How to Make Sydney Sweet Water

Introduction How to make powdered sweetened pear water Question 1: How to make powdered sweetened pear water How to make powdered sweetened pear water: 1. Effects of powdered sweetened pear water: Pears cooked in icing sugar are good medicine

How to Make Sydney Sweet Water

Question 1: How to prepare sweetened pear water. How to prepare Sweet Pear Water and Snow Pear Water:

1. Effects of Icing Sugar and Snow Pear Water:

Rock. Pear cooked in sugar is a good medicinal diet. It is generally used by people to treat and improve the symptoms of cough and phlegm. If Chuanbei is added during the production of rock sugar cooked pears, the effect of relieving cough and reducing phlegm will be. better.

The snow pear cooked with candy sugar has the function of clearing heat and hydrating the lungs, reducing phlegm and relieving coughs. Fritillaria fritillary powder has a bitter taste, slightly cold in nature and returns to the lung meridian. Its main function is suitable for cough due to exogenous wind heat, chronic cough due to lung deficiency and dry throat with less phlegm.

Medicine nNationally has long considered candy sugar and snow pear to be good remedies for relieving coughs, reducing phlegm and moistening the lungs. People often use pears cooked with rock sugar to improve coughs and reduce phlegm. Pears have been medically proven to have the effects of moistening the lungs and eliminating dryness, relieving coughs and reducing phlegm, nourishing the blood and promoting muscle growth. Therefore, it is effective in treating dry throat, itching, pain, hoarse voice, thick phlegm, constipation and red urine in patients suffering from acute bronchitis and tract infection upper respiratory tract. Pears also have the effects of lowering blood pressure, nourishing yin and clearing heat, so patients with hypertension, hepatitis and cirrhosis often eat pears.s pears. If candy sugar and snow pear are cooked with Qiongzhen Ganoderma, the effect of relieving cough and moisturizing the lungs will be more obvious.

If you have a cough that makes you nervous, you can add lily to candy pear compote to soothe your nerves and relax your nerves. This also has the effect of relieving severe coughs. Chuanbei pear, you can enhance its medicinal properties and improve its effectiveness. It has the effect of calming the nerves, relieving coughs and reducing phlegm.

2. The effects of candy sugar:

According to relevant literature, the main functions of candy sugar are to moisten the lungs, relieve cough, eliminate phlegm and eliminate the fire. It is also an auxiliary material for brewing medicinal wine and stewing tonics.

⒈ Function: Buxing Zhongyi Qi, harmonizing the stomach and moistening the lungs, relieving cough andreducing phlegm.

2. Nature and flavor: sweet, neutral, non-toxic. Meridian Return: Enters the lung and spleen meridians.

⒊ Efficacy: nourish yin and promote fluid production, moisten the lungs and relieve coughs.

⒋ Indications: Dry pulmonary cough, dry cough without phlegm and expectoration with blood. It is used for dry lungs, lung failure, cough and asthma caused by wind and cold fatigue, malaria in children, dysentery, canker sore, toothache caused by wind. Rock sugar is warm in nature and has the effect of relieving cough and reducing phlegm. It is widely used in high-end supplements and health products produced in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Rock sugar does not contain as many impurities as sucrose, which will produce endogenous moisture and heat after being trop eaten. It's also not as sweet as soft white sugar, which can easily cause you to gain weight if you eat too much. Older adults can also relieve dry mouth and tongue by taking melted rock candy in their mouth. Pharmacological effects: It can replenish water and sugar in the body, and has the functions of replenishing body fluid, providing energy, replenishing blood sugar, strengthening the heart, diuresis and detoxification. Indications: The 5% solution is an isotonic solution, used for various acute poisonings to promote the excretion of poisons; 10% to 50% solution is a very potent solution, used for hypoglycemia, malnutrition or heart failure, and cerebral edema. , treatment of pulmonary edema, etc.

3. Nutritional value and effectiveness of Sydney pear:

The meat is as tender and white as snow, it ist why it is called Sydney pear. It is sweet in taste and cold in nature and contains malic acid, citric acid, vitamins B1, B2, C, carotene, etc. SnowPears have the effect of dissipating heat and reducing phlegm, so they are particularly suitable for consumption in autumn. Its medicinal properties can cure wind and heat, moisten the lungs, cool the heart, remove phlegm, reduce fire and detoxify.

Sydney pears are mainly available in autumn. They are juicy and have a crunchy taste, so they have diuretic effects, strengthening the spleen and moistening the lungs. Eating pear regularly also has the effect of beautifying the skin. It is therefore one of the most popular fruits in autumn.

4. How to simmer a Sydney pear with candy sugar;

1. Buy a Sydney pear, preferably a larger one, the meat is juicier and juicierutous and the core is easier to remove. After repurchasing it, clean the peel, cut off about a fifth to a quarter of the height of the pear handle, then dig up the core and discard it. In this way, the pear became a place to go. Stick to natural candies.

You can also remove the skin, but after removing the skin, the sugar water will flow directly into the bowl. Those with skin will be better.

2. Finally, break the candy sugar you purchased into particles. Generally, it is better if it is smaller and easier to dissolve. Crush the icing sugar and pour it little by little into the pear. Do not cut the pear, as you will need to cover the top of the just cut pear.

There is no strict requirement for the amount of candy sugar. If you like it, add more; if you don't like it, use less.

3. Cover the top and use toothpicks to secure the top of the poire Sydney to prevent it from falling due to movement.

4. Place the snow pear candy sugar that was completed in the above process into an appropriately sized container. The best porcelain bowl, if not plastic, is suitable. Then steam it in the steamer.

5. Steaming time: Usually 20 minutes of steaming is enough. The specific time is related to the size of the firepower. Generally, the candy sugar melts and the snow pear pulp becomes soft. , snow pear sugar water is prepared.

Six: How to take it:

Mix the pulp with... >>

Question 2: Pear stew with icing sugar How to make water: Cut the pears into pieces, add icing sugar, add water and simmer on the stove for 15-20 minutes

Question 3: How to simmer slow-cooked Sydney pearswith candy sugar? How to simmer Sydney pears with candy sugar (1): < /p>

Ingredients: One Sydney pear, 10 grams of candy sugar, 2 grams of Sichuan clam powder, 3 grams of goji.


1. Peel the pear, use a knife to remove about 1/5 of the top, and use a small spoon to remove the core from the pear.

2. After cleaning the snow pears, put candy sugar in the heart of the pears.

3. Put the goji flour and Sichuan clam flour respectively into the pear core.

4. Add appropriate amount of water to the pot.

5. After covering the pot, steam it for about an hour, then it is ready to eat.

Note: If this doesn't suit you, you can also put SydneyCut it into pieces, add the ingredients and cook in the pressure cooker for 30 minutes before serving.

Recipe for stewst Sydney pears with candy sugar (2):

Ingredients: 2 Sydney pears, appropriate amount of candy sugar.

Method: Cut and slice the pear into a clay pot with rock sugar, add a small amount of water, simmer for 30 minutes, then it is ready to eat.

Effects: Cleanses the heart and moistens the lungs, clears heat and promotes fluid production. It is suitable for people with dry throat, thirst, red face and lips, or dry cough with thick phlegm. In autumn, the climate is dry, so most children can use it as a daily drink.

Recipe for simmering Sydney pears with icing sugar (3):

Ingredients: 1 to 2 Sydney pears, 30 to 60 grams of icing sugar.

Preparation: Peel and core the snow pears, place them in a porcelain bowl with the rock sugar and simmer over the water until the rock sugar softens.i is melted.

Effectiveness: The pear moistens the lungs, eliminates heat, produces body fluids and quenches thirst. Used with candy sugar, it improves the moisturizing and antitussive effect. It can treat dry cough in children. no phlegm, dry lips and dry throat.

Features: Eat pears and drink water. They're light, sweet and gooey, and kids love eating them.

Recipe for snow pear compote with candy sugar (4):

Ingredients: candy sugar, water, snow pear (sweet, slightly sour, fresh, enters the lungs and stomach meridian Contains malic acid, lemon acid, glucose, sucrose, vitamin B, C, etc. Function: moisten the lungs, promote body fluid, clear heat and. resolve phlegm)

Method: peel off the skin of the pear and grind it into a velvet shape or cut it into several pieces, add a littlecandy sugar, appropriate amount of water, steam over low heat for half an hour.

Efficacy: It has the effects of eliminating phlegm, moistening the lungs and nourishing the lungs. Not only that, but the candy sugar and snow pear soup is delicious, more beautiful and also a very delicious dessert.

Recipe for snow pear compote with candy sugar (5):

Ingredients: 8 grams of white mushroom (approximately 1 whole flower), 3 snow pears, 6 red dates , 5 grams of goji, 60 grams of candy sugar, 2.5 liters of clean water.

Method: 1. Soak the white mushroom in warm water for 30 minutes, rinse off the sediment, cut the root with scissors, then tear it into small pieces by hand. 2. Rinse the red dates; and the goji separately and reserve; 3. Put the grated white mushroom in a casserole dish, pour water, cover the saucepan, bring to a boilltion over high heat, then put on low heat and simmer for 5 hours 4. Wash and peel it; pears, then cut into small pieces; 5. Wait until the white mushroom is cooked. When it becomes soft and thick, add the red dates, goji, pear and rock sugar and cook for 15 minutes, then turn off the heat. eaten hot or cold.

Note: 1. Use warm water to soak Tremella fuciformis. The effect is better than soaking Tremella fuciformis directly in cold water. Tremella fuciformis has a high expansion rate and a flower as large as your palm can grow. in a small pot. 2. Cooking Tremella takes a long time to become thick, so in order to save time, you can also use a pressure cooker to cook it. Then put on low heat and cook for half an hour after the gas has run out. 3. Goji berries should not be put in too early, otherwise they will be cooked untilsoft and rotten, which will affect their appearance and produce a sour taste.

Recipe for pear compote with icing sugar (6):

Ingredients: Sichuan scallops, icing sugar, pear


1. Peel the pear, use a knife to remove about 1/5 of the top layer, and remove the core from the pear. Be careful not to dig through the bottom.

2. Clean the snow pears, add candy sugar, goji powder and Sichuan clam, and add boiled water (about half of the pear is enough, a little water will flow out during steaming).

3. Steam for 1-1.5 hours if using a pressure cooker, the time can be shortened appropriately.

Note: Sichuan scallops and snow pear cooked in candy sugar are soft, sweet and have a pleasant aroma. If you don't have a cough, you can avoid adding the scallops fromSichuan.

Question 4: How to make snow pear compote with candy sugar at home, how to prepare the main ingredients for authentic snow pear compote with sugar candy




Candy sugar





1. Wash the pears.

2. Remove the stems and handles from the pears and cut them into large pieces.

3. Place the pear slices in the container.

4. Add the candy sugar and steam for half an hour.

5. Add the soaked goji and steam for five minutes.


Eating pears and crabs together will hurt the stomach and intestines; avoid eating goose meat together.

Question 5: How to make sugar candy pear at home How many pears, candy sugar and water should you put in it?Gonglai, you really want to learn, so let me teach you: wash 2 Sydney pears without peeling them, remove the core and cut them into four pieces; according to your preference), Two bowls of water, cover and simmer for 1 to 2 hours!

Question 6: How to boil white pears in sugar water? Cut the white pears into pieces and boil them in water. When the pears are almost ripe, add icing sugar. and cook. Put the pears and water in a cup or bottle, you can drink it cold. For daily consumption, it is better to add a little white mushroom and jujube to cook together

Question 7: How to boil sweet pear water for remove the heat and wash the pears. Cut them into small pieces, put an appropriate amount of water into the pot, add the sliced ​​pears and an appropriate amount of icing sugar. , and do itire together until the pears are tender and rotten to your personal taste.

Question 8: How to make candy sugar and snow pear water? What are the functions of boiling snow pear in sugar water? Ingredients

Main ingredients

1 Yali


Rock sugar

< p> 100 grams

< p> Water

Appropriate amount

How to prepare sweet pear water

Ingredients*** Photo:

< p> 1. Wash the pear and peel it

2. Remove the pear core to avoid the sour taste of boiled pear water

3. Cut the processed pears into pieces


4. Pot Add a Add a quantity of water to it and when it boils, put the icing sugar in it and heat over low heat until the icing sugar melts

5. Once the icing sugar has melted, put the pear pieces in

6. After boiling over high heat, switch to fhad it soft and simmer for about 15 minutes.

Cooking Tips

Although sweetened pear water is simple, you need to prepare a thick, translucent sweetened pear water. It is especially important to choose Yali and polycrystalline rock sugar in material selection. Although Yali tastes unpleasant raw, boiled water is translucent and sweet. polycrystalline candy sugar, you can make it more delicious. Boiled pear water will be more viscous. Single crystal candy sugar can also be used, but boiled water will not be so viscous.

Diet Tips

The wind blows from time to time in spring, which not only dries your throat, causing cough, internal heat, colds, etc., but also no matter how much skin care products you apply on your face, it will still dry out. If you want to take care of your body andof your skin in spring, you need to adopt a dual approach: external care and a healthy diet. The diet should be mainly light, and drink more soup to moisten the lungs and clear the fire to provide the body with enough water.

Sweet pear water is not only suitable for drinking in dry autumn, but also in windy spring. Boil a pot of sweetened pear water. Babies can drink it to moisten their lungs, ease coughs, and relieve internal heat. Elderly people can drink it to relieve coughs and chronic pharyngitis. the skin. It's really awesome. A stone can accomplish a lot of things. In this increasingly warm spring, our greatest happiness is to keep our family healthy every day~

Nutritional benefits

Pears are sweet. , slightly acidic and cool, enters the lungs and stomach meridianac; has the effects of promoting body fluid, moistening dryness, clearing heat, resolving phlegm, and relieving alcoholism "Compendium of Materia Medica" written by Li Shizhen in the Ming; Dynasty states: “The pear dissipates the heat of the six internal organs when raw and nourishes the yin of the five internal organs when ripe. »

Rock sugar has a sweet taste and neutral nature, and enters the lung and spleen meridians; it has the functions of moistening the lungs, relieving cough, eliminating phlegm and eliminating fire.

Question 9: How to make Sydney pear compote with candy sugar Method 1 Ingredients Preparation Ingredients: pear (Sydney pear) 2 condiments: 30-60 grams of candy sugar Steps of preparation. 1. Peel the pears, remove the core and place them in a porcelain bowl with the rock sugar. 2. Cook in water until the sugare candi melts. Method 2 Ingredients: Prepare the snow pear, candy sugar and water. A snow pear, wash, peel and cut the top to use as a lid. Use a knife and spoon to dig out the core in the middle. 2. Put some candy sugar in the middle, cover the lid and put it in. processed pears in a deep plate or bowl (steamed pears ooze a lot of sweet soup, so it is better to choose darker ones. Container for steaming), finally put them in a steamer and steam for 1 1/2 to 2 hours until the pears are completely softened. 3. If you find it difficult to core the pear, you can wash the pear, peel it and remove the seeds, cut it into large pieces and remove the seeds, put it in a bowl, add some rock sugar, then steam it. .Steam until tender. You canUse a steaming cup or casserole dish to hold the pear cubes, or you can use a rice cooker to steam them. Ingredients for step 3: Prepare the snow pear, candy sugar, Sichuan scallops and water. Step 1. Wash a pear, peel it. on top, cut the core and place the cut into pieces in the lower part. And soak an appropriate amount of Sichuan clams (ask your doctor). 2. Put the candy sugar, snow pears, water and soaked Sichuan clams into a container (steamed pears release a lot of sweet soup, it is better to choose a deeper container for steaming). steam). Finally, put it in the rice cooker and steam it for an hour or two. Method 4 Ingredients: 200g Sydney Ingredients: 100g candy sugar 20g goji Production steps: 1. Wash the Sydney pears, cut the stems and handles from the pories, and cut the Sydney pears into large pieces. 2. Place the pear slices in a container. 3. Add the rock sugar and steam for about 30 minutes. 4. Put the soaked wolfberry into the pot and steam for about five minutes. Tips: Do not eat pears and crabs at the same time, as eating them together will damage your intestines and stomach.

Question 10: How to make pear syrup? 1. Prepare a pear and candy sugar.

2. First peel the pears.

3. Then use a fruit knife to cut into small pieces. Because it's for the baby, the pieces need to be small. For adults, cut them into large pieces.

4. Add the appropriate amount of candy sugar.

5. First boil the water and put it in the stew rack.

6. Place the porcelain bowl containing the snow pear with candy sugar on the stew rack.

7. Simmer over high heat for ten minutes, then simmer over low heat for another twenty minutes, until the pears become transparent and tender before serving.

8. Pour in the cooked candy sugar and the snow pear syrup and let it cool before eating.

The correct way to boil pear water with candy sugar

1. Preparing materials: a bag of polycrystalline candy sugar (I heard this when I visited the supermarket 2. years ago. An aunt said.) The difference is: single crystals are regular small square grains translucent pure white while polycrystalline are irregularly shaped yellowish pieces like crystals 2. 2. Try to get as much juice as possible. .The thin-skinned type.Cut the pears into small pieces. 3. Put the appropriate amount of water into the saucepan and heat until it boils.Put the appr amountadd candy sugar to the water. the icing sugar crackles in the water. 4. Add small pieces of pear and simmer over low heat for about 40 to 60 minutes.

The correct way to boil pear water with candy sugar


1 Preparation materials

First of all, we need to prepare the following materials: a fresh pear, an appropriate amount of rock. sugar and enough water. In order to increase the taste, you can also add an appropriate amount of wolfberry.

2. Production steps

When the pear juice becomes thick, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar according to your personal taste, stir evenly, and continue cooking over low heat until the pear juice becomes thick . the sugar is completely dissolved in the pear juice. Do this until the pear juice becomes thick and has a shiny golden color.

3. Precautions

First of all, the selection of materials should bere fresh to ensure delicious taste and nutrition.completeness. Second, the amount of added sugar should be adjusted based on personal taste. Additionally, be careful with heat when cooking. Finally, do not use an iron pan while cooking.

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