How many cubic meters of natural gas are equivalent to a tank of liquefied gas?

Introduction How many cubic meters of natural gas are equivalent to a tank of liquefied gas? 1 cubic meter of liquefied gas is equivalent to the combustion effect of approximately 2.5 cubic meters of natural gas. One tank is equivalent to 5.6 cubic meters, or one tank

How many cubic meters of natural gas are equivalent to a tank of liquefied gas?

1 cubic meter of liquefied gas is equivalent to approximately 2.5 cubic meters of natural gas, and one tank is equivalent to 5.6 cubic meters of natural gas, that is, one tank of liquefied gas is equivalent to 14 cubic meters. of natural gas.

1. Conversion:

1 KG of liquefied petroleum gas, the general calorific value is 10,000 KCal;

1 NM3 of natural gas, the general calorific value is 8700 KCal; < /p >

The conversion formula is: natural gas (m3) = liquefied petroleum gas (KG) * 10000/8700

2. Usage consumption: The stove uses natural gas to boil 1000CC of water, and the gas consumption is 0.028 cubic meters. Consumption of liquefied petroleum gas 0.010 cubic meters. To fully boil 1,000 CC of water, the volume of natural gas consumed is almost 2.8 times that of liquefied petroleum gas.

3. Performance: The main component of natural gas is methane. After combustion, it generates dioxidecarbon and water vapor, which will not affect human health or pollute the environment. better than other gases.

The rich drink green tea, the middle class drink Pu'er, and ordinary people drink black tea. Not absolutely. Just say something. Let's take me as a reference drinking tea alone at home. Let’s talk about green tea first! If green tea is not good, it is better not to drink it, it is very irritating. If the tea is good, especially if you are looking for Mingqian tea, there is basically no need to brew it more than 3 times. How can a seasoned tea drinker just drink 3 cups and be done with it? Change it to tea leaves, it hurts! Don't change it, it smells like water! So don't drink green tea if you don't have money. Junk green tea is harmful to the body, while good green tea is too expensive. Green tea of ​​around 2000 grade contains 4 grams per brew, and youcan drink 125 infusions per kilogram, which is equivalent to 16 yuan per infusion, the price of a pack of ordinary cigarettes, but it doesn't matter how many infusions you drink per day. If I brew one in the morning and one in the afternoon, one infusion in the evening, 3 cups at a time, 9 cups of tea per day. Drinking tea costs 48 yuan a day, and a pound of tea can last about 42 days.

The middle class drinks Pu'er because there are many types of Pu'er and covers a wide range of tea drinkers, which can satisfy all tea drinkers. tea, from top to bottom. END. Some cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, others tens of dollars. There are fragrant ones, sweet ones, bitter ones, sticky ones and refreshing ones. The biggest advantage of Pu'er is that it is resistant to soaking. Among all the teas at the same price, none is as durable as Pu'er. The Pu'er which costs around 2,000 (basically at the level of an ancient tree) can be bshaved for at least 15 yuan... a better one can be brewed for 20 yuan. 8 grams per soak, 62.5 pounds per pound. It's easy to settle accounts, drink it for 62 days. This is equivalent to 32 yuan for a day of drinking. A minimum of 15 cups for a small cup per day is required, and more than 8 to 9 cups for a large cup. (Except for the rich who change the tea leaves in the morning and afternoon)

If you don't have money to drink black tea, don't Any cooked Pu'er will do. It also nourishes the stomach and makes you lose weight, hahahaha. I don't mean to look down on black tea at all. It's not that black tea is cheap or poor quality! Don't tell me about Dahongpao, it's not black tea. Take Yixing black tea as an example. Fengqing black tea is priced similar to Dancong. Some are expensive and others cheap. Almost 500 per book. Why not take 2,000 pounds of this it black? Because there is no need to argue, 500 per pound of black teaAlready very good. The raw materials of fermented tea must not be so excellent! 6 grams per soak. A pound of brewed tea for 83 yuan. Is it okay for someone who knows a little about tea ceremony to make 8 soups from 6 grams? The average price is 6 yuan per infusion. Drinking 3 bubbles a day costs 18 yuan. On 24 small cups! 12 large cups. Look, it's a good deal. Why not mention oolong tea, white tea, yellow tea and black tea, as there are no red, green or Pu'er teas that are more popular. Oolong tea, white tea and yellow tea are all between red and green. There is no need to talk about them one by one. Black tea is equivalent to cooked Pu. Just use it as a reference for everyone, don't take it too seriously. Specific tastes vary from person to person. My opinion is usefulSpend all the money you spend on smoking on drinking tea, and you won't lose money!

PS: Is drinking tea good? Varies from person to person. If your stomach is fine and your kidneys are fine, drink whatever you want, fine! The stomach and kidneys generally drink as needed, so much the better! If your stomach is bad and your kidneys are good, or your stomach is good and your kidneys are not good, you can drink it, which is a mixed blessing. If your stomach and kidneys are not well, don't drink if you can. Nothing is absolutely good or bad. It's good if you feel comfortable after drinking it. If you feel uncomfortable after drinking it, it's just not good. You have the last word! Drinking tea entirely depends on your body shape and wallet.

I don't dare say that I understand tea, I just know a little. Seven things to openthe door: firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, indicating that tea is a necessity of life.

Green tea is cold in nature and has the effect of refreshing and detoxifying. People with cold stomach are not suitable to drink green tea. to take pills. Drinking tea on an empty stomach will hurt your stomach. Black tea and cooked Pu'er are fermented and have a warm character, making them suitable for people with cold stomachs. Oolong tea (Tieguanyin, Dahongpao) is a semi-fermented tea. There is a difference between green tea and Shengpu. Green tea is roasted green, while Shengpu is sun-dried green. The sun-dried green is active and can ferment slowly and naturally, eventually becoming cooked Pu. The taste of new tea, green tea and Sheng Pu is similar.

Flavored tea can be purchased ready-made or prepared according to personal preferences and needs.Add honeysuckle and chrysanthemum to green tea (shengpu) to make an herbal tea.

Whether it is better to drink green tea (raw Pu) or black tea (ripe Pu) depends on people's preferences and also has regional characteristics. The local population is used to drinking local wine. tea. When it comes to green tea, some like Longjing, while others like Lu'an Guapian.

Whether the tea has been brewed is related to the variety, quality and season the tea was picked. Longjing is a small leaf tea and Pu'er tea is a large leaf tea. Large leaf tea is better brewed than small leaf tea, and Maofeng is better than Maojian. Lu'an Guapian has no bud tips and is better than Longjing Meridian. Mingqian tea is brewed better than summer tea. Yunnan large leaf green tea can be brewed two cups a day (one cup in the morning and onee in the afternoon) for the idle; three cups per day for workers (two cups at work and one cup at home).

The quality of tea does not depend on the thickness of the tea but on its color, aroma and aroma. Large-leaf tea is thicker than small-leaf tea, and hand-made tea (coarse tea) is thicker than machine-made tea. However, some tea drinkers prefer handmade tea. Some large-leaf artisanal teas look like old pickles, but if they are teas from ancient trees in famous mountains, they are very valuable. Tea from ancient trees has a low yield and is difficult to pick. He uses no pesticides or chemical fertilizers. It is environmentally friendly and has no bitter taste like deck tea. Obvious and sweet taste, durable and long-lasting. If you are used to drinking ancient tree tea and then drink platform tea,you will feel like it doesn't taste good. The quality of uncut and relatively young loose tea is between old tree tea and platform tea.

If we say, the tea is pressed tightly for easy transportation and storage. Well, tea paste is even better. Boil the tea leaves in a large pot, then remove the tea base, strain the tea soup then boil it, just like boiling brown sugar, and finally dry it into tea paste, which is a bit difficult to prepare.

Whether tea tastes good or not has something to do with the water used to brew the tea. Bottled water is better than tap water, and bottled water from springs is better than distilled water.

It is necessary to wash the tea before preparing cooked Pu, because cooked Pu is fermented and some can even be fermented for a year or sothem, it is therefore inevitable that there will be dust and the like. After washing the tea, the color of the soup becomes more refreshing. Using a tea set to brew tea can prevent the tea base from being soaked in the tea water, which will make the soup darker and darker as it is brewed, and the taste will be too strong. There is a saying: if you don't make Kung Fu tea into good tea, the good tea will be wasted.

Drinking tea is definitely better than not drinking tea. Drinking tea can refresh your mind and quench your thirst, especially for smokers, who find that it results in coughing up phlegm. . For tea lovers, drinking tea together is also a pleasure.

One day I drank earthenware tea and was deeply impressed. It was at a farmer's house. Everyone was sitting around the hearth. The master put the tea leaves in the earthen pot,constantly shook the earthen pot and roasted it over the charcoal fire. Then he brewed it with boiling water and poured it into it. small wine glasses that everyone could drink from. It tasted bitter in the mouth, with a sweet aftertaste and a mouthful of fragrance.

Drinking tea is really a good thing, especially drinking new tea from that year.

I will not talk about the medicinal properties of tea. How it was used in ancient times is a matter of ancient times in the Tang and Song dynasties, especially after the Tang dynasty. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, tea was very simple and not a drink. I will not talk about the tea that tea leaves boast about.

Although I have been making and drinking tea for 20 or 30 years, the only thing I can really feel is that I drink too much water every day, and it's good for the stomach, especially green tea, Ii rarely had constipation for over ten years, including urine that turns yellow if i don't drink tea for three days, but it's fine if i drink tea every day.

Weight loss has no effect and I am not obese. It's always been the same. I gradually got used to drinking more green tea. Do you have any suggestions ? Don't talk about old tea, don't talk about sky-high prices, don't talk about things that are too broken, and don't talk about things that are intentionally broken. listen to stories or legends and just look at the tea leaves. Tea is just a daily drink. It's as simple as that.

Note: This article is about tea and has nothing to do with Pu'er.

I am from Guangzhou and have been drinking tea for almost 40 years. I have a tea table at home and a tea room at work. I get up around 6:30 a.m., drink tea and go to workr at 8:00 a.m., it's the same thing all year round. Actually, my tea drinking is very simple. I drink all kinds of tea and I don't have a particular preference. Dahongpao narcissus and cinnamon in Wuyi Mountain, pork, beef and lapsang souchong; the Dancong from Wuhan Mountain in Fenghuang have the scent of honey orchid, duck droppings and souchong from Tongshan.Tianxiang, etc., and then there are the raw and cooked dishes from Yunnan, especially Iceland . Xigui is my favorite. Fengqing black tea, our Guangdong Yinghong No. 9, Hongyan No. 12, etc., and our Qimen black tea, but drink less green tea. I have been drinking tea for decades and believe it is very good for the body. I'm almost 60 years old and I don't even have gray hair. My experience is this: making tea requires good tea sets. 2: Make tea with good water. 3: You must master the characteristics of the tea and the temperature of the water. For the rest, heThere’s no need to go crazy. A little experiment, hope it helps everyone. Any advice is welcome, thank you!

The Chinese have the traditional habit of drinking tea. Since it's traditional, it must have been around for a while. I remember it was written in a book that drinking tea could be consumed. reduce blood fats, reduce cholesterol and supplement... Vitamins, amino acids, mineral elements, etc. Long-term tea drinking has the effect of improving physical fitness and has many benefits. But there are many kinds of tea: green tea, black tea, black tea, flavored tea, etc. Different types of tea have different effects. I can't give you the details. I used to drink tea, but now I drink varieties. properties of traditional Chinese medicine. So there isn't a lot of research on tea. Listen simplement what others have to say!

I was very sick and in poor health. I was vomiting blood due to tuberculosis and stomach problems. Five years ago, my ex-wife bought Fujian Tieguanyin tea. I wanted to drink tea to lose weight, but I only drank a few bags and stopped drinking it because I was afraid of wasting it. I felt better and couldn't go a day without drinking tea. I happened to start drinking Niulanshan Erguotou that year, about 7 taels a night. Since I started drinking tea and alcohol I haven't had any illnesses, I think it's because of the tea!

When you drink tea, you have to distinguish its constitution, arsenic from one, honey from the other.

If you have a weak stomach, drink less green tea in spring and summer and drink black tea in winter and autumn. If you suffer from insomnia, drink tea in the morning, but notin the afternoon or evening.

Do not drink strong tea, as it is easy to lose calcium (coffee is more serious).

There are some things to watch out for when making tea. Drink it from a large cup and do not pour it after brewing. What you drink at first is strong tea, but later it becomes weak and tasteless. Therefore, it is better to use Kung Fu tea sets. Wash the tea first to remove pesticides, flavorings, saccharin, etc. The first and last brews of black tea should be steeped for a while, and the middle ones should be brewed immediately, otherwise they will be too strong. Green tea may taste better if you steep it longer.

Wash the tea set immediately after drinking. Tea stains are harmful. It is more hygienic to burn the tea set before drinking it, and reheat the cupwill enhance the aroma of the tea.

The polyphenols in tea are good for your health.

Thanks to the person who asked the question, Puwen is a tea mountain operator in the original place. I would like to give you a personal opinion on your question.

Is drinking tea good?

In fact, the person who asked this question knew very well that drinking tea is indeed good for him.

A personal story, Puwen is also a smoker. As long as he doesn't drink tea, within two days he will cough and cough in the morning. In the end, eliminating phlegm is so simple.

But Puwen came to the following conclusion based on his own tea drinking and understanding of tea, ranking the best teas for reducing phlegm.

1. White tea from ancient trees (this is Puwen's favorite)

2. White tea from ancient trees (also very popular in Puwen)

3. Green tea

4. Yellow tea

< p> What types of tea do not resolve phlegm, listed in order

1. Black tea (cooking)

< p> 2. Dahongpao Wait for the tea with a deep fermentation level

3. Black tea

It is true that drinking The Tea has many benefits. Don't tout it too much or say it has no effect. Long-term drinking is good for your health, unless the body is not adapted to it. But the main principle is that ecology must be the priority. first factor. Without ecology, there is no point talking about health.

Suggestions for popular texts

The following principles are recommended for popular texts on tea:

1. Ecology is the first item


2. Try to drink less tea which requires deep artificial fermentation and complicated processes. It's not a good thing to be too angrymanage the nature of the tea.

3. Try to drink less cooking tea, especially from high-temperature cooking, because the annealing process is often too lax.

True Master of Tea - Puwen

Tea was originally a medicine. I come from Yixing, Jiangsu province. Let me tell you about our region: Yixing is the main tea producing region of Jiangsu province since ancient times, Yangxian tea (the ancient name of Yixing) was a tribute. In the Song Dynasty, purple clay teapots and purple clay teapots appeared. When the teapot first appeared, its popularity surpassed that of Yixing tea, but the tea drinking habit of Yixing people continued. Black tea is produced in Yixing and almost every household drinks black tea. Everyone has a special taste for Yixing black tea. With changes in trans developmentports related to reform and opening up, geographical restrictions are increasingly reduced. Many friends from other places also come to Yixing for business trips, work and residences. Many people live under high pressure and tend to have stomach problems. problems. When they go to the hospital, the doctor prescribes After taking the medicine, they usually add: drink more black tea when you go home. This at least shows that Yixing black tea nourishes the stomach.

Let me say that drinking tea is just a hobby, not whether it is good or bad for the body? Healthy or not? For example, southerners eat rice, northerners eat noodles, and fishermen eat fish 365 days a year, but we northerners rarely, if ever, eat fish in our lives? Does this mean that those who do not eat fish will not live longer?us a hundred years? Judging from the survey itself, a survey of 4,000 centenarians in Jiangsu in June 2018 showed that among those who lived over 100 years old, they neither liked exercising nor particularly eating meat, and someThere are those who do not drink tea, and there are those who love tea. At that time, people did not have enough to eat. How could there be fruit to eat? And most of the elderly people surveyed never eat fruit, but they still live to be over a hundred years old, they are neither deaf nor blind, they can take care of themselves and eat what they grow in front of their door? Nowadays, everyone knows that eating too much meat is bad for health, but in northwest Xinjiang, which is an ethnic minority area, meat is the main diet. However, among the centenarians interviewed, many are more thanhundred years. Longevity so far? Even experts can't explain it...

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