See how foreign experts cut steel bars using only this simple tool

Introduction Take a look at how foreign experts cut steel bars. They only use this simple tool which is also used to fix the steel bars. 333 answers are available for fixing steel bars. In addition, when manually cutting steel bars in the past,

See how foreign experts cut steel bars using only this simple tool

It is also used to fix steel bars, and the upper screw can fix steel bars. Answer 333 is available.

Also, in the past, special tools were used to cut steel bars by hand, commonly called cunzi. The flat blade has a semicircular hole slightly inclined inward, and the upper and lower blades are slightly offset. (within 1 mm). Nowadays, cutting machines are often used. It is difficult to find the cob, but the upper part is flush, the edge of the hole forms a blade, and the diameter of the hole is matched to the diameter. of the coast to be cut. Once cut.

But as technology advances. The bottom bar is shaped like an anvil, with the sides angled to form a bottom blade. The cutting is precise and it was the main tool for processing steel bars at that time. The steel bar was placed flat on the lower barD. was fast and fast, and the cross section was flat. She was hammered with a hammer. The steel bar can be detached by pressing on the top of the hammer. Save effort and labor. If the quantity of processed steel bars is large, it is not difficult and inexpensive to manufacture a set of them, divided into two parts. The upper blade is shaped like a flat-edged axe.

How to make a homemade wind turbine using a motor?

For old computers that are disposed of, it mainly depends on the configuration. If it's a computer from 7.8 years ago, you can actually use it. You can purchase second generation physical memory or. CPU on Taobao The graphics card can also be replaced. It is estimated that the upgrade will cost around a hundred dollars, and performance will certainly be greatly improved. You can also replace the motherboard, remover the independent graphics card and use it. as a download only machine, if you like to play with it, you can also use the computer as a software router, you can download the cracked version of Sea Spider installation online

Secondly, you can. use the computer as a data storage device, as it is now either a solid state drive or a mechanical hard drive. The price is very suitable to start with

If you don't want to worry about it, my computer won't be worth much if I take it apart at home, and it won't be worth anything if I sell it .

Due to business needs or computer performance reasons, it is always inevitable to replace the old computer with a new computer with higher configuration. But in this case, the old computer will remain idle at home. How to use it ?

For an endo computermmaged, you can try to check the cause and replace some of the faulty parts. You may still be able to continue using it, but it is estimated that most. people don't have the patience, if you don't want to spend time tinkering, then you have no choice but to give up. Like computers that can no longer be used normally, recycling is a good choice. Generally speaking, some parts of recycled computers can still be used, so recycling will not be as cheap as waste.

For a computer that is not damaged but has low configuration, it can be used to watch videos or listen to music. If you still maintain the habit of watching TV, then this. is the best. Once selected, no setup is required and you can watch it online. You can use it to watch it at any time. Ieven think that if the screen is small, it is possible to connect a large external monitor, which can greatly improve the experience.

For computers with decent configurations, it's fine. I tinkered with it according to my own preferences, installed music software, listened to my favorite music regularly, and used it as a wake-up reminder. There is no problem if programmers use it as a server. Or install a game and have fun when you get home from work. Stocks, information, news, etc., to put it simply, it can be used as a second computer for your own use, storage, Internet access, entertainment and work separate use, and draw a clear line between entertainment and work.

Whatever function it is used for, it is definitely better than sitting idle at home. Once a used computer sits idle for too long, it becomes vieillit and the battery. will be affected. If this happens, it will affect subsequent normal use. Therefore, if the old computer is not going to be recycled but still wants to be used, then even if the configuration is a little weaker, it should be used frequently!

Besides being left at home to collect dust, some friends think that old computers are useless. However, in the hands of the right person, they can be transformed into treasures. if you open your mind.

Actually, there are many ways to solve this problem, emphasis is on the end, please read below.

For example:

1. Throw it away

Many friends can just throw it away instead of keeping it at home to eat dust. It's also the laziest, most convenient and quickest way to take care of it.

2. Recycling

Friends who save a littlee throw it to the household appliance recycling boss who calls outside every day. Even if it costs tens of yuan, after all, you can buy food or a pack of cigarettes.

3. Sell second-hand goods online

Access online second-hand trading platforms, such as Taobao, Xianyu, Tongcheng, etc., the price can be higher than recycling.

Friends who often contact Taobao Xianyu and these platforms in the same city can sell it at a higher price, ranging from 100 to several hundred. Compared to coming directly to collect it from your door, that. is indeed much more profitable.

4. Upgrade

If you want to make a major change, I suggest your friends not to try this route. It's best to buy a new one directly.

Unless your motherboard, processor, graphics card and other componentsIf major players can't keep up, you just need to upgrade a few accessories. For example, if the memory is small, replace it with larger capacity memory and the hard drive loads the software slowly. Consider adding an SSD drive, and replacing the mouse, keyboard, etc. is still acceptable.

5. Transformation

If you have a DIY mind, strong practical skills and use your brain, most computer accessories can be processed and transformed, allowing you to obtain unexpected results.

1. The chassis can be modified.

Everyone has different ideas and creativity. You can create practical and good things yourself according to your own needs.

2. Hard drive: Buy a mobile hard drive base, which can give your drive a new life used hard

3. Monitor

① We can buy a TV box that matches the monitor or buy a monitor converter to watch like a TV.

②Can also be used as a display screen for video monitors

③Exchange old for new


Even processors can be transformed into accessories.

5. Optical drive

① The old optical drive was disassembled by many friends and transformed into a CD player

② If you have the technology , it can also be made into a laser engraving machine.

6. Food

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It can be used as DC power supply, regulated power supply, DC battery (battery) charger and other electrical equipment.

Computer power supplies are divided into plus and minus 12 volts, plus and minus 5 volts, plus and minus 3.3 volts, etc. They can be used wherever these tensions are needed. Simply short the green wire. and the black wire and it will work.

It turns out that you can do so much with your own hands. As long as you're willing to do it and use your super imagination, you might be able to create something even better than what you see. above. Each finished product will also give you a great sense of accomplishment and I look forward to everyone’s new works!

When I was in college, I used an old laptop. The computer was a bit stuck for programming, let alone playing games. Every time I started it, it took a long time.

It looked like this:

Later, after I graduated, I kept it at home and I asked my mother to learn how to use it. He came to play the songsYunnan folk sounds that I had written for her, and the siblings' melody played every day. My mother was watching it excitedly and she got rid of the CD channels.

I don't know if it was China Mobile or China Unicom that recently installed broadband in the village. It's free for two years, then charged next time. , I can teach my mother how to do it herself. Watch Yunnan folk songs and TV series online.

Let my mother also enjoy the convenience of the Internet age.

Don't ignore your parents' needs at home. It's not that they don't like the Internet, they just don't know how to learn and access it. I still remember the first time I helped my mother register a WeChat ID, taught her how to add a few family friends, and then chatted with her relatives.of joy and joy.

Talking to me enthusiastically all the time is not something these village aunties can talk to on their cell phones.

At that time, my mother didn't know that others used WeChat, and she was too embarrassed to ask others, just like when we were children and we didn't didn't know it. What the others were playing, we were too embarrassed to ask.

Sorry to say so much, this is how I use my old laptop.

Since it is an old computer that has been disposed of, the configuration will definitely not be high, and it will definitely be difficult to play mainstream games, but the old computer will not It's not useless.

First of all, we need to make sure that the computer is not damaged and that it can still start and run. Normally. Otherwise we can only take it apartand leave it. The remaining parts are sold for scrap. Second, the computer is no longer worth or cannot update its configuration.

Objective 1, as a server. In most people's minds, servers are high-end hardware devices, often costing tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. However, these are enterprise-grade servers. In everyday life, an old computer is more than sufficient in a home or small office environment. According to your own needs and technical level, you can install the corresponding programs on the old computer to use it as a download server, mail server, video server, website server, etc. Personally I prefer to make it a game server and set create a private LAN server to start the game. A dog, a knife 999.

The second objective is to use it as a host of suawakening. However, generally speaking, it is not used in homes. Companies usually don't choose old computers for data security, so they simply ignore it.

Use three, watch TV. The first method is to install some video software on the computer, or live streaming software such as cbox, so that you can watch videos and watch TV. pressure on old computers. Or choose the second method: you don't need a host, just a monitor. Buy a VGA/HDMI conversion connector for 9 yuan to connect the monitor and TV box. Compared to a real TV, it's just a little smaller. It should be noted that the monitor cannot output sound like a TV, and you must use a set-top box that can be connected to an audio cable to connect headphones or external speakers.

OObjective 4: Donate to those who need it, but don't forget to delete any strange items from the hard drive in advance.

“Internet Geek”, with new perspective and new ideas, will accompany you to travel in the magical online world.

Electronic equipment is updated so quickly that I think everyone will have old cell phones and computers in their hands.

How to better use the electronic devices at hand and prevent them from gathering dust is also a very important thing.

Let's see how to better use the available equipment.

p> Used computer monitors

Let's start with used computer monitors. There are many uses for monitors.

One is to use the monitor as a dual-screen display, which can greatly improve work efficiency

The other consupports using the monitor as a dual screen; display in your own small shopping center, supermarket, Use of surveillance equipment in convenience stores;

The role of used computers

One is home wireless WiFi sharing, which can use computers as hotspot sharing tools


1 The first is an audio-visual entertainment center that can be connected to projection, audio and other equipment to form a home theater.

Dismantle Hardware

What are the best applications for old computers?

Nowadays, electronic products are updated very quickly, especially home computers, which wear out after a few years of use. At this time, economic conditions at home are better. If you are in a bad mood, you will consider upgrading your computer. Then, the formercomputer that has been disposed of can only be left at home to gather dust. If you are in a bad mood that day, you will sell it to a rag. collector for tens of dollars. This really makes these garbage collectors make a big deal out of it.

So if old computers that have been disposed of are left to gather dust at home, do they have other uses? In the coming days, Haiyang will provide an update on used computer chassis:

After the chassis was removed, it seemed that apart from selling scrap metal, I could hardly imagine that he had other uses. However, the almighty netizen was so imaginative that he even thought of using the chassis to make a barbecue grill in the hot summer and. long nights, I had no intention of sleeping. How cozy is it to invite a few friends to eat barbecue and sing songs under the toon tree in the yard! Tokensa look at what it means to get the most out of everything

▼Let's get a PC version first

▼Let's take a server version

This can be called a waste utilization model, I admire you!

Monitor item:

If the obsolete monitor is not broken, it can be used as a surveillance monitor, like this ▼

We can also use it Connect it to a TV box and transform it into a TV, like this▼

Or sell it to a recycling center in exchange of a meal▼

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If it is an obsolete laptop. You can remove the screen, then purchase a matching driver board kit on Taobao to create a small monitor. It can also be used as an auxiliary monitor for a desktop computer

Host article:

▲An expertly modified laser engraving machine with an optical drive

▲A robotwriting made by an optical drive

< p> ▲An optical drive used by an expert abroad The 3D printer produced

4. Motherboard: < /p>

Open the motherboard and you can make many models, such as airplane models, guitars, and very good post-modernist ornaments

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Attach the keys and attach the colorful string to create a unique necklace. It can also be used as rings, earrings, hairpins, etc. , taking it on the street will instantly make you awesome!

Additionally, you can use old keyboard membranes to make high-end wallets with circuits

Mouse: You can also Make Ornaments

Okay, I revised so many things for you today. , your imagination is open and you can find newhe ways to turn trash into treasure. I wonder if you really learned it and don't want to be so cheap. to the old man downstairs picking up trash, so use what you have on hand. Send me all your old computers! To be honest, Haiyang is also a garbage collector.

I sold all the computers I had disposed of. In July, I sold the old DIY workstation for 200 yuan to a teacher at the school.

Approximate configuration: CPU: E5-2680*2, RAM: DDR3 1600 8 GB*8, HDD: Samsung 850PRO 1 TB SSD (SATA3) + Toshiba X300 4 TB HDD (SATA3), graphics card : GTX1080*4, Power supply: Corsair 1500W power supply, Display: 28-inch Samsung 4K flat panel display, Housing: 304 stainless steel welded housing, Cooling system: Home-made immersion oil cooling, the middle layer of the housing is equipped with a heat dissipation conduitwith 10 cooling servers. Fans.

Photo: There are no photos on this phone. I'll come back and look for them if there are any and add them.

Computer is a universal platform With the proper installation of certain software or hardware, you can use it as you wish. What we call old computers is usually because game performance can't keep up. In fact, they are still very good for other purposes such as office work. For example:

First, the host is used as a set-top box, connected to a large TV and used to watch videos remotely using a wireless keyboard and mouse.

The second is to be a video surveillance host.

The third is to create a database of electronic documents, install some software to allow remote access and backup, as well as backupekeep mobile phones and other computers.document.

The fourth is to connect to the company computer to work remotely.

The fifth is to create a router, install a network card, and install software to achieve multi-wan port routing.

The sixth is the print server. For some older printers, the new version of the system driver cannot be found. You can continue installing the old system driver. After installing it, you can share the printer and use it as a print server.

What to remember: the computer does not need to be on 24 hours a day. It can be woken up remotely if necessary. Some older computers with built-in network cards do not support it. can install a network card to achieve this and use software to shut down remotely.

I really can't think of a betterway to deal with this type of old-fashioned computer than to sell it to a recycling station.

If such a pile of garbage is placed in an urban house with an average unit price of 40,000 yuan/square meter, the cost is too high and wasteful, even if it is left in the corner to collect dust. This also affects hygiene. The price of a second-hand laptop with the same configuration is only 300 yuan, so I advise you to contact the purchasing station as soon as possible to come and clear it.

Some people say they want to give it to relatives living in rural areas. In fact, it's too demeaning. At the same time, life in rural areas is not bad. , if the current desktop computer If there is no need to play, it will not be of much use at all.

Many people now like to watch videos directly on their mobile phones or tablets.ette. It's so comfortable to watch a series while lying on a warm bed. Why sit on a cold stool to watch it?

You have such antiques at home, what do you think?

It depends on whether you want to send direct current or alternating current. Find a matching low-speed permanent magnet motor, install the fan blades and place it in the wind. Then the original motor wires will generate voltage, the voltage size is related to the speed, and the AC and DC current is related to the motor type. This method can generate 100% electricity, but the generated voltage is unstable and requires a voltage stabilizing device. Energy production depends on engine power and speed. Generally speaking, the electricity generated by the DC generator can directly power the LED lights. When the wind changes at night, the lights flashent, which is very beautiful.

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