The role of hydroelectric power stations during wet periods is to support the base load. According to relevant information, during the annual flood period, in order to fully play the role of daily adjustment of the installed capacity of hydropower plants, they no longer serve as the peak load of the system, and as the flow increases , the entire installed capacity gradually shifts from peak load to base load. The operation increases the electricity production of hydroelectric plants and reduces the operating costs of the system.
The large hydroelectric power station in the system during the dry season serves as the main frequency regulation facility, and the medium temperature and medium pressure condensing thermal power plant in the rainy season takes on the task of frequency regulation . According to relevant information, the electricity generation of hydropower plantsic conditions during wet and dry periods is largely affected by factors such as weather conditions and the year's water supply. The dry period is from January to April and December, the wet period is from January to December. From June to October, and the normal watering period is from May to November.