What are the famous snacks in Xingyi Town, Guizhou?

Introduction What are the famous snacks in Xingyi Town, Guizhou? Garden in the center of the street: Gangzi Noodle House: Features: Gangzi noodles, brush heads, Sanhe breakfast soup or midnight snack cart: Boxba (made from glutinous rice) Zhenfeng

What are the famous snacks in Xingyi Town, Guizhou?

Garden in the middle of the street: Gangzi Noodle House: Features: Gangzi noodles, brushed heads, Sanhe soup;

Breakfast or midnight snack cart: Box cake (made from rice Glutinous Rice)

Zhen Feng Glutinous Rice, Xingyi Liujia Chicken Cake, Anlong Rolled Noodles, Crispy Duck (available at snack street or near the market) carrots off Blacksmith Street; >

A small alley behind the street garden: homemade steamed pigeon is very good;

Daozixiang: muscle glutinous rice dumplings

"Visit d 'a day of Liupanshui' Shanghai Must-Have Food Ranking< /h3>

Guizhou Snacks Guizhou's main snacks include: Xingyi Brush Tou, Xingyi Chicken Rice Balls, Anlong Liangjian Noodles, Zhenfeng Sticky Rice , Xingren boxed cake, Guiyang spicy chicken, Guiyang beef noodles, Guiyang Changwang noodles, vegetablemy Guiyang braised, lotus leaf glutinous rice cake, Wu family glutinous rice dumplings, Guiyang Huwei barbecue, Aunt Liu Qingzhen yellow cake, Qingzhen hot soup silk doll, Qingzhen Liangshuijing bacon, Guiyang stinky tofu, series soup snack, Guiyang The first braised food store in Guiyang, Guiyang charcoal grilled pork skewers, Guiyang vegetarian spring rolls, Guiyang potato pancakes, wild vegetable series of wild vegetable restaurant of Guiyang, Guiyang Qingyan Tofu, Guiyang Qingyan Huangjia Pink Sugar, Guiyang Qingyan Braised Pig Feet, Potatoes [Potatoes] Baba, Stinky Tofu, Spicy Potato, Bait Cake. Guiyang chicken cakes, Bijie glutinous rice balls, Xingyi brush heads, Shiqian mung bean flour, Weining buckwheat cakes, Anshun buckwheat jelly, Zhenning wavy sugar, Suiyang hollow noodles, Jiangkou dried tofu, viandried Huangping Guo, Yipin Dabao, tofu dumplings, cakes, bowl ear cakes, Duyun Chongchong cakes, fried potato cakes, fried fresh fish, hoof rice, tofu casserole, hot boiled chicken slices , Xingyi ear cakes, Zunyi mutton powder, Zunyi yellow cakes, etc. Special Snacks Zunyi Bean Curd Noodles Zunyi Bean Curd Noodles are soft and smooth, with strong spicy aroma and special flavor. They are an original creation of the Zunyi people. The noodles are covered with a ball of snow-white tofu pudding, and the noodles are dipped in soy milk. Douhua, also called water tofu in some places, is prepared with the cellar water from the previous order of tofu and kept for a few days to become a sour soup. Use this sour soup to order tofu, so that the tofu does not taste bitter from gypsum or brine, whether it issofter than regular tofu and firmer than tofu. Tofu noodles contain ingredients and a special way to eat them. The noodles are made of thin noodles with appropriate amount of soil and alkali, and are repeatedly kneaded by hand to obtain wide and translucent noodles. After being cooked in a pan, they are neither soft nor hard. soup, covered with tender tofu puddings, and a small amount of chili water is added. Dish, chili water is exquisite, there are two types: vegetarian and meat. The vegetarian chili is equipped with five secret condiments, and the meat chili. is also equipped with diced lean meat, diced chicken, peanuts, tofu skin, golden hook, etc., which is delicious, pick up the tofu pudding and noodles into the chili dish and eat. Guiyang Silk Dolls Silk dolls, also known as pri scrollsn vegetarian times, are one of the most common snacks on the streets of Guiyang. When I first heard this name, I was really shocked, just like in "Journey to the West" when Tang Monk faced the doll-shaped longevity fruit brought by his disciple and shouted : Sin, sin! Silk dolls are so named because their shape resembles a baby wrapped in fine silk. “Langes” are pancakes cooked with rice flour. They are as thin as paper but as big as the palm of your hand. Then roll the grated radish, folded cob root, grated kelp, grated cucumber, vermicelli, pickled radish, fried soybeans, beaten peppers, etc. When eating, of course, it is essential to inject spicy and sour juice into it. This juice comes from an excellent tasting essence, and each family has its own unique recipe. There are many silk doll stalls inthe streets of Guiyang city, which are very unique. Each stand is long and lined with small stools. The stall is filled with all kinds of grated vegetables, ten to twenty varieties. The shredded vegetables are cut very finely and come in different colors like red, white, yellow and black, which look very beautiful. The stall owner will place a small plate of pancakes and a bowl of local condiments in front of diners for diners to add the condiments. Condiments, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, cooked oil, etc. are all available on the stand. . The silk doll is a small round piece with a diameter of two inches, wrapped in vermicelli, mung bean sprouts, shredded lettuce, shredded kelp, shredded radish and fried soybeans. When eating, use a small spoon to pour seasonings of soy sauce, vinegar, chili pepper, chives, MSG, etc. into your bowl. It's soft on the outsideHard and crispy inside, sour and spicy, and has a unique flavor. Zunyi Mutton Noodles: Make soup with fresh mutton, pour rice noodles on it, add mutton slices and seasonings and eat it. It has a fresh aroma, is tangy and spicy, and the soup is clear but not cloudy. Its production history dates back over 300 years. Sheep powder is produced in all regions of Guizhou, but Zunyi sheep powder is famous. In the streets and alleys of Zunyi Town, there are many mutton noodle restaurants, with the largest number of diners. Zunyi mutton noodles became famous as early as the middle of the Qing Dynasty. Everyone who comes to Zunyi and tastes Zunyi mutton noodles praises it. Zunyi people especially like to eat mutton noodles. Especially in winter, eating a bowl of hot mutton noodles will keep your whole body warm. Peoples who go to restaurants to eat are very enthusiastic. There is a local custom: every winter solstice, everyone in the town, old and young, eats a bowl of mutton powder. He said that if he ate mutton noodles that day, he would not be cold all winter. The main raw materials of mutton powder are mutton noodles and rice noodles. The method is as follows: first scald the rice noodles three times in a pot of boiling water to remove the sour taste of the rice noodles themselves, and then serve them in a porcelain bowl. Next, place a thin layer of mutton slices on top of the rice noodles. The mutton slices are cooked, pressed and cut. Finally, they are poured with bright red chili oil and sprinkled with pepper powder, garlic sprouts, chives, turnips, etc. Boiling, fragrant and very tempting. The most important thing when eating noodlesouton is to eat the original flavor of the soup. Generally speaking, Zunyi residents like to choose dwarf goats produced in Sinan County because goats from this area have tender meat and less fishy smell. Slaughter and peel the meat the same day and put it in the pot without washing it with water. When making mutton soup, first put the fresh mutton into the pot and simmer slowly over low heat. The mutton soup will be clear but not cloudy, fresh but not fishy. In addition to the meat and bones, one or two hens are used, accompanied by a little candy sugar. This soup is particularly delicious. Guiyang Love Tofu Fruit "Love Tofu Fruit" is a famous snack in Guiyang. Its main ingredient is white tofu cut into rectangular pieces. When preparing it, oil the iron cooking bed, add the bran shell seasoning and put the tofu cubes on the grill. on the iron bed and continue turning it until the skin is yellow and shiny. When ready to eat, add a small plate with soy sauce, MSG, balsamic vinegar, pepper, sesame oil, chopped green onion, minced ginger and other condiments. when hot it is characterized by being crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, salty and spicy and fragrant on the palate. It is cheap, easy to transport and saves time. : slightly yellow on the surface, spicy and tender, appetizing and nutritious. Value: Tofu - As both a dietary and medicinal food, tofu has many functions such as replenishing qi and filling deficiencies. Generally, 100 grams of tofu contains. The calcium content is 140 mg to 160 mg, and tofu contains the highest protein among plant foods. Hope this helps and good luck!

Which Liupanshui pastry isa best

Speaking of Shanghai, in addition to the beautiful scenery of Shanghai, of course you can't miss the mouth-watering delicacies! Let's take a look at the ranking of must-try foods in Shanghai with Chongqing Zhongxin Travel!


Shanghai pot stickers can be regarded as a local snack in Shanghai. They are said to have a history of several hundred years. Fried rawhide is crispy, juicy, delicious and delicate. Take a bite and the delicious flavors of meat, oil, scallions and sesame will linger in your mouth for a long time. Since Shanghainese people are accustomed to calling "Xiao Long Bao" "Xiao Long Bao", fried buns are usually called steamed fried buns in Shanghai. You can taste it in Longfei pot stickers, Xiaoyang pot stickers and Yufeng pot stickers.

You can eat here: Xiao Panyang FriedNoodles (Nanjing East Road Branch)

A classic snack bar in Shanghai. The opening of the store is "short", but the reputation is "big", especially the Nanjing East Road, Wanda and Wujiang Road stores, which are very "hot". The stir-fried beef and vermicelli soup is a standard cut every time. One has thin skin and fresh meat, and the other has a delicious, rich flavor that makes people want to stop. Although the price "increased slightly", I couldn't help but return.

Address: 2nd Floor, No. 720 Nanjing East Road, Huangpu District (near Guizhou Road)

2 Nanxiang Xiaolongbao

Nanxiang Xiaolongbao is a famous traditional. tourist attraction in Nanxiang city, a suburb of Shanghai. Due to its small shape, thin and translucent skin, it is steamed in a special bamboo basket, which is why it is called "Xiao Long Bao". You can taste Nanxiang Xiaolongbao, a Shanghai specialty, at Chenghuang Temple. If you have the opportunity, you should go to Nanxiang Town, Jiading District to eat more authentic Nanxiang Xiaolongbao.

What you can eat here: Nanxiang Steamed Bun Shop (Yuyuan Road branch)

Nanxiang Steamed Bun Shop is a century-old store. There are so many people waiting for him at any time and. anywhere all year round. There are crab noodle buns, fresh meat buns, and crab noodle soup buns, and they taste really good. Takeout on the first floor is cheaper than eating in the lobby upstairs, and eating on the second floor is cheaper than eating on the third floor. The service staff is very fast. If you don't want to wait too long, you can go to the Wujiang Road store and Fuzhou Road store to buy it. The Yuyuan store has thelowest consumption!

Address: No. 85 Yuyuan Road, Huangpu District (near Jiuqu Bridge)

3. Yellow crab shell

Yellow crab shell is a kind of fermented flour. The shortbreads are fried in oil. The cake is colorful and shaped like a cooked crab shell. The finished product is brown, crispy, loose and fragrant. The crab shells are crispy and the fried steamed buns are fresh and tender. They are deeply loved by tea drinkers. The yellow crab shell from Wuyuan Bakery is very authentic and worth trying.

You can eat it here: Wuyuan Baking

“Almost all Shanghai snacks are available here,” especially crab shell roe. The food is of “stable quality”, “affordable and delicious” and it is a “good place to have breakfast”. The taste is authentic, Shanghainese's favorite, and the manager insideis also very nice. It's a great place to have breakfast.

Address: No. 255, Yanping Road, Jing'an District (near Kangding Road)

4. Caotouquan

Caotou is a wild vegetable common in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The circle is the rectum of the pig. The “circle” produces oil and the grass head absorbs the oil. The braised circle meets the fried raw grass head, which not only lies on the red grass, but is also eye-catching. And because the "oleaginous" nature of the grass head absorbs the fat circles, the grass tastes meaty and the meat smells like grass. Fat and not greasy. Many local restaurants in Shanghai serve this dish.

You can eat here: Shanghai Old Hotel.

The “age old mark” in this dish. The dishes are all "thick fatty red sauce" and "moderately salty and sweet", and they all taste "very traditional". The Babao duck, a duck with “many, manyup” of things inside, is incredible; the fried shrimp is “soft” and the shell is “crispy”. This store has just been renovated and is very stylish. Tip: There are a lot of people at the wedding reception.

Address: No. 242 Fuyou Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai (near Chenghuang Temple Laojiachang Road)

Recommended travel routes to Shanghai: Seven Days Camp Tour Jiangnan summer Jiangnan Panorama, Zhouzhuang, five cities in East China, six-day leisure tour to Wuzhen in Lushan Ancient Town and Sanshui County in six cities in Jiangnan and East China China.

In recent years, cakes have become one of the indispensable delicacies in people's lives. Nowadays, many pastries have appeared in Liupanshui Town for people to eat. But which of these shops is the tastiest?

A recommended pastry is “BarbieDessert Shop". The cakes in this shop have a clear texture and moderate sweetness, especially the taste of the cream is quite rich and perfectly combines with the taste of the cake itself. gives people a wonderful taste experience. In Besides, Barbie Dessert Shop has launched cakes with different flavors, such as chocolate, red banana and other flavors, providing customers with more choices

In addition to the Barbie Dessert Shop, the. Cakes from Liupanshui "Elizabeth Cake" are equally delicious. The cakes in this store not only look beautiful, but also taste very authentic. They have a soft surface and silky texture, which makes them addictive. Elizabeth Cake also offers various snacks, such as layer cakes, macaroons, etc., allowing customers to taste a variety of different flavors at the same time.

Another impressive cake shop is “Romeo's Cake House. ". Cakeshere can meet customers' needs in terms of taste and quantity. The reason why the cake is particularly popular is that it is rich in milk flavor, soft and delicious, and the process is also very hygienic, so you can enjoy it with confidence.

In summary, there are many good dessert shops in Liupanshui Town, but customers with different tastes can only choose the shop they like. No matter which store you choose, it can bring you a unique delicious experience and feel the different flavors of cakes.

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