What are the benefits of drinking Wahaha Longjing green tea?

Introduction What are the benefits of drinking Wahaha Longjing green tea? What are the benefits of drinking green tea? First of all, we need to understand the ingredients of green tea. Modern scientific research has confirmed that green tea contains over 450 organic c

What are the benefits of drinking Wahaha Longjing green tea?

What are the benefits of drinking green tea? First of all, we need to understand the ingredients of green tea. Modern scientific research has confirmed that green tea contains more than 450 types of organic compounds and more than 15 types of inorganic minerals. Most of these ingredients have health and disease prevention effects. . 1. Reduce fat, lose weight and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. There is a very close relationship between tea consumption and weight loss. The book "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" mentioned the slimming effect of tea more than 2,000 years ago: "Long-term consumption will calm your mind and replenish your qi." ...you will make your body lighter and you will not age." Modern scientific research and clinical experiments have confirmed that drinking tea can reduce blood lipids and cholesterol in the blood and make the body lighter, because thePhenolic derivatives, aromatic substances, amino acids and vitamins contained in tea are perfectly coordinated. , especially the combined effect of tea polyphenols, tea pigments and vitamin C, can promote fat oxidation, facilitate digestion, reduce fat and lose weight. In addition, the polyphenols in tea can dissolve fats and vitamin C can promote the excretion of cholesterol from the body. Green tea itself contains tea gannin, which improves the strength of blood vessels and makes them less likely to rupture. A study published in the American Heart Association's "Circulation" magazine in May 2002 showed that regular tea consumption may help reduce the risk of death from heart disease. Researchers from Harvard Medical School in the United States conducted a follow-up survey of 1,900 patients with heart disease. These patients were priMainly people aged over 60. The survey results revealed that patients drank more than 14 cups of tea on average. per week had a lower risk of heart disease. The risk of death about three and a half years after the attack was 44% lower than that of patients who did not drink tea. Research also shows that even patients who drink less than 14 cups of tea per week on average are likely to reduce heart disease mortality by 28%. 2. Prevent cancer. The ingredients contained in green tea - tea polyphenols and caffeine, the combined effect of the two not only refreshes and nourishes the mind, but also has the effect of improving human immunity and fighting cancer. In recent years, the American Chemical Society has discovered that tea not only has inhibitory effects on cancers of the digestive system, but also on cancers of theskin, lung and liver. Scientific research has confirmed that the organic anti-cancer substances in tea mainly include tea polyphenols, theophylline, vitamin C and vitamin E; inorganic anti-cancer elements in tea mainly include selenium, molybdenum, manganese, germanium, etc. Chinese and Japanese scientists believe that catechins contained in tea polyphenols have the best anti-cancer effect. 3. Anti-toxic and sterilization. The use of tea as a good detoxification medicine dates back to the ancient Shennong era (around 2737 BC). “Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs, encountered seventy-two poisons every day, and took tea to relieve them. » in "Historical Records 3" It is recorded in books such as "Huang Ben Ji", "Huainanzi·Xiu Wu Xun" and "Compendium of Materia Medica". More than 1,200 years ago (780 AD), the tea sage Lu Yu emphasized dans his "Tea Classic", the world's first authoritative tea book, about the "effectiveness of tea": "Because tea is extremely cold in nature, it is the most suitable. to use as tea. Drinks... If you experience body heat, thirst, nausea, brain pain, tired eyes, tired limbs or joint discomfort, drinking four or five sips of tea will be effective. The above symptoms listed by Lu Yu are very close to typical pneumonia or suspected cases. Chen Zangqi, a medical scientist in the Tang Dynasty, wrote in “Supplementary Materials of Materia Medica”: “Quenches thirst and eliminates epidemics. Tea is also valuable.The famous eunuch Liu Zhenliang also cited "using tea to eliminate discomfort" as one of the virtues of tea in his "Ten Virtues of Tea". Since the Tang Dynasty, tea therapy in past dynasties has also had newdescriptions of detoxification and sterilization by tea. However, due to the underdevelopment of science at that time, highly contagious and epidemic diseases were collectively called "plague" or "disease". they were not specifically mentioned. It's not clear what type of bacteria or virus it is, but it has been confirmed that drinking tea can help fight viruses and sterilize them. The modern medical community has continued to conduct extensive research into the health effects of tea. In 2003, American scientists reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: "The chemical called 'theanine' found in tea may increase the effects of tea. the body's ability to resist infection by five times." . 4. Longevity. The anti-aging effect of green tea on the human body is mainly reflected in the coordination of several effective chemical components andseveral vitamins, including tea polyphenols, caffeine, vitamin C, aromatics, lipopolysaccharides, etc., which can improve the activity of human heart muscle. and blood vessel metabolism, inhibits arteriosclerosis, reduces the incidence of hypertension and coronary heart disease, enhances immunity, thereby resisting aging and allowing people to live longer. According to medical research, tea polyphenols can not only reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride content, but also improve the strength and elasticity of capillaries and reduce blood lipids, which is extremely helpful in prevention and treatment. treatment of diseases common in middle-aged and elderly people such as hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Tea contains selenium, and it is organic selenium, which is easier to absorb than the selenium in cereals.eals and oils, Dr Richard Paschwat from the United States believes that adding selenium to foods, combined with vitamin C and vitamin E, to form a triple blend can. extend the lifespan of the human body, and tea is rich in these strange elements beneficial to life. Human birth, aging, illness and death are irresistible laws. The so-called "immortality" is false, but "longevity and longevity" are true. There are countless cases at home and abroad regarding tea drinking and longevity. According to Qian Yi's "New Book of the South" recorded in Song Dynasty 6.1, in the third year of Emperor Xuanzong's reign in Tang Dynasty (849 AD), there was an old monk in Dongdu (now Luoyang, Henan Province) who was over 30 years old. 130 years old. The emperor asked him how to maintain his health. He replied: "I am a young man who does not know anymedicine. He naturally loves tea. He only looks for tea everywhere. Sometimes he meets more than one. a hundred bowls of tea a day when he goes out. He also encounters as many as forty or fifty bowls in a normal day. Qianlong was the longest-serving feudal Chinese emperor. He reigned for 60 years and lived to be 89 years old. Drinking tea was one of his health preservation recipes. Su Juxian, Shanghai's oldest longevity star and the last scholar of the late Qing dynasty, insisted that drinking tea was a major habit of his life. It has passed the 108-year anniversary of tea which symbolizes the word “tea” (note). : the Chinese character "tea" (the radicals can be separated into "艹" and "八八", which together make up 108) lived to be 110 years old. 20 days before his death, he wrote a quatrain on tea for the special collection “Contemporary poets singing tea”. The couple Yuan Dunzi and W104-year-old ang Huiqin, who won the title of "Longevity Couple" in Shanghai in 1994, also practices longevity by "tasting tea every day", usually drinking tea at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. every day. Zhang Shun, a centenarian born in 1896 in Gaozhou, Guangdong, has the "four no's" when it comes to eating habits: no smoking, no drinking, no gluttony and no picky eaters. The “four joys” like whole grains, sweet potatoes, jealousy and food. Born on August 20, 1898 in Fengshun County, Guangdong Province, Zhang Lan, the birthday girl who has gone through many vicissitudes of life, has remained hardworking.Hua, she does not smoke, does not drink, and loves tea. When Professor Wu Juenong, honorary president of the China Tea Society, revered as the "Saint of Contemporary Tea", celebrated his 90th birthday, when he spoke about his secret of longevity and thatfrom his wife, he gave the answer: drink more tea and eat more. fruits. (Note: Mr. Wu lived to be 91 years old, and his wife Chen Xuanzhao lived to be 98 years old.) Su Buqing, a famous mathematician, consultant to the Shanghai Tea Company and professor at the University of Fudan, lived to be 101 years old. years. He must drink tea every day after breakfast to maintain his health. Mr. Choi Kyu-yong, President of the Korean Luyu Tea Research Association, was addicted to drinking tea in his daily life and lived to be 100 years old (died April 5, 2002). In the town of Gap'er in northwest India, there is an old man named Habib Miyaan, who is officially recognized as 125 years old by the local government. When old man Miyaan talked about his longevity secret, he talked about his eating habits. , "I never smoked, drinking tea was the only thing I was addicted to." There is a farmerin Egypt named Zanadi Michael who drinks more than 6 cups of tea every day. He is lucky to live to be 130 years old! One of the health regimes of Deng Xiaoping, the politician who rose and fell three times, is also his love of drinking green tea. Deng Xiaoping's sister, Deng Xianqun, once recalled Deng Xiaoping's life during the Cultural Revolution and said: "My older brother likes to drink tea. He likes to drink green tea produced in Sichuan and Anhui, and sometimes Longjing tea from West Lake. Tea is still relatively expensive. , and the tea in his cup is It's a lot, and when it is fully brewed, it occupies two-thirds of the cup. My sister-in-law makes a cup of strong tea for my brother every morning, and then my brother. drinks it, my sister-in-law drinks the rest of the tea. Make him another cup in the afternoon. “The ancients called tea a cure for all illnesses. Tea can maintain health and prolonglife, but perseverance and perseverance will surely lead to effectiveness. Drinking tea has hundreds of benefits and no harm. Although drinking green tea is a good thing, there are still many regrets: 1. Green tea is easy to oxidize and difficult to store. Green tea polyphenols are powerful antioxidants, so they are very easy to nourish. Although it is not yet certain whether tea polyphenols are the reason why tea drinking may lead to longer lives, tea brewed from old, oxidized tea is coffee red. There is no tea aroma and the taste is greatly deteriorated. 2. Most people drink very weak tea and are not used to drinking strong tea. Therefore, to maintain their health, the amount of tea they drink is not enough. 3. Beware of “urea tea.” What is “urea tea”? In recent years, tea has been in great demand and tea leaves sare rare. In some regions, tea producers have made “technological innovations”. After plucking the tea leaves each morning, they spray a urea solution on the tea plants in the area. in the afternoon, the tea leaves will grow back for a very long time the next morning, and so on, tea production will increase considerably. Therefore, when drinking tea, you should recognize the brand and quality, and not be greedy for cheap. Drink a cup of light green tea in the morning to refresh your mind and clear your mind. The benefits of tea are as follows: The chemical composition of tea is 3.5-7.0% inorganic substances and 93-96.5% organic substances. There are about 27 kinds of inorganic mineral elements in tea, including phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, manganese, fluorine, aluminum, calcium, sodium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, etc. Tea organic compounds mainly include proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids, alkaloids, tea polyphenols, organic acids, pigments, aroma components, vitamins, saponins, sterols, etc. . Tea contains 20-30% leaf protein, but only about 3.5% is soluble in tea soup. Tea contains 1.5-4% free amino acids, including more than 20 types, most of which are essential amino acids for the human body. Tea contains 25-30% carbohydrates, but only 3-4% can be dissolved in tea soup. Tea contains 4 to 5% lipids, which are also necessary for the human body. Drinking green tea regularly is good for the fetus. Drinking green tea while watching TV or sitting at the computer is good for the body. However, it should be noted that tea consumption should be moderate. drinking will affect iron absorption. It is PRecommended to drink tea with warm boiled water at about 80℃-85℃. Don't over-brew or leave it for too long, and it's not easy to make it too strong every time. batches.

What are the benefits of drinking green tea? First of all, we need to understand the ingredients of green tea. Modern scientific research has confirmed that green tea contains more than 450 types of organic compounds and more than 15 types of inorganic minerals. Most of these ingredients have health and disease prevention effects. . 1. Reduce fat, lose weight and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. There is a very close relationship between tea consumption and weight loss. The book "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" mentioned the slimming effect of tea more than 2,000 years ago: "Long-term consumption will calm your mind and replenish your qi." ...you will lighten your body and you will not grow olds not." Modern scientific research and clinical experiments have confirmed that drinking tea can reduce blood lipids and cholesterol in the blood and make the body lighter, because the phenolic derivatives, aromatic substances, amino acids and Vitamins contained in tea are perfectly coordinated, especially the combined effect of tea polyphenols, tea pigments and vitamin C, can promote fat oxidation, facilitate digestion, reduce fat and lose weight. In addition, tea polyphenols can dissolve fats and vitamin C can promote the body's excretion of cholesterol. Green tea itself contains tea gannin, which improves the strength of blood vessels and blood vessels. makes them less likely to rupture A study published in the American Heart Association's "Circulation" magazine in May 2002 showed that regular tea consumption can help reduce the risk.of death from heart disease. Researchers from Harvard Medical School in the United States conducted a follow-up survey of 1,900 patients with heart disease. These patients were mainly people aged over 60. The survey results revealed that patients drank more than 14 cups of tea on average. per week had a lower risk of heart disease. The risk of death about three and a half years after the attack was 44% lower than that of patients who did not drink tea. Research also shows that even patients who drink less than 14 cups of tea per week on average are likely to reduce heart disease mortality by 28%. 2. Prevent cancer. The ingredients contained in green tea - tea polyphenols and caffeine, the combined effect of the two not only refreshes and nourishes the mind, but also has the effect of improving human immunity and fighting against infection.re cancer. In recent years, the American Chemical Society has found that tea not only has inhibitory effects on digestive system cancers, but also on skin, lung and liver cancers. Scientific research has confirmed that the organic anti-cancer substances in tea mainly include tea polyphenols, theophylline, vitamin C and vitamin E; inorganic anti-cancer elements in tea mainly include selenium, molybdenum, manganese, germanium, etc. Chinese and Japanese scientists believe that catechins contained in tea polyphenols have the best anti-cancer effect. 3. Anti-toxic and sterilization. using teaThe good medicine for detoxification dates back to the ancient Shennong era (around 2737 BC). “Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs, encountered seventy-two poisons every day, and obtained tea to relieve them. » ·Three emperors", "Huainanzi Xiuwu Xun", "Compendium of Materia Medica" and other books are recorded. More than 1,200 years ago (780 AD), the tea sage Lu Yu pointed out in his "Tea Classic ", the world's first authoritative tea book, about the "effectiveness of tea": "Because tea is extremely cold in nature, it is most suitable for use as tea...If. you feel body heat, thirst, nausea, brain pain, tired eyes, tired limbs or joint discomfort, drinking four or five sips of tea will be effective The above symptoms listed by Lu Yu are. very close to typical pneumonia or suspected cases Chen Zangqi, a medical scientist in the Tang Dynasty, wrote in "Supplementary Materia Medica": "Quenches thirst and eliminates epidemics. The famous eunuch. Liu Zhenliang also cited "using tea to eliminate discomforts” as one of the virtues of tea in his “Ten Virtues of Tea”. Since the Tang Dynasty, tea therapy in past dynasties has also had new descriptions of tea detoxification and sterilization. However, due to the underdevelopment of science at that time, highly contagious and epidemic diseases were collectively called "plague" or "disease". they were not specifically mentioned. It's not clear what type of bacteria or virus it is, but it has been confirmed that drinking tea can help fight viruses and sterilize them. The modern medical community has continued to conduct extensive research into the health effects of tea. In 2003, American scientists reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: "The chemical called 'theanine' found in tea may increase the effects of tea. the body's ability to resist infection of fivetimes." . 4. Longevity. The anti-aging effect of green tea on the human body is mainly reflected in the coordination of several effective chemical components and several vitamins, including tea polyphenols, caffeine, vitamin C, aromatics, lipopolysaccharides, etc., which can improve human heart muscle activity and blood vessel metabolism, inhibit arteriosclerosis, reduce the incidence of hypertension and coronary heart disease, enhance immunity, thus resisting aging and allowing people to live longer According to medical research, tea polyphenols can not only reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride content, but also improve the strength and elasticity of capillaries and reduce blood loss. blood lipids, which is extremely helpful in the prevention and treatment of common diseases in middle-aged and elderly people such as hypertensionnsion and cardiovascular diseases. Tea contains selenium, and it is organic selenium, which is easier to absorb than the selenium contained in grains and oils, Dr. Richard Paschwat from the United States believes that adding selenium to foods, combined with vitamin C and vitamin E, to form a triple mixture can. extend the lifespan of the human body, and tea is rich in these strange elements beneficial to life. Human birth, aging, illness and death are irresistible laws. The so-called "immortality" is false, but "longevity and longevity" are true. There are countless cases at home and abroad regarding tea drinking and longevity. According to the "New Book of the South" by Song Qian Yi, in the third year of Emperor Xuanzong's reign in the Tang Dynasty (849 AD), there was an old monk of about 130 years old in Dongdu ( today Luoyang, Hena provincenot). asked him how to maintain his health, and he replied: "I am a young man who has no knowledge of medicine. He is naturally fond of tea. He only looks for tea everywhere. Sometimes when he goes out, he meets more than a hundred bowls of tea a day, but he eats no less than forty or fifty bowls a normal day. Qianlong was the longest-serving feudal Chinese emperor. He reigned for 60 years and lived to be 89 years old. Drinking tea was one of his health preservation recipes. Su Juxian, Shanghai's oldest longevity star and the last scholar of the late Qing Dynasty, insisted that tea drinking was a major factor in his life. Because of his habit, he exceeded the longevity of tea symbolizing the character "tea" aged 108 years (note: the stem of the Chinese character "tea" can be separated into "艹" and "八八", which together form 108) and lived until age 110years, 20 days before his death, he wrote quatrains on tea for the special collection "Ode Tea of ​​Contemporary Poets". The 104-year-old couple Yuan Dunzi and Wang Huiqin, who won the title of "Longevity Couple" in Shanghai in 1994, also practice longevity by "tasting tea every day", usually drinking tea at 10 hours and 3 p.m. every day. Zhang Shun, a centenarian born in 1896 in Gaozhou, Guangdong, has the "four no's" when it comes to eating habits: no smoking, no drinking, no gluttony and no picky eaters. The “four joys” like whole grains, sweet potatoes, jealousy and food. Zhang Lanhua was born on August 20, 1898 in Fengshun County, Guangdong. She went through many vicissitudes of life and remained hardworking. She doesn't smoke or drink alcohol, but loves tea. When Professor Wu Juenong, honorary president of the China Tea Society,revered as the “Saint of Contemporary Tea”, celebrated his 90th birthday, when he spoke about his and his wife's secret to longevity, he gave the answer: drink more tea and eat more. fruits. (Note: Mr. Wu lived to be 91 years old, and his wife Chen Xuanzhao lived to be 98 years old.) Su Buqing, a famous mathematician, consultant to the Shanghai Tea Company and professor at the University of Fudan, lived to be 101 years old. years. He must drink tea every day after breakfast to maintain his health. Mr. Choi Kyu-yong, President of the Korean Luyu Tea Research Association, was addicted to drinking tea in his daily life and lived to be 100 years old (died April 5, 2002). In the town of Gap'er in northwest India, there is an old man named Habib Miyaan, who is officially recognized as 125 years old by the local government. When old man Miyaan spoke about his longevity secret, he spokeof his eating habits. , "I never smoked, drinking tea was the only thing I was addicted to." There is a farmer in Egypt named Zanadi Michael who drinks over 6 cups of tea every day. He is lucky to live to be 130 years old! One of the health regimes of Deng Xiaoping, the politician who rose and fell three times, is also his love of drinking green tea. Deng Xiaoping's sister, Deng Xianqun, once recalled Deng Xiaoping's life during the Cultural Revolution and said: "My older brother likes to drink tea. He likes to drink green tea produced in Sichuan and Anhui, and sometimes Longjing tea from West Lake. Tea is still relatively expensive. , and the tea in his cup is It's a lot, and when it is fully brewed, it occupies two-thirds of the cup. My sister-in-law makes a cup of strong tea for my brother every morning, and then my brother. drinks it, my sister-in-law drinks the rest of the tea. Prepare him some otherre cup in the afternoon. “The ancients called tea a cure for all illnesses. Tea can maintain health and prolong life, but perseverance and perseverance will surely lead to effectiveness. Drinking tea has hundreds of benefits and no harm. Although drinking green tea is a good thing, there are still many regrets: 1. Green tea is easy to oxidize and difficult to store. Green tea polyphenols are powerful antioxidants, so they are very easy to nourish. Although it is not yet certain whether tea polyphenols are the reason why tea drinking may lead to longer lives, tea brewed from old, oxidized tea is coffee red. There is no tea aroma and the taste is greatly deteriorated. 2. Most people drink very weak tea and are not used to drinking strong tea. Therefore, to maintain their health, the amount of tea they drink is not enough. 3. DistrustDo you have “urea tea”. What is “urea tea”? In recent years, tea has been in high demand, and the supply of tea has exceeded demand in some regions. Tea producers in China have "technological innovation". After plucking the tea leaves each morning, they spray a urea solution on the tea plants in the afternoon. The tea leaves will grow back for a very long time the next morning. This cycle results in a sharp increase in the quantity of tea. production. Therefore, when drinking tea, you should recognize the brand and quality, and not be greedy for cheap. Drink a cup of light green tea in the morning to refresh your mind and clear your mind. The benefits of tea are as follows: The chemical composition of tea is 3.5-7.0% inorganic substances and 93-96.5% organic substances. There are about 27 types of inorganic mineral elements in tea, includingphosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, manganese, fluorine, aluminum, calcium, sodium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, etc. Tea organic compounds mainly include proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids, alkaloids, tea polyphenols, organic acids, pigments, aroma components, vitamins, saponins, sterols, etc. Tea contains 20-30% leaf protein, but only about 3.5% is soluble in tea soup. Tea contains 1.5-4% free amino acids, including more than 20 types, most of which are essential amino acids for the human body. Tea contains 25-30% carbohydrates, but only 3-4% can be dissolved in tea soup. Tea contains 4 to 5% lipids, which are also necessary for the human body. Drinking green tea regularly is good for the fetus. Drink green tea while watching TV or sitting at the computerr is good for the body. However, it should be noted that tea consumption should be moderate. drinking will affect iron absorption. It is best to drink tea with warm boiled water around 80℃-85℃. Don't over-brew or leave it for too long, and it's not easy to make it too strong every time. batches.

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