The difference between a power company and a power generation company

Introduction The difference between a power generation company and a power generation company: A power generation company produces electricity and sells it to an intermediary (which can be a power grid company or a power company electricity supply). The power company

The difference between a power company and a power generation company

The power generation company produces electricity and sells it to an intermediary (which may be a power grid company or an electricity supply company). The power company sells electricity to electricity customers and its energy source may be an electric grid company or a power generation company.

For example, a power generation company only produces shoes and then sells them directly in bulk, rather than selling them separately to consumers. Electric companies are companies that sell shoes. They generally do not produce shoes. They can buy shoes directly from manufacturers and sell them, or they can buy shoes from wholesalers.

The difference between a thermal power plant and a heating company

It is better not to buy a house with FengShui like this

It is It is best not to buy a house with Feng Shui like this. What is Feng Shui? Many people may not know financial items clearly, but they always display them at home. Regarding the Feng Shui problem of attracting wealth, how should we arrange the elements at home. How should we design and display them to improve our health and wealth? How should we solve bad customs and some problems related to Feng Shui? Now share the Feng Shui knowledge that it is better not to buy a house like this.

It is better not to buy a house with Feng Shui 1

1. The land of the house must be flat

If the house is located on a slope, it is recommended not to choose this house, otherwise there is a risk that family fortuneial fails, whether money is dispersed or even family members are separated.

2. Do not choose high front and low rear bottoms

There are two reasons main ones: 1. The light is not good; 2. , Not having support will affect the family's luck.

3. Do not choose the one with high sides and the lowest one in the middle

For such a building, if you choose the one with all four sides, it's still okay, but if you choose the one with the lowest in the middle, it's not necessary. If you explain too much, everyone also understands that the momentum is suppressed, and it comes from all directions, which is. It is not good for the family's fortune, and it is easy to often be bullied by others.

4. Houses that are high in the middle and low on four sides should be carefully selected.

If the middle is high and the four sides are low, that is, all four sides hang down, such a building should also be carefully selected. There is no support, you are alone, and it is not easy to accumulate wealth. But although some villas are located high up, they do not hang on all sides. They may have a backrest on one side and a pelvis on the other. This is of course good, but if there is no file, that's good. will be very dangerous.

First, the wind is strong, which is bad for your health. Second, it is easy to attract thieves. Third, the male owner of the house will be distant and there will be few noble people to help him. you, which is not good for your career development.

5. Don't buy a house with missing corners

Due to the layout of current buildings, it is normal for the house to have some missing corners. vsoins, but it is not good for Feng Shui Yes, you can use relevant methods to solve it. However, if the house you want to choose has many corners, or even missing corners in all eight directions, it is recommended to consider it. carefully. Considered.

6. Do not ask for a house that is too strong on the left

Seen from the house, the left and right sides represent men and the right side represents the women. If the left side represents men, the right side represents women. If you are too strong, your husband will be too strong. Or if you look from the balcony over there. there may be a large building or a large hill on the left, but there is nothing on the right. If the left side is strong, due to aura induction, the man living in this house will become stronger and stronger, or he may be chauvinistic and not listen to the advice of his family.

7. The house is underhighway, subway, river, etc.

Due to the accelerated pace of life, many people like to live in In places with developed transportation, some houses are even at above the metro. Such houses have powerful evil spirits, which will affect your health and personal fortune. Some houses are built on rivers and streams, hoping to take advantage of the small bridges. poetic and picturesque, but it is very bad in terms of Feng Shui. This means your wealth will sink under your feet every day, causing you to lose money pretty seriously.

, which is beneficial to people's health and fortune. If you live in a house with insufficient sunlight, you will feel sleepy and yin energy will be excessive. Over time, it will affect your health and easily make the house uncomfortable. Such a house can also become a bad houseis feng shui. , so if there is not enough light in your house, you can place a permanent light to increase the brightness.

9. Stay away from radiation sources

If there are many high-voltage wires, power plants, transmission towers signals, etc. outside the house, the magnetic fields generated by them will also have evil spirits, because they are invisible evil spirits in Feng Shui, which will have a great impact on people's fortune and health. If you encounter such a situation, you should pay attention to it.

10. Be careful of backlashes

If the building is built next to a perimeter viaduct, etc., then the house may experience backlashes , this refers to the evil spirit formed by the viaduct in front of the building folded into an arc. In Feng Shui, it is also called sickle evil. VSand evil spirit can easily cause the family to lose money, make family members prone to illness, and affect the relationship between husband and wife. It is not appropriate to buy such a house and it is good to avoid it.

The above are the top ten Feng Shui issues you should pay attention to when buying a house. Many people work hard just to buy a house and provide a better life for their family. Of course we can't. ignore the Feng Shui of buying a house. Owning a home with good Feng Shui also brings more positive energy to your life.

It is better not to buy a house with Feng Shui 2

OKCharacteristics of a Feng Shui house

1. The characteristic of 'a good home Feng Shui is that the bright hall is open and open

In residential Feng Shui, the bright hall is the front ofthe House. The area is the “Suzaku” position in the Office of the Four Spirits of the unique Yin and Yang method of Feng Shui.

In Feng Shui, the feng shui of the bright room is closely related to the prosperity and decline of the wealth of the residence. The main function of the light room is to gather Qi, so there is also a saying in it. the unique yin and yang method of feng shui that "people look at the funder and the money depends on the light room".

Generally speaking, one of the characteristics of a good Feng Shui house is that the light hall is wide, bright, open and uncluttered. In a sense, the wider the light hall, the more Qi it gathers. , and the better. It’s good for housing and wealth.

2. The characteristic of a good Feng Shui house is that it stores wind and collects energy.

In Feng Shui, one of the characteristics of a house The goodFeng Shui is that it stores wind and collects energy. In short, what is called hiding the wind and gathering qi means collecting auspicious qi in the house, so as to facilitate the fortune of the house.

Feng shui is a kind of aura that is beneficial to people. This type of aura disperses when it sees wind and stops when it sees water. If you want to condense the auspiciousness, you must choose a pattern with it. mountains on your back and water on your back. The mountain blocks the wind, and there is Suzaku water in front of it to gather energy and store wealth.

From the point of view of interior design, you should avoid "crossing the hall", that is to say that the front door faces the living room window, or that the front and back doors face each other directly, so whether luck coming from the front door goes straight through the window or escapes through the back door.

3. The cacharacteristic of a good Feng Shui house is a strong and beautiful support.

The support of a house in Feng Shui refers to the height, solid mountains or tall buildings behind the House. Wait, then a back and forth pattern will form.

In the unique yin and yang method of Feng Shui, behind the house is the "Xuanwu position" in the Four Spirits Office.

One of the characteristics of a good Feng Shui house is that it has a record. The file represents information about the population in Feng Shui. If the back of the house is higher than the first floor, it means. that each generation becomes stronger.

In addition, a patron can also be understood as a force that can be relied upon, so a residential patron can also be seen as a noble person in his work and in his life.

Of course, the residential support layout also has ccertain requirements in Feng Shui. In the unique yin-yang method of Feng Shui, the medium pays attention to "beautiful form and sentimental".

The so-called “beautiful and sentimental form” means that the shape of the residential context should not be that of mountains and buildings. Pointy shapes can hurt people and bring out bullies. It is best to have a square or round mountain shape. The square means wealth and the round means wealth!

Usually, the back of a house should be slightly higher than the house. If the backrest is lower than the house, that means the backrest isn't real, but if the backrest is too high, it is. a situation of oppression and is not favorable Feng Shui.

4. The characteristic of a good Feng Shui house is that it is square and does not miss any corner

In residential Feng Shui, the house takes care to be plane and stable, so one One of the characteristics of a good Feng Shui house is that it is square and does not miss any corner, because in residential Feng Shui In residential Feng Shui each direction of the house corresponds to the members of the family and the corresponding body parts.

If a house has missing corners, it will be a "bad missing corner" of feng shui, which will not only affect the feng shui of the house, but also have a great impact on the missing orientation and body parts of family members. Only square and square houses without missing corners. The layout of the house will not have too many flaws in terms of Feng Shui.

5. The characteristic of a good Feng Shui house is that the environment around it is conducive.

A good Feng Shui house must be free from all kinds of evil spirits, such as road collisions and sky pollution. The badstaken such as cutting evil spirits, odorous evil spirits, reflecting evil spirits, sickle evil spirits, flying blade evil spirits, etc. all have a great influence on residential feng shui.

In addition, the rivers and roads around the house are suitable for slow flow and curved shape, and it is auspicious for them to surround the house. At the same time, the land around the house with good Feng Shui is flat and open, and it is not suitable to be on the top of a secluded mountain, on a body of water or under a cliff.

And stay away from crematoriums, cemeteries, prisons, temples, military and police departments, altars and other special places, otherwise it will affect the feng shui of your home.

Generally speaking, the characteristics of a good Feng Shui house are beautiful mountains and clear waters, with water in front, high backs and protection on the leftand to the right. There are no obvious shapes, the environment is. clean and beautiful, peaceful and quiet, and the lighting and ventilation are good.

6. The characteristic of a good Feng Shui house is left and right balance.

The left and right directions of the house correspond to the green dragon and white tiger in the unique Yin and Yang method of Feng Shui. If there is no dragon and tiger sand on the left and right sides of the house, then the light room will not be able to. gather Qi well, which is naturally not conducive to the feng shui of the home.

In the unique yin and yang method of Feng Shui, the Qinglong Fang symbolizes men and the White Tiger Fang symbolizes women. Therefore, it is generally believed that one of the characteristics of a good Feng Shui home is that. the Qinglong Fang is slightly more forced than the White Tiger Fang.

That is, the shape of the left side dhe house should be slightly taller than the one on the right side, but it should not be too overwhelming and the two should not be too different. It's better. pay attention to relative balance.

7. The characteristics of a good Feng Shui house are moderate in size

With the improvement of living standards, many people think that the bigger the house, the better. In fact, in Feng Shui, the bigger the house, the better. One of the characteristics of a good Feng Shui house is that it is moderate in size. The specific area is best determined based on the number of people living there. It's not good to be too big or too small.

As early as the "Emperor's House Classic", it was recorded that "a house has five faults", including "the house is full of people and few people". In other words, the area of ​​the house is too large, but there are few people living in it, and the inner aura is est strong, which will actually affect the fortunes of residents. The house is big and the people are small, there is more yin and less yang, and the host is troubled by hidden illnesses. If there are many people in a small house, there will be more of yang and less yin, the owner will be in a bad mood and there will be many disasters and official conflicts.

Therefore, the size of the house is best determined based on the number of people living there. If there are few people living there, it is appropriate to buy a smaller house if there are many people. When living there, one should choose a larger house, which is not suitable for a house. There are few adults in the room, or there are many children in the room.

The difference between thermal power plants and heating companies:

Thermal power plants are thermal power plants and the waste heat is generated during the prelectricity production process. This waste heat is used for heating.

The heating company is a department specialized in heating residents.

The power plant not only produces electrical energy, but also uses the steam produced by the turbogenerator to provide heat to users. Compared to. the method of separate production of electricity and thermal energy, saves fuel.

Functional characteristics of thermal power plants:

Taking into account the effect of energy use, the divided production of heat and electricity is completely unreasonable for energy consumption: on the one hand, the process of thermal energy conversion (condensation) power generation by steam generator) will inevitably produce low-grade thermal energy loss ( exhaust steam from the steam turbine releases heatr in the cold source, on the other hand, high quality thermal energy (steam). heat provided by the boiler) will be devalued and used for low quality heating. In combined heat and power, the chemical energy of the fuel is converted into high-quality thermal energy, which is first used to generate electricity (high-quality thermal energy), and then uses the low-quality thermal energy that has done work to provide heat to users. This is consistent with the principles of using energy based on quality and overall energy use.

So the characteristic of thermal power plants is that the primary energy is used relatively reasonably, the energy is supplied according to its quality, the energy is used in stages, and the energy is used to the best advantage, so that the entire energy supply system of thehe region saves energy.

Thermal economic indicators:

The thermal economic indicators of thermal power plants are much more complex than those of condensing power plants and heating boiler houses. The first simultaneously produces two products of different shapes and qualities: thermal energy and electrical energy, while the second produces only one product each. Therefore, in addition to the overall thermal economic index, to reflect the thermal economy of a thermal power plant, there must also be sub-indexes for heat and electricity production.

①Total thermal efficiency: the ratio between the production and the energy input of the thermal plant. It reflects the quantitative relationship between the degree of efficient use of fuel in thermal power plants and is therefore a quantitative indicator.

②Production raten of thermal energy: The ratio between the thermal energy output of the heating unit and the thermal heat input. It reflects the quality indicators of combined heat and electricity production.

③ Thermal economic indicators in electricity production: the ratio of electricity production of thermal power plants to the share of total heat consumption shared by electricity production, which can be expressed in thermal efficiency of electricity production, heat of electricity production. rate and rate of coal consumption for electricity production.

④ Thermal economic indicators in heating: the ratio of heat supply to thermal power plants to the total consumption of heat shared by heating, which can be expressed in thermal efficiency of heating and rate of consumption of heating coal.

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