"Dead by Daylight": Human Survival Skills and Butcher's Guide to Hunting People

Introduction "Dead by Daylight" Human Survival Skills and Butcher's Guide to Hunting People When the Invincibility Room is weakened, it's time to really practice your skills, improve your awareness, and use your mouse more.

"Dead by Daylight": Human Survival Skills and Butcher's Guide to Hunting People

When the invincible room is weakened, you should really practice your skills, improve your awareness, use your mouse to shake the viewing angle, don't blindly run forward when you are chased by the butcher, look back towards the butcher. Pursuit course, it is possible that when you run forward it will go around to the side. At this point, turning around will increase the distance between you and the butcher. The current version of the Butcher's Knife Qi issue was mentioned in a boss post yesterday. The production team has made it clear that this is a BUG and should be updated in the next couple of days, there won't be many. of humans squatting in front of the butcher again. Press 1 2 to mock. You can get away from the butcher by doing these things. (The leader just ordered something to be done, and it was delayed)

The current version of human beingss has a stiffness when she jumps up and down. You can try pressing action buttons 1 and 2, just like for delete. the hook, the stiffness will be canceled immediately, but it still is. You need to carefully train when to press it. You can't undo it immediately every time you tap it. Learning a few more tricks will be of great help to you in improving your strength. No one is invincible, not the butcher, and neither are people.

The new human model feels better than the black girl with twin ponytails. Personally I think the pros and cons of the model are NEA black girl with twin ponytails and Zhang Wei = Wang Han. I think NEA is smaller and easier to operate.

Regarding the question of opening the window and placing the tray, this version of the window is particularly difficult, sealedant several invincible points, frame wells, coal towers and other images, and the current butcher knife is very long, almost 3. It can be cut from four positions. Many people reported being cut even after climbing over the window and taking a step. Besides, it's best not to wait for the butcher behind the board now. , because the butcher rushed in with one of the swords by force, you put the board down without pressing it, he came and you got a knife (I believe many children's shoes suffered from this), now by placing the board you have to predict the position of the butcher and place him in advance, he will be dizzy after eating a plate. The current LT, windows and board are all badly pitted, as the butcher's charged knife went through the window and board. Today I laid the board down and cut it straight through the board. truly speechless. PS: The production team has confirmed that this is a BUG, ​​and it should be fixed in the near future.

Regarding the nurse, don't think about what he carries people around to tease him. the nurse resists people, she doesn't stiffen up when she cuts people, and she always stabs people. I was walking fast (personal test), carrying people (iron fist level 3), and three people came to harass me. They wanted to get stuck, so they directly resisted and hacked them, and I chased down and hacked one of them to death. Related Skills: Teleportation isn't as powerful as you think. When she chases you, you have to look back and watch her run. Once she uses teleport, you can see how long she has charged. will run in the opposite direction, that is to say towards him, the distance will become wider and wider, that is, if you are next to himfrom the board, he will teleport and slash you. catch you immediately. You will suffer losses many times PS: When can it be changed? If you always run straight, she will get dizzy after teleporting. Don't run yet, walk quietly and find obstacles to hide. Do not touch yourself or others when his heart rate is good. beat, because the nurse When calling you can see the person being treated, level 1 is 20, level 2 is 26, and level 3 is 36. However, the sound of heartbeat is about the same distance , so don't think about touching yourself and exposing your position. There are excavators, forklifts, etc. near. When she feels dizzy, go upstairs slowly. She might not be able to find you at the top.

The new version does not mean that the miserable engine repair is T1, but that you must be able tomove, to use boards, buildings and obstacles to block the butcher's perspective, not because the invincible piece is blocked. You know, the production team tries to block invincible rooms, so if there is one, they will block it. Personally, I think the current version of the T1 team is all about demolition and saving people. The fun of this game lies not in repairing generators, but in silent teamwork and tacit understanding. . As long as you can save people and cooperate, you can save people. (I was full anyway, and no one could save me except when I was chased and killed at the beginning.) Be careful, be careful, I say it three times here, emphasizing that it's Very important. Make good use of the laser cannon. This is the only prop humans can use to beat the Butcher. He can also take down the butcher carrying peoplees. It also adds rescue points. If you don't know how, I will teach you until you do.

In this photo from the Blood House yesterday, I have an invisible butcher peeking out for a long time. My teammates repaired 4 generators until they were fully activated, and opened the gate. The most important thing is that I ran. It was so exciting. I didn't expect that after I came out, another person would be cut to death by the butcher and hung on a tree.

Sometimes I used a laser cannon to shoot the butcher who was hugging people, which obviously meant he could break free from the 1250 point killer's arms, but my teammates still haven't come down and can still walk up to the tree. I have no choice but to say that it must be. a bug. When a human removes a claw or saves a person and the butcher attacks the person, the bar ofThe person's progress will be interrupted. Rather, why is there a hanging progress bar that keeps playing when the butcher carries the person up to the tree. ? What do you think?

Actually, when you play a human, the most touching thing is being rescued by others. When you fall to the ground, your teammates will rescue you directly with toilet water or medical attention. injection. Have you ever seen a person get hanged and three people come to the basement to save them? Have you ever seen a person being hanged, one person blocking the knife, one person saving and the other person blocking the knife again? Did you see a butcher try to sue him? When you get to your teammates, help your teammates attract firepower, and you are stuck in the butcher position?

What you are most proud of as a human is to save your teammates. , helping your teammatespiers to resist knives, helping your teammates draw firepower and successfully escape What? love killing.

The most annoying thing about playing a human is when your teammates save you and you step on the trap. It won't help you break free. He simply runs away. He can't resist the knife. (You can't resist the knife and won't help you break free from the trap. Why are you here to save people? I don't need teammates like you. I'd rather hang on more trees than to hang on. He was saved in 3 seconds and fell to the ground in 3 seconds), and when he saved someone in great shape, the butcher came and there was a board next to you. I just went there. Why did you put the painting up? Does this block the position of teammates? Is there anyone you just saved? I wonder if your behavior amounts to hurter teammates? So I really hate teammates like that. Not only when you save people, but you also encounter this when you repair generators. you need to set up a board so your teammates can't pass by and get caught by the butcher. The most helpless thing is that you are chased by a butcher. When you see a board in front of you, you want to go and place it. Unexpectedly, your teammate is stuck on the board and you can't get past. then you take the knife.

Regarding the crow, if you are looking for someone in the butcher game and you hear a crow, but the crow does not fly, it means that there is someone near you you to look for it. (words from experience), of course you have a high chance of not being able to find someone.

As for the butcher looking for someone, it depends on where your spawn point. vou necessarily need to go to the farthest generator, because now the basic manual destruction skills are as follows: You need to check if your location is near the basement. If there are many hooks near a building, then the basement is in another building (small white house). ), and vice versa. If you were born in a place with many hooks, don't rush to the generator in the distance. Take a few turns to see if you hear any crows, the kind that sing but the birds don't fly. meters radius, because when I heard the crow like that, I didn't hear the heartbeat. Instead, I heard the heartbeat after 1-2 seconds. I remember the heartbeat must have come at 32 or 36 meters, so I judged that. the crow's cry was about 40 yards away. I remember I was playing sneak once and I heard a hornbeautiful singing. There was a cornfield next door, with generators and hooks. However, I still walked for 3 or 4 seconds, turned around and saw 3 people coming out. the cornfield, I went out to repair the generator and remove the hooks, which made me happy. There is also a way to judge the direction of human beings by making crows fly. There is a sequence for the crows to fly, so sometimes when you are out of sight you can use this little trick to determine the direction of the humans. Here are some tips for listening and observing crows.

Now let's talk about the sound of breathing. I read above and someone said that human beings squat quietly without breathing, could this be wrong? I have found people several times by the sound of their breathing. It is simply the distance between the butcher and the human that causes the intentionsity of the sound of breathing, and she does not hide the sound of her own breathing. Therefore, I suggest that players who play Butcher had better wear headphones if they use speakers, the sound will propagate, making it difficult to hear. In many situations, like in cornfields, when I suddenly hear a scream, I stop and listen carefully to see if I heard it wrong or if it's real. When I listen to the breath, you can change your perspective, because some people bring cats. , and if you face them and reveal yourself, they will panic and crouch or start running faster (there is a rustling sound when crouching in the cornfield). There is also a groan from this injured human being. Da Zhangwei's voice is extremely loud. I do not know what you think about it. Sometimes you hear moaning and crackling noises when youtap, which lets you find someone nearby. Generally speaking, the place where you touch is around an obstacle. It's at the back, next to the board, or in the corner, so it's easy to find. If you see someone hiding behind the painting, don't rush to chase them. Face the other side of the board, walk forward, charge the knife and turn around (I call this the spiral knife method). you can hit the person behind the painting. People touching each other behind the board or wanting to break the board (they never tire of trying) can, of course, be knocked out by humans hitting the board in advance. .

I mainly play the invisible butcher, so don't criticize me about pliers, chainsaws, etc., I'll be scared.

Now let's talk about whether or not to walk the planks. Sometimes you don't have to walkon the boards, like in an old garage. There are a lot of boards. in the middle of the base map. You need to pay attention to the space between obstacles and boards. If the distance is long, walk over it. If it is short, do not step on it, this will encourage the human being to move. and let it continue to skate back and forth. If he's not careful, he can easily get stabbed. I'll add photos when I get a chance, but I'm currently in the office and can't add photos.

In the previous version, the butcher's LT room had two boards and some only had one. He would place a plank and watch where he was going, all he had to do was walk on the plank. if he leaves, don't step on him in a hurry. Go to the other side where the board is not yet placed, otherwise it is easy to lose your field of vision when walking on the board.

Concerning skills, as Imainly plays stealth, haven't played any other butchers. I have a knife, an eagle eye, an iron fist and a deer head, which are standard equipment in the previous version, an eagle eye. It is greatly weakened and the field of view is too reduced, but the most important thing is that the clarity is increased by 20%. In order to protect the eyes, you must still wear it. If I don't wear it, it will be easy to be avoided by people squatting in the grass. It's upstairs. It's all about protective color. Because of the demolition team, it is best to bring Iron Hand with him, needless to say, the magic skill, Yida can only be regarded as a semi-magic skill now, because there is a limit of time. If there is a springboard, you can replace it with a single knife (depending on personal preference). Everyone has their own way of combining skills.

About this version of skills hhumans. I think ejection is essential, because of the sword energy you have to use ejection to get rid of the butcher. As for cats, I think you can bring them with you or not. If you want to be vulgar, then take them with you. Mini-game, the current version of the butcher clip is still very strong, you still have to bring it, if you don't bring it, it's easy to win the random clip (I always knocked down, because it doesn't There's no mini-game 2, the black girl didn't see the mini-game at level 43), and I brought the mini-game to take it apart. If you can't remove the hook, it gives you a headache and itching. It's not serious. If you damage your hands, there are other things that cannot be removed. Touch yourself, what to do if you are injured, what to do if you don't have a medical kit, it doesn't matter, you can touch yourself, which is called masturbation. Today,I met a newbie, and he. asked me why I didn't save him when he was killed by a butcher (he was killed by a butcher) Hang up, another teammate repaired the last generator), I didn't dare, I slashed with a knife, I was panicking, I walked around him several times, and the butcher was still stuck guarding the corpse, I was helpless, the most important thing Not that, the most important thing is that I was killed at the beginning and got rid of the butcher. was repairing the generator and I crouched down next to him. flashlight, he just stopped touching and was still repairing the generator. Then I asked him why he didn't touch me, and he said he didn't have the skills to touch people I really wanted to spray a mouthful of. blood on that pretty new face.

The touching story of the earthquake in Yushu, Qinghai

Do you have any opinions or ideasAre you on these three characters and three cards in “Dead by Daylight”? I analyzed the Survivor character map and the Dead by Daylight starting strategy. I'm going to give you some advice on these three characters and cards. Of course, the most important thing is Survivor's starting strategy. Come learn with me. I hope this will be useful to you.


How to deal with acceleration, unplugging and shifting

I played so much, and the acceleration I The most I encountered was when I was stabbed by a butcher and then flashed + accelerated. The speed is about the same as running shoes.

If I catch a bug like this that seriously affects the gaming experience, I'll just climb a tree and stay close from my face until death.

To unplug. I think blood cells are more significant than rank. Once you have removed the ligne, you will no longer get a single point from the blood cells earned in this game. For the Butcher, this can represent a loss of 1,200 tree points and 1/4 of the game experience. For the one who shoots line, it's a waste of time all the way, harming others and not benefiting from it.

For file modifications. To put it bluntly, you can go out with a full outfit, and the dragon slaying sword will be given away in one click. Four red skills at level 1? Three turns for a rank 20 character? Move quickly when chased, but you can still clear the invincible room easily. The most important thing in this game is the awareness and mentality to deal with different situations. Skills and props can make your job easier, but they won't guarantee your success.


First of all, you need to know that blood cellsines are universal.

Earned Bloodballs can be added to any character and character levels are calculated individually.

It is therefore very important to choose the right main character.

Brother in White

If you are new to the game, please change the default character selected by the system: Brother in White

Why do you say that ? , because there is a saying:

Ten Wang Han has nine traps, and we love to give points.

Nine Wang Han out of ten are lying down and one is on the road.

Are you playing black? I play Wang Han Thief 6

I play Butcher and I like hunting Wang Han. The reasons are as follows:

Wang Han has no self-protection ability. The white clothes on Wang Han's body are eye-catching.

In fact, Wang Han's positioning is: to accompany the big army as a group and rely on exclusive skills to developoperate motors at the speed of light.

Due to its MAX taunt power, it often plays the role of attracting firepower.

Leave it to the masters and don't play Wang Han for beginners. I was scared when I saw level 20 Wang Han.

Twisted Braid

The setting is to run around the field and keep the butchers away. The dark coat is easy to hide, and the characteristic ejection start skill can open the butcher for a long distance after starting. Beginners are recommended to practice.

Black girl

The setting is that of a team nanny. Her dark coat and dark skin make her highly concealable. Even if it is slaughtered by the butcher, it will be difficult to find it if it is lying in the grass. Her self-healing skill makes her more suitable than anyone else to sneak into butchers and save people. It is strongly recommended to practice it.

Da Zhangwei

The distinctive skill is removing hooks and clips with bare hands. Most of the time, Da Zhangwei would move around alone and remove all the hooks from an area. Even if he was slaughtered by the butcher, he wouldn't find a place to hang them. Because like Wang Han, he lacks life-saving skills, he is suitable for experienced players who can steadily improve their scores.

The sacrifice and accessories will be discussed later.


At the start of each game, you will be asked in the lower left corner which card corresponds to the current game.

Note: This prompt has two lines. The first line shows the characteristic buildings and the second line shows the land.

The game map is therefore made up of “characteristic buildings” + “terrain”.

For example: Coal Tower MacMillan Manor. This means that this game is played on a forest terrain (McMillan Manor) and that there will be an iconic two-story building (Coal Tower) in the center of the map.

Knowing this mechanic will help players remember the map structure.

There are many characteristic building types, so I won't go into detail. Here we mainly talk about the three major areas of the game.

1. Autoheaven Ruins (autoheaven)

Also known as the parking lot. The map is medium sized and the terrain has many stone walls and piles of tires. A lot of cover makes it very easy for humans to hide. The land comes with its own buildings: excavator, bus divided into two parts (invincible piece), white wooden house (barely considered an invincible piece). This should be the image with the highest win rate for humans currently.

2. Cold Wind Farm

The map is very large. There are only a few wooden wallsis on the edges of the map, and some haystacks in the center of the map. However, the particularity of this map is: large fields of sorghum. Just find a crop, crouch inside and the butcher will be hard to find. The land comes with buildings: a harvester, a large tree with pigs hanging on it (a very good invincible piece), and probably nothing else. The map with the highest win rate for Chainsaw Butcher

3 MacMillan Manor

Also known as the forest map. For a small map, objects that can provide concealment include: rocks, many trees, relatively dense grass, and brick walls at the edge of the map. The land's built-in buildings include: a white wooden house (similar to the one in the parking lot, half an invincible room), a very thick tree (used for painting boxes), and a water tower (also usedused to paint boxes). . This should be the field where Butcher currently has the highest win rate. The invincible room that accompanies the terrain is almost useless, and you can only rely on special buildings (like coal towers and steel mills). If you are unlucky and happen to arrive at "Refuge Manor", there is no invincible room on this map. Besides, Chainsaw Butcher hates this terrain a lot.

Opening skills

I. know the general structure of the map. The first step to starting the game is to confirm your approximate location on the map.

I divided the map into three parts: outer circle, middle circle, inner circle

You can see the wall at the beginning, so you can tell you are in the outer circle. The outer circle is the main passage for humans to transition, and it is also the area with the most bunkers. He is fEasy to avoid by hearing the heartbeat. If you find yourself born in the outer circle, you don't need to rush out and fire up the engine. You can walk along the wall for a while, searching the invincible rooms and doors along the way, and planning your own escape. itinerary. It's worth noting that there are a lot of crows in the outer circle, so be sure to avoid them when walking.

At the start, the wall is vaguely visible, the characteristic buildings on the map are vaguely visible, and the generator is visible in the middle circle. The middle circle is characterized by the presence of most generators on the map, and the invincible rooms and boxes that accompany the terrain are also placed in this area. If there is an invincible part nearby, you can consider starting to develop the engine directly.

You must be very careful when you communicateence next to a characteristic building and you cannot see the wall. The inner circle features are the feature buildings + the generators and boxes that accompany the feature buildings. If the featured building is an invincible piece and you are confident in it, you may consider starting with a wave to buy time for your teammates. After all, being born in the inner circle is likely to encounter the butcher at the beginning

Last night at 9 p.m., at the Yushu Prefectural Hospital, Zhang Jieming and Gao Chuanhong, both from the county from Zhongxian, Chongqing, who worked in Yushu, carried their wives who died in the earthquake in tears. When I got into the farm vehicle, I felt extremely heavy.

"Let's go home together!" Zhang Jieming finally wiped the dust from his wife's face and said silently to his wife. Zhang Jieming saidre told reporters that his wife Xu Hefang was two months pregnant, but the family's fortunes were suddenly reversed because of the earthquake the day before yesterday, which caused him and his wife to separate .

After seeing his wife for the last time, Gao Chuanhong, 47, covered his wife's face with the only white sheet left at home. He didn't want to see the bloody scar on his wife's forehead. was hit by a stone.

Zhang Pingxing, who was still silent, picked up his wife's body, placed it on his lap, and looked at it carefully again and again. These three men were preparing to take their deceased wife home in a farm vehicle.

"My pregnant wife saved me"

Zhang Jieming's hands are still crusted with blood. Previously, he dug up with his hands his pregnant wife, Xu Hefang, who died in the earthquake.

Zhang Jieming said thate the earthquake had happened the day before yesterday at 7 a.m. and he was asleep. It was his wife who suddenly woke up and woke him up, only to find that the earthquake shook their earth house on Xixiang Road, Yushu Prefecture. “My eyes were completely dark, and my first feeling was that I was going to die!” At that moment, Zhang Jieming felt someone suddenly push him out of the door. By the time he reacted, the house had suddenly collapsed. The person who pushed him was his wife, who was almost two months pregnant. "It was my pregnant wife who saved me. I want her to return to her roots," Zhang Jieming said.

"I will return to find my missing son"

After the earthquake, Gao Chuanhong experienced a roller coaster of great joy and great sadness.

On the day of the earthquake, Gao Chuanhong's wife Sun Zhishu was about to sendr her 7-year-old child, Gao Yong, at school. At that time, the earthquake hit the house. ,Gao Chuanhong saw his wife disappear before his eyes, and the mud tile house immediately buried his wife, who was less than 1.5 meters tall.

Gao Chuanhong said his wife is the same age as him and is from Zhongxian County, Chongqing. She is very affectionate and has a very intelligent son, Gao Yong, whose nickname is Gao Shijie. After the earthquake, Gao Chuanhong desperately pulled his wife out of the rubble. At that time, his wife was still breathing. He rushed her to Yushu Prefectural Hospital. After leaving the hospital, Gao Chuanhong happily went to Hongqi Primary School in Yushu County to pick up his child Gao Yong. He told Liu Shanyu, another villager, "I guess there is nothing wrong with my wife and children." »

Half an hour later, Liu Shanyu saw Gao Chuanh againong. He said Gao Chuanhong looked like he was about to fall as he walked down the street. Gao Chuanhong then told Liu Shanyu that his wife was dead and his children were nowhere to be found. “I’m a medical student and I know his mind almost collapsed.” Liu Shanyu quickly comforted Gao Chuanhong and said, "You have to hold on. Only if you hold on can this family slowly improve."

Yesterday, reporters found photos of Gao Chuanhong, his wife and their child Gao Yong in the pile of earth of this collapsed house. Gao Chuanhong said: “After sending my wife back to my hometown, I will come back to look for my missing son. »

“My wife cannot be buried in a foreign place”

Because I didn't take much with me after the earthquake. Money, to send their deceased wives back to their hometown, three men from Chongqing found some 10 and 20 yuan notes in their collapsed rooms and borrowed some to separate them from others, so that they could collect vehicle tolls at home so that their wives could return home smoothly. Dead leaves return to their roots.

Yesterday afternoon, three men drove to Ganzi, Sichuan. When a reporter asked Gao Chuanhong why he had to send his wife back to his hometown, Gao Chuanhong replied, "I have been married for more than 20 years and I have to give him and his parents an explanation." being casually buried in a strange place. »

Liu Shanyu, another villager from Gao Chuanhong, said that the day he went to see these other villagers, his newly opened clinic was less than three days old. The old one also collapsed during the earthquake. At that time, he also wanted to return with these compatriotsfrom the village who sent away their deceased wives. My comrades from the village left this sad place together, but the car was too crowded and the temperature was too low. climb the mountain. If we were to leave, we would be forced to pile up with the corpses, so we chose to stay.

Liu Shanyu said that if there were no earthquakes in Yushu, it would be a good place to fall in love. There is Princess Wencheng Temple here, and many Han people come here to pan for gold.

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