Water energy-mechanical energy-electrical energy conversion formula: P=9.81HQn. It can be seen from the formula that the higher the water height, the greater the power. Likewise, the greater the flow, the more important it is. electricity production. Therefore, it can be concluded that 3*2=6 2*3=6 Suppose domestic electricity needs 10 kW, water height (drop) 20 m, efficiency 0.8, flow rate Q =P/9.81/20/0.8=10/9.81/. 20/0.8=0.064m3. According to calculations, when 10 kW of electricity is used, if there is a hydroelectric resource with a height of 20 m, then a hydroelectric plant with a flow rate of 64 kg per second is needed to generate 10 kW.
Two necessary conditions are required, one is sufficient height difference and the other is sufficient flow. This is why almost all large and medium-sized hydroelectric plants are built in the southwest.
>Flow After entering the hydroelectric power station through the water pipe, it hits the turbine and turns the generator, which converts the mechanical energy of the water flow into electrical energy. This is the principle, but the details are very complicated