10 200-word essays on my hometown river

Introduction There is a small river in my hometown, where flowers bloom all year round and green trees provide shade. At sunrise, the river is at its most beautiful. The little one from my hometown

10 200-word essays on my hometown river

There is a small river in my hometown, where flowers bloom all year round and green trees provide shade. At sunrise, the river is at its most beautiful. The river in my hometown is so beautiful! I love my hometown river. Below are the 10 200-word essays about my hometown river that I brought to you, I hope you like them!

Essay on the small river of my hometown 1

My hometown is in Tongdong, where there is a river green. I love my hometown's small river Xiaohe, I love my hometown even more.

Because I have to go to school in spring and autumn, I can't go to my hometown. Only during summer or winter vacation can I return to my hometown and see the beautiful river.

During the summer holidays, I went swimming in the river every day. During the hot summer, people have to hide at home and turn on the air conditioner or electric fan, but I rowed a boat to swim in the shallow waters on the other side of the river. The cool river water made my whole body cool and very comfortable. At first I didn't know how to swim, so I put on my diving goggles and swam like a puppy! The clear water of the river flows slowly through my body.

During the winter holidays, the river was covered in heavy snowfall. She lost her old carnival and became particularly quiet. The quiet river is like hibernation. The quiet river is white, like a lot of cheese sprinkled on it, so beautiful Ah, the river of my hometown, I love your coolness in summer and your beauty in winter!

Essay 2 on the river in my hometown

There is a beautiful river in my hometown. Every time I go to my hometown, I dois take a look at this beautiful river. Let me tell you about it! Students, listen carefully if you wish!

This river The beautiful river, the water. is so green, as if it has been dyed by the surrounding green trees and grass. The water is so deep that you can't see the bottom of the river, and it is so clear that you can see the light brown stones at the bottom of the river, and you can also see small fish and shrimp in the river. Every time I go to my hometown, I catch fish and shrimp, and I get a lot of harvest. But today I only caught small fish and shrimp, which really pissed me off. By the way, there is a beautiful and pretty little forest around the river, and there are many birds, flowers and grasses!

Do you like this river in my hometown? If you like it, I'll take it? you're here when I have time, okay?

Composition 3 on the river in my hometown

My hometown is Haimen, and Haimen is a beautiful city. The river in my hometown is even more beautiful.

As soon as spring comes, Sister Blowing Wind opens her cherry-shaped mouth and blows gently, and the ice in the river melts. The clear water of the river looks like a huge silver mirror or a piece of green emerald. A breeze blows and the sparkling surface of the lake ripples from time to time like fish scales. group of small fish chased and played at the bottom of the river. Some were swimming, some were playing hide and seek, and some seemed to be whispering. By the river there are willows, and the willow girl hangs down her long branches, as if combing her beautiful long hair.

I love my picturesque hometown, and I love this picturesque river even more!

Essay 4 about the river in my hometown

There is a beautiful river in my hometown.

Spring is here, the grass is sticking its head out of the ground, the willows are dotted with buds and the river is starting to sing: “Ding dong dong dong…”

< p > Look! On the water Who is it? It turns out to be a group of ducks playing for a while and looking for food. It reminds me of the peach blossoms outside the bamboo and the prophet duck of the Spring River. water.

Look: schools of fish are swimming towards us. Some are gathered together in dozens and dozens, which makes them happy: some are alone on the side, others are hiding under the pool; play hide and seek!

The water here is crystal clear and we can see aquatic plants and stones. The aquatic plants are so green that there is no mottled color and the rocks are covered in black and green moss.

I often wash my clothes by the river, and the river suckskeeps flowing, washing my clothes cleanly.

By the river, the willow stretched out its long and slender hands to shake hands with the river, which was very intimate.

I love the river in my hometown.

Essay 5 about the river in my hometown

My hometown is in a small mountain village. It is surrounded by mountains. We can also say that the mountains surround certain houses. There is a clear river there.

There is a stone bridge over the small river. If you take photos, you should take photos of three parts: the section of the river in front of the stone bridge, the stone bridge, and the section of river behind the stone bridge.

There are a few trees on both sides of the stream, making it a forest stream. The stream in the forest stretches there quietly like a soft noodle. When the breeze blows, there is a layer of slight ripplesns on the surface of the river. When the sun shines, the water surface sparkles, like countless gold shining in the river. So beautiful. If it rains, you will feel foggy looking at the river, as if you are in fairyland.

Every hour, every moment, the river always flows, like an engine that never stops. Sometimes there are places in the river that are bubbling and gurgling!

Beautiful river from my hometown, I love you.

Essay 6 on the small river in my hometown

There is a river near my hometown of Yueyang Although I sometimes pass by it , I do not do it. know what it is called. It is a little-known but very beautiful river, it is beautiful all year round, especially in summer.

Summer is here, the woods are lush on both sides of the river, and the willow girl is combing her long "hair". The golden cicada shouted "Cicada, cicada", as if to say: "Willow Girl",you are so Beautiful. "Under the shade of the trees, there are often many old people fishing, adults chatting, and children running and playing. Their joyful laughter flows far away along the river.

Summer The most beautiful thing is in the river. The waves of the river are constantly shining with golden light. The lotus fairies are holding green umbrellas and dancing gracefully on the green stage. Some even call them "lotus fairies". little the dragonfly. "the grass", how beautiful it is there!

The little frog and the little fish made a concert under the lotus leaf: the little frog croaks, praising it. west lake Charming landscape, small fish dance happily in the frog song

I love this nameless river

Essay on the small river in my town hometown 7 <. /p>

There is a small river in my hometown, which is beautiful all year round

In springtime, the spring water tinkles there. Near the bridge, under the green shade, you will see from time to time a group of ducks playing in the water. They put their heads underwater to look for food, and they are never surprised even if there are females banging their clothes on the rocks nearby

In summer, if you go out take a walk at dusk. , you will see the red glow on the horizon as you pass by the river. Reflected on the water, there are also swimming and water fights in the river.

Autumn is here, and the weaver is singing. the song by the river; “Weave, weave, weave, weave, weave” is so true. It sounds good, the river is covered with dead leaves like a bed.

Winter is coming, the north wind is coming. it is blowing, snowflakes are flying all over the sky and the river is frozen. The snowflakes fall on the river and seem to cover the river in white. It's so hotd!

I love the stream. my hometown because it is beautiful in all seasons.

Essay on the stream in my hometown 8

My hometown is Shatuozi Village, where there is a beautiful town. and clear river. It was the happiness paradise of my childhood. It's so soft and beautiful.

Walking among the woods, you can feel a refreshing wind blowing towards you with the scent of. earth, grass and water. Standing on the dam, you look at the small river, which is like a silver ribbon surrounding Shatuozi Village. When you arrive at the river, the shadows of large fish cross the crystal clear water. from time to time, and groups of small fish swim happily, making you dizzy with the dexterous skills of the cute little teal ducks on the water, dove into the bottom of the water and emerged from another place. in the water, waiting for the fish to pass by. These cute animals havemade the river full of vitality

I love the river in my hometown, and I love my hometown even more!


Essay 9 on the river in my hometown

A bright pearl is embedded in my hometown It's a river as bright as glass

Ding dong., Ding-dong, the little fish in the river flow happily; Ding-dong, Ding-dong, the weeping willows on both sides untie their bows and let their long hair hang in the water; , the river is flowing, flowing towards a bigger place.

Looking at the river, my heart feels more at ease. The river was rippling, with a bright smile and full of vitality.

In spring, the river thaws and flows; in summer, the river becomes more beautiful in the shade of the trees; in autumn, dead leaves float on the water, and a few ants treat it like a boat; in winter the river slowly froze, I fell back asleep.

What a beautiful river, like a fairyland.

Ah! The river of my hometown, I love your clarity, your beauty and your vitality even more.

Essay 10 on the small river in my hometown

There is a small river in my hometown that winds around the village. It flows all year round. interest.

Spring is here, everything is coming back to life, the ice and snow on the river have melted and the river is singing happy songs. The weeping willows on both sides of the riverbank stretched out their green branches, like countless green ribbons hanging down in early spring. Swallows fly up and down among the trees, painting the green branches of the willows.

Summer is the busiest time. Pink lotuses were blooming on the river and children were swimming and playing among the green lotus leaves. Their little heads would pop out of the water for a moment, then fall underwater, frightening the libells placed at the top of the lotus.

The autumn wind makes the water in the river clearer. The fish swim freely at the bottom of the river, and the rice flowers on both sides emit a long and refreshing fragrance.

In winter, heavy snow covers the entire river, like a thick quilt covering the river, and the river quietly enters a sweet dreamland.

The river in my hometown is like a painting, like a song, like a fairy tale that can never be finished. I love you, my hometown river.

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< p> In daily study, work or life, everyone has the experience of writing essays and knows them very well. With the help of essays, people can achieve the goal of cultural exchange. What kind ofWhat compositions have you seen? The following is an excellent composition about my hometown river that I have carefully compiled for reading and collecting.

Excellent essay on the river in my hometown 1

My hometown is in Hubei, which is a famous land of abundance. There is a small river near my house.

In spring, the water of the winding river is crystal clear. There are herds of cattle and sheep on both sides of the river, and weeping willows provide shade. Both banks of the river are covered with weeds. , and small insects sing happily inside.

In summer, the river flows with a roar, small fish hunt happily in the water, children play in groups in the water, and boats come and go in the middle of the river, busy to probe their air whistles. The wind carries the scent of rice flowers on both sides of the riverbank.

In autumn, therethere are people on both sides of the river. The rice fields and orchards are full of golden fruits, the fishermen uncles happily cast their nets. are closed, there are big and fat fish jumping alive.

In winter, the river bed has reached its lowest level, the tall trees along the river have only branches left and the grass is dry, but the river does not is not alone, because she knows that another lively spring is coming.

Our life is like the river in our hometown, colorful and full of hope!

Excellent essay on the river in my hometown 2

There is a long river in my hometown. The river is not as spectacular as the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, but in the eyes of people in our hometown. , It's the best.

Looking from afar, the two willows on the shore are standing tall. The branches of the willows resemble the hair of a spring girl. They sway when the windbreath.

I arrived at the shore and saw that the river was crystal clear. The shadows of the willows by the river shone on the water, which was very beautiful. There are also tadpoles in the water, one after the other, as if playing a relay race. After a while it began to rain heavily and the little fish hid in the cracks of the rocks. Raindrops fell into the water and ripples were seen in circles. After a while the rain stopped and the calm lake looked beautiful. After the rain, the lake became even more beautiful!

This is the beautiful river in my hometown!

Excellent essay on the river in my hometown 3

My hometown has many beautiful landscapes, but I always love the river in my hometown.

In the spring, the river has just melted and there is still thin ice floating on the river. The little fish were swimming in the river, as if to say: “Spring is here, spring is finally here! » This cry woke up the sleeping little crab. The little crab was also very happy after hearing the news.

In summer, there are many people fishing by the river. They fished all day, how hard it was!

In autumn, the river animals prepare for winter. The water in the river is slowly cooling and there are fewer and fewer people fishing on the river.

In winter, the river is frozen and there are many people skating on the river. They're in various poses, some adults are pushing the kids to skate, and some... Needless to say, I'm doing it. like the river. Every time I go to the river, he nods and smiles at me.

This is the river of my hometown, a unique river.

Excellent essay on the river in my hometown 4

There is a large meadow in front of my house. There is a riverclear era in front of the meadow and there are several large trees by the river.

The river is so clear that you can see the sand on the bottom, live fish and tiny tadpoles. I often go to the river to catch fish or crabs.

The clear water of the river is beautiful, and the river in the rain is even more beautiful. The drizzle falls gently, like thousands of silver threads falling from the sky. He fell into the river and disappeared. If it rains a lot, the river will be the busiest scene. A bright light shone in the sky, it was the fireworks before the opening. Listen, the “boom” greeting started and the conference started immediately. Suddenly, as soon as the heavy rain fell, the party started. Have you seen the rain flowers blooming on the river? Extremely beautiful. I love this little river that sings in the rain!

I love the river in my hometown, and I love my city even morenative.

Excellent essay on the river in my hometown 5

There is a small river near my house. The tranquil river is like a flawless piece of emerald, shining with beautiful brilliance under the sunlight.

I like to sit alone on the quiet river, sometimes thinking about the problems, and sometimes I fantasize about what is in the river that can make the fish so happy! Sometimes I silently miss someone, and sometimes I vividly describe the landscape by the river. paint. Sometimes I put the paper boat on the river and let it float freely; or I throw a stone and let the calm river create ripples.

The lazy river is beautiful, but I love the river in the rain even more.

The light raindrops fell on the small river, making the quiet river immediately lively. "Music Master" - Yu accompanies the singer, and the singer Yu'er chante beautiful songs one after the other, as if there were a concert!

I love the river in my hometown!

Excellent essay on the river in my hometown 6

There is a small river down in my house. Xiao He became extremely handsome under the sun. The little fish looked great under the river. It's like playing hide and seek, some swim and some blow bubbles, it's so interesting!

The wind came and patterned microwaves appeared on the clear river bank. Under the sun, countless Venuses beat, and some occasionally jump out of the water to see the outside world; some spit out water bubbles one after another, as if whistling again, adding infinite vitality to the river.

When I arrived at the professor's house, I thought: wait a minute, let's go see if there are any new changes or new discoveries inthe green river.

I love my river, please protect it and make it more beautiful!

Excellent essay 7 on the river in my hometown

There is a small river in my hometown - the Dagong River.

In spring, the ice in the river melts and small fish swim to the surface to play, swimming happily, as if welcoming the arrival of the spring girl.

In summer you can go boating on the river. Sometimes there will be small fish next to your boat. They seem to say hello to you? You are invited to come play with me.

In autumn, the leaves of the trees by the river fell into the river. Small fish swim underneath and use it as an umbrella. When the time comes, they use it. as an umbrella. An umbrella to protect yourself from the rain.

In winter, the river is frozen. The little fish breaks the ice and looks out, and can enjoy the scenesnowfall by the river.

The river in my hometown is beautiful! I love the river in my hometown.

Excellent essay on my hometown creek 8

On a sunny day, my mother took me to play by the creek near my grandmother's house.

When we arrived, a group of flies flew towards us. I quickly covered my mouth and nose and saw the dirty and smelly things by the clear river. My mother told me it was all because of. the cement plant and the ash kiln, pollution by dust and litter. This is why this river became like this. I said angrily: "Nature has given us a good environment, but we don't know how to protect and take care of it." Such an environment not only affects people's moods, but also harms their lives. »

We should not litter, use disposable items or spit...may our lives gradually improve!

Everyone has a responsibility to take care of the environment. Together, let's protect the environment!

Excellent essay on my hometown river 9

My hometown river is east of the village, about 300 meters long. The river water is clear, there are groups of fish and shrimps, and the scenery is beautiful, I like it very much.

The water of the small river is very deep, so deep that you cannot see the bottom at a glance; the water of the small river is very clear, so clear that you can see the small fish; in the river ; the water of the small river is very green, as green as a quilt. The green grass around seems to have been dyed. The leaves are drifting in the river, as they look like moving boats! There are all kinds of wild flowers blooming around the river, which is very beautiful.

In summer, my friends and I went thereWe swam and played, so happy!During the dry season, farmers' uncles use the river water to irrigate their crops and get a bountiful harvest.

The river in my hometown brings us happiness and harvest. I love you.

Excellent essay on the river in my hometown 10

My hometown is a place surrounded by mountains and rivers. I love my hometown, and I love the river in my hometown even more.

The surface of the river is calm, like a luminous mirror. The calm river water reflects several rows of green willows on the river. How green the willows are!

Thousands of willow silks dance in the wind, and the willows' lush branches and leaves seem decorated with jasper. The willows are reflected in the water like a little girl combing her hair. I thought: there must be a fairy living in the river, otherwise how could the water be so calm? So soft?

The water in the river is crystal clear. There were some small fish swimming in the river and the tadpoles were swimming like they were running, which was very interesting. After a while it started to rain. The little fish hurriedly hid under the moss and used the moss as an umbrella to cover its head. The raindrops fell on the river, like little flowers dancing.

I love my hometown, and I love this clear, calm, gentle river even more.

Excellent essay on the stream in my hometown 11

There is a beautiful stream below my house. The water in the river is very clear, so clear that you can see the fish in it. Sometimes I carry water from the river to use at home because the river water is very soft.

Sometimes I catch fish in the river. Every time I catch fish in the water, these little fish come and go between the legs of my pantalon and between my fingers, as if they were playing hide and seek with me. They were so smart that after working for a long time I didn't catch any, but I was still very happy.

One night I saw the river shining. At first I didn't know why the river was glowing. Later, after careful observation, I discovered that the river emitted colorful light when illuminated.

The river not only brings me happiness, it is also a magical place.

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