The operating principle of a nuclear reactoris to use neutrons to bombard heavy nuclei to cause fission reactions, releasing a large amount of nuclear energy. Atoms are made up of a nucleus and electrons located outside the nucleus. The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons. When the atomic nucleus of uranium 235is bombarded by external neutrons, one nucleus absorbs one neutron and splits into two nuclei of smaller mass, while releasing 2-3 neutrons.
The neutrons produced by this fission bombard other uranium-235 nuclei, causing further fission. Continuing like this is a chain reaction of fission. Chain reactions produce large amounts of thermal energy. Use circulating water (or other substances) to carry away heat to prevent the reactor from overheating and burning. The transferred heat can beanforming water into steam, which drives a turbine to produce electricity. It can be seen that the most basic composition of a nuclear reactor is a fission core + coolant.
Nuclear reactors can be divided into the following types:
① Using neutron beams for experiments or nuclear reactions using neutron beams, including research reactors , experiments on materials, etc.
② Nuclear reactors that produce radioactive isotopes.
③A nuclear reactor that produces nuclear fission material is called a production reactor.
④ Nuclear reactors that provide heat for heating, desalination, chemical industry, etc., such as multi-purpose reactors.
⑤The nuclear reaction that generates heat to produce electricity is called a power reactor.
⑥ Nuclear reactors used to prpropel ships, planes, rockets, etc. are called propulsion reactors.