How to get from Xiushan to Nayong, Guizhou

Introduction How to get from Xiushan to Nayong, Guizhou Driving directions: The total distance is about 594.4 kilometers Starting point: Yuxi Tonghai History and culture of Xiushan... 1. Route map in Yuxi town 1) From starting point to the north

How to get from Xiushan to Nayong, Guizhou

Itinerary: The total distance is about 594.4 kilometers

Starting point: Yuxi Tonghai Xiushan historical and cultural...

Driving plan in Yuxi Town


1) Leave the starting point due north, drive 40 meters, turn right and enter Wenwenli

2) Continue along Wenwenli for 120 meters, pass Tonghai County Party School on the left, and turn right


3) Continue 50 meters, turn left and enter Wenxing Street

4) Continue along Wenxing Street for 170 meters and pass Zhongshen Shopping Mall. Tonghai Supply and Marketing Station on the left for about 60 meters. Turn left into Shuncheng Street

5) Continue along Shuncheng Street for 180 meters, turn right into Gucheng West Road

6) Continue along Gucheng West Road for 460 meters, turn left onto Li Lexi Road

7) Continue alongg from Lile West Road for 320 meters, turn right into Changhong Road

8) Continue along Changhong Continue for 220 meters, turn left into S214

9) Continue on S214 for 3.5 kilometers and continue straight into S214

10) Continue on S214 for 420 meters and take the first exit towards Kunyu Expressway/Yuyuan Expressway/Yuxi City/Yanhe, turn right and enter S214

11) Continue along the S214 for 550 meters and enter the S214

2 Continue along the S214 for 220 meters. and take the second exit towards Yanhe/Kunming. Toward Yu Expressway/Yuyuan Expressway, turn left and enter S304

3. Continue on the S304 for 30.9 kilometers and continue straight on the S304

4. Continue along the S304 for 710 meters and go straight on ramp


5. Continue along the ramp for 700 meters, and after passing the Yanhe interchangefor about 130 meters, continue straight. Kunmo Highway

6. Continue along Kunmo Highway for 56.8 kilometers and cross the mountainside bridge, continue straight into Shanxinpo Tunnel

7. Continue along the Shanxinpo Tunnel for 740 meters. , and continue straight on Kunmo Highway

8. Continue along Kunmo Expressway for 29.7 kilometers towards G56S, turn slightly right and take ramp

9. Continue for 1.7 km and go straight to the center line of the inner ring of Kunming Ring Road

10. Follow the inner ring of Kunming Ring Road for 4.3 km along the middle line, cross Chunman Bridge and go straight to East Ring Road

11. Continue along the Eastern Ring Road for 12.8 kilometers, cross Sanyang Bridge and continue straight into Huanglongshan Tunnel

12. along the Huanglongshan Tunnel and continue straight on the Eastern Ring Road

13. Travel 7.1 kilometers along the Eastern Ring Road, cross Julong Bridge and head towards Qujing, turn slightly right onto the ramp

14. Travel 660 meters along the ramp and continue straight on Hangrui Highway

15. Travel 114.6 km along Hangrui Expressway and continue straight on Shanghai-Kunming Expressway

16. Take Shanghai-Kunmingkm Expressway 79.2. After passing the Lion Rock Bridge for about 1.5 kilometers, continue straight into the Caoqingtou Tunnel

17. Drive along Caoqingtou Tunnel for 3.8 kilometers and continue straight onto Shanghai-Kunming Expressway

< p>18. Travel 20.5 kilometers along the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway, towards Liupanshui, turn slightly right and onto Ramp

19. Follow the ramp for 1.1 kilometers and continueinuez straight on the Weiban Highway

. p>

20. Follow the ramp and travel 17.6 km on Weiban Expressway. After passing Yanzijiao Bridge for about 1.1 km, continue straight into Yuba Tunnel

21. meters and go straight into Weiban Highway

22. Travel 340 meters along Weiban Expressway and go straight into Zayingshan Tunnel

23. Travel 2.8 kilometers along the Zayingshan Tunnel and continue straight. in Weiban Highway

24. Continue along Weiban Expressway for 2.7 kilometers and go straight into Jinchangping Tunnel

25. Continue along Jiuchangping Tunnel for 1.6 kilometers and go straight into Jinchangping Tunnel. Weiban Expressway

26. Travel 4.3 kilometers along Weiban Expressway, cross Songhe Bridge, and continue straight into Songhe Tunnel

27. Travel 5.4 kilometers along the Songhe Tunnel and continue. all ofroad in Weiban Highway

28. Continue along Weiban Expressway for 8.7 kilometers and continue straight into Orchid

29 Tunnel. Continue along the Orchid Tunnel for 620 meters and continue straight through the Orchid Tunnel. Weiban Highway

30. Continue along Weiban Expressway for 190 meters, go straight into Hongliangzi Tunnel

31. Continue along Hongliangzi Tunnel for 1.5 kilometers, continue straight into Weiban Expressway.

32. Continue along Weiban Expressway for 11.3 kilometers, pass Beipanjiang Super Bridge, continue straight into Yilaga Tunnel.

33. Continue along Yilaga Tunnel for 2.8 kilometers, go straight. in Weiban Highway

34. Follow Weiban Expressway for 300 meters, cross Yuejin Village Bridge for about 1.4 kilometers, and continue straight into Wujiazhai Tunnel

35. Wujiazhai Tunnel on 320 meters and go straight into Weiban Expressway 36. Continue along Weiban Expressway for 320 meters, cross Xinguangcun Bridge for about 1.3 kilometers and go straight into Fa'er Tunnel

37. Continue along Faer Tunnel for 2.1 kilometers and go straight into Weiban Highway


38. Travel 8.5 kilometers along Weiban Expressway and go straight to Hetou. Tunnel

39. Travel 240 meters along Hetou Tunnel and continue straight into Weiban Expressway

40. Travel 5.3 kilometers along Weiban Expressway, cross Banpo Bridge, and continue straight into Dayingjiao Tunnel

41. Travel 2.0 kilometers along Dayingjiao Tunnel and continue straight into Weiban Expressway

42. Travel 560 meters along Weiban Expressway and continue straight into Pingzitou Tunnel.

43. Travel 2.2 kilometers along the Pingzitou Tunnel and continuego straight into Weiban Expressway

44..Drive along Weiban Expressway for 2.9 kilometers and turn left to enter Weiban Expressway.

Drive along Weiban Expressway for 30 meters and go straight

Drive for 1.2 kilometers. . Turn right

47. Travel 2.3 kilometers, pass the bank dam on the left, turn left to enter the S212

48. Continue on the S212 for 26.7 kilometers, turn right to enter. S212


49. Continue along S212 for 1.1 kilometers, continue straight into Minghu Road

50. Continue along Minghu Road for 1.3 kilometers, turn right and enter Liangdu Avenue.

51. Continue for 5.6 kilometers on Liangdu Avenue, pass Ma'an Village on the right for about 220 meters and continue straight on Minsheng Road.

52. Continue along Minsheng Road. Continue for 2.2 kilosmeters and continue straight into section 2 of Zhongshan Avenue

< p>53. Continue along the second section of Zhongshan Avenue for 2.7 kilometers and continue straight into the first section of Zhongshan Avenue

54. . Continue along the first section of Zhongshan Avenue for 3.3 kilometers, and turn right into Shuicheng Avenue

55. Continue 420 meters along Shuicheng Avenue, turn left into S102

56. for 10.0 kilometers turn left onto the S307

57. Continue on the S307 for 69.6 kilometers, turn left. Enter Bina Road

58. Continue 600 meters along Bina Road, past the foot of the road. mountain on the left and enter Xinjie Road

59. Driving plan in Nayong County

1) Continue along Xinjie Road for 670 meters, turn left and enter Erzhong Road

2) Continue along Erzhong Road for 350 meters, coContinue straight and enter Xianfu Road

3) Continue along Xianfu Road for 180 meters and reach the end point (on the left side of the road)< /p>

Point final: Nayong County

How far is Guizhou, China from Northern Myanmar

All postal codes and cities/townships/villages / streets with this postal code in Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province

553500 Chengguan Town, Chengguan Town Minzhu Road, Chengguan Heping Road Town, Chengguan Biyun Road Town, Dahai Village of Chengguan Town, Lingyuan Road, Chengguan Town, Yuyang Road, Chengguan Town, Hebin Road, Chengguan Town, Panxi Road, Chengguan Town, Duanqiao Village, Chengguan Town, ...

< p>553501 Banqiao Town, Banqiao Town Tianqiao Village, Longdong Village, Banqiao Town, Huiyao Village, Banqiao Town, Haizi Village, Banqiao Town, Jinjiazhuang, Banqiao Town, Bodi Village, Banqiao Town, Nanjiang Village, Banqiao Town, Pingdi Village, Banqiao Town, Songlin Village, Banqiao Town, ...

553502 Shuitang Town, Mulong Village , Shuitang Town, Shuitang Town, Tiechang Village, Shuitang Town, Pingchuan Village, Shuitang Town, Shuitang Guoguan Village, Shuitang Town, Huangba Village, Shuitang Town, Qiansuo Village, Shuitang Town, Xintang Village, Shuitang Town, Shuitang Village, Shuitang Town, ...

553503 Shiqiao Town, Shiqiao Village Dadi, Shiqiao Town, Dongchong Village, Shiqiao Town, Shiqiao Village Nanchong, Shiqiao Town, Guolang Village, Shiqiao Town, Tuole Village, Shiqiao Town, Lupan Village, Shiqiao Town, Xichong Village, Shiqiao Town, Bawan Village, Shiqiao Town, Xiangtian Village, Shiqiao town, ...

553504 Lemin town, Shangba Village of Lemin town, Ludi village ofe Lemin Town, Jila Village of Lemin Town, Lemin Village of Lemin Town, Heikan Village of Lemin Town, Guanguan Village of Lemin Town, Zhenweiqing Village of Lemin Town, Bukan Village of Lemin Town, Qiantun Village of Lemin Town, ...

553505 Xiangshui Town, Chetian Village of Xiangshui Town, Wengé Village of Xiangshui Town , Yangqiao Village of Xiangshui Town, Machang Village, Xiangshui Town, Luchu Village, Xiangshui Town, Tianba Village, Xiangshui Town, Yaji Village, Xiangshui Town, Miller Village, Xiangshui Town, Gele Village, Xiangshui Town, ...

553506 Minzhu Town, Minzhu Town Huashi Village, Confidential Village of Minzhu Town, Zhongba Village of Minzhu Town, Jianshan Village of Minzhu Town, Yantang Village of Minzhu Town, Minzhu Sashu Town, Minzhu Village, Village ofXiachang, Minzhu Town, Gaozhen Village, Minzhu Town, Rantan Village, ...

553507 Dashan Town, Dashan Town Gaoshan Village, Dashan Town Xinguang Village, Dashan Town Xiaozhai Village, Dashan Town Songshan Village, Dashan Town sold the village, Baila Village, Dashan Town, Pingdi Village, Dashan Town, Gaoxiang Village, Dashan Town, Gabu village, Dashan town, ...

553508 Zhongyi township, Hengbu village, Zhongyi township, Wupeng village, Zhongyi township, Zhongyi township, Saba village, village of Donggualing, Zhongyi Township, Maochao Village, Zhongyi Township, Qiujialin Village, Zhongyi Township, Zhujiawan Village, Zhongyi Township, Gantangzi Village, Zhongyi Township, Sanwandi Village, Zhongyi Township, ...

553509 Baotian Town, Putian Township, Putian Huimin Township, Putian Township Yanzi Village, Majia Villageof Baotian Town, Dazhai Village of Putian Township, Afang Village of Baotian Town, Ahliu Village of Putian Township, Baotian Village Ganhe Village, Nuoge Village, Putian Township, ...

553511 Xinmin Township, Xinzhuang, Xinmin Township, Bashang Village, Xinmin Township, Lishe Village, Xinmin Township, Xinwu Village, Xinmin Township, Yuna Village, Xinmin Township, Xinmin township, Dake village, Lanmu village, Xinmin township, Jiutun village, Xinmin township, Langshu village, Xinmin township, ...

553512 Mayi town, Mayi town , Mantis Village, Mayi Town, Mayibo Checun Town, Yanjiao Village, Mayi Town, Pingdi Village, Mayi Town, Xiaozhai Village, Mayi Town, Buga Village, Mayi Town, Dadong Village, Mayi Town, Yujie Village, Mayi Town, ...

553513 Laochang Town, Lagu Village of Laochang Town, Shimen Village of Laochang Town,Baiyan village of Laochang town, Luoquan village of Laochang town, Selu village of Laochang town, Nanxing village of Laochang town, Laochang Zhenfaka village, Chihei village, Laochang town, village of Yanfeng, Laochang Town, ...

553514 Zhudong Township, Chahei Village, Zhudong Township, Kashe Village, Zhudong Township, Erpo Village, Zhudong Township, Hu Village Chong, Zhudong Township, Yaoshang Village, Zhudong Township, Zhudong Village, Zhudong Township, Shili Village, Zhudong Township, Zhongshan Village, Zhudong Township, Zhudong Xiangdumi Village,...

< p>553515 Xichong Town, Dazhuang, Xichong Town, Xiaohe Village, Xichong Town, Sili Village, Xichong Town, Dawan Village, Xichong Town, Datun Village, Xichong Town, Hengjiazhuang, Xichong Town , Yanjiazhuang, Xichong Town, Dadhanshan Village, Xichong Town, Sanmugou Village, Xi Townchong, ...

553516 Liuguan Town, Pinghao Village, Liuguan Town, Xiaotun Village, Liuguan Town, Laotun Village, Liuguan Town, Gaoguan Village, Liuguan Town, village of Liuguan, Liuguan Town, Shuangshan Village, Liuguan Town, Songguan Village, Liuguan Town, Shuijian Village, Liuguan Town, Liuguan Town Qujiazhuang,...

553517 Yingwu Township , Wangguan Village, Yingwu Township, Chengxi Village, Yingwu Township, Gaoqiang Village, Yingwu Township, Tianba Village, Yingwu Township, Donghong Village, Yingwu Township, Ge, Yingwu Township Napu, Village Shagu, Yingwu Township, Dashuijing Village, Yingwu Township, Ruanqiaoshao Village, Yingwu Township, ...

553518 Machang Township, Luping Village, Machang Township, Sanzhai Village, Township Machang, Machang Township Mugu Village, Wanchang Village, Machang Township, Baifen Village, Machang Township, Longjing Village,Machang Township, Yega Village, Machang Township, Shiba Village, Machang Township, Machang Village, Machang Township, ...

553519 Jiuying Township, Hongzhuang, Jiuying Township, village of Shuikou, Jiuying Township, Pingtian Village, Jiuying Township, Tangshang Village, Jiuying Township, Jiuying Village, Jiuying Township, Shanglang Village, Jiuying Township, Xinzhai Village, Jiuying Township, Jiuying Township Xinqiao Village, Mabian Village, Jiuying Township, ...

553521 Baoji Township, Yangchang Township, Guanzhuang, Yangchang Township, Haixing Village, Yangchang Township, Hejiazhuang, Yangchang Township, Yunxing village, Baoji township, Namu village, Yangchang township, Gaoguang village, Yangchang township, Huangxing village, Baoji township, Daping village, Baoji township, ..

553522 Pugu Township, Pugu Township, Poqiu Village, Bomi Village, Pugu Township, Yunshan Village, P Townshipugu, Boqiu village, Pugu township, Changshang village, Pugu township, Lemi village, Pugu township, Xinzhai village, Pugu township, Tianqiao village, Pugu township, Pugu village Xiangshuiba,...

553523 Yuni Township, Yuni County Yuni, Mituo village of Yuni township, Zhonghe village, Yuni township, Luoduo village, Yuni township, ...

553524 Huashi township, Godo village, Huashi township, village of Yanjiao, Huashi Township, Zhujia Village, Huashi Township, Huashixiangdian Zi Village, Jiuzhai Village, Huashi Township, Dala Village, Huashi Township, Jianshan Village, Huashi Township, Jianba Village, Huashi Township Huashi, Baitian Village, Huashi Township, ...

553525 Jinchangping Township, Jinchangping Village Xiangxin, Jichangping Yi Township,Datun village, Jichangping township, Xitou village, Jichangping township, Yishan village, Jichangping township, Chahe village, Jichangping township, Bashang village, Jichangping township, Jichangping township Yiqi village, Gaoshan village , Jinchangping Township, ...

553526 Songhe Township, Songhe Yi Township, Maga Village, Songhe Township, Baima Village, Songhe Township, Jinzhu Village, Songhe Township, village of Chaoyang, Songhe Township, Nike Village, Songhe Township, Songlin Village, Songhe Township, Qianwu Village, Songhe Township, Da, Songhe Township, Lishu Village, . ..

553527 Sige Township, Sige Yi Township, Sige Township Xinzhai Village, Sige Township Zige Village, Sige Township Shuitang Village, Sige Township Fangge Village, Poshang Village , Sige Township, Daping Village, Sige Township, Chaoyang Village, Sige Township, Dazhai Village, Sige Township, ...

553528 TownshipPingdi, Pingdi Yi Township, Pingdi Township Chahe Village, Qingkou Village, Pingdi Township, Jiaoni Village, Pingdi Township, Qigu Village, Pingdi Township, Jiangdi Village, Pingdi Township, Fachong Village, Township of Pingdi, Yunshang Village, Pingdi Township, Luoer Village, Pingdi Township, ...

553529 Saji Town, Changqing Village, Saji Town, Banpo Village, Saji Town, village of Yimin, Saji Town, Moga Village, Saji Town, Vegetable Village, Saji Town, Saji Town Luoga Village, Ji Town, Guochanghe Village, Saji Town, ...

< p>553531 Baiguo Town, Baiguo Town, Diemai Village, Baiguo Town, Dongfeng Village, Baiguo Town, Pingzi Road, Baiguo Town, Maozhai Village, Baiguo Town, Minzhu Village, Baiguo Town , Cigu Village, Baiguo Town, Duoqiu Village, Baiguo Town, Songshu Village, Baiguo Town, . ..

553532 Panguan, Panjiang Town, villagee of Haiba, Panjiang Town, Shenjiang Village, Panjiang Town, Xiangyang Village, Panjiang Town, Niushan Village, Panjiang Town, Shengjiang Village, Panjiang Town, Maoping Village, Panjiang Town, Village of Hongshan, Panjiang Town, Moon Road, Panjiang Town, ...

553533 Duanjiang Town, Shanjiaoshu, Duanjiang Village, Duanjiang Town, Yantang Village, Duanjiang Town, Duanjiang Village Nuowa, Duanjiang Town, Dashan Village, Duanjiang Town, Jianshan Village, Duanjiang Town, Duanjiang Town Jiucaiping Village, Dabaiyan Village, Duanjiang Town, Laowuji Village, Duanjiang Town, ...

553534 Laowuji, Qiutian Village, Duanjiang Town, ...

553535 Lianghe Town, Lianghe Township, Haipu, Lianghe Township, Wuguan Village, Lianghe Township, village of Liangshan, Lianghe Township, Huchang Village, Lianghe Township, Fengjiazhuang, Lianghe Township, Xia Villagesai, Lianghe Township, Laza, Lianghe Township Village, Yanguan Village, Lianghe Township, ...

553536 Gangou Bridge, Gangou Bridge, Hongmei Road, Gangou Bridge, Panjiang Avenue, ...

553537 Hongguo Town, Jiupu, Hongguo Town, Shapo Village, Hongguo Town, Xipu, Hongguo Town, Xinqiao Village, Hongguo Town, Shijiazhuang, Hongguo Town, village of Xiajie, Hongguo Town, Haiga Village, Hongguo Town, Xiaxipu, Hongguo Town, Pingchuan Village, Hongguo Town, ... < /p>

553538 Yizi Kong, ...

553539 Huopu Town, Huopu Town Huopu, Huopu Town Poshang Village, Huopu Town Qingpu Road, Huopu Town Shayu Village, Pu Town, Lanniqing Village, Huopu Town, Yangchangpo Village, town of Huopu, Lizishu Village, Huopu Town, ...

553541 Pingguan Town, Shinao Village, Pingguan Town, Yinche Village, Pingguan Town, Xiaojie Village, Pingguan Town, Village by Dajie, Pingguan Town, Fengwan Village, Pingguan Town, Longji Village, Pingguan Town, Daqing, Pingguan Village, Pingguan Village, Pingguan Town, Yanshang Village, Pingguan Town, ...

Itinerary: Total distance is approximately 3,335.5 kilometers

Starting point: Laojiao Wine Industry Group, Guizhou, China. ..

1. Beijing City Driving Map

1) Go east from the starting point, follow the northeast road for 2.4 kilometers, turn right and enter Future City Binhe Avenue .


2) Continue along Future City Binhe Avenue for 1.5 kilometers, turn right and enter Future Science and Technology City Road.

3) Continue along Future Science and Technology City Road for 1.1. kilometers, turn left onto Dingsi Road


4) Continue along Dingsi Road for 680 meters and continue straight onto Airport North Expressway

5) Continue along Airport North Continue for 20 meters and continue straight on Airport North Expressway

< p>6) Travel 340 meters along Airport North Expressway towards Jingcheng Expressway /Chengde/North Fifth Ring Road, turn slightly right and enter Beiqijia Overpass 7) Continue on Route 720 along the Beiqijia Overpass meters, go straight and enter the Jingcheng Expressway

8) Continue along Jingcheng Expressway for 14.4 kilometers, cross Beihuqu Bridge, head to the North Fourth Ring Road. Road/Siyuan Bridge/Anhui Bridge, turn slightly right and enter Wanghe Bridge

9) Continue along Wanghe Bridge for 660 meters, continue straight into North Fourth Ring East Road

10) Continue along North Fourth Ring East Road for 2.6 kilometers, cross Anhui Bridge and continue straight into North Road Fourth Ring Middle Road

11) Continuousgo along North Fourth Ring Middle Road for 5.4 kilometers, cross the Zhanchun Second Bridge, and continue straight on North Fourth Ring West Road

12) Continue along North Fourth Ring West Road for 5.4 kilometers, cross Sihai Bridge and continue straight on West Fourth Ring North Road

13) Continue along West Fourth Ring North Road for 4.8 kilometers, cross Dinghui Bridge and continue straight onto West Fourth Ring Middle Road.

14 ) Continue along West Fourth Ring Road for 3.2 miles toward West Fifth Ring Road. /Fangshan direction/G4, turn slightly right and enter Yuegezhuang Bridge

2. Continue along Yuegezhuang Bridge for 480 meters and cross Yuegezhuang Bridge. After about 330 meters from Zhuangnan Bridge, go straight and enter Beijing Street. Hong Kong-Macau Highway

3. Follow the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway for 747.7 kilometers, towards Dengfeng/Nanyang/S32/S83, and turn slightly right onto the ramp

4. Travel 950 meters along the ramp and continue straight onto Yongdeng Expressway

5. Travel 12.0 kilometers along Yongdeng Expressway towards Pingdingshan/Nanyang/S83, turn slightly left and enter Lannan Expressway. >6. Travel 168.6 kilometers along Lannan Highway and continue straight on Erguang Highway.

7. Drive 466.6 kilometers along Erguang Expressway towards Zhangjiajie/Changde North/Langzhou Road/He, turn slightly right and take. the ramp

8. Travel 430 meters along the ramp and continue straight into Hangrui Highway

9. Drive 18.7 kilometers along Hangrui Expressway, direction Chongqing/G56/G5513/Changsha, turn slightly left onto ramp

10. Continue along the ramp for 1.1 km and continue straight onto Changzhang Expressway

11. 21.1 km, towards Changde South/Airport/G319/Jishou, turn slightly right onto ramp

12. Follow the ramp for 720 meters and continue straight into Hangrui Highway

13. Along Hangzhou-Rui Expressway, drive 221.1 kilometers on Ruili Expressway, direction Fenghuang/Huaihua/Guangzhou/Ruili, turn slightly right and enter Jishou Viaduct

14. Travel 970 meters along the Jishou Expressway. Cross and continue straight on Hangzhou-Ruili Expressway

15. Travel 34.4 kilometers along Hangrui Expressway, direction Fenghuang/Tongren/G209, turn slightly right onto ramp

16. Continue for 610 meters along the ramp and continue straight onto Hangrui Highway

17. Travel 117.8 kilometers along the Hangrui Highway. At the Minxiao/S303 exit, turn slightly right onto the ramp

18. Travel 880 meters along the ramp and continuego straight on Anjiang Highway

19. Travel 150.8 kilometers along Anjiang Expressway and continue straight on Guiweng Expressway

20. Travel 61.0 kilometers along Guiweng. Take the highway and turn slightly right onto ramp

21. Follow the ramp for 1.9 kilometers, continue straight and enter Guiweng Highway

22. Continue along Guiweng Highway for 15.9 kilometers, towards Baiyun/. Guanshan Lake/Liupanshui/Anshun, turn slightly right and take the ramp

23. Travel 1.4 kilometers along the ramp and continue straight on Guiyang Ring Road

< p> 24. Travel 14.4 kilometers along the ramp. Guiyang Ring Expressway towards Guiyang Third Bridge, turn slightly left and enter Lanhai Expressway

Drive 20.2 km along Lanhai Expressway, direction Qingzhen/ Anshun/Kunming/G60, turn lightlygo right on the ramp<. /p>

26. Travel 760 meters along the ramp and go directly into Shanghai-Kunming Expressway< /p>

27. Travel 361.7 kilometers along the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway and go directly into Hangrui Expressway< /p>

26. /p>

28. Travel 128.3 kilometers along the Hangrui Expressway and continue straight into the Xiaozhuang Viaduct

29. Travel 630 meters along the Xiaozhuang Viaduct and continue straight into the Second North Ring Road


30. Travel 6.7 kilometers along the Second North Ring Road towards Mingbo Overpass/Anning/Dali/Hangrui Expressway and turn slightly left to enter Xiaotun Viaduct

< p>31. Continue along the Xiaotun Viaduct on Route 290. After passing the Xiaotun Viaduct for about 150 meters, continue straight on the Second West Ring Road

32. Continue along the second western ring road for 2.9 kilometers, after passingthe Xiyuan Viaduct for approximately 1.4 kilometers. straight on the ramp

33. Continue along the ramp for 270 meters, and after passing the Mingbo Viaduct for about 200 meters, continue straight on Hangrui Expressway

Drive 696.5 kilometers. along Hangrui Highway, turn slightly right onto ramp

35. Drive 1.4 kilometers along the ramp, turn slightly left onto Ruili Avenue

36.Driving map in Hong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture

1) Continue along Ruili Avenue for 1.1 kilometers, towards Maoguan Road, turn slightly right

2) Continue for 3.1 kilometers,

3) Continue 950 meters, go straight and enter Maohuan Road

4) Continue along Maohuan Road for 2.1 kilometers, turn left

5) Continue 260 meters, turn right and enter Xinguang Road

6) Continue along Xinguang Road for 190 meters et reach the end point (on the right side of the road)

End point: snacks for the North Myanmar Baseball Tournament

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  • Safety considerations for cart batteries

    Selecting the ideal cart battery is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and longevity of your electric vehicle or vaping device. This comprehensive guide w