How to Make Dried Pork Hamstrings

Introduction How to make dried pork hamstrings? You can use oiled bristles, water bristles or salt bristles. Generally, oiled hair is used. The method involves adding dry tendons to the pot with cold oil. The quantity of oil is 1500 grams of dried tendons and 150 gram

How to Make Dried Pork Hamstrings

Dried tendons can be prepared with oil, water or salt.

Generally, oil is used to fry tendons. The method is to put the dried tendons in the pan with cold oil. The quantity of oil is 1500 grams of dried tendons and 1500 grams of oil. medium heat. Flip the tendons with a hand spoon and fry until the tendons appear on top. When white bubbles appear, remove the pan from heat for a while, lower the oil temperature, wait until the bubbles disappear, then fry. over medium heat, turning constantly with a hand spoon, and fry until the tendons are swollen and domed, and can be cut with your hands. When using, soak them in warm water until soft and rinse.

When the water boils, first wash the dried pig trotters with waterlukewarm, put them in a pot of cold water and bring them to a boil for about two to three hours, take them out, tear them. remove the outer layer of tendons and replace with a new underwater pan, simmer over low heat until soft and transparent, remove and soak in new water.

After soaking the dried tendons, there are many ways to do it:

1. Beef tendons in green onion oil

Main ingredients: frozen beef tendons in water

Ingredients: rapeseed hearts,

Seasoning : salt, chicken essence, cooking wine, green onion wedges, grated ginger, oyster sauce, pepper, water starch, edible oil, broth, green onion oil


1. Cut the boiled beef tendon into sections, blanch it in boiling water, wash the rapeseed core, blanch it in boiling water with salt and cooking oil, stake it out and place it around the plate in a circle;

2. Put the pan on fire, pour in the oil and fry the green onions when ripe. fragrant, pour an appropriate amount of green onion oil, then add grated ginger, salt, cooking wine, pepper, dark soy sauce, chicken essence, sugar, simmer the broth and beef tendons over low heat for 30 minutes. tender and the juice is thick, put on high heat to thicken with water starch, pour in the scallion oil, pour it into a plate and serve.

2. Tendons and ginseng in oyster sauce

Ingredients: 300 grams of tendons, 500 grams of sea cucumber, 3 green onions, 20 grams of ginger, 1 cup of broth, 3. tablespoons of oyster sauce scallops and oysters, 1 large spoonful of rock sugar, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 tablespoon starch powder, 2 tablespoons water


< p>1. and cutin diagonal sections; wash green onion and cut into sections; wash and slice the ginger. Seasoning B is mixed with the cornstarch water and reserved.

2. Boil the tendons and boil over low heat for about 20 minutes until the tendons are tender.

3. In another pan, add 1 tablespoon of oil, heat, fry the onion and ginger, add the sea cucumber, scallop oyster sauce and rock sugar from step 1, as well as the tendons and the broth. from step 2. Simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes, then slowly pour in the cornstarch, water and gorgon, and finally add the sesame oil.

3. Braised tendons

Main ingredients: 150 grams of pork tendons, auxiliary ingredients: 50 grams of Jinhua ham, 40 grams of bamboo shoots, seasonings: 10 grams of green onions, 25 grams of rice wine , 3 grammes of salt, 3 grams of MSG, 5 grams of pea starch, 30 grams of lard


1 Divide the tendon into two equal parts. pieces, cut each half in half and drain the water

2 Blanch the bamboo shoots until medium ripe, cut into thin slices and set aside;

< p>3. in thin slices;

4. Place a wok over medium heat and heat it, add 25 grams of lard, add the onions and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, add the crab powder and stir-fry;

5. Add 1 gram of wine, soy sauce, sugar and MSG, stir-fry, add vinegar and immediately put it in the pot and set aside

6. Add chicken soup, tendons, 14 grams; of wine, Bring 2 grams of sugar and salt to the boil over low heat

7. Add 1.5 grams of MSG, dilute the wet starch, pour it slowly into the pan, then pour in 25 gramscooked; lard along the edge of the pot Put it in and continue to turn the wok;

8. At the same time, sprinkle crab powder evenly on the tendons, put it in a pot, sprinkle with washed coriander leaves. and serve.

How to prepare pork trotters

Pig trotters are the strong part of pig trotters and have high nutritional value. We usually use them for simmering soup. However, pork trotters should be soaked when just peeled. How to soak them. Here are some ways to present them.

How to soak pig's trotters?

1. For oily hair, wash and dry the trotters first, add warm oil in a spoon, when it is about 50 to 60% hot, remove it from the heat and soak and simmer slowly, then heat the oil when it is less cold, set it down and let it cool three or four times to rinse the alcali, wash it and. use it. ?

2. Saute the large grains of salt in a pan until the water is released. When it disperses, quickly turn the tendons over and stir-fry. When the raw materials swell and swell, bury them. Cook them well under the salt, then continue to sauté. If it can be pinched, take it out, soak it in warm water, rinse it with water repeatedly and quickly. ?

3 When the water is ready, wash the raw materials with warm water, put it in a pot of cold water and bring it to a boil. After simmering for about two to three hours, take it out. , tear off the outer layer of the tendons, replace it with a new pan under water and use. Simmer over low heat until tender and transparent, remove, soak in new water and set aside

Pig trotters and chicken soup?

Ingredients: old hen 1 Only, 100 grams of dried pork trotters?


1. Wash the old hens and chop them into pieces, wash them in slightly hot water to remove the foam of blood. Wash the pig's trotters and soak them in lukewarm water beforehand. ?

2. Put the chicken nuggets, two slices of ginger, a little white wine, 2 and 3 quarters of green onions in the pan ?

3. Change the heat to medium heat; and simmer Add the tendons and simmer for about 1 hour until cooked and tender. Add salt to taste. ?

Pig trotter, chestnut and mushroom soup?

Ingredients: two pork trotters, 100g chestnut kernels, 8 dried mushrooms?

Method: ?

1. Soak the mushrooms and wash;?

2. Wash the pig's trotters, blanch them then wash them;?

3. Put all the ingredients into the inner pot of the electric pressure cooker and pour water bboiling;?

4. Cover the pot and select the soup function button;?

5. When the machine has finished working, turn it off, uncover it and serve - it to benefit from it. ?

Peanut soup and pork trotters?

Ingredients: 4 pork trotters, 1 pig trotter, 45 grams of black beans, 45 grams of peanuts, 5 dates with donkey skin gelatin, 3 slices of ginger, appropriate amount of salt and cooking wine?

Method: ?

1. Prepare the equipment and cut the pig's trotters into pieces?

2. Wash the peanuts and black beans and soak them for half; one hour;?

3. Blanch the pork hamstrings, pig's trotters and ginger slices in a pot of boiling water. You can pour a little cooking wine to remove the smell;?

4. Put all the ingredients together in the rice cooker and add an appropriate amount. Just use the fanointing soup to prepare water. (In other pans, bring to the boil over high heat then simmer over low heat for 1 hour 30 minutes).

How to simmer pork trotters

It must be prepared before cooking. After soaking the pig's trotters in water, cook them in boiling water over low heat until they are large enough, then you can cook them.

Ingredients: 1 pork trotter, 300g purple sweet potato, 40g soybeans, 30g green beans

Additional ingredients: appropriate amount of oil, 3g of salt, 10g light soy sauce, 15g sweet noodle sauce, 1 segment of green onion, 3 slices ginger, 5g sugar

Specific steps:


2. Soak the soybeans and green beans half a day in advance, peel the purple sweet potatoes and cut them into pieces.

3. Boil the pork trotters, soybeans and green beans in a saucepan.

4. Add additional water to the pot, blanch the purple sweet potatoes and set aside.

5. Add the oil to the pan. When the oil is hot, add the ginger slices, green onion segments and star anise. Add the light soy sauce and sweet noodle sauce and stir-fry until fragrant.

6. Then add the water to blanch the pork trotters one by one.

7. Add the pig's trotters, soybeans and green beans, add an appropriate amount of water to cover the pig's trotters and bring to a boil over high heat.

8. Put on low heat and simmer for 20 minutes, then add the purple sweet potato, add a little sugar and salt, and simmer slowly over low heat until the pig's trotters are tender and rotten.

Pig trotters recipe 1, spicy and sweet and sour pig trotters


300g pork trotters coated withwater, 1 green bamboo shoot (medium), 3 dried mushrooms, 30 g ham, 1 tablespoon minced ginger, 2 green onions, 1 fried dough stick, 1 teaspoon minced garlic, 1 spoon cornstarch water, appropriate amount of broth, 1 teaspoon soy sauce, 3 tablespoons white vinegar, a little salt, Shaoxing wine 1 tablespoon, white pepper powder 1 spoon tbsp


1. Soak the dried mushrooms in water until soft, squeeze out the water, cut them in half and set aside.

2. Boil the green bamboo shoots (you can buy ready-made salad bamboo shoots), cut them in half and cut them into thin slices for later use

3 Put the ham in it. a bowl with water, steam it for 20 minutes (to remove the salt), take it out and cut it into thin slices

4. Rinse the coated tendonsof water and cut them into. small pieces.

5. Cut the fried dough sticks into small pieces, fry them in a hot oil pan until crispy, take them out and drain the oil

6. ginger and garlic minced in 1 teaspoon of oil

7. Add the ingredients, mushrooms, bamboo shoot slices and ham slices and stir-fry until fragrant.

8. Add the tendon and mix with it. soy sauce, Shaoxing wine, mix briefly then add the broth (to the ingredients), cook until the juice is reduced.

9. Pour in the white pepper, add the white vinegar and mix well

10. Add cornstarch and sauce with water, sprinkle with green onions, remove from pot and place on a plate with fried dough sticks. Serve quickly

Method 2, tendons oyster sauce


Ingredients-,300 grams of fresh pork tendons, 100 grams of snow peas, 1/2 carrot, 1 green onion (cut into sections), 2 slices of ginger, 1 tablespoon of grapeseed oil, seasoning -, 2 tablespoons vegetarian oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon soy sauce, 1 teaspoon mirin, 1 teaspoon pure cold-pressed black sesame oil

Method: 1 . Wash the pork trotters and blanch them in boiling water.

2. Remove the gluten from the snow peas, cut the carrots into small pieces, blanch them in boiling water, remove them and set aside.

3. Heat the grapeseed oil in a red pan, fry the ginger and green onion, add the pork trotters and carrots and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the seasonings and simmer for about 10 minutes, finally add. the snow peas and saute for a while, and itis ready.

Method 3, Xiahe tendon


Main ingredient: 150 grams of sheep tendon (raw),

Accessory ingredients: Mushroom water 15 grams, 15 grams of daylily (dried), 20 grams of bean starch,

Seasoning: 3 grams of ginger, 20 grams of vegetable oil, 3 grams of pepper, 5 grams of alkali, 3 grams of pepper powder, 3 grams of salt, 1 gram of MSG, 10 grams of shallots, 10 grams of sesame oil, 5 grams of white garlic

Method< /p>

1. sinews on firewood to remove hair;

< p>2. Then put the alkaline surface in a basin of clean water, put the tendons in the water and wash them, drain them and dry them;


3. Heat the pan on the stove, add clear oil and put on a low heat, add the tendons to the oil pan while it is cold and leave to soak for about 20 minutes to allow the oil to s 'imbue theentement. in the tendons;

4. When the oil temperature reaches eight degrees, put the tendons in a pot of water and cook over low heat until the water boils, then remove and scrape them. clean with a knife;

5. Cut the tendons in half lengthwise and cut them into 3 cm long sections;

6. Cut Carefully arrange the correct tendon segments in a bowl. , add salt and other seasonings, pour half a pound of chicken soup, steam it in a cage for about 20 minutes, decant the soup and turn it over on a plate;

7. Add the mushroom and yellow flowers Drain, pick and wash;

8. Tear the magnolia slices and mushroom into small pieces, and cut the yellow flowers into small sections;

9. Cut the green onion into small pieces. sections and slice the garlic;

10. Then put the frying spoon on the fire, add 100 mlof water, let the pot with onions, ginger and garlic simmer, add 250 ml of chicken broth, put the mushroom. , yellow flowers and magnolia slices in the spoon, skim off the foam after the water boils. Add the MSG and thicken with the starch;

11. Pour into a tendon dish, drizzle with sesame oil and serve.

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