I didn't pay attention to the specific ingredients of the car wash water, but it plays a cleaning role.
The difference between car wash water and gasoline
1. Gasoline contains lead and other metallic elements
(Car wash water does not contain lead)
2. Gasoline has a low flash point and is flammable
(Car wash water has a high flash point and is not flammable)
3. aging and hardening of the ink roller skin
(Car wash water itself contains protective agents)
4. When cleaning the gasoline, you may need to add ink adjustment oil first. p>
(Car wash water can omit this step)
5. Changing the color of gasoline requires additional color changing and cleaning process
(Car wash water can save this process)
6. Gasoline consumption is large and the cost is high
(Car wash water consumption is small and the cost is low)
7. Gasoline is not environmentally friendly
(Car wash water is environmentally friendly)
Cleaning the ink roller is divided into steps following:
1. machine at high speed, then spray an appropriate amount of ink cleaning agent (car wash water) on the ink roller and spray it again after 15 seconds. Wait for the machine to run for 20 seconds, then tighten the ink scraper.
2. After the ink scraper is tightened, the ink on the ink roller will continue to become lighter. At this time: Spray the ink roller appropriately every 15 seconds until the ink on the ink roller is cleaned.
3. Add a small amount of water to the ink roller until there is a liquid bmilky spot on the ink blade.
4. Wait until the water on the ink roller is completely dry, then turn off the machine.
5. About 10-20ml of ink cleaning agent should be sprayed each time.
6. For automatic cleaning printing machines, ink cleaning agent should be added according to regulations, and the cleaning time should be set according to actual usage.