Calculation of power generation of the plant: \x0d\1 Design calculation method: installed capacity × 24 = daily electricity production, installed capacity Installed capacity refers to the rated power of the equipment (200kW). Actual electricity production per month is linked to many factors. For hydroelectric power plants, if there are enough water resources and equipment to operate at maximum power absolutely stably and safely for a month, the theoretical electricity production is: 200 kW × 24 × 30 = 144,000. kWh ,\x0d\But this cannot be done in practice. \x0d\2 Actual calculation method: According to the DCS system installed in the power plant, the daily electricity generation is calculated and then accumulated.
Electric consumption (kilowatt hour) = power P (W) / 1000 × time T (hour)
A water pump is a machine that transports liquids or places liquids liquides under pressure. The power of a water pump generally refers to the input power, that is, the power on the pump shaft of the main motor, so it is also called the shaft power, represented by P. It is generally indicated in the water pump manual or on the pump body.
For example:
Water pump output power is 600W, input power is 960W, rated speed is 2850rpm min, full lift is 25m, nominal lift is 20m. , the nominal flow is 50 L/min, if it is 20 meters high. To pump a ton of water, the calculation is as follows:
Calculate the time required to pump 1 ton of water; = 1000 liters? 1000 liters ÷ 50L/min = 20min (minutes) = 0.33 hours
p>For water pump power, select input power = 960W = 0.96kW
Calculate the power consumption of 1 ton of water in the pump = 0.96 kW × 0.33 hour = 0.32 kWh = 0.32 kWh