How to soak sea cucumber?

Introduction How to soak sea cucumbers? Two methods: 1. Hot soaking method: First soak the sea cucumbers in hot water for 24 hours (you can put them directly into the pot with cold water and boil, then cover and simmer for 4 to 5 hours). ), then soak it from the abdom

How to soak sea cucumber?

Two methods:

1. Hot soaking method: Soak the sea cucumber in hot water for 24 hours (you can put it directly into the pot with water cold and bring to a boil, then cover and simmer for 4 hours). -5 hours), then remove the internal organs from the opening under the abdomen, then replace them with new water, cook on high heat for about 50 minutes, then soak them in the original soup, and it will be ready after 24 hours.

2. Cold water soaking method: Dip the sea cucumber in clean water and soak it for about 3 days; take it out and remove the intestines and peritoneum by laparotomy, then soak it in clean water. by soaking until tender, it can be processed and eaten. In this method you have to change the water several times in hot weather and always be careful that it is softened.

When soaking sea cucumbers, be careful not to be contaminated with oil, alkali or salt, otherwise it will prevent the sea cucumbers from absorbing water and swelling, reduce the yield, and even cause the swelling of sea cucumbers. melt and rot. Sea cucumbers that have been fermented cannot be frozen again, otherwise the quality of the sea cucumbers will be affected, so it is not advisable to ferment too many at once.

Usually soaking hair in hot water is quicker.

To froth dried sea cucumbers yourself, you must first cook them over a fire, then soak them in warm water overnight. This will help the dry limescale on the outer skin to fall off.

The next day, gently brush the skin with a soft brush, boil it in water for half an hour, then turn off the heat and leave to soak.

Make it boilRead it every day and soak it every day for five to seven days, until the sea cucumber is soft and swollen before removing it. Although the procedure is cumbersome, there are no additives in the process. is not only safe and hygienic, but also does not rot after long cooking. Freshly purchased ones are delicious.

Sea cucumbers rot easily when exposed to oil, so the vessel in which the sea cucumbers are soaked must be clean. In particular, oil and water should be avoided coming into contact with sea cucumbers that have not completely foamed. the outer skin will be soft and rotten, but the inner layer will still be hard, which is not good.


How to make sea cucumber

Braised red sea cucumber Ingredients: 750 g soaked sea cucumber, 500 g belly meat, 500 g old chicken abone-in, 50 g of wet mushrooms, 10 meatballs, 1 raw garlic, 25 g of dried shrimp, 150 g of lard.

Ingredients: refined salt, monosodium glutamate, Shaoxing wine, soy sauce, red soy sauce, coriander, ginger, green onion, sesame oil, licorice and a little wet starch.


1. Cut the sea cucumber into pieces about five or six centimeters long and about 2 centimeters wide. Add the ginger, green onions and refined salt to a pot of water and. boil it. Add the Shaoxing wine. Soak the sea cucumber to remove the fishy smell, remove it and remove the ginger and green onions. Cut the breast and old chicken into several pieces.

2. Heat the lard in a pot, add the sea cucumbers and stir-fry briefly, then pour it into the pot (use bamboo shoots as the bottom of the pot), fry the viande of tripe and the old chicken. until fragrant, and sprinkle with Shaoxing wine, add coriander heads (chopped into handfuls), raw garlic, soy sauce, red soy sauce, second soup, licorice slices , bring to a boil, then pour into the sea cucumber pot, bring to a boil. bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer over low heat for about 1 hour, then add the shiitake mushrooms, meatballs, dried shrimp and sea cucumbers. Once they are soft and tender, remove the meat breast, old chicken, raw garlic, coriander heads, and slices of licorice. Then collect sea cucumbers, mushrooms, meatballs and dried shrimp, put them in a soup bowl, add the original juice to the pot, add refined salt and MSG, bring to light boiling, use damp starch to thin and thicken, add oile sesame and lard. Mix well and pour over the sea cucumber and serve. When serving, add 2 dishes of balsamic vinegar.

Characteristics: This dish is rotten but not rotten, sweet and delicious, rich in umami and nutritious.

Roasted sea cucumber with green onions

Ingredients: 100 grams of sea cucumber, 25 grams each of ginger and soy sauce, 15 grams of sugar, 125 grams of cooked lard , 200 grams of green onions, 20 grams of cooking wine, 4 grams of refined salt, 250 grams of clear soup, 250 grams of wet starch, 3 grams each of MSG and coloring sugar.

Method: Cut the sea cucumber into large slices, boil it carefully and remove the water when the lard is cooked, add the green onions, fry until are golden brown, remove and reserve the scallion oil. Add green onion, ginger, refined salt, cooking wine, soy sauce,sugar and sea cucumber to clear soup. Bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 2 minutes, remove and drain. Add fried green onions, refined salt, sea cucumber, clear soup, white sugar, cooking wine, soy sauce and coloring sugar to the lard. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Add MSG over high heat. heat and thicken with the starch. Cook over medium heat until the juices are well cooked, pour in the green onion oil and serve on a plate.

Snowflake sea cucumber

Ingredients: 500 grams of sea cucumber, 25 grams of chicken breast, 15 grams of mandarin fish meat, 1500 grams of oil ( about 40 grams consumed), 20 grams of soy sauce, Ingredients

15 grams of wine, 3 grams of salt, 15 grams of MSG, 3 grams each of onion and ginger, 5 grams of white d egg, 70 grams of aqueous starch, 40 grams of onion oilsimmered greens, appropriate amount of soup, white sugar

5 grams.

Method: Cut the sea cucumber into long strips, blanch them in boiling water and pour them. Peel the skin and tendons from the chicken breast and chop it with the fish. Put the chopped chicken and fish in a bowl, add water and boil, then add the egg white and starch and stir to form a slurry. Heat the oil in a saucepan until it is 30% hot. Pour the chopped chicken and fish into a colander and let it flow into the oil, press the spoon with your hand and wait for it to drain. take it out and it will become snowflakes. Put the oil into the pot with a spoon, simmer the green onion and ginger in the pot, add soy sauce, cooking wine, soup, salt, MSG, sugar, cucumber sea, roast for a while, thicken, mix withith a spoon, and pour it onto the plate. Put the soup, MSG, snowflakes and thickened sauce into the original spoon, add the scallion oil and cover the sea cucumber.

Sea Cucumber Rabbit Jade

Ingredients: 400 grams of sea cucumber, 8 cooked quail eggs, 40 grams of cooked bamboo shoots, 20 grams of mushrooms, red pepper slices, green onions, appropriate amounts of pepper tips red, minced garlic, minced ginger, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, Shaoxing wine and peanut oil.


1. Cut the sea cucumber into slices, blanch them in a pot of boiling water and remove them respectively into slices.

2. Place the wok over high heat, pour in the peanut oil and heat until it is 50% to 60% hot. Add the minced garlic and ginger and sauté until golden brown. Add thesea ​​cucumber and bamboo shoots. slices, shiitake mushrooms and Shaoxing wine and stir. After a few times, add refined salt and clear soup and bring to a boil, then switch to low heat and simmer until flavor is infused. Add the red pepper, green onion segments and MSG. thicken with wet starch, top with scallion oil and push evenly, remove from pan and place on a plate.

3. Cut an oval shaped egg from the cooked egg, lay it flat and cut it into a V shape to make bunny ears. Lay the egg cut side down, and make a slit on the pointed side, connect it to the rabbit's ears, take 2 red pepper tips and stick them under the ears on both sides to form a jade rabbit, place -them around the sea cucumber. Can.

Features: Fresh and refreshing

Stuffed sea cucumber

Ingredients: 10 sea cucumbers,2 egg whites, 50 grams of water chestnuts, 100 grams of chicken breast, 75 grams of cooked pork.

Preparation: Wash the sea cucumber and make a knife inside; cut the chicken meat into puree, respectively cut the cooked meat, water chestnut, green onion and ginger into fine pieces. Mix the chicken puree with the egg white, add a small amount of refined salt and cooking wine, mix well, add the cooked meat, water chestnuts, green onion and ginger and mix well. Pour the above filling into the sea cucumber, then place the sea cucumber on an oiled flat plate, steam it for 5 minutes, take it out, put it in a large bowl, add the soup clear, a little refined salt and cooking wine. , thicken it with damp starch and water it. Add chicken fat and pour it over the sea cucumber. Eat as a dish.

Function:It nourishes the kidneys and moisturizes dryness, replenishes qi and nourishes blood. It is used to treat weak kidney yang, impotence, spermatorrhea, frequent urination, intestinal odor and constipation; it can also be used as a dietary supplement for patients with tuberculosis, neurasthenia and cancer.

Butterfly Sea Cucumber

Cuisine Category: Simmer

Ingredient Category: Seafood

Cuisine: Sichuan Cuisine

Ingredients: One dried ash sea cucumber (approximately 200 grams). 50 grams of carp meat, 50 grams of pork fat, 50 grams of winter bamboo shoots and 50 grams of ham. 10 grams of black sesame seeds. 50 grams of egg white, 1.5 grams of pepper, 5 grams of salt, 15 grams of soy flour, 250 grams of super clear soup and 200 grams of clear soup.

Method: Soak sea cucumbers in waterboiling, wash them, put them in a saucepan and simmer with water for about 25 minutes. Remove them and cut them into 24 3mm thick slices with a razor blade. Use a knife to shape it into a butterfly. Cut the carp meat into small pieces, chop the pork fat into small pieces, add 1 egg white, pepper, salt and a little water to a bowl and mix with the fish gruel. Add half of the egg white to the soy flour and mix well to form the egg white and soy flour. Put the butterfly sea cucumber slices into the clear soup, add salt and cook for about 10 minutes. Take them out and spread them on the board and wipe them with a clean cloth. Spread the egg white and soy flour on the white side. the slices one by one. Form the fish mass into an olive shape and place it in the center of the butterfly slices to form a “Butterfly” belly. Cut the shootss of winter bamboo into 48 long shreds and a few short shreds, cut the ham into short shreds, then use the long shreds of bamboo shoots as tentacles, the ham shreds and the short shreds of bamboo shoots as foot patterns or body, and black sesame seeds as eyes. Place the prepared "butterfly" on a plate, steam it in a basket for three minutes to finalize its shape, then take it out and put it in a second soup bowl. Add the special clear soup to the bowl, add salt and pepper and it's ready. .

Peeled sea cucumber

Ingredients: 12 sea cucumbers. Ingredients: 200g shrimp paste, 50g pureed pork fat. Seasoning: 8 grams of refined salt, 3 grams of MSG, 4 grams of Shaoxing wine, 15 grams of green onion and ginger juice, 400 grams of clear soup, 25 grams of wet starch, 2 grams of fat chicken, 3 grams of today's sesameand 10 grams of shrimp brains.

Preparation method:

(1) Add 3 grams of refined salt, 1 gram of Shaoxing wine, 2 grams of MSG, 50 grams of clear soup, oil sesame and shrimp brains. both ingredients and mix them into a pulp filling.

(2) Blanch the sea cucumber in boiling water and take it out. Add 250 grams of clear soup, 10 grams of green onion and ginger juice, 3 grams of refined salt and 1 gram of Shaoxing wine. in a wok, bring the sea cucumber to a boil over medium heat and simmer carefully, remove and dry.

(3) Put the shrimp stuffing into the sea cucumber, steam it for 8 minutes until cooked and take it out, place the stuffing on the shrimp face down on the cutting board, cut the sea cucumbers one by one with a knife diagonally four-fifths deep, with aknife distance of 1 cm, then place the shrimp filling on the plate with the shrimp filling facing up.

(4) Place the wok over high heat, add the clear soup, Shaoxing wine, green onion and ginger juice, 2 grams of refined salt and 1 gram of MSG. After boiling, add the wet starch to form. a glaze, add the chicken oil and pour it over. Serve over sea cucumbers.

Features: Beautiful appearance, mild and smooth taste, salty and delicious.

Three fresh sea cucumbers

Category: Vegetarian dishes

Ingredients: 450 grams of nostoc, 30 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 35 grams of bamboo shoots winter, 100 grams of rapeseed hearts and whole eggs 2 pieces (about 100 g), 50 g flour, 25 g corn flour, 3 g salt, 3 g MSG, 1 g pepper, 25 ml cooking wine, 10 g sugar, 20 ml soy sauce, 10 g sesame oil, 150 g oil.

Production processtion 1. Chop the Nostoc, add the eggs, flour, corn flour, 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of MSG, pepper and 16 ml of cooking wine to obtain a green “sea cucumber” body. .

2. Cut the mushrooms into equal sized pieces. Slice the winter bamboo shoots.

3. Heat the wok, heat the oil until it is 40% hot, add the “sea cucumber” and fry until crispy on the outside. Blanch the rapeseed hearts with water and add a little oil.

4. Heat the wok, brown the mushrooms and bamboo shoots, add the rest of the condiments and the water, bring to the boil, add the "sea cucumber", when the juice is thick, add the rapeseed hearts, turn a spoon and remove from pot.

Flavor Characteristics: Black and shiny color, green environment, sweet and salty taste, fragrant and waxy soft.

Medical commentary:patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, obesity and diabetes should not consume it; patients with vitamin A deficiency, night blindness and pregnant women should consume it in moderation.

Nutritional information: 1798 calories, 36.4 grams protein, 143.5 grams fat

90.3 grams carbohydrates, 95 micrograms vitamin A, 6.5 mg of zinc

29.4 grams of dietary fiber, vitamin E mg 124.64 mg Iron 35.2

Carotene mg 570 Vitamin B1 mg 0.12 Calcium mg 89

Niacin mg 3.2 Vitamin B2 mg 2.20

1. Place the sea cucumber in an oil-free container and let it soak for 24 hours.

2. After 24 hours of foaming, pinch the sea cucumber with your hands. if there are hard lumps, continue soaking until there are no hard lumps;

3. Cut the sea cucumbers, remove the sand spit from the csea ​​cucumbers and clean them; Place the cleaned sea cucumbers in the pan and simmer in boiling water for 25-30 minutes. Turn off the heat, cover and simmer for 2 hours.

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