How to Make Dried Roses Delicious

Introduction How to prepare delicious dried roses Question 1: How to prepare delicious dried rose fillings Main ingredient flour 250 g low gluten flour 150 g 10 g roses 200 auxiliary peanuts

How to Make Dried Roses Delicious

Question 1: How to make delicious dried rose fillings? Main ingredients: 250 grams of flour, 150 grams of low gluten flour, 10 grams of roses

Accessories: 200 grams of peanuts

Seasoning salt 2 g of vegetable oil 140 g white sugar 5 g milk 80 g red yeast powder 1 g jam 65 g

How to make a rose cake

1. Wash the petals of rose in clean water and drain them

2. Wash and drain the peanuts

3. Heat the plain flour in the microwave until the flour changes slightly, then let it cool

4.5. Put all the fillings Mix the ingredients and knead them into a ball and put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate

6.7 Mix the ingredients of the oil and water surface separately. be a little liquid. Next time, reduce the amount of oil. After mixing, cover with plastic wrap.ule plastic and put it in the refrigerator to wake for 15 minutes

8. Divide the oil dough and the water-oil. 9. Take part of the water-oil dough and roll it into a piece, wrap it with part of the oil dough and roll it into a round shape

10.11 . roll out the wrapped dough into a tongue shape, roll it up, cover with plastic wrap and leave to rest for 10 minutes. Roll it out twice to form a puff pastry.

12.13. Take a piece of puff pastry, roll it into a piece and put it in the rose filling. Flatten it with your hands and put it in the baking dish with the edge down

12.13. Take a piece of puff pastry, roll it into a piece and put it in the rose filling. p>

14.15. Once the dough is ready, use chopsticks to stick red yeast water onto the dough and dip a small dot in the middle for decoration. 16. Preheat the oven, place the baking traypastry rack in the middle and. heat it up and down at 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.

People who don't have an oven can use a steamer, cage, pressure cooker, etc. instead.

I hope my answer is helpful to you

Question 2: How to make rose jam from dried roses and homemade rose jam How to make delicious rose flower jam for beauty and weight loss? It can be consumed for a long time and also has its own scent. It's many girls' favorite! But how is rose jam made? Can I just take rose petals and fry them in flower batter? No! When making rose jam, you need to have fresh roses and buy edible dried roses, not rose and rose hybrids found in florists!

So, how to do confture of roses from dried roses? Actually, rose jam is made by pickling rose petals with sugar. Roses cool the blood, nourish the eyes, promote qi and can also lose weight and harmonize the lungs. So, how to make a delicious homemade rose sauce? First prepare the ingredients 50g dried roses, brown sugar and salt. Next, let's make rose jam together.

Rose paste can be used for beauty and weight loss. It can be consumed for a long time and can emit its own scent. It's a favorite of many girls! But how is rose jam made? Can I just take rose petals and fry them in flower batter? No! When making rose jam, you need to have fresh roses and buy edible dried roses, not rose and rose hybrids found in!


Question 3: How to prepare dried rose tea: 20 dried rose buds, 250 ml of water, 1 bag of black tea and an appropriate amount of honey or sugar.


1. Put 250 ml of water in the saucepan and bring to the boil, then add the dried rose buds, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 2 minutes then turn off the fire.

2. Put the black tea bag into the teapot and let it steep for 40 seconds, then remove it immediately.

3. Strain the tea juice into the cup, add appropriate amount of honey and mix well.


Before drinking hot tea, the cup of tea should be warmed up first to prevent the temperature from dropping quickly, so that the aroma of the tea can be fully disseminated. Additionally, because roses have astringent effects, people suffering from constipation should not drink them.


Rosescool the blood and nourish the skin, so they can improve dry skin. Because rose tea has a strong floral scent, it is also very effective in treating bad breath. Rose tea can also help with digestion and eliminate fat, leading to weight loss. The best effect is to drink it after meals.

Question 4: How to make roses, how to make roses a delicious food

Roses (500g without containers

Net weight after the stamens

750g white sugar

Appropriate amount of honey

How to make rose jam

Remove the containers from the roses and pour into cheesecloth Rinse in a large basin with clean water and remove immediately

Dry until there is no moisture on the surface

The ratio of roses to sugar is 1:1.5 < /p>

It is recommended to use white sugar for the sugar. The pickled color is.better than brown sugar.

Mix the roses with the sugar and rub them vigorously to obtain the juice. evenly kneaded in red sauce

Then put it in a bottle, fill it tightly and pour honey on the surface to seal it

Store it in the refrigerator for about a month

The longer the fermentation time, the better the taste, the bitterness will become less obvious over time


Be sure to wear gloves when you rub the petals. , otherwise the anthocyanins will be rubbed on your hands. It cannot be washed at all

Leave some space when bottling, about 80% full

Otherwise it will expand and. overflow after a fermentation period.

While stripping, you can open the lid every week to let the air out, but try not to turn it upside down to avoid mold

Question 5: Howdry roses to make fragrant tea. The first step is to select the flowers of Platycodon, calla lily, lily, etc. which contain a lot of water and which can only be processed into fresh cut flowers. cannot be made into dried flowers. Most flowers suitable for dry flowers have the characteristics of low water content, such as roses, forget-me-nots, cockscombs, etc. In addition, pine cones, reed flowers, sorghum ears and pussy willows also make excellent wildflowers.

After choosing the floral materials, you need to choose the flowers. Basically, the fresher the buds and semi-flowers are, the better shape they are in after being made into dried flowers. Large flowers will squeeze when hung to dry, and the shape may not be good. The petals of flowers that are about to wither fall off easily and are not suitables to be used as dried flowers. It will then be easy to handle. Simply tie the bottom of the bouquet with an elastic band and hang it upside down in a dry, ventilated place. After two weeks, the dried flowers were finished and they were a little darker than the original ones. However, I prefer to appreciate natural creation rather than change its free mood with artificial spray paint. If dried flowers have been left in the house for a long time, they will inevitably accumulate dust. At this point, you can simply use a hair dryer to blow out the dust. Never let dried flowers drip with water. Dried flowers that are wet or damp will not survive long.

A. How to make dried rose flowers

Select suitable fresh roses, sort out excess branches and leaves, tie the bouquet with elastic, as well; hasso as not to fall off during the drying process.

After tying the bouquet, choose a ventilated place to hang the bouquet upside down to dry. 3. After two weeks of natural drying, dried flowers can be made.

B. How to make small flowers in a pot

Preparation of materials: several dried roses (other dried flowers can also be used), a small flower pot, a sponge , scissors, blades, A ribbon. 2. Cut the sponge to a size that just fits into the flower pot, then place it in the flower pot. Then trim the dried flowers and put the dried flowers in a sponge in the pot.

C. Forget-me-not *** How to make dried flowers

The process of drying forget-me-nots is similar to that of roses. Choose and arrange new forget-me-nots. 2. Tie the bouquet with rubber bands and hang it upside down in a ventilated place to dry. 3.Llet it dry for about two weeks and the dried flowers will be ready.

D. How to make wall decorations

Preparation of materials: several dried roses, wind grass, wheat and forget-me-nots, two large maple leaves, a tape and rubber. Two strips, scissors. 2. Combine dried flowers of different colors into the style you like, then secure them with rubber bands. 3. After the bouquet is assembled, secure it with a ribbon and it will become a beautiful and elegant wall decoration. Homemade Dried Flowers for Fragrant Winter Color Dried flowers come from nature. It is more realistic than silk flowers and plastic flowers, and does not require much effort for storage. At the same time, dried flowers are made of plants with strong color and odor absorption properties, and the colors are natural and soft. The scent of dried flowers lastsusually six months or a year in a semi-closed environment. After the fragrance dissipates, you can also choose sesame oil extracted from different flowers to add fragrance to the dried flowers according to your own preferences. Some people say that dried flowers are easy to care for and are especially suitable for lazy people who love flowers but don't want to worry about them. They don't need watering or tending, but they can still be beautiful and fragrant. . In fact, the benefits of dried flowers are much more than that. If you want to add some fun to your life, you can also make them yourself. The effects of carefully crafted dried flowers are often unexpectedly delicate and beautiful. Korea.

●Preparation materials: desiccant powder, brush, flowers and flower pots. It is best to pick the flowers between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m., as there is no pthere is no dew at this time and the flowers themselves have moderate humidity. content, so they are easy to keep cool after collection. Easy to dry and dehydrate. By the afternoon, most flowers and plants are wilted, so it is not suitable to harvest them. When picking, choose flowers whose buds are beginning to bloom or fully open. Leaves usually require fresh green leaves, but sometimes dark green mature leaves are also needed. Harvested flowers and plants should be processed immediately or placed in a cool place to maintain freshness. Such as globewort, wheat straw chrysanthemum, limonium, rosacea, burnetroot, reed, foxtail, etc. ●Production Steps: The easiest and most convenient way to make dried flowers is to hang the flowers upside down to dry naturally. Some require eRemove the leaves and hang them upside down in a cool, ventilated place to dry naturally. Or bury the collected flower branches with desiccant powder, remove them after 10-20 days, and use a brush to sweep the desiccant powder onto the petals. It can also be dried in the microwave. ●Style selection: There are many varieties of dried flowers, including grass-shaped leaves and fruit-shaped flowers. You can choose the main flower and the background flower according to your own preferences. The main flower is usually a large flower or fruit, and the background flowers are usually branches, leaves, grass, or small flowers. The ears of cereals such as wheat, rice, sorghum, etc., after dehydration and dyeing, have an outstanding appearance and are full of pastoral flavor. They respond as much as possible to the aesthetic needs of families in the cityadins and decorate their homes with a unique charm. . The fan-shaped structure of the dried flower arrangement is radial; the S-shaped curve creates a flowing feeling, which is suitable for large rooms and gives people... >>

< p> Question 6: How to make dried rose petals ? Put the petals in an empty box in a dry place with a temperature of 20-30°C, and it will be ready for a week.

Question 7: How to make delicious dried roses, how to eat dried roses Ingredients

Main ingredients


300 ml




Mint leaves

Appropriate quantity< /p >


A few

Dried roses

A few


1. Pour Sprite Place in ice cube tray.

2. Place mint leaves, cherries, oranges and dried roses in each rack.

3. Coolz in the refrigerator and pour into a cup.

4. Add your favorite drink.

Question 8: How to dry roses The quality of dried roses depends on the quality of fresh roses. Do not choose bright red or purple roses to make dried flowers, as the color will intensify once the flowers are dried. Personally, I think it's best to use warm toned roses, as dried flowers will yellow slightly, which will be evident in cool toned dried flowers. Method:

1. Choose suitable fresh roses and matching herbs, and tidy away excess branches and leaves.

2. Choose a ventilated place to hang the bouquet upside down to dry. Place it in a hanging location and not against a wall. Because air-dried roses hung upside down against the wall will not have a three-dimensional effect.

3. Most flowers and plants useds like ingredients (including gypsophila) are relatively hardy and can be placed directly into flower containers to dry, while softer branches and leaves can be dried upside down. p><; p>4. After two weeks of natural drying, the dried rose flowers are ready. To know if a flower is completely dry, you must observe the junction between the flower and the neck. This usually takes two weeks.

Question 9: How to prepare dried rose flower enzyme. Ingredients: rose drinking water, brown sugar and rose enzyme. Production method: A 1000 ml plastic bottle is used for the following production. 1. Take 40 g of brown sugar and prepare 1000 ml of water in an empty bottle filled to 70%. 2. Pour the brown sugar into the bottle and let it dissolve in the water. 3. Put the leftover roses into the bottle each time. During the fermentation periodOn, the gas inside the bottle will expand from time to time to release the gas inside. 4. Fermentation takes 3 months to complete the fermentation process. Organisms are composed of cells and each cell exhibits various vital activities due to the presence of enzymes, so that metabolism in the body can continue. Enzymes are the catalysts of metabolism in the human body. Only in the presence of enzymes can various biochemical reactions be carried out in the human body. The more enzymes the human body contains and the more complete they are, the healthier their life will be.

Question 10: How to make rose water, how to make rose water delicious, home cooking rose water 1. Prepare the materials and divide dried roses into three parts, two 400 ml bottle of pure water

2. Put the roses in water and wash them to remove floating ashes

3. Dones boil the water in the pot and add some of it

4. Cook until the flowers turn white and the soup turns slightly red

5. Add the second portion of roses

6. Cook until the flowers turn white and the soup turns red

7. Add the third portion of roses and cook until until the flowers turn white and the soup turns red

8. Put the rose hydrosol in a small bottle. and adding honey and white sugar is enough, it can also be refrigerated or directly used as a toner or facial mask. It's also great

How to choose the right equipment for outdoor sports

Right now, I love the outdoors. More and more citizens are exercising. For outdoor sports, it is essential to wear professional clothing. What basic equipment do you need for outdoor sports? Comhow to choose this equipment? Our journalist has done some research for you.

Outdoor sports shoes

Generally speaking, outdoor sports shoes are generally divided into four series, each of which has different functions. The Alpine series is primarily used for mountaineering activities and is suitable for hard rock surfaces and mixed ice, snow and rock terrain. wearThe Yue series is mainly used for long-distance traversing activities in complex terrain, and can also be used for low-altitude mountaineering. The hiking series is mainly suitable for short-distance crossings and outdoor hiking on relatively gentle terrain. The athleisure series is used for everyday use and non-weight bearing sports.

Due to the complex terrain and common gravel slopes, high-top hiking shoes should be wornThe hard leather should be used for mountain trips. This type of shoe has a large imitation tire pattern on the bottom and has good anti-slip properties. Hard rubber soles can effectively prevent foot damage on gravel or uneven roads; Uppers made from high-quality cowhide or stiff nylon canvas are both waterproof and warm. If you are traveling in winter, it is very important to stay warm and cold. Leather sports shoes are better than nylon sports shoes in cold protection and waterproof function, so they can be the first choice for outdoor activities in winter.

[Reminder] When buying hiking shoes, choose a half size or one size larger than the ones you usually wear. There should be enough space in the heel to insert a finger. to walk. Yourfeet will swell. If the shoes fit perfectly when you put them on, your feet will feel a little tight after walking for a while. When purchasing, you should confirm whether the heel is close to the shoe, whether the hiking shoe and the sole fit well, whether it is comfortable or not, and whether there is pain when kicking in front or touching the heel.

What usually determines the price of hiking shoes is the brand, design, sole and upper of the shoe. Regarding soles, it is now recognized that Vibram soles are the best. Vibram does not refer to the style of the soles, but to an Italian brand of rubber. It is currently the best material for soles. It is best if the upper contains a waterproof and breathable Gore-Tex layer.

[Price] Among hiking shoes, the best-known brands include Salomon, Merrell and ASOLO. Prices range from a few hundred yuan to thousands of yuan

Outdoor activity clothing

There are different types and styles of outdoor activity clothing, such as special windproof jackets for mountaineering and suits for mountaineering, skiing, etc. There are also specialized one-piece ski jackets. However, according to the functions of clothing, it can be roughly divided into three categories, namely inner layer clothing, thermal layer clothing and outer layer clothing. Outdoor sportswear must be waterproof (rain), windproof and hardwearing, and even more demanding, it must also be breathable to keep the wearer dry and comfortable.

[Reminder] It is better to use Coolmax fabric with breathable function for the inner layer of clothes to avoid feeling uncomfortable after sweating. Fleece jackets and down jackets are generally chosen as thermal layers, light and warm. Generally, the price of a single fleece jacket on the market is between 80 and 200 yuan, and the price of a fleece jacket containing windproof and breathable materials is between 300 and 500 yuan. The thermal performance of a down jacket depends on the quality and quality. fluffy down. Outer layer clothing is primarily of the cropped windbreaker or belted jacket style, and most of them also feature a hood. Clothing marked waterproof/breathable is more or less waterproof and breathable.

[Price] Common brands in the market are MountainHardware, K2, Sanfu, Columbia,LOWE, etc., prices range from 200 yuan to thousands of yuan.


Backpacks can be divided into three types: large, medium and small according to their capacity. Small backpacks are suitable forday trips, medium backpacks are suitable for sleeping outdoors for one night and large backpacks are suitable for sleeping outdoors for more than two nights (when a tent is needed). In terms of design, it is best that the backpack is equipped with a rain cover, which can be used in rainy days, and the back is close to the human body to maintain comfort during outdoor sports .

[Reminder] Before buying, you should consider the size of your luggage and choose backpacks of different capacities. In addition, you should also consider whether this bag is suitable for you to avoid feeling uncomfortable after carrying it for a while. Therefore, you should try it before buying it to make sure you feel comfortable.

[Price] Currently, there are many brands of backpacks on the market. Generally speaking, BP is a top bagt range of good quality but high price. Wolf Claw, Ford and K2 are good quality and affordable mid-range bags. IN-WAY, Dikalon and other low-end bags differ from mid-range bags in terms of design, fabric and strap, but their prices are low and geared toward low-income consumers.

Moisture-resistant sleeping bags and mattresses

There are three main shapes of sleeping bags on the market, namely rectangular, mummy-shaped and hybrid. Rectangular sleeping bags are mainly used for summer travel. When fully opened, they form a relatively spacious duvet but one that retains heat poorly. Mummy-shaped sleeping bags (narrow at the feet, then progressively wider up to the shoulders, and finally with a tight insulated headband above the shoulders) are suitable for outdoor sports in winter and have good retention dand heat. The hybrid type is also called semi-rectangular. It is more spacious than the mummy shape and smaller than the rectangular type. It's a better compromise. When camping, the function of a moisture-proof pad is to allow you to sleep comfortably while keeping you warm and preventing moisture. Currently, only a few manufacturers offer their own brand of moisture-resistant mats on the market.

[Reminder] The sleeping bag should be light, warm, comfortable, easy to squeeze, and can completely cover the head. The sleeping bag relies on insulating materials to provide a sealed space to maintain a certain temperature. the temperature depends on the thickness of the material. It depends on density, size, type and manufacturing method, and is generally divided into three types: summer, non-snow season and snow season. Floor mattresses must take into account issues suchas warmth, weight, comfort, durability and size.

[Price] Main brands of sleeping bags include Yuantian, Kanger, CAMPER, Pathfinder, K2, Sanfu, PUERLAND, Dikalon, etc. Generally speaking, they are very similar. The main differences are in the temperature scale, weight and compression volume of the sleeping bag. Different brands have different prices, usually between 200 and 500 yuan. The price of moisture-proof mats is generally around tens of yuan.


The tent is windproof, resistant to rain, snow, cold, dust and mosquitoes. It is mainly purchased from indoor and outdoor tents, stands, tent bases, packaging and accessories. A tent is your home when camping. The most commonly used account on the market today is the dual-layer three-season account. Depending on the size, eThey are divided into one-person tents, two-person tents, three-person tents and multi-person tents. According to the construction method, they are divided into two types: external hanging type and internal hanging type. The best tent should have a large internal space, be lightweight and easy to set up, but few people can do these things at the same time. Even if there is, the price is very low. The price must also be very expensive.

[Reminder] When buying a tent, you must consider your actual needs. If only used in spring, summer and autumn and in low altitude areas, ordinary glass pole tents are sufficient if used in winter and in relatively high altitude areas, make sure to consult professionals before purchasing, because this; The environment is quite dangerous and the situation is relatively complex.

[Price] Brands include Pathfinder, E-HIKE225, Wolf Claw, K2, etc. The price is generally between 500 yuan and 1,000 yuan.

In addition to the above, basic equipment for outdoor sports also includes a map, compass, Swiss army knife, light and easily digestible food, watch, headlamp and a flashlight, a first-aid kit and protective equipment to deal with blisters, sunburn and abrasions, medication for injuries, etc.

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