The confinement nanny I hired was recommended by a friend, and she was also from Liangyingtang, but I had no luck. I met a lazy confinement nanny, who seemed to be called Chen Xiuqiong. After I was discharged from the hospital, I met a lazy confinement nanny, who seemed to be called Chen Xiuqiong. I looked for a confinement nanny just to seek professional help, but when I asked her, she said it all: I don't know. Later I looked for the answer myself on the Internet. 2. Taking care of the mother is part of the postpartum nanny's job, but I was sleeping on the bed to recover. My breasts were very engorged and I asked him to help me pour water and apply warm compresses. She even asked him twice: but she pretended not to hear and didn't pour the water, it took her about 10 minutes before she slowly poured the water, thinking that'She shouldn't be too angry during childbirth, so she continued to hold back. Later, when I saw his attitude, I didn't bother to ask him for help, so as not to be angry. 3. Several times at night the baby was hungry and cried for a long time, I called him and her. I got up slowly to give the baby some milk. I was so angry. I wanted to throw a pillow at her to wake her up. 4. We thought the bath water was too cold, but she said it was fine. We measured it with a thermometer. it was only 33 degrees. She said we should put it on the water to see the temperature, but the result was still 33 degrees. He said happily, why don't you add more water yourself? attitude do you have? 5. The baby often falls asleep after drinking milk at night. After drinking it for a long time, I asked her to reheat it, but she said the milk wasstill hot. Finally I woke up and it was already cold to the touch, so I gave the baby warm milk. 6. I watched TV almost all the time during the day, the baby cried, but her eyes did not leave the TV, and even she. told me the TV plot. I was so angry that I didn't want to pay attention to her. 7. Even though she was indoors, she wore a lot less clothes for her baby. Later, she kept telling me that the baby's temperature was high. , I heard the doctor say that newborns should not wear fewer clothes than adults (no wonder babies often have cold feet), but she told me that cold hands and feet should be taken as a tonic, but she complained of feeling cold all day. When the baby was fed, she took him to cook oil. 8. She often went to the bathroom to take care of the babywithout washing your hands. She often went to bed without washing my feet (I tolerated this when I thought about it). of the baby wearing a thicker belt) 9. Seeing that my breasts are not completely engorged, I feel uncomfortable, and instead of giving myself a massage, I still have pain and have a lot of diarrhea , I don't know if it's me. I couldn't bear to spend money on renting a breast pump. I bought a breast pump, but I couldn't suck it. Instead, she told me no. I didn't know why we couldn't suck it up. She didn't understand. 10. Ask her to cut the baby's nails, but she said she would cut her hand every time it bled and let me do it myself. ~ Wait, there are too many, I can't finish them. Anyway, meeting her would be bad luck for eight lifetimes, and Liangyingtang is not expensive, the service is good, I asked her, and she said she had beenupgraded. level one in three months. No wonder 5600 has such an attitude and level, and there are many irritating things, I won't list them one by one. Anyway, from day one, let's talk about the family affairs of the people she used. to serve. The old woman in this family is not good, the husband in this family is lazy, and the comments that the owner's family is older than the young family and the family is young and the family is small are to the west. really boring. Is this what Liang Yingtang told me about having a good personality? I always wanted to change it. I called twice and had no one to change. I was also afraid she would find out it would be bad for the baby. Now that I think about it, I really deserved that. punishment for not having changed it in time. The other sisters must learn from this lesson. I will pay 5,600, plus 200on New Year's Day. The total is 5,800. My friend invited Mao Zifang, which was very popular.Okay, if you meet Sister Mao here, you can always invite her!
What about Chengdu Liangyingtang?
Introduction What about Liangying Tang in Chengdu? The confinement nanny I hired was recommended by a friend and she was also from Liangying Tang. But I was unlucky and met a lazy confinement nanny, I think her name was Chen Xiuqiong. Initially, young people have no e