What interactive games are suitable for morning office meetings of around 10 people?

Introduction What interactive games are suitable for morning office meetings of around 10 people? Interactive mini-games for morning office meetings for approximately 10 people include: 1. Driving a Train: Before starting, each candidate

What interactive games are suitable for morning office meetings of around 10 people?

Interactive games for office morning meetings for around 10 people include:

1. Driving a Train: Before starting, everyone chooses a place name to represent themselves. But the location cannot be repeated. After the game starts, assuming you are from Beijing and another person is from Shanghai, you should say: "Let's drive the train. Let's drive the train. The Beijing train will open." Everyone asks together: " Where to go? say: “Open in Shanghai”.

The person representing Shanghai will immediately react and say: "The train in Shanghai is about to leave. This game can improve relationships between people and improve collaboration between teams.

p>2 . Passing water from a paper cup: Divide into two groups and pour water into the first person's paper cup. The first person holds the paper cup in their mouth and. pour it into the pap cupier from the next person, then passes it to the next person. one by one. The water in the last person's paper cup is poured into a small reservoir. In the end, whoever has the most water in the tank within five minutes will win. Play can enhance feelings of intimacy and test cooperation. and member cooperation. Collaboration potential.

3. Balloon Ride: Team up with two people, with a balloon tied to each foot, and see which team. The limb has the remaining foot after a while. There are many balloons. This can activate the atmosphere and train employees' responsiveness.

4. color them, arrange them in a row or circle, and choose one of the radishes. Shout, for example: “Squat white radish, squat white radish, squat white radish, then squat red radish,” and so on. answering or saying the wrong thing will be eliminated. The game can liven up the atmosphere of the morning meeting and entundermine the ability of employees to react.

5. Grab a stool: Prepare a stool with less than one person. Everyone stands around the stool and prepares a piece of music. The referee starts and pauses the music. When the referee starts the music, everyone goes around the stool and the referee pauses the music. At that point, everyone grabs a stool and sits down. , and the member who fails to grab the stool is eliminated. This game can mobilize everyone's enthusiasm and promote employee thinking

Water-related games in kindergarten


What are the games for outdoor activities? Outdoor activities are generally group activities In order to liven up the atmosphere, activity games are naturally essential. Below I have compiled some games for group outdoor activities. !

1. Pass the water from the paper cup

Choose a group of eight and choose a total of sixteen employees, divided in half. The teams compete at the same time. Two other people help the first person on the team pour water into the paper cup, then pass it to the next person's paper cup. The last person pours the water from the paper cup into a small pot.

2. Driving the train

Before we begin, everyone. names a place to represent itself, but the location cannot be repeated. At the end of the game, suppose you are from Beijing and another person is here. From Shanghai, you have to say: "Let's drive, let's drive." The train will leave for Beijing. » Everyone asks together: “Where to go?” » You say, “Let’s go to Shanghai.” Then the person representing Shanghai will immediately react and say: "The train in Shanghai is about to leave." » Then everyone will ask together: “Where to go?” » Then, thisperson will choose another game object and say, “Drive to a certain place.” place. "If the other party hesitates for a moment and does not react, he loses.

3. Throw hydrangeas

Give 3 small baskets (the small baskets are more nicely packaged) and 40 balls There are six players in a round, working in teams of two, one person carrying the basket and the other throwing the ball. The player carrying the basket strives to catch. the shooter's ball, and the final victory is determined by how much he catches. This game mainly tests the coordination ability of two people to see who ends up going home with a full load. person carries the basket and the other throws the ball. The basket carrier tries his best to catch the ball. There are three groups of two people in each group. >

4.carries the lame

Six employees were selected on site, three men and three women, and the boys carried the girls. The boys acted like "blind people" and covered them with gauze scarves. Keep your eyes open, and the girl pretends to be a "lame" and guides the "blind" around the roadblocks and reaches the finish line. whoever arrives wins. Among them, roadblocks can be equipped with chairs, on which one must take a detour; you have to walk on balloons; the flowers must be collected and given to the girls.

5. Work together

Each team will draw 6 players to play, 2 will dribble and 2 will throw (must use rear projection), 2 people will catch the balloon (with paper baskets attached to the back), the time limit is 3 minutes, whoever throws the most balloons in the allotted time wins.

 6. Ride a hot air balloon

There are ten people, half men and women, one man and one woman forming a group, making a total of five groups. Ten employees were selected on site, half of them men and women, one man and one woman. Three to four balloons were tied to their left and right feet. At the end of the activity, they stepped on each other's balloons and kept theirs. balloons do not break or shatter. Whoever has the least wins.

7. Kangaroo Jump, Tanggua Sticky

Each team draws three players to play, put their feet in the bag and jump until the turn. The team that bites the sweet melon hanging from the ceiling and returns to the starting point first wins.

8. Beat the drum to pass the flowers

Five colorful balloons or flowers made of wool and silk, a total of two flowers. One person from each table stands in a row and passe of flowers. The electroacoustic group beat the drums rhythmically and the audience handed out flowers. If the drum beat is late, whoever gets the flower will get the show. Prizes will be awarded to everyone who participates in the show.

9. Count the frogs

There is no limit to the number of people, sit down together, start with one person, a frog has one mouth and two eyesFour legs. The second person followed with two frogs with two mouths, four eyes and eight legs. When there are seven, those behind will start from one, and those who make the mistake or get stuck will be punished.

10. Chair Kung Fu

Each group discusses how to get as many people as possible to stand up. According to the call, there is a competition to see which chair has the most people standing on it. Set a time limit. SIf you're worried about someone falling, you need to find a sturdy chair or maybe just use a newspaper to see how many people can fit on it.

11. Group of three people

There are 10 people participating in each activity. Listen to the host's command "Keep three people in a group." and the participants will find two people and squeeze them as quickly as possible, so that only one person is eliminated. The host can shout commands according to the actual situation.

12. Are you ready to make a wish for me

Before participating in group activities, each person prepares a gift, writes a blessing and give to each other. The gift does not have to be expensive, as long as it is special and the recipient of the gift is determined by drawing lots.

13. Recognize people by touching their hands

Banhold someone's eyes, touch others' hands in turn and choose the target to win.

14. Go in pairs

Participate in groups of two or more, or in several groups. This game requires a large room. At the start of the game, attach the left or right legs of each group. Several groups stand side by side on the starting line. When the host calls "start", all teams will come out together. and starts first. The team that reaches the finish line wins. This game requires the tacit cooperation of the participants.

15. Balloon competition

A balloon and a rope. Two groups compete against each other (usually 3-7 people in each group). Before play begins, the rope is stretched across the middle of the court (like a tennis net), then both sides line up to head the ball. The side that lands first loses, and both sides take turns serving.

16. “Back-to-Back Balloon Clip” Game

Group: Two people form a group and define one or more groups according to their preferences. . Small groups compete on behalf of the larger group.

Rules: In a limited time, the winner is determined by the number of balloons that pop. If there are more balloons, the winner is the winner.

How to play: Two people stand back to back, holding hands, in a back-to-back hug pose. Then the staff or team members will take the inflated balloon between the two people. Both contestants used their waists or buttocks to pop the balloon

17. “Sitting on Knees in a Round” Game

Grouping: None limit on the number of people in a group, seven or eight people are fine, twenty people are fine.

Rules: There is no time limit. The winner is determined by the length of eachband. The longer the time, the better.

How to play: A group of people form a circle and the participants face the same direction. The person in front sits on the thigh of the person behind, in a semi-squat position. It is better to sit tighter so you can hold on longer

18. “Water Cup Relay” game

Grouping: five or six people in a group Appropriate rules

: You can only use your mouth, not your hands, to grab the glass of water. If the glass of water falls or all the water in the glass is poured out during the game, the game will start again from the first person. The team that completes the relay in the shortest time wins.

How to play: The person in front holds the glass of water in their mouth and passes it to the next person. Any posture will do, as long as she can pass the glass of water to the next person.

How to player: The person in front holds the glass of water in their mouth and passes it to the next person. p>

19. “Game “Whispering Fax”

Rules: The team from the two columns with the highest degree of restoration wins.

How to play: Arrange the participants in two rows. The staff whispers a phrase to the two leading soldiers without the other soldiers hearing it. The leading soldiers begin to pass the word one by one, and the person in front. behind. the end of the row speaks As a result, the team with the highest degree of restoration will win

20. Sticky bubble gum. All the kids gathered in a circle and clapped and said, “Stick the bubble gum, stick the bubble gum.” " The child asked: "Where to stick it? " said: "stick it to the shoulders (or body) of other parts). The children immediately touched each other's shoulders in pairs.

21. Forecast meteorological.

The teacher said: “It’s raining a lot. » The children said: “I'm not afraid. » The teacher said: “It's snowing. » The children said: “I'm not afraid. » not afraid." When the teacher said that it was raining heavily, the children immediately squat down and hold their heads, the slowest one will be eliminated.

22. Traffic lights.

The teacher turns on a traffic light (raising the arm is a red light, putting it down is a green light), the game begins, the children drive and stop immediately after seeing the red light. If the green light is green, they can continue driving. An error occurs.

23. Construct a triangle. >

The children are divided into several groups, with 6 children in each group, forming a triangle. They follow the teacher's order to the left, and the "triangle" takes three steps towards the left. lefte. left together. The teacher says to the right (forward, backward), and the triangles take three steps to the right (forward, backward) together.

24. Mouse cage.

Two-thirds of the children in the class held hands and formed a circle to make a mouse cage. The remaining children played the role of mice. All the children said together: "Rat, mouse, bad thing. If you go out to steal rice in the middle of the night, we will build a mouse cage and catch you with one click." The children playing the role of mice run around S in a circle. When it comes to catching you, they put their hands together and the children in the circle are caught.

25. The cunning fox.

The children held hands to form a circle and closed their eyes. The teacher randomly photographed a child behind the circle and pretended to be a fox, but said nothing. AprAs soon as the teacher told him to open his eyes, the children asked: "Where is the cunning fox?" Where is the cunning fox? » The child who was photographed replied: "The cunning fox is here." "Then he started running after the children.

26. Carrot squat.

The children formed a circle and one child started saying : "xx squat, xx squat, xx finished squatting, xx (say another child's name) squatted. "(xx represents the child's name), the child whose name is called starts the game, and so on.

27. I have a big rubber ball.

Children hold hands to form a circle and choose one child to chase the ball. Listen to the teacher's command: "When the ball gets bigger, the child gets bigger. hold your hand and step back, and the circle becomes bigger; when the ball becomes smaller, that is, the child holds his hand and moves towards the milihad. " When the ball comes together, the circle becomes smaller; when the ball breaks, the child lets it go and the child chases the ball. the ball starts chasing the child.

28. A man with a gun and a tiger

The children are divided into two teams of equal size and face each other. Each team chooses a captain, then the captain unifies the movements. of the team (with arms bent at body level and crossed in front of the chest, hands on the chest) The forward posture is like a shooting pistol, the arms are bent at the elbows and the hands are raised. on both sides of the head, and the five fingers are spread apart to represent a tiger. A person can hold a gun, a gun can shoot a tiger, and a tiger can eat people.) The teacher said. 1, 2, 3 starts Both teams immediately did their own team's actions at the same time. The winning team immediately p.ourfollowed the losing team. The child caught joined the winning team. In the end, the team with more people won.

29. Cockfights.

The child pulls one leg with his hand and the game begins. In the end, the one who doesn't fall is the winner.

30. Weave flower baskets.

Ten children form a group, cross their legs, then turn in a certain direction while reciting children's songs. If a child's leg falls, the game starts again.

31. Scissors and hammer.

Two children form a group and use their legs to make scissors and luggage hammers. The winner takes one step forward and whoever reaches the finish line first is the final winner.

32. Password game.

When the teacher goes to catch someone, if a child is about to be caught, he tells him to stop et this means he is safe. He can wait for other children to pat him and revive him to continue. play the game.

Water-related games in kindergarten are as follows:

1 Simulate a boat pirate

< p>Pretend a pirate ship For a pirate ship, have the children stand on the boat and take turns trying to move forward or fall into the water. Run mini-games, like pirate treasure hunts and capturing Shi flags. These little games allow children to develop their social skills and physical coordination while enjoying the summer sun.

2. Water football

Divide the pool into two areas and place the water polo in the middle of the mountain for the two groups of cores to compete against each other. If the children know how to swim, they can play games in the swimming pool, otherwise they can divide the swimming pool into two parts and let the children walk on the faround the pool and hit the ball.

3. Mysterious treasure

Put the treasure at the bottom of the water, and the children must dive into the water and find the treasure. Multiple teams can be formed to complete treasure hunting tasks in different locations, which can encourage nuclear stakeholders to cooperate and improve their leadership and mutual trust.

4. Water expansion training

Among the different types of water games, water expansion training is the most difficult. It can not only exercise children's physical fitness, but also cultivate their courage and challenging spirit. For example, kids can jump out of the pool and cross the large arch, dive into the long water channel, and much more.


1. Safety

In all circumstances, ensuring the safety of children is the most important thing. Before the startut of each game, each child should be given a float or life jacket and taught how to use this equipment correctly and safely. At the same time, the depth and quality of the pool water should also be monitored.

2. The Competitiveness of Games

Children often enjoy playing games, especially competitive games. However, we must balance the competitive nature of play with the pursuit of fun from play to ensure that children experience the balance between success and failure. Appropriate rewards and encouragement can boost children's enthusiasm and encourage them to actively participate in games.

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