The water play lesson plan for large classes

Introduction Large Class Water Play Lesson Plan As a teacher of the people, I often have to write an excellent lesson plan. The course plan is conducive to improving teaching levels and developing teaching and research activities. Then you understand

The water play lesson plan for large classes

As a people's teacher, I often have to write an excellent lesson plan. The course plan is conducive to improving the teaching level and developing teaching and research activities. So, have you heard about lesson plans? The following is a water play lesson plan that I have compiled for your reference only. I hope it can help everyone.

Large Class Water Play Lesson Plan 1

Activity Objectives

1. Discover the joy of playing water games and understand their uses. of water. Educate young children to save water.

2. Children can learn the characteristics of water through hands-on experiments and games.

3. Let children develop the good habit of thinking innovatively when they encounter problems.

Preparing for the activity

1. Preparation of game materials: empty bottles, bottles filled with water, lids, magnets, foam, stones, wooden blocks, plasticine, plastic building blocks, water wheels, etc.

2. Encourage children to observe water features in play in the activity area and in daily life.

Activity process

1. Present “water” in the form of puzzles. Today, the teacher offers you a nice riddle. Let's see which child has the smartest little brain and can spin the fastest!

Riddle: "Play in the stream, sleep in the pond. Run in the river, laugh in the sea."

2. Question: Children, where will you meet- YOU ? have you ever been in the water? What does the water you see look like? (Encourage children to describe when they see water).

3. The teacher has prepared water and many toyss for children, and asked the children to do an experiment to see what changes happened to the water? (Experience the joy of playing with water and discover it)

The teacher put forward the experimental requirements: a: Carefully observe the experimental process and the changes that occur, b: Do not waste water, c: Check that the child's clothes are well maintained and not wet.

4. Divide the game into three groups and the children can choose a group to participate in.

Group 1 - The ups and downs of water: "Put lots of toys in the water and see what different phenomena happen?"

Group 2 - The flow of water: "Why can't the small basket hold the water?"

Group 3 - The momentum of water: Water poured on the tanker, why did the tanker turn?

By allowing children to experiment, observe and tell stories of their prWith their hands, children will be interested in experiments, observing, analyzing and telling. Through experiments, we will guide children to tell the uses of water. and cultivate children's divergent thinking. )

5. Teacher: “Children, come to this group and take a look. What did these children discover? Have the whole class look at water together.The phenomenon of ups and downs, flow and momentum, and ask a child to share their discovery:

A. Understanding the Momentum of Water: Let's find out why this group of children's water wheel is spinning? (Everyone discusses) Teacher summary: Yes! Water has momentum and power. Water can produce electricity with its power. Do you know what other uses water has besides producing electricity? (Divergent thinking allows children to continue exploring) Let's take a look at what the next group of children discovered in the experimentience?

B. The children in the sinking and floating group explained: After putting various things in the water, some things sank (stones, iron blocks, plasticine, magnets, bottles filled with water, etc.), and others sank. objects have sunk on the water (wood, foam, empty bottles, etc.), why does this happen? Together, they came to the conclusion that water floats.

Discuss together: Why do some bottles float on water and others sink underwater?

Using the children's discussion, the teacher's advice: when an empty bottle is covered with a lid, it will float on water because it is light, when a bottle filled with water is covered, it will sink; underwater because it's heavy.

Increase the difficulty and let the children experiment: Let's experiment again: How can we make the objects that float on water sink and make the objects that coulent? (Redo the experiment)

C. The children in the flow group explained: If you can't scoop the water with a small basket, it means the water is flowing.

Earlier, the children said that the water is flowing. Do you know what benefits flowing water brings us? (Help children say that water can flow to water the ground, water flowers, bathe, etc.).

6. Question: “Water has many uses, what should children do when using water in the future? (Children will first discuss freely, then the teacher will summarize)

Teacher's tip summary: Thanks to the experiment that has just taken place, the children have learned a lot about the uses of water and they know that in the future we must save water and not waste it. We must not only save water, but also apply the knowledge we have learned. to our future lives.

7. End of actiontivity

Children, did you have fun playing earlier? The teacher is also very happy, because the children in my class used their dexterous little hands and clever minds to discover many properties and properties of water in the experiment

I also know that the children in my class love working together. collects toys with children (to cultivate good habits and independence in children). Ability and quality of love for work)

Reflection on the activity

Advantages: Thanks to the activity “The water game”, the children learned the characteristics and uses of water, how to save water, etc. through different games. was able to actively participate in the activities. Their imagination really surprised me. During the experience, they discovered so many problems, so many innovative ways to play.And immersed in explorationand the fun of the game, knowing that friends cooperate with each other, think together, discover problems and innovate in time, etc., they achieve the goals of the activity in a relaxed and enjoyable game, and the effect is Alright.

Disadvantages: The activity venue is a bit small, the children's activities are limited, and when playing with water, the children are a bit crowded, some children spilled water. Water on the floor, and the activity room is a bit dirty.

Large Class Water Play Lesson Plan 2

Activity Design Background

Take advantage of children's love for water water and their curiosity about water to provide them with opportunities to play with water and become aware of the characteristics of water to consolidate their understanding of water.

Activity objectives

1. Guide children to use various materials to play in water, perceive phenomens of “sinking” and “floating” of different objects. , and cultivate children's ability to observe, compare and generalize.

2. Let children feel the fun of water and have a pleasant emotional experience.

3. Cultivate children's qualities of courage, confidence, cooperation and communication.

4. During activities, let children experience the joy of playing with their peers and be willing to play with their peers.

5. Children learn the game through activities and discover the pleasure of the game.

Key points and teaching difficulties

Perception of the phenomena of “sinking” and “floating” of different objects

Preparation of the activity

1. Teachers, children and parents collect water play equipment together: plastic products: fruit milk bottles, plastic toys, small buckets, etc. wooden products: building blocks, branches, ice cream sticks, leaves, etc.; Paper products: cardboard, crepe paper, newspapers, homework papers, cardboard boxes, etc.; foam products and small stones, pebbles, small iron blocks, etc. And let the children pack the materials in plastic bags, mark them and put them in the toy cabinet.

2. Before activities, check the safety and hygiene of the swimming pool. Check whether there are foreign objects at the bottom of the pool, whether the pool water is clean, and whether the height of the pool water is appropriate.

Activity Process


Encourage children to play in the pool with their teachers (some children who are shy and do not want to play in the pool are not required to do so at this time and are allowed to play by the pool ). ). Guide children to look at little feet or sandals in the water; tryez to hold the water with both hands; experience the different sensations of placing your palms flat in the water and inserting your fingers into the water and feel the sensation of walking in the water; . Help children recall and reproduce knowledge they have learned in the past, such as: they can see little feet in the water because the water is transparent and colorless; the water they hold disappears after a while because the water flows, etc. ; encourage children to express their feelings Or notice that, for example: placing the palm flat in the water requires more force than inserting the fingers in the water. The force used is greater and walking in the water is slower than walking on the ground.

2. Auditory games.

Invite the children to put the materials in the plastic bag into the water one by one. Let children listen to and compare the sound of different materials being thrown into the water; try again, listen andcompare the sound of different materials being thrown into the water from high and low places. The children repeatedly compared their experiences and discussed with each other, and came to the conclusion that the sound of throwing materials into the water from a high place is louder than that of materials from a low place. The sound of throwing heavy materials into the water is louder than that of throwing heavy materials into the water. that of lightweight materials. Let children close their eyes and imagine: the different sounds of summer rain and autumn rain (drizzle) hitting the water; remember the story "Gudong is coming", imagine the sound of papaya falling into water and understand why the little rabbit was scared and panicked.

3. Observation, comparison and induction games.

Observe the sinking and floating phenomena of different materials placed in water; compare light, heavy, thick and m materialsinces; perceive the relationship between light, heavy, thick and thin materials and "sink" and "float"; summarize the Some materials will sink in water and some materials will float in water.

4. Games

Touch and feel with your hands which materials absorb water and which materials do not absorb water, which materials will rot when exposed to water, and which materials will remain intact; when exposed to water

5. Pack and organize the materials

Ask the children to collect all the materials found in the water in plastic bags. so that there is no debris in the water Provide environmental education to young children to protect water resources one by one. children are allowed to discuss, communicate and cooperate fully such as providing each other with materials, exchanging new discoveries, etc.çonon, children can improve their communication skills, experience the joy of sharing, and experience the surprise and pleasure of "discovery and learning".

Reflection on teaching

“Guidance Schemes on Education in Kindergarten (Essay)” further highlights the idea of ​​enabling for children to actively learn. The design of “Discovery in Water - Large Class Science Teaching Activities” strives to reflect this idea and follows the three characteristics of children's learning:

First, Children's learning is directly driven by interests and needs. Playing with water interests young children, so they will be actively engaged, actively exploring, discovering and learning. Succeed in discovery learning and fully experience the joy of learning.

Second, children's learning is based on direct experience. THETheir understanding of things is perceptual, concrete and visual, and they need to use movement and various senses to aid their thinking. It is therefore particularly important to offer children operational opportunities and to mobilize their different senses to participate.

Third, due to individual differences, each child has their own learning process, and the interactive learning method between children makes children accept it. At the same time, communication and linguistic expression skills were developed.

Lesson plan Water play 3

Activity objectives

1. Discover the joy of playing water games, understand the uses of water and teach young children to save water.

2. Children can learn the characteristics of water through hands-on experiments and games.

3. Let the children developOpt the good habit of thinking innovatively when they encounter problems.

4. During activities, let children experience the joy of playing with their peers and be willing to play with their peers.

5. Make children feel happy and fun, and they should learn knowledge unconsciously.

Preparation for the activity

1. Preparation of game materials: empty bottles, bottles filled with water, lids, magnets, foam, stones, wooden blocks, plasticine. , plastic building blocks, water wheel, etc.

2. Encourage children to observe water features in play in the activity area and in daily life.

Activity Process

1. Present “water” in the form of riddles. Today, the teacher offers you a nice riddle. Let's see which child has the smartest little brain and littlet turn as quickly as possible!

Riddle: "Play in the stream, sleep in the pond. Run in the river, laugh in the sea."

2. Question: Children, where will you meet- YOU ? have you ever been in the water? What does the water you see look like? (Encourage children to describe when they see water).

3. The teacher prepared water and many toys for the children, and asked the children to do an experiment to see what changes happened to the water? (Experience and discover the joy of playing with water) The teacher put forward the experimental requirements:

a: Carefully observe the experimental process and the changes that have occurred;

a: Carefully observe the experimental process and the changes that have occurred;


b: Do not waste water;

c: Check which clothes of the child are kept clean and not wet.

4. Divide the game into three groups and the children can choose a group to participate in.

Group 1 - The ups and downswater: “Put a lot of toys in the water and see what happens?”

Group 2 - Water flow: “Why is the little basket small?” Can't keep water down? " Group 3 - The force of water: Water poured on the tanker truck Why did the tanker truck turn?

By allowing the children to experiment, observing and telling stories with their own hands, children will be interested in experiments, observing, analyzing and telling. Through experiments, we will guide children to tell the uses of water and cultivate children's divergent thinking. . )

5. “Children, come to this group and watch. What did these children discover? Have the whole class observe the ups and downs, flows and changes. pulses the water and ask a. The children talked about their discoveries:

A. Understanding the momentum of water: Why the waterwheels of this group of enchildren rotate? (Everyone discusses) Teacher summary: Yes! Water has momentum and power. Water can produce electricity with its power. Do you know that water can not only produce electricity? Is there another use? (Divergent thinking allows children to continue exploring) Let’s take a look at what the next group of children discovered in the experiment?

B. The children in the sinking and floating group explained: After putting various things in the water, some things sank (stones, iron blocks, plasticine, magnets, bottles filled with water, etc.), and others sank. objects have sunk on the water (wood, foam, empty bottles, etc.), why does this happen? Together, they came to the conclusion that water floats.

Discuss together: Why do some bottles float on water and others sink underwater?

Using the children's discussion,teacher tips: when an empty bottle is covered with a lid, it will float on water because it is light, when a bottle filled with water is covered, it will sink; underwater because it's heavy.

Increase the difficulty and let the children experiment: Let's experiment again: How can we make the objects that float on water sink and make the sinking objects float? (Redo the experiment)

C. The children in the flow group explained: If you can't scoop the water with a small basket, it means the water is flowing.

Earlier, the children said that the water is flowing. Do you know what benefits flowing water brings us? (Help children say that water can flow to water the ground, water flowers, bathe, etc.).

6. Question: “Water has many uses, so what should children do when using water in the future? (The children will discusst first freely, then the teacher will summarize) Teacher summary: The children learned Many things from the experience just now Concerning the use of water, and knowing that we must save water and not waste it in the future, we must not only save water, but also apply the knowledge we have gained to our lives in the future.

7. End of the activity, children. Did you have fun earlier? The teacher is also very happy, because the children in my class used their dexterous little hands and clever minds to discover many properties and uses of water. the experience.

I also know that my class is having a lot of fun. Children really like to work. Let's clean up the activity room together. The teacher collects the toys with the children (cultivate children's good habits). , independence and love of work.)

Activity ofreflection

Advantages: Thanks to the “Water Games” activity, children can discover the characteristics, uses, and how to save water through various games. During the activity, the children were able to actively participate in the activities. Their imagination really surprised me. They discovered so many problems and innovative ways to play during the experience, and they were immersed. in the exploration and fun of the game. Knowing that friends cooperate with each other, think together, discover problems and innovate in time, they can achieve the goals of the activity in a relaxed and enjoyable game, and l The effect is very good.

Disadvantages: Activity venue, it is a bit small, children's activities are limited, and when playing in the water, the children were a bit crowded, and some children spilled water. water on the floor, making the activity room a little dirty Lesson plan on gamesx of water in large class 4

Objectives of the activity

1. Through children's hands-on experiments and games, they can perceive the characteristics of water.

2. Understand the uses of water and educate young children to save water.

3. Be willing to try boldly and share your experiences with your peers.

4. Fully experience that science is around you and spark an interest in discovery, exploration and communication in life.

5. Cultivate interest in exploring nature.

Preparation for the activity

1. Encourage children to observe water features in activity area play and daily life.

2. Preparation of game materials: containers, salt, sugar, several water wheels and alcohol lamps.

Program of the activity

1. Guess the water in the form of a riddlemes

2. Question: Where did you see water? (Encourage children to describe when they see water.)

3. Today the teacher prepared water and toys for the children and asked them to do an experiment to see what happens to the water?

Experimental requirements: Carefully observe the experimental process and the changes that have occurred, and do not waste water.

4. Divide the game into 5 groups and the children can choose a group to participate in.

1) The Three-State Water Set: What did you find after heating the ice?

2) Dissolution group: After putting the salt and sugar into the water and stirring, why did they disappear?

3) Sinking and floating group: What are the different phenomena when launching?

4) Mobile group: Why can't the small basket hold water?

5) Momentum group: Why is the tanker rotatingwhen you pour water on it?


1) Hey, kids, come to this group and take a look. What did these children find? Invite the whole class to observe the phenomenon of melting ice and ask a child to describe their findings: Heating Heating

Ice------Water------Water vapor< /p>

Question: a. What must be done to turn water vapor into ice?

b. In summer it rained a lot and the ground was wet. Why did the water on the ground dry up when the sun rose? (Inspire children's thinking flexibility and apply the knowledge they have acquired in life.)

2) The children in the dissolution group explained: Put the salt, sugar and sand in the water. After stirring, salt, sugar and. sugar is dissolved in water, but sand is not dissolved, which means water can dissolve some things and others it can't.

3) The children of the color groupant and floating explained: After putting various things into the water, some things sank and some things floated on the water, indicating that water has buoyancy.

4) FlowThe children in the action group explained: If you can't draw water with a small basket, it means the water is flowing.

5) The water momentum group: the water pours onto the water wheel, and the water wheel rotates, indicating that the water has momentum and power.

Through the above children's practical experiments, observations and narration, children's interest in practical experiments, observation, analysis and narration skills have been cultivated.

Thinking about activities

In teaching, children are very interested in operations and exploration. Through operations, children can experience the process and joy of research and innovation. , in LIn our activities, we use the exchange and discussion of life experiences, multimedia orientation, divergent thinking, innovation and imagination, operational experiments, exchange of innovative experiences, recording and synthesis and other activities to guide children to innovate and use their brains to think. The teacher provides appropriate exploration materials and lets the children try it for themselves. Focus on exploration and innovation, form cooperative inquiry-type interaction between teachers and children, and cultivate children's thinking imagination and innovation ability.

A bottle filled with stones can still be filled with water, but a bottle filled with water cannot be filled with another stone?

This week. we have entered into the most common theme of bottles in life, what can bottles do? It may contain liquidswith whom we are usually in contact. Putting it in a bottle is not only clean and hygienic, but also very convenient to use. So, besides making our lives easier, what else can bottles do? The children were given a questionnaire based on this question.

I discovered that there are bottles everywhere in life. They can not only be used to hold liquids, but also for decoration. Flowers can be put in the bottles to decorate the room, and they can also be used. to store food. For wine making, larger vases can be used for collection or placed in museums for people to appreciate. So apart from these bottles, what else can we do?

In Mud Academy's Pea Pond, bottles can also be used to craft boats. However, the bottlesare made of plastic, glass and ceramic. What type of bottles should be. used to make boats? Can it float in a pond and not sink easily? Based on this question, the children conducted a sinking and floating experiment. Before doing the experiment, the children not only prepared plastic bottles of different sizes, but also prepared paper shells, wood, foam boards, stones, etc. The “Guide” states that it may be recorded with numbers, pictures, graphs, or other symbols. In order to allow children to experience the scientific research process and summarize the research results, experiment sheets have also been prepared. During the experiment, the children were divided into two groups, one person conducted the experimental exploration operation and the other completed the recording sheet for today's experiment.

Once the materials are prepared and the division of labor is clear, the experiment is about to begin!

Si Ming: I choose a large bottle of mineral water

Ningxi: I choose a paper shell with a lid. I think my paper shell is going to leak. If you go down, your bottle of mineral water may float on the water, because mine is heavier than yours.

Si Ming: Then let's try quickly.

The two children holding the materials respectively put the paper shells and the bottles of mineral water in the pond. But the experimental result was not what the child Ningxi had guessed. Instead, mineral water bottles and paper shells floated on the water. After obtaining the experimental results, the two children responsible for recording began to work.

Siming: It's a big bottle of mineral water. Why do notcan’t it sink? Master, is there a good way to make it flow?

I threw a stone into the pond and asked Siming what happened to the stone.

Siming had an idea. I put the stones in a bottle of mineral water. Can the mineral water bottle leak?

After guessing, I saw the child Si Ming filling the bottle with stones. But after filling it for a long time, when I put the mineral water bottle into the pond, the bottle still floated.

Ningxi said: Let me put the stone into the paper shell and try it.

The paper shell filled with two stones also floated when put in water. When the child Ningxi filled the paper shell with stones and put it back into the pond. At that moment, the paper shell sank instantly. After being removed, the paper shell broke because thewater soaked her.

It turns out that objects floating on water can not only float on water all the time, when combined with materials that can sink, what floats can also sink. And Siming put the stones in the mineral water bottle because there weren't enough stones.

The child responsible for recording the experiment recording sheet quickly recorded the process and results of the experiment.

A simple experience of sinking and floating is not an experimental process

And through this little experiment, she inspired children's budding interest in scientific research.

1. From a physical point of view, irregular solids have spaces and liquid spaces are very small. 2. From the point of view that water can be poured into a cup filled with stones: small things can compensate; for your grbone defects; 3. Judging by the second sentence: there must be some order in doing things. The heaviest things should be done first, like large stones. 4. Expand from the cup to your own feelings; : You seem to have reached your limit, but in fact you still have a lot of room; 5. Broaden the perspective of society and life: everything in the world has rules, and things must be done according to the rules; a stone trying to fill a cup full of water:If you can't fit into the world, don't slip into it, don't embarrass others, and don't demean yourself.

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