Can the car engine be flushed directly with water?
Yes, but it is not recommended to flush the engine directly with water. In the engine compartment, try using a damp cloth to clean the dust and oil on the engine surface. At the same time, clean leaves and other debris in the engine compartment to keep it tidy. Try not to flush the engine with water. For a particularly dirty engine compartment that has not been cleaned in a long time, it is best to seal various electrical components in the engine compartment.
The precautions for cleaning the car engine are as follows:
1. The water pressure should not be too high: Since there are various circuits and electronic components in the engine compartment, if the water pressure is too high, damaged wiring will cause a short circuit in the circuit, what could burn the barrelible or directly burn the entire printed circuit, with very serious consequences.
2. Avoid flushing with water when the car is hot: cleaning when the engine temperature is high, if the engine suddenly goes cold, may cause the cylinder to deform and crack. In addition, rinsing at high temperatures will produce a large amount of water vapor, which may have an impact on the circuit.
3. Take waterproof measures: The engine and circuit of a new car have very good waterproof functions and can be flushed directly with water. If the vehicle is more than three years old, do not use a water gun. to rinse it you can use a cloth. Wash with water. When washing with water, you should also avoid circuits and carry out corresponding waterproof installations, for example, sealing the generator, distributor, brake oil bottle, etc.