What is the siphon phenomenon?

Introduction What is the siphon phenomenon? Question 1: What is the principle of the siphon? I'll give you an example to better understand: You place a basin of water high up, and take a piece of rubber with a diameter of 3 to 10 meters.

What is the siphon phenomenon?

Question 1: What is the principle of the siphon? Let me give you an example to help you understand better:

You place a basin of water high up, and take a rubber tube with a diameter of 3 to 10 meters. Place one end in the water so that your head is lower than the pelvis. Use your mouth to suck up the water from the other end of the hose. When you feel that there is water in your mouth, take the tube out of your mouth. At this time, as long as the water outlet of the pipe is slightly lower than the basin surface, the water will continue to flow (the section placed in the water cannot be removed during the whole process) - c This is the principle of the siphon.

Question 2: What is the siphon phenomenon? Siphon Phenomenon Definition:

The phenomenon of using a curved tube to guide a liquid to a lower location through a site higher than the level of the liquid. The phsiphon phenomenon has many applications. For example, when the water level of the river is higher than that of the agricultural land on both sides and is blocked by embankments, it can be used to cross the embankments to draw water for irrigation agricultural land.

Question 3: What is the principle of the siphon phenomenon? Principle: Siphon principle: This is the connector principle The pressure added to the liquid in the closed container is equal. everywhere. The siphon is filled with water and has no air. The water level at the inlet end is high, and the water outlet is closed with the palm of the hand or other objects. At this moment, the pressure inside the pipe is equal everywhere. Once everything is installed, open the water outlet. Although the atmospheric pressure on both sides is equal, the water level at the inlet end is high and the pressure is strong, causing the incoming water to flow continuously hupon exit.

The discovery and application of the siphon principle: The Chinese were able to apply the siphon principle very early on. Siphons made according to the siphon principle were called "Zhuzi", "Pianti", "Kewu" or "Guoshanlong" in ancient China. Kewu for irrigation appeared in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Ethnic minorities in the southwest use a long, curved, non-jointed bamboo tube to drink alcohol, which also uses the physical phenomenon of siphoning. In "Wu Jing Zong Yao" by Zeng Gongliang of the Song Dynasty, there is a record of using bamboo tubes to make siphons to convey spring water blocked by steep mountains to the bottom of the mountain. Ancient China also used the siphon principle to make pumps. The pump is a fire extinguisher necessary to defend the city in times of war. Volume 4 of “Dongpo Zhilin” by Su Shi of the DynastySong reports that pumps were used to draw salt water down to the ground in Sichuan salt wells. His book states: Use bamboo as a tube, “There is no bottom but a hole on it, and a few centimeters of cooked skin hang on it. He goes in and out of the water. Air opens and closes as you breathe. One tube contains several buckets of water." "The Book of Tree Planting" from the Ming Dynasty It also talks about the method of using a pump to stimulate water to water young trees. The principle Siphoning was also discussed in ancient China "Guan Yinzi Jiu Yao Pian" written during the Northern and Southern Dynasties said: "The bottle contains two orifices which are filled with water, and the water will flow downward. ; if one of them is closed, the water will not flow, and if the cover (qi) does not rise, (the water) will not fall. Though thousands of feet are drawn upon the water; if the cover (air) does not fall, l'water (water) will not rise "A. A bottle with two small holes can pour water. If one small hole is closed, the air pressure outside the other small hole will be higher than that of the bottle The water pressure inside is high and the water cannot flow. The physical phenomena related to atmospheric pressure are described more clearly in Wang Bing's "Su Wen". of the Tang Dynasty. Wang Bing said: "When the virtual pipe is full of irrigation, turn it and hang it, the water will not flow, because there is no air rising and. it cannot fall. "The empty bottle has a small mouth and cannot be filled with water, because the air cannot come out and cannot be filled with water." is because the gas in the bottle cannot come out. Yu Yan of the Song Dynasty supplemented the discoveries of his predecessors in "Corruption on the Table" and said: "When I was a child, I was educated.by a Taoist, and he burned pieces of paper to put empty bottles in them, and they quickly poured them into the water in the silver basin, and the water poured into the bottle. The silver vase emits a loud noise, which is caused by the fire. It is also placed on the belly of a strong man according to the law. so that it does not fall. “Burn paper in an empty vase, because the fire will force some of the air out of the vase, and once the fire is out, the vase will be empty, creating negative pressure.” a certain vacuum and air pressure outside the bottle presses the bottle firmly against the person's abdomen. If you put the bottle in water, the water will immediately flow into the bottle. Zhuang Yuanchen of the Ming Dynasty also pointed out in "Shu Juzi Neipian" that when the gourd spoon is poured into the water, the water does not enter the gourd because there is air in the gourd.

Question 4: What is the siphon phenomenonand its principle? Siphon phenomenon

The principle of the siphon is the principle of the connector The pressure added to. the liquid in the closed container is equal throughout. The siphon is filled with water and has no air. The water level at the inlet end is high, and the water outlet is closed with the palm of the hand or other objects. At this moment, the pressure inside the pipe is equal everywhere. Once everything is installed, open the water outlet. Although the air pressure on both sides is equal, the water level at the inlet end is high and the pressure valve is large, forcing the incoming water to continuously flow out of the outlet.


The siphon phenomenon is caused by the gravitational force and the potential energy difference between the liquid molecules, that is to say the pressure difference of the water column is used to raise the water and make it rise. then sink to a lower places.

Since the surface of the pipe mouth is subject to different atmospheric pressures, water will flow from the side with higher pressure to the side with lower pressure until Let the atmospheric pressure on both sides be equal and the surface of the water in the container reaches the same height and the water will flow. Stop the flow. The water in the siphon container

can be quickly pumped out thanks to the siphon phenomenon. Of course, gravity also plays an important role in the siphoning process.

The siphon is an ancient invention of humanity As early as the 1st century BC, someone created a strange siphon. The Chinese have long known how to apply the siphon principle. Siphons made according to the siphon principle were called "Zhuzi", "Pianti", "Kewu" or "Guoshanlong" in ancient China. Kewu for irrigation appeared in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. THEEthnic minorities in the southwest use a long, curved, non-hinged bamboo tube to drink alcohol, which also uses the physical phenomenon of siphoning. In "Wu Jing Zong Yao" by Zeng Gongliang of the Song Dynasty, there is a record of using bamboo tubes to make siphons to convey spring water blocked by steep mountains to the bottom of the mountain. Ancient China also used the siphon principle to make pumps. The pump is a fire extinguisher necessary to defend the city in times of war. Volume 4 of Su Shi's "Dongpo Zhilin" of the Song Dynasty records that pumps were used to draw salt water down to the ground in Sichuan salt wells. His book states: Use bamboo as a tube, “There is no bottom but a hole on it, and a few centimeters of cooked skin hang on it. He goes in and out of the water. Air opens and closes as you breathe. A tube contains severalbuckets of water." "The Book of Tree Planting" from the Ming Dynasty It also talks about the method of using a pump to stimulate water to water young trees. The principle of siphoning also has been discussed in ancient China. “Guan Yinzi Jiu Yao Pian” written during the Northern and Southern Dynasties said: “The bottle contains two orifices which are filled with water, and the water will flow downward; if one of them is closed, the water will not flow, and if the cover (qi) does not rise, the water (water) will not fall. Although the well is a thousand feet long, the The water extracted from it will not rise if the air (qi) does not fall when the lid is closed. "A bottle with two small holes can pour water. If one small hole is closed, the air pressure outside the other small hole will be greater than the water pressure in the bottle and water will not flow "Suwen" by Wang Bing of the Tang Dynasty In the note, physical phenomena.related to atmospheric pressure are described more clearly. Wang Bing said: “If the virtual pipe is full of irrigation, turn it and hang it, the water will not flow, because the air does not rise and cannot fall; if the empty bottle has a small mouth, it will not be irrigated. "Enter, because Qi cannot come out and cannot enter." pointed out that an empty bottle with a small neck cannot be filled with water because the gas in the bottle cannot come out. Yu Yan of the Song Dynasty supplemented his predecessors' conclusions in "Corruption on the Table" and said: "When I was young, I was taught by a Taoist, and the drama Burn the piece of paper in the empty bottle and quickly cover it with the water from the silver basin. The water will pour into the bottle and the silver bottle will make a sound. The fire drives some of the air out of the bottle. Once theWhen the fire is extinguished, a negative pressure forms in the bottle, creating a certain vacuum. The air pressure outside the bottle squeezes the bottle. firmly against the human abdomen. If the bottle is placed in water, the water will immediately pour into the bottle. Zhuang Yuanchen of the Ming Dynasty also pointed out in "Shu Juzi Neipian" that when the gourd spoon is poured into the water, the water does not fit into the gourd. There is air in it

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In fact, siphoning is not entirely caused by atmospheric pressure. , but can also occur in a vacuum. The siphon phenomenon occurs. The force that causes the liquid to rise is the cohesion of the molecules between the liquids. When the siphon phenomenon occurs, more liquid flows out of the tube than enters. , and the gravity on both sides is unbalanced, so the liquid will continue to move in one direction. The liquidflows in the tube and the pressure decreases as it rises if the tube in which the liquid rises is very high. the pressure will be reduced enough to cause bubbles (made up of air or other gases) in the tube. The height of the siphon is caused by the generation of bubbles and it is determined because the bubble will disconnect the liquid and the force enters. the gas molecules at both ends of the bubble will be reduced to 0, thus destroying the siphon effect, the tube must be filled with water. Under normal atmospheric pressure, the siphon effect is greater than that of the siphon. It is good sous vide. , because the atmospheric pressure on both sides of the pipe increases the pressure inside the entire siphon.

Application examples

Insert one end of the water-filled hose into the water and hang it. Outside the water container, the water outlet should be lower than the water surface. This way the water will flow outof the container along the pipe. Question 5.: What is the siphon phenomenon which is annoying at school?

Question 6: What is the difference between the capillary phenomenon and the siphon phenomenon? Not only can water rise along the porous materials, but also the phenomenon of liquid infiltration into the thin tube rises. and the non-wetting liquid decreasing in the thin tube is called capillary phenomenon because it spreads around the porous material.

The siphon phenomenon is a liquid state caused by gravitational force and the difference in potential energy between molecules. i.e. using waterThe pressure difference in the column causes the water to rise and then flow to a lower place. Since the surface of the nozzle is subject to different atmospheric pressures, water will flow from the side with higher pressure to the side with lower pressure until the water flows from the side withhigher pressure towards the side with lower pressure. the atmospheric pressure on both sides is equal and the surface of the water in the container becomes the same height, the water will stop flowing

Therefore, their formation principles and required conditions are different . The trees themselves absorb water. capillarity. Using these two methods to water trees actually means artificially using these two methods to increase soil moisture.

See below for details:

Insert several thin glass tubes of different inside diameters into the water. You can see that the surface of the water in the tube is higher than the surface of the water inside. The larger the inner diameter of the tube, the higher the water level inside. When these thin glass tubes are inserted into mercury, the opposite phenomenon occurs. The mercury level in the tube is below the levelu of mercury. in the container. The smaller the inside diameter of the tube, the lower the mercury level inside. < /p>

The phenomenon of the wetting liquid rising in the thin tube and the non-wetting liquid falling in the thin tube is the same. called capillary phenomena. Tubes that can produce obvious capillary phenomena are called capillary tubes.

Liquid Why it can move up or down in a capillary tube We already know that the surface of liquid is similar to a stretched rubber membrane. If the surface of the liquid is curved, it tends to flatten. Therefore, the concave liquid surface exerts a pulling force on the liquid below, the convex liquid surface exerts pressure on the liquid surface of the seeping liquid in the capillary. The tube is concave. It exerts a pulling force on the liquid below, causing the liquid to rise up the wall of the tube whenthe upward pulling force is the same as the force exerted on the column of liquid in the tube, when the tube's gravity. is equal, the liquid in the tube stops rising and reaches equilibrium. The same analysis can also explain the phenomenon of non-wetting liquid falling into the capillary tube

There are many examples of capillary phenomena in nature and. everyday life. Plant stem vessels are extremely fine capillaries in the plant, which can absorb water from the soil, towels absorb sweat, and chalk absorb ink are all common capillary phenomena. . , playing the role of capillaries.

In certain cases, capillary phenomena are harmful. For example, when building a house, there are many thin capillaries in the solid foundation, and they will lead to water infiltration. the floor, making the room damp. When building a house, linoléum is placed on the foundations to avoid humidity caused by capillary phenomena.

The rainbow roof phenomenon is caused by the difference in gravity and potential energy. between liquid molecules, i.e. using water columns. The pressure difference causes the water to rise and then flow to a lower location. Since the surface of the pipe mouth is subject to different atmospheric pressures, water will flow from the side with higher pressure. on the side with lower pressure until the atmospheric pressure on both sides is equal and the surface area of ​​the water in the container becomes the same. The water will stop flowing. The water in the container can be quickly pumped out using the red suction phenomenon. p>

The siphon is an ancient invention of humanity. As early as the 1st century BC, a strange siphon was invented

In fact, the siphon effect is not entirely caused by. patmospheric pressure. This can also happen in a vacuum. A siphon phenomenon occurs. The force that causes the liquid to rise is the cohesion of the molecules between the liquids. When a siphon phenomenon occurs, because more liquid flows out of the tube than enters, the gravity on both sides is unbalanced. So the liquid will continue to move in one flow direction. As liquid flows through the tube, the pressure decreases as it rises. If the tube through which the liquid rises is very high, the pressure will be reduced enough to cause. bubbles (made of air or other gases) form in the tube. The height of the siphon is determined by the generation of bubbles, because the bubbles will disconnect the liquid and the force between the gas molecules at both ends of the bubble is. reduced to 0, thus destroying the siphon effect, the tube must therefore be filled with water. Under normal atmospheric pressure, the sipho tuben has a better effect than vacuum, because the atmospheric pressure on the nozzles on both sides increases the pressure inside. the entire siphon.

Question 7: What is the reverse siphon phenomenon? The siphon phenomenon is liquid. It is caused by the gravitational force and the difference in potential energy between molecules, i.e. the pressure difference of the water column is used to make the water rise and then flow towards a location lower. Since the surface of the pipe mouth is subject to different atmospheric pressures, the water will flow from the side with higher pressure to the side with lower pressure until the atmospheric pressure on both sides is equal and the surface of the water in the container reaches the same height. , and the water will stop flowing.

Question 8: What is the principle of the siphon? I'll give you an example to better understand:

Asks youz a basin of water on a height, take a rubber tube with a diameter of 3 to 10 meters. Place one end in the water so that your head is lower than the pelvis. Use your mouth to suck up the water from the other end of the basin. tube. When you feel water in your mouth, remove the tube from your mouth. At that time, as long as the water output of the pipe is slightly lower than the basin water surface. will continue to flow (the section placed in the water cannot be removed during the whole process) - this is the principle of the siphon.

Question 9: What is the siphon phenomenon? Siphon Phenomenon Definition:

The phenomenon of using a curved tube to guide a liquid to a lower location through a site higher than the level of the liquid. The siphon phenomenon has many applications. For example, when the water level of the river is higher than cit farmland on both sides and is blocked by dikes, it can be used to cross the dikes to draw water for irrigation of farmland.

Question 10: What is the siphon phenomenon? The siphon phenomenon is caused by the gravitational force and the difference in potential energy between liquid molecules. is used to raise water and then flow to a lower level. Since the surface of the pipe mouth is subject to different atmospheric pressures, the water will flow from the side with higher pressure to the side with lower pressure until the atmospheric pressure on both sides is equal and the surface of the water in the container reaches the same height. , and the water will stop flowing. The water in the container can be quickly pumped out thanks to the red suction phenomenon.

The siphon is an ancient invention of humanity From the 1stcentury BC, someone created a strange siphon.

In fact, siphoning is not entirely caused by atmospheric pressure. Siphoning can also occur in a vacuum. The force that causes liquids to rise is the cohesion of the molecules between the liquids. When siphoning, more liquid flows out of the tube than enters. The gravity on both sides is unbalanced, so the liquid continues to flow in one direction. As the liquid flows through the tube, the pressure decreases as it increases. If the tube through which the liquid rises is very high, the pressure will drop enough to cause bubbles (made up of air or other gases) to form in the tube. The height of the siphon is determined by the generation of bubbles. Because the bubbles will disconnect the liquid and the force between the gas molecules at both ends of the bubbles will be reduced to 0, thus destroying the siphon effect, thetube should be filled with water. Under normal atmospheric pressure, the siphon works better than under vacuum, because the atmospheric pressure on the nozzles on both sides increases the pressure inside the entire siphon.

Principle of siphon tank

Principle of siphon tank, fill the tube with water, plug the hole, put one end into the aquarium and l other end outside, Release the hole with both hands at the same time, as the water will flow out due to the drip, suck up the fish feces and dirt at the bottom of the tank, suck up one third of the water from the tank and. then inject new treated water.

The siphon uses the force phenomenon of liquid level difference to fill an inverted U-shaped tubular structure with liquid, and then place the upper end of the opening into a liquid-filled container which continues to flow through the siphon. of the lower opening.

The essence of the siphon is caused by liquid pressure and atmospheric pressure. Therefore, according to Pascal's law p=ρgh, the liquid pressure in the left tube of the device is lower than the liquid pressure in the right tube. Additionally, there is the effect of atmospheric pressure at point B and point C respectively. atmospheric pressure seems to be higher, lower, higher, but at point B here. Compared to the calculated altitude of the earth's atmospheric pressure, the difference in atmospheric pressure between the two can be ignored. Therefore, the pressure at the left end of A is greater than the pressure at the right end of A. Under the combined action of atmospheric pressure and liquid pressure, water moves in one direction.

Special reminder: This is not a connector. The connector concept is an instrument with an open upper end and a connected lower end. There'shas liquid pressure and atmospheric pressure. If there is no atmospheric pressure and only liquid pressure, then the water in the pipe will use point A as the boundary, and the left end will flow to the left and the right end will flow towards the left. to the right, forming a void layer in the middle.

In the 1960s, several Swedish scientists applied the siphon principle to modern buildings and initially developed a system for draining rainwater from building roofs. has been used. The siphon principle is applied in various aspects such as building drainage, municipal drainage and water conservancy projects.

The working principle of siphon tank is that the condensed liquid first enters the siphon tank, is connected to the compressor oil cooler through the pipe at the bottom of the siphon tank, absorbs heat and is discharged into the condensity. Excess condensed liquid is directed to the liquid reservoir in the middle of the siphon tank.

Take the example of solar energy. The solar collector is filled with cold water. When the solar collector absorbs solar energy, the water inside expands with heat, becomes less dense and rises to the heat exchanger above. . And the density is higherThe cold water returns to the bottom of the collector, and after absorbing thermal energy, it continues to expand and rise.

The thermal circulation movement is called the thermosyphon effect. The greater the temperature difference between the collector and the heat exchanger, the faster the water circulates between the two. The thermosyphon effect allows a liquid to capture heat and a cold liquid to remove heat from an object.

Detailed information

The siphon phenomenon is caused by gravitational force and dipotential energy difference between liquid molecules, i.e. the pressure difference of the water column. is used to make water rise and then flow. Since the surface of the pipe mouth is subject to different atmospheric pressures, the water will flow from the side with higher pressure to the side with lower pressure until the atmospheric pressure on both sides is equal and the surface of the water in the container reaches the same height. , and the water will stop flowing.

Baidu Encyclopedia-Thermosiphon Effect

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