot. When the problem was solved and he wanted to eat the eggs, he opened the lid of the pot and did so. picked up was his pocket watch.

* Sima Guang of the Song Dynasty was born into a family of officials. He has been very resourceful and studious since childhood. He was admitted to Jinshi when he was only vingt years. He was an honest civil servant and often used his time to read in his spare time, determined to write a general column as a reference for people. In order to take time to read, he specially made a log pillow. The wonderful function of the pillow is that as long as the body turns over during sleep, it will roll and the person will wake up and can continue to study knowledge, it That’s why it’s called an “alert pillow.” Whenever Sima Guang needed to rest, he slept on a "warning pillow". Through such study, he eventually became a knowledgeable person


Jia Xuming and Zhang Kang.


Zhang Kang: I am very happy, very happy to be able to appear in our Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala, but there was a small incident, my partner Jia Xuming...

(The words were suddenly interrupted Interruption)

Jia Xuming: Hey, I’m sorry. This aunt, give one, this, give this little baby, come and give it to you, happy new year of the sheep, okay? There is only one left, no one can take it from me, I have to give it to the girl of my dreams, Chun Ni.

(Jia Xuming ran to the auditorium and distributed gifts to the audience, then gave the last gift to Chunni)

Zhang Kang: Come back here.

(Jia Xuming ran on stage)

Zhang Kang: What are you doing? What are you doing? I'm recording the Spring Festival Gala today, why are you late again?

Jia Xuming: This plane is late.

Zhang Kang: The plane is late?

Jia Xuming: Sorry everyone, I just returned from a trip to Xinjiang.

Zhang Kang: Have you just returned from Xinjiang?

Jia Xuming: I brought you a gift.

Zhang Kang: You also know how to bring me a gift, which is nice.

Jia Xuming: Come on, come on.

Zhang Kang: CHe's great, a good partner.

Jia Xuming: Here.

(Jia Xuming took out an ethnic hat from his backpack and gave it to Zhang Kang)

Zhang Kang: It doesn't really look like my size.

Jia Xuming: Everything will be fine once you put it on. Let me put one on for you first. After putting it on, you will be able to see and hear the applause.

Zhang Kang: Okay, okay.

(Jia Xuming puts on his hat)

Jia Xuming: Let's go.

(Audience applauds)

Jia Xuming: Do you feel like a Uighur boy from Xinjiang? Is it a bit exotic?

Zhang Kang: I'm feeling quite depressed.

Jia Xuming: Don't talk like that, young man, our Xinjiang is a good place.

Zhang Kang: Xinjiang is really good.

(Sung by Jia Xuming)

Jia Xuming: The stone roads of Osaka Castle are hard and flat, the watermelons are big and sweet, and there is a girl with long thair and very beautiful eyes. If you want to get married, don't marry someone else, you have to marry me, bring your sister, bring your sister, bring that sister, hey.

(Audience applause)

Zhang Kang: It's good that you just married his sister. You didn't mention anything about his sister.

Jia Xuming: There are too many folk songs in Xinjiang.

Zhang Kang: Don't sing the wrong song if you have too many.

Jia Xuming: Oh, I just like singing Xinjiang folk songs.

Zhang Kang: Yes, yes.

Jia Xuming: There is another folk song that I particularly like.

Zhang Kang: What song?

Jia Xuming: “Why are the flowers so red”?

Zhang Kang: That’s representative.

Jia Xuming: Narcissus flowers bloom in spring, and narcissus flowers...

(Zhang Kang covers Jia Xuming's mouth)

Jia Xuming: They are blooming.

Zhang Kang : We have to open it, right? Instead of listening to Why Are the Flowers So Red?, we listened to the Qinghai folk song, Hua'er.

Jia Xuming: What folk song is it from?

Zhang Kang: Qinghai.

Jia Xuming: Qinghai?

Zhang Kang: Yes.

Jia Xuming: I went to Qinghai. It is a magnificent city and the source of three rivers.

Zhang Kang: These three rivers refer to the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Lancang River.

Jia Xuming: Oh, I bought a bottle of spring water from the Yangtze River spring, let's take a look. {Jia Xuming took the water out of the bag and put it on the table

Jia Xuming: It's so clear that you can drink it by opening it

Zhang Kang: Yes

Jia Xuming: My friends, if you don't go to the source of the Yangtze River and take a look, you really don't know how much water there is.

{Zhang Kang emptied a bottle of water

Zhang Kang: This water is not bad, it tastes sweet

Jia Xuming: Why did you drink it

Zhang Kang: Did you just say that you can drink it by turning it?

Jia Xuming: I said you could drink it by just turning it, but I didn't let you drink it

Zhang Kang : It's water, who can drink it? I've already finished it

Jia Xuming: I lowered it from a plateau over 4,000 meters above sea level. You can drink it. if you want.

Zhang Kang: I finished it

Jia Xuming: Pay me for it

Zhang Kang: I can't make up for it afterwards drinking the water

Jia Xuming: I have to compensate

Zhang Kang: I can't compensate

Jia Xuming: Compensate

Zhang Kang: I have to compensate

Jia Xuming: I have to compensate

Zhang Kang: Okay, I'll pay you back in two hours

Jia Xuming: No I know you, Qinghai is great

Zhang Kang: Of course Qinghai is good

Jia Xuming: IThere is a place called Qinghai Lake

Zhang Kang: Yes


Jia Xuming: It's so beautiful, Qinghai Lake, the waves hit the waves, Qinghai Lake is my hometown

{Zhang Kang grabbed Jia Xuming's arm



Jia Xuming: What are you doing

Zhang Kang: The waves of Honghu beat the waves

Jia Xuming: Honghu

Zhang Kang: Yes

Jia Xuming: Yes Where?

Zhang Kang: To Hubei

Jia Xuming: Hubei Zhang Kang: Yes

Jia Xuming and Zhang Kang: I went to Hubei

< p>Jia Xuming : Hubei is good Yeah

Zhang Kang: Where have you been?

Jia Xuming: Nine-headed bird in the sky, Hubei guy on the ground

< p>Zhang Kang: It's an old saying

Jia Xuming: People from Wuhan and Hubei love to eat duck neck

Zhang Kang: It's a specialty there -low

Jia Xuming: I brought you one

Zhang Kang: It's a specialty there

Kang: That's it , a good partnerire, you can think of me wherever you go

Jia Xuming: Okay?

Zhang Kang: Great

Jia Xuming: Come on

{Jia Xuming took out a duck neck from his bag and gave it to Zhang Kang

Jia Xuming: This Wuhan duck neck is particularly spicy and delicious

Zhang Kang: Yes, yes, yes

Jia Xuming: Open it and eat

Zhang Kang: Yes

Jia Xuming: You can only taste how delicious it is after you take a bite

{ Zhang Kang opened the package and ate the duck neck

Jia Xuming: It's delicious

Zhang Kang: It's delicious

Jia Xuming : It's very delicious, it's expired

{Zhang Kang sprayed the duck's neck Get out

Zhang Kang: You are too vengeful, let me tell you


Jia Xuming: Let you drink my water

< p>Zhang Kang: You hate it too

Jia Xuming: Besides eating duck necks, residents of Wuhan and Hubei also like to eatr noodles

Zhang Kang: What kind of noodles

Jia Xuming: Dry noodles

Zhang Kang: Hot dry noodles

Jia Xuming: You have to eat them dry

Zhang Kang: It's also called hot and dry noodles.

Jia Xuming: Okay, okay, hot and dry noodles. dry

Zhang Kang: Yes

Jia Xuming: Although hot and dry the noodles are delicious, the most authentic place to eat noodles is not in Hubei


Zhang Kang: Where are they?

Jia Xuming: Shanxi

Zhang Kang: Shanxi noodles are famous

Jia Xuming: Shanxi people love to eat noodles. They love to be jealous

Zhang Kang: Yes, yes, yes

Jia Xuming: There is no party without jealousy, and there is no party without jealousy

Zhang Kang: It's also an old saying

Jia Xuming: I'll bring you some old Zhang vinegar. Kang: Look, it's really good.

Jia Xuming:OK?

Zhang Kang: OK, OK

Jia Xuming: Come on

{Jia Xuming took out a large bucket of ripe vinegar from his bag and placed on the table

Jia Xuming: You can drink it by twisting it. If the applause isn't warm, he will. I don't drink it.

Audience: Drink

Zhang Kang: Wait a minute, I feel sour just looking at it, oh my god, how did you bring that back? Let’s cook some ravioli? for a while and let's drink together. , let's drink together

Jia Xuming: OK, Shanxi people love to eat noodles, what kind of noodles is the most famous?

Zhang Kang: What kind of noodles noodles< /p>

Jia Xuming: Ramen

Zhang Kang: Lanzhou

Jia Xuming: Where, where?

Zhang Kang: Lanzhou in Gansu


Jia Xuming: Gansu

Zhang Kang: Yes

Jia Xuming and the audience: I went to Gansu

Zhang Kang: I know , you seem to have gone in a group

Jia Xuming: In Gansu, there is Lanzhou Ramen

Zhang Kang: Yes

Jia Xuming: What is the specialty of Lanzhou Ramen?

Zhang Kang: What does this mean?

Jia Xuming: One clear, two white, three red and four green

Zhang Kang: What is one clear, two white, three red and four green

Jia Xuming: Clear soup, white radish, red chili oil, garlic sprouts, green coriander

< p>Zhang Kang: This is the characteristic of serious Lanzhou Ramen

Jia Xuming: Lanzhou Ramen is so good Eating

Zhang Kang: It's true

Jia Xuming: I brought you a bowl

Zhang Kang: Oh my God, I can even bring back the noodles

Jia Xuming: Okay ?

Zhang Kang: Great

Jia Xuming: Come on, oops, oops

{Jia Xuming slowly and carefully took a bowl out of the bag}

Zhang Kang: Slow down, slow down, don't be in a hurry

Jia Xuming: Ouch, ouch, ouch

{Jia Xuming gave the bowl to Zhang Kang, ZhangKang turned the bowl over, it was empty, his expression changed from happy to disappointed

Zhang Kang: Oh, I brought it, a bowl, oops, okay

Jia Xuming: A bowl

Zhang Kang: Put it here, it will be convenient to drink vinegar now

Jia Xuming: That's right

. Zhang Kang: OK

Jia Xuming: Is Gansu good?

Zhang Kang: Good

Jia Xuming: There is a place called Yumenguan< /p>

Zhang Kang: Yes

Jia Xuming: It was an important pass on the westward journey of the ancient Silk Road

Zhang Kang : There is also a poem about Yumen Pass Jia Xuming: Far above the Yellow River, among the white clouds, there is a remote city of several thousand feet of mountains , why should the Qiang flute blame the willows The spring breeze does not reach the Yumen Pass

Zhang Kang: That's right

Jia Xuming: So the pass Yumen is known as the world's first pass

< p>Zhang Kang:Shanhaiguan, Teacher Jia, just now, just then, I thought you were right. You recited the poem, Shanhaiguan is the best in the world.

Jia Xuming: Where?

Zhang Kang: Hebei

Jia Xuming: Hebei?

Zhang Kang: Yes

Jia Xuming and Zhang Kang: I went to Hebei

Zhang Kang: This is absurd, your hometown is from Hebei

< p>Jia Xuming: Hebei is good

Zhang Kang: Of course Hebei is good

Jia Xuming: My hometown

Zhang Kang: Yes

Jia Xuming: There are three treasures in Hebei

Zhang Kang: What three treasures

Jia Xuming: Cotton in southern Hebei

Zhang Kang: Cotton

Jia Xuming: deepZhou Tao

Zhang Kang: Peach

Jia Xuming: Guyuan mushrooms are great quality

Zhang Kang: The mushrooms are particularly fresh

Jia Xuming: So there is a famous dish in Hebei

Zhang Kang: How’s that? 'call

Jia Xuming: Stewed chicken with mushrooms

Zhang Kang: This is the northeast

Jia Xuming: Where

Zhang Kang: Northeast

Jia Xuming: Northeast?

Jia Xuming and the audience: I went to the Northeast

Zhang Kang: Oh my God, your group is getting bigger, which is great

Jia Xuming: The Northeast OK

Zhang Kang: Of course the Northeast is good

Jia Xuming: There are also three treasures in the Northeast East

Zhang Kang: Which three treasures

Jia Xuming: Drum Tower, Fort, Bell Island

Zhang Kang: This is Tianjin

Jia Xuming: Tianjin? I went to Tianjin, which is an important port city

Zhang Kang: an important port in the north

Jia Xuming: known as the Pearl of the Orient

< p>Zhang Kang: This is Hong Kong

Jia Xuming: Isn't Hong Kong the pearl of the Orient

Zhang Kang: This is Shanghai

Jia Xuming: Oh, I'm in Victoria Port in Shanghai

Zhang Kang: You're back inHong Kong

Jia Xuming: I'm on the Bund in Hong Kong

Zhang Kang: This is Shanghai

Jia Xuming: I'm at the Shanghai casino

Zhang Kang: It's Macau

Jia Xuming: I bet on horse racing in Macau

Zhang Kang: It's Hong Kong again< /p>< p>Jia Xuming: I ate meat pie in Hong Kong

Zhang Kang: This is the Xianghe River< /p>

Jia Xuming: The riverbank opposite side of Xianghe River is Hong Kong

Zhang Kang: The opposite side of Xiangjiang River is Hong Kong, across the Xianghe River is Tong County Oh my. My God, did your geography teacher teach you geography? You said you were late for the show today, just say you were late for the show, what nonsense are you talking about? Later, have you ever taken a plane? You asked me to travel to Xinjiang. I saw you in Xinfadi yesterday and you asked me to buy vinegar inbig in Xinfadi, right?

Jia Xuming: Do you look down on me? p>

Zhang Kang: I don't dare look at you at all

Jia Xuming: Do you doubt that I have never been to the places I just mentioned

Zhang Kang: Do I doubt it? You've never been there

Jia Xuming: I've been there

Zhang Kang: You've never been there


Jia Xuming: I went there

Zhang Kang: If you went there, you must say it's wrong

Jia Xuming: I'm afraid you will be embarrassed if I say something and you don't know it< /p>

Zhang Kang: Oh, oh, oh, oh, is there anything else you mentioned that I didn't correct you? place you just mentioned, baby

Jia Xuming: You don't know what I'm talking about now

Zhang Kang: Oh, oh, Jia Xuming, if you can name one thing, I don't knowYou know, in front of so many members of the public, I bow down to you and worship you as my teacher, and again II bow down to worship you as my teacher, I'm so jealous in front of so many audience friends, what's wrong with you

Jia Xuming: Okay, don't Let's not talk about the distance. I know there is such a place in Beijing, but you don't know it.

Zhang Kang: Ouch, just knock. the pistol. I know Beijing better.

Jia Xuming: There is such a place in Beijing. Its name has the four directional words east, west, south and north. Where is he ?

Zhang Kang: Are you going crazy from the rush? We have Dongdan and Xidan in Beijing. There is only one locative word, and there are only two locative words for the southeast corner and the northwest corner. Have you seen the locative words for east, west, and north corners? There are three location locators. No, the four locative words don't exist.

Jia Xuming: Yes

Zhang Kang. : No

Jia Xuming: Yes

Zhang Kang: No

Jia Xuming: Yes

Zhang Kang: No

Jia Xuming: Yes

Zhang Kang: No

Jia Xuming: Yes

Zhang Kang: What's the name from this place

Jia Xuming: East of the south square of Beijing West Station, drink, drink, drink, drink

{Zhang Kang picked up the bottle of vinegar

Zhang Kang: Oh, master, I'll cook dumplings for you

{Zhang Kang ran away

Jia Xuming: Stop, stop running

{Jia Xuming attacks Zhang Kang

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