Blocking airbags are also called water-blocking airbags, which means water blocking. The sealing airbag is made of layers of high-quality rubber and reinforced fibers after vulcanization. It has good anti-expansion resistance, good elasticity and flexibility and can be used in various working conditions. It is easy to use, has good aging resistance and long service life.
The sealing airbag is particularly suitable for maintenance and testing work such as water shut-off test, air shut-off test, detection leaks, temporary blocking of water for pipe repairs, etc. the drainage pipe is sealed.
Pipeline blocking airbags are mainly used to block horizontal pipes (i.e. horizontal pipes). The characteristics are:
1. Oval shape, with a small areacontact with the pipe, but). Easy to insert pipes, water blocking effect is average.
2. Simple operation, light weight, small size, economical and practical.
3. This airbag can be freely folded 180 degrees and has certain corrosion resistance.
4. Super stretchy.