The Sichuan Province Bidding Agencies Comparison and Selection Mechanism is for bidding agencies to evaluate and select bidding agencies for projects. Based on the investigation of relevant public information, in order to ensure the unity of efficiency and fairness, Sichuan Province has established a comparison and selection system as preliminary preparation for the call for tenders. bids for the project. Its main objective is to formulate unified selection specifications and enforceable selection documents, determine the bidding agency for construction projects in an open, fair and impartial manner, and combat unhealthy trends in the selection of bidding agencies .
1. Tender documents must be published 20 days before the tender opening time. The “Law on Tenders and Tenders” states: “Article 24 The submissionary must determine the reasonable time it needs to prepare the tender documents; however, for projects that require tendering in accordance with law, the time period from the date the tender documents are issued until the bidder submits its bid. The deadline for submitting documents will not be less than twenty days. »
2. The sooner tender documents are published the better, but bidders should also be allowed to do so. time to consume the tender documents. The earlier the questions are answered the better, on the one hand the bidder will have time to review the tender documents and on the other hand it will facilitate the preparation of bids. The “Law on Tenders and Invitations to Tender” states: “Article 23. If the bidder makes the necessary clarifications or changes to the tender documentsIn the event of a call for tenders which have been issued, it will inform all bidders in writing at least fifteen days before the deadline for submission of tender documents required by the recipient of the tender documents. The clarification or modification will be an integral part of the tender documents. »
3. According to the “Law on Tenders and Tenders”: “Article 34. The opening of tenders shall be held publicly at the same time as the deadline for submission of tender documents specified in the tender file; the place of opening of tenders must be the place predetermined in the call for tenders. documents "