It is easier to see if the water is severely flooded. Remove the interior of the door and see if there are any mud and water stains inside. Lift the floor glue to see if there are any mud stains on the sound insulation cotton. electrical wiring in the engine compartment. Check for water or mud stains on the wiring connectors. Also check for water stains on the sound-deadening cotton in the engine compartment.
Actually, the most important thing about a submerged car is not what will happen after it gets soaked in water. The key is that many car owners don't understand the engine. They stall the car in the water. try to start the car a second time, which results in a valve lift incident, so the engine needs to be repaired. In many cases the water damage is not serious, but the engine is scrapped due to secondary ignition of theowner. Real experience of engine performance and visit to 4S store to check car maintenance records.
The following are some answers on the Internet for reference, but they are basically useless, this can be seen by just looking at the flood level, he said.
Check the trunk, glove box, dashboard and under the seats for signs of water damage, such as mud, sludge marks or rust in the dead corners.
2. Carefully inspect upholstery and flooring for discoloration. Stained or discolored materials often show signs of water damage. After the rug soaked in water dries, you may see the hair particles rise up and they will appear rougher when rubbed by hand. Carpet that has not been soaked in water will be softer to the touch.
3. Carefully check the output of air from the air conditioner. It's a difficult place to clean. Carefully check corner spaces for dirt residue. prone to mold, smell if there is a musty odor escaping. Be careful if you smell a strong perfume in your car, as strong-smelling perfumes are often used to mask musty odors.
4. Check for cracks in the wires under the dashboard. If the wires have been soaked in water for several days, when dry, the plastic skin on the surface will be relatively brittle and slightly discolored. .
5. Seat belt bushings and seals should be inspected, as when soaked in water they will leave marks.