How to Repair Handmade Flashlight Beads

Introduction How to repair handmade flashlight beads? Buy a 35W electric soldering iron and a small can of rosin and solder it yourself. You don't need to buy solder and rub it onto the circuit board. Making Handmade Flashlights: 1. Prepare Materials

How to Repair Handmade Flashlight Beads

Buy a 35W soldering iron and a small can of rosin and solder it yourself. You don't need to buy solder to rub the circuit board.

How to make a handmade flashlight: 1. Preparation materials: Use leftover toilet paper rolls (or roll them into cylinders with lightweight cardboard), 2 AA batteries, tape (insulating tape is also available), 12.5 cm long wire, 2.2 V bulb. 2. Secure the wire to the negative terminal of one of the batteries with tape. The wire must be firmly fixed, otherwise the flashlight will flash. 3. Seal the bottom of the toilet paper roll with tape. This helps prevent light from escaping from below and reduces the lighting effect. 4. Place the battery with the wires attached into the drum. After inserting the battery, one end of the wire should be stuck to the insulating tape at the bottom of the drum and the other extremitted must remain outside the drum. 5. Insert the second battery with the negative pole facing down. The negative terminal of the second battery is connected to the positive terminal of the first battery, so that current can reach the bulb from the bottom up, causing the bulb to light up.

The types of lamp beads are: 1. Incandescent lamps, commonly known as incandescent lamps and yellow bile lamps. The bulbs are filled with inert gas, have low brightness and have a short lifespan. 2. The xenon (HID) lamp has high power, high brightness, long life, and does not need to dissipate heat, but it is large in size, heavy, and inconvenient to carry. The price is also high. 3. LED, due to its high luminous efficiency, high brightness, small size and long life, is widely used in various flashlights. The only drawback is thatThe operating temperature cannot be too high, otherwise the light will decay and heat dissipation requirements. are high

How to make mineral water lanterns by hand

Production of a new invention 1. Homemade Badminton

Preparation materials: bottle empty beverage container, foam water stream, two rubber bands, glass

Production process:

1. Cut half of an empty 250ml drinks bottle

2. use scissors to cut down to the neck of the bottle. Cut each part into a petal shape;

3. Place the foam water mesh sleeve outside the bottle and secure the bottle neck with a rubber band;

4. Wrap the glass balls with the foam water net. Insert it firmly into the neck of the bottle and leave about 1cm exposed.

5. Cut half of the hemisphere from the ping pong ball. to cover the neck of the btool. Cut all four sides into whiskers to cover the neck of the bottle and secure with rubber bands. 6. After embellishing and modifying the homemade badminton, hit it with a badminton racket to see the effect.

2. Homemade soap paper

Materials and tools:

More hygroscopic white paper Soap sticks, brushes, drink cans


Chop the soap first, put it in a tin can, fill it with appropriate amount of water, put it in a cooker, heat it, wait for the soap to melt, cut a can 'matches in white paper and spread it out. carefully with the liquid soap before removing it. Shade-dried soap paper

3. Homemade hot air balloon

1. First, I cut 6-8 pieces of leaf-shaped paper. soft paper

2. Fold them and stick them with glue. Create a balloon

3. Use four lines oftape to stick to the bottom of the balloon and use the other end of the balloon. line of plasticine to fix the table

4. Try slowing down the speed of the hair dryer and adjusting the blow port to the lower port. And when the balloon is turned on and off, it slowly grows bigger. Tighten the fine wire and move it away from the table

4. Homemade flashlight

Specific manufacturing: remove the lid from a trash can (Lulu drink can) and use a round hammer to dent it and wrap it with thick corrugated cardboard. Put the two-cell batteries into the can with the poles facing toward and the negative pole facing toward the can. Find a suitable plastic lid (Magic Roll can lid to clip onto Lulu drink can). . Dig a round hole in the center of the can lid so that the bulb can be inserted firmly. Insert the base of the bulb into the hole and remove the two wires. Strip the wire toe end and wrap it around. lamp holder. Prick the side of the plastic cover and pierce the plastic cover. Check that the bulb and battery are in close contact with the flashlight. Use your thumb to pass the wire through the side wall of the can and press the paint solder. can.Eliminate the inconvenience of use

I hope it can help you and hope to adopt it! ! ! !

The teacher asked me to make eco-friendly crafts. It's a headache. Can anyone give me an idea? ! !

How to make mineral water lanterns by hand:

1 Remove the cap from the mineral water bottle and use a carving knife. cut the center part of the bottle cap. Cut off part of the bottle cap and cut it into strips. Use scissors to cut the cardboard into a circle with the same size.rference as the top of the mineral water bottle, then cut several small openings evenly on the circle to enlarge the petal-shaped circle.

2. Unfold the cut circular cardboard, stick the edge to the edge of the mineral water bottle with hot melt glue, and turn the edges of the petals outward to make the shape of the petals more prominent. Pass the wool through the bottom of the mineral water bottle, tie a knot in the wool, then remove the wool from the bottom, tighten the wool and lift the lantern.

3. Put a small sticker on the bottom of the mineral water bottle and write the blessing of the lantern to make the lantern more beautiful. Hang the lantern high, let it hang in the air, turn on the flashlight and shine the light on the lantern, the lantern will emit soft light and bring a warm feeling to the entire space.

The history of the lantshandmade ernes

1. Lanterns are one of the important elements of traditional Chinese culture and have been used thousands of years ago. The history of lanterns dates back to the Han Dynasty, when they were mainly used for lighting and decoration. Over time, lantern-making techniques continued to improve and their shapes diversified, from traditional round lanterns to lanterns of various shapes and colors.

2. Handmade lantern crafts became popular in the Tang Dynasty, the materials used to make lanterns were mainly paper, silk and satin, as well as some auxiliary materials. These materials are relatively lightweight and easy to manufacture and transport. The popularity of handmade lanterns also promoted the development of lantern-making techniques. Under the dynastiesMing and Qing lantern-making techniques had reached their peak.

3. Traditional handmade lantern making techniques require several processes, including cutting, carving, painting, gluing, etc. Lanterns are made from a variety of materials including paper, satin, wood, glass, and more. The shapes and patterns of the lanterns are also different, including circles, squares, hexagons, etc. Patterns include dragons, phoenixes, flowers and birds, fish, insects, etc.

Eco-friendly crafts, just use old used materials.

1. Make a small sailboat

Materials: Prepare an empty bottle, a chopstick, two long pieces of cardboard, a few pieces of thick paper and a colorful stick. tape and scissors.

1. First, cut the neck of the empty bottle.

2. Cut the bottle vertically.

3. Then glue the two pieces of cardboard to the inside of the bottle.

4. Cut one side of the thick paper at an angle.

5. Then, glue them one by one on top of the sticks to form a sail.

6. Tie a colorful string on top of the chopsticks.

7. Place the bottom end of the chopsticks on the cardboard.

8. Finally, tighten the colored ropes on both ends of the bottle and glue them in place.

9. A sailboat is ready.

Tip: During the production process, each part should be firmly glued. The colored rope should be stretched and glued tightly to balance the hull. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the sailboat to remain stable.

2. Homemade soapy paper

Materials and tools: < /p>

White absorbent paper, a small piece of soap, a brush and a disposable can.

Preparation method:

First chop thesoap and put it in a pot. Fill it with an appropriate amount of water and heat the cup on the stove. When the soap melts, cut it. the white paper in pieces. It's about the size of a matchbox. Apply the soap solution one by one, then remove it and dry it in the shade to become soap paper.

3. Homemade hot air balloon

1. First, we cut out 6-8 leaf-shaped pieces of paper from soft paper.

2. Fold them in half and glue their edges together to make a balloon.

3. Use masking tape to stick the four connecting wires to the bottom of the balloon. Use modeling clay to attach the other end of the string to the table.

4. Try to set the speed of the hair dryer as slowly as possible. Point the fan outlet upwards, toward the bottom opening, and turn on the switch. The balloon will slowly grow, tighten the string and leavewill be the table.

4. Homemade Badminton

Equipment to prepare: an empty drink bottle, two foam fruit nets and a rubber band. Root, a glass ball.

Production process:

1. Take an empty 250ml drinks bottle and cut off the top of the bottle;

2. Cut out the portion; into 8 parts, use scissors to cut to the neck of the bottle, then cut each petal-shaped part of the same size

3. Place the foam fruit mesh sleeve on the outside of the bottle; and use a rubber band. Attach it to the mouth of the bottle.

4. Wrap another foam fruit net around a glass ball, insert it into the mouth of the bottle, plug it tightly, and expose about;

5. Cut half of a table tennis ball, place the bottom of the hemisphere on the mouth of the bottle, cut the four sides into whiskers, cover the emmouth of the bottle and secure it with a rubber band.

6. After embellishment and modification, a homemade badminton is completed.

5. Homemade flashlightCan

The specific production method is as follows: remove the cover from one end of a can (such as a Lulu drink can), and use a round-headed hammer to dent the other end. Use thick corrugated cardboard to roll up two AA batteries, positive side up and negative side down, and place them in the box. Find a suitable plastic lid (like the large magic rolled lid that can be buckled onto the Lulu drink can) and dig a small circular hole in the center of the lid, the size of the hole is appropriate for the bulb to be inserted firmly. Insert the bulb base into the small hole. Take a piece of wire, peel off both ends of the wire, wrap one end around the lamp holder andPoke a small hole in the side of the plastic cover with the other end. Place the plastic cover on the box. Check whether the bulb and battery are in close contact. The disposable flashlight is ready here. When using, use your thumb to press the wire coming out of the side wall to the paintless solder of the box, and the flashlight will shine. If your thumb leaves the wire and jumps, the flashlight will turn off. is very convenient to use.

6. Homemade colorful candles

Materials: colored pencils, wax

Preparation method:

1. Find a discarded canned beverage keg (such as a 1.25 liter Coca-Cola bottle), carefully cut off the lid and insert the wax into the keg.

2. Place the bucket in hot water and stir the wax inside to melt it all. It is best to use boiling water. However, you should ask for help from your parents orcarry out this step under their supervision.

3. Pour the melted liquid into a nicely shaped container (like a heart-shaped frame with small pieces of chocolate). Don't pour too much. As for the reason, read on. Of course, you need to put the candle wick into the container first.

4. After the original wax cooled, Ah poured the melted colored pencil liquid into it according to the divination method (colored pencils were useful in those days). This way, add different colors of wax layer by layer and you get a beautiful candle.

7. Homemade wall flower basket

Materials and tools: two Sprite bottles, glue, cutting knife, scissors.

Production method:

1. Remove the green bottom cover from a Sprite bottle, cut it into a lotus shape, turn it over and glue it to the body of the bottle to form a base.

2. Cut out a green ring from2 cm wide in the green bottom cover and always place it on the bottle.

3. Remove the neck from the bottle and cut a wide strip 13 cm long and 8 cm wide, as well as several narrow strips 3 cm wide.

4. Use a carving knife to carve patterns on the 3cm narrow strips as shown in Figure 3, then bend these narrow strips outward and insert them into the green ring from bottom to top.

5. Take another drink bottle, use the bottle body, and use scissors to cut 6 capsule sheets 17 cm long.

6. Nail the flower basket to the wall, insert leaves and flowers and the wall flower basket is ready.

8. Clean the eraser with a brush

Use an eraser if you make a mistake. After wiping, there will still be a lot of debris left on the paper. Whether you clap with your hands or blow with your goateehe,Unsanitary and annoying. Making a clean eraser won't be that complicated.

Materials: large eraser, trash brush. Tools: scissors, glue.

Production method:

1. Dig a small, shallow, round hole in one end of the gum

2. Remove the tip of the trash brush, wash it and dry it.

3. Cut the end of the brush tip to turn it into a small brush

4. Insert the tip of the brush into the small round hole of the eraser and stick it firmly with glue. A clean eraser is now made. Each time you finish wiping the eraser, you can use a brush to gently "sweep" the debris off the paper and then pour it into the wastebasket.

9. Paper cup lantern

Required materials: scissors, two paper cups, red rope, paint or gouache, red paper

Making method: This is almost the easiest way simple to make a lantern,In general, is to cut two paper cups into strips, then glue them together and then paint them. Concretely, the initial work consists of cutting the two paper cups into strips. After cutting, use scissors to cut the creases on the mouths of the paper cups. The two mouths of the paper cups are glued together (based on the cut edges of the glue strips). ), press it again and the main body of the lantern will come out. Next, poke a hole in the bottom of the two paper cups, then thread a red silk rope through them. It should be noted that a knot must be tied outside the hole of the paper cup to secure it, along with a steel cable. should be used to fix it inside (one side is used to attach the red cable) Sui Sui, one side is used as a handle). After that, paint the old papers red with a red pencil, cut them into strips and attach them to the end of the hornof red silk to form the red pompoms of the lantern. Finally, of course, a pole to carry the lantern, a straw, is the most suitable. Wrap the straw with a piece of colored paper to make it more beautiful.

10. Make an eco-friendly bucket

Materials: discarded advertising paper at home, disposable paper cups, double-sided tape, etc.

Preparation method: First roll the advertising paper into thin paper sticks, then use double-sided tape to stick them around the paper cup, leaving two symmetrical sticks on each side. Cut, use scissors to cut off the rest. from the part that is higher than the paper cup, then use a particularly long wire rod between the two. In this way, a simple bucket is finished. Finally, we use ribbons to decorate the bucket, with the joint efforts of. children, a beautiful little bucket has been madeOnne. It can be used both as a home decoration and a pen holder. It really kills two birds with one stone.

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