65 cubic meters of coal and 34 cubic meters of water. Coal-water slurry replaces oil and coal-based fluid fuel. According to the mixing ratio of coal-water slurry, it should use about 65% coal, 34% water and 1% additives per physical treatment, which is 100 cubic meters of coal. the slurry requires 65 cubic meters of coal and 34 cubic meters of water.
The principle of electricity generation is to use the difference in water level to produce electricity with a hydroelectric generator, i.e. to use the potential energy of water to convert the potential energy of water. water in the mechanical energy of the water wheel. Then the mechanical energy is used to drive the generator to obtain electricity. The rotor of the generator is the magnetic pole, and the excitation winding is installed inside the rotor. When DC power is applied, it is excited and generates a magnetic field, in simple terms, it generally becomes equipment. supplies direct current to the rotor is called an exciter, which is the one at the back of the generator, its purpose is to generate direct current during operation.
Raw materials for electricity production
Most power plants use thermal energy to produce electricity. The fuels they use include coal, oil and natural gas. Thermal power plants can produce large amounts of electricity, but they pollute the environment. Some power plants use heat generated by nuclear reactions to produce electricity. Nuclear power plants produce large amounts of electricity, but they release nuclear waste.