Sad phrases about diarrhea after eating too much watermelon in summer

Introduction Sad phrases about diarrhea after eating too much watermelon in summer Sad phrases about diarrhea after eating too much watermelon in summer (Part 1) 1. When summer comes, we moved to a very bright house and spent every day.

Sad phrases about diarrhea after eating too much watermelon in summer

Sad Phrases About Diarrhea After Eating Too Much Watermelon in Summer (Part 1) 1. When summer comes, we moved to a very bright house and there is a lot of sunshine every day. I remember receiving many phone calls from friends in that house, telling me to do my best and wishing me luck in June.

2. Hide in the watermelon and shaved ice of Wangzai in summer.

3. Plant flowers in the garden, raise several dogs, and eat watermelon in the yard in summer.

4. You watermelon taro! (The English abbreviation for Watermelon Taro is: MB.

5. Watermelon lover is summer ice cream, strawberry storm, rainbow jeans, white floral skirt half-sleeves, sandals, cold beer and peanuts

6. If you want to have a good summer, you must have watermelon

7. Regarding the summer, frozen watermelon and sea salt soda, the wind will beux and the rain will be light. soft.

8. I hope it’s possible. It's raining like that. It's summer, it's summer rain.

9. I hope the weather will be cooler this summer. the watermelon will be sweeter. 10. It's like summer. I want to wear a little skirt, eat iced watermelon and sit on the beach to watch the sunset, I mean, with you

11. Have watermelon. at home it's sweeter than first love

12. You are more appetizing to me than the air conditioner at 26°C and watermelon in summer

13. Concerning Summer, frozen watermelon and soda sea salt, the wind is gentle and the rain is gentle, so be a melon-eating girl.

14. There is a role model in every class As soon as the teacher has completed homework, [email? protected] melons

15. Refreshing watermelon green is the best choice for summer!

16. Remember to eat more iced watermelon to save the hot summer. 17. I vthem plunge into the summer with you, with parachutes in the clouds and lightning, between the flints, one day merges with a hundred years

18. It is more comfortable to eat watermelon in a. air-conditioned room in summer.

19. I hope the weather will be cooler in June and the watermelon will be sweeter, life will be sweeter

20. The shape of. the watermelon is oval, larger than the ball. The color is dark green and light green outside, and there are dark patterns inside, like aquatic plants, very beautiful, there is a vine at the end of the watermelon. looks like a pigtail. When you cut it open you can see the bright red flesh and some hearty flesh. There is about 2cm of white flesh separating the red flesh from the watermelon rind.

Sad phrases. about diarrhea caused by excessive consumption of watermelon in summer (Part 2)

21. In hot summer, with high temperature of rains 40 degrees, as long as you eat a piece of watermelon, you will immediately feel a feeling of freshness and comfort.

22. Spring has gone with the falling flowers, and summer has come with the green leaves dancing in the warm wind

23. I wish you the best. Ideal for keeping your favorite during the mosquito season. Admission notice

24. I was looking forward to having a piece of watermelon and took a bite, it was fresh and sweet, so refreshing! I ate the watermelon in big gulps. I have never spit out the watermelon seeds when I ate watermelon. The red juice flowed into my mouth like blood, I couldn't help but shout: Watermelon is so sweet!

25. Drinking soda and eating watermelon in summer is such a joy.

26. With you today, watermelons have become particularly sweet.

27. Summer goes best with watermelons When summer comese, watermelons and grapes are inseparable. The sugar content is increasing. up. Lose Weight

28. Not only is the flesh of watermelon delicious, but the skin is also delicious. Remove the green skin and leave the white part, cut it into pieces and fry it. a delicious accompaniment.

29. It would be great if you could stay with me in summer like watermelon ice cream

30. I love watermelon, deeply in love with watermelon delights, that made Like mice that love rice. In the hot summer, when you eat one, from your mouth to your stomach, from your stomach to your intestines, you will all shout one word in unison: "Refreshing!"

31. The The sky gets higher and higher, and the days get lighter and lighter. Summer is coming.

32. There are many benefits of eating watermelon. Watermelon is rich in vitamin C. Eating more watermelon can supplement the nutrition. Manger of watermelon can moisten the throat, purify fire, quench thirst, diuresis and remove toxins from the body. It is said that if people with fever eat more watermelon, this may be the case. also cool.

33. I bought two watermelons on the way out of work. After all, it was six and a half yuan! I shouted: Master, just forget fifty cents! The master nodded and said: Then I will charge you seven yuan!

34. There are many varieties of watermelons, including sweet and seedless melons; explosive melons with particularly crispy skin; honeydew melons with extra moisture and exquisite little phoenix melons.

36. I hope we can meet again in the wind of countless summers

37. Watermelons, wearing green coats and tails horses, really like the little gentlemen. Take out a ripe watermelon and gently cut it with a knife. With a sound of “chi! ", the crispy melon skin will automatically split, and the red melon sweat will flow out instantly. , and it will definitely give you a taste.

38. When summer comes, let's drink cold beer together, let's go to roadside stands to get drunk, let's go to warm beaches to watch the waves and the sunset, let's barefoot in the streets at three in the morning. morning and chase the girls. The hem of the skirt and the watermelon-scented wind, the romantic moonlight and the long summer night. I just want to waste my time with you and waste my time.

39. Watermelon is my lover.

40. How can a season without watermelon be called summer?

WeChat mood for diarrhea speaks of classic diarrhea

1 .Continuous After three days of eating at the night market, I finally got diarrhea.

2. Woman, I have a cold, can you buy me some medicine? HahayouMy wife has just been released from the hospital. She almost collapsed from diarrhea and dehydration, because she was afraid of worrying you

3. It's been 2 long hours, and I'm I feel like I have routine diarrhea. Premonition

4. Diarrhea, fever caused by cold, headache and discomfort, and I don't want to move. I still need to do drawings, assemble and make confirmation orders. I'm so tired I'm a little broken and pushy.

5. Two of us had hypoglycemia and diarrhea early in the morning, and the baby almost passed out on the subway. Fortunately, a friend relented his place and gave me a break. . Thanks to the person whose name I don't know. Brother, as you get older, you should pay more and more attention to your physical health, you should exercise more.

6. The day before yesterday I suffered from constipation and started to avSee diarrhea today. Why did I come back and feel miserable for a few days?

7. Gastroenteritis, diarrhea, foot pain, colds, I don't want to go to work tomorrow!

8. I feel dizzy and sleepy. I want to go back home. I want to eat the food I love. I really don't like the food here. I have diarrhea. for more than ten days straight I feel like I'm going to collapse. Qian is also very hungry recently, I don't feel full. It didn't last more than ten minutes. Being hungry is the last word. I'm so skinny I'm going to be blown over by the wind. I buy chocolate bars and gently put on my makeup in the morning. I find that my voice is hoarse. I am dizzy. I feel so weak that I really want to go home and have a meal at home, but the result is salty.

9. I got a little constipated after eating too many of thesethese days. I asked my mom to get me some medicine for constipation. Mom immediately handed me a jelly bean and said: eat it, dietary supplements are better. than medications. I put the jujube in my mouth and ate it, saying: Ginger is still spicy when you're old, mom knows so much. Mom said: That's not true. The main reason is that these dates fell on the ground and you will definitely get diarrhea after eating them.

10. I had diarrhea and stomach pain during the midterm exam and ate almost nothing. Now I ate a roast duck leg and I feel so happy.

11. I had diarrhea at 2 a.m. and vomited bitter water when I woke up. Then I finished a bowl of ramen. Facts have proven that this time, appetite is related to belief and has nothing to do with physical condition.

12. I ate ice cream after dinner last night, which directly caused my diarrhea. Maybe I'll lose weight.

13. Last night, I ate fondue with my mother. We ate a spicy fondue with three delicacies. However, I had diarrhea again this morning, I don't know. whether it's the spicy fondue or me. This level of spicy food is completely gone.

14. On the baby's 99th day, the Hundred Days Banquet may have caught a cold or been scared, and the baby has diarrhea. Starting today, my favorite grandmother started crying loudly when I tried to put her to sleep. My mother was so distressed that she picked her up and immediately stopped crying. After a while, she closed her eyes and fell asleep. recognize people, she started to recognize only her mother.

15. I know that I have to go to work tomorrow and I have to get up early tomorrow., but thatWhat happens if I can't sleep and I still have diarrhea?

16. As a Lu child living in Hunan for more than 20 years, he has not been able to eat spicy food for half a year since arriving in Germany . I ate spicy noodles for the past two days and got a bruise on my forehead. I have a lot of acne so I made myself a meal on a whim today, I really didn't feel the spicy taste so I started getting it. diarrhea. It's really helpless

17. Diarrhea, the restaurant really means goodbye, I never want to go out to eat again and I have diarrhea. back. There are few restaurants in Tai'an that are not like this. From now on I will cook my own food.

18. Every time I go out to eat, I will have diarrhea the next day. Yesterday's fondue was not served the next day and I am already exhausted the day afterin. In the middle of the night, I go to bed at three and wake up at eight, my girlfriends said, if I go out from now on, they won't let me eat and I can just drink boiled. water.

19. My husband's two spoonfuls of spicy millet gave us both diarrhea today.

20. Our Maomao family is sick and has vomiting and diarrhea every day. The puppy who was so lively is now very depressed. Please help me wish him good health.

21. I am really angry with these illegal doctors. It was so early in the morning that I had diarrhea all night and really wanted to rest.

22. People suffering from gastritis cannot afford to be injured. They often suffer from stomach cramps, diarrhea and esophageal reflux. sometimes I get motion sickness and sometimes I don't. Is it because of my estoMac?

23. The last few days have been terrible. Xiaoyi's anxiety about going to kindergarten tortured her and me. She has nowhere to turn for help, for fear of winning. I won't be able to hold on. I had trouble falling asleep several nights in a row, dreaming and then waking up. I have my period today and I still have diarrhea that I can't figure out what's causing it. I went out in the morning without an umbrella, then it rained after work. Right now I'm feeling dizzy, my stomach hurts, and my feet are cold.

24. If you don't spit out the grape skins after eating grapes, you may get diarrhea! If you don't eat grapes until you spit out their skins, you're a magician!

25. A co-worker said that he had diarrhea every year on August 15 and that he had diarrhea for several days, and the diarrhea would not stop not. All myde thought it was a supernatural event due to his supernatural physique. Later, another colleague went to see him in person on August 15 and found: When he eats mooncakes, he likes to cut the mooncakes into pieces, and then remove the deoxidizer and drying agent that comes with the cakes moon. Tear up the potion and sprinkle it on top

26. I feel so worried when my stomach is good, I can eat a big bowl. ice cream without diarrhea!

27. In class, Xiao Ming, teacher, I have diarrhea and I have to take leave. Master, are you going to buy medicine? Xiao Ming, no, I ate it. Master, are you going to the toilet? Xiao Ming, I'm going to change my pants. Master, if you dare, get out of here. .

28. Why can't it be broken?Junjie, who gets sick every time he rests, got up before 5 a.m. and had diarrhea. By the way, he also developeda medication plan and earned 2 credits. Now he feels like he's back in fairyland.

30. The week promises to be unstable, with water and electricity outages, diarrhea, headaches and probably a cold.

Talk about diarrhea. Post sentences about diarrhea in WeChat Moments

1. I have diarrhea again. Could it be because I ate turkey noodles with iced milk tea and iced cola for two days straight? It's so hard for me.

2. The stomach problems accumulated during the summer vacation finally became unbearable. I had diarrhea and stomach pain, then the vomiting stopped and the pain became unbearable.

3. Lactose intolerance is truly a miracle! I have diarrhea and my vest line is out!

4. It’s four in the morning and my stomach hurts terriblyand diarrhea. Is there anyone in a worse situation than me? It's really difficult for me.

5. Drinking expired milk will cause diarrhea and you won't be able to eat leftovers that you forgot to put in the refrigerator. It turns out that everything has an expiration date.

6. Stomach ache during menstruation, diarrhea, stomach ache, sudden severe cold, insomnia last night, heavy headache, I feel like explode!

7. Stomach aches, diarrhea, headaches, just pain everywhere, I will never drink that much again.

8. It’s been three days. I have diarrhea to the point where I doubt my life. I still need breast milk. I am in a special state and I do not dare to take medicine.

9. I have a fever, diarrhea and no energy in my whole body.

10. After drinking this cup of milk tea, I continued to pee andI could not sleep. I still had diarrhea and my hands were numb. But if I don't drink milk tea, I will think about it. I will have headaches. What should I do ?

11. I haven't had a good day since school started. I can't sleep, I can't eat well and I have diarrhea. Is it back-to-school syndrome?

12. I shouldn't have eaten ice cream yesterday. Eating ice cream felt good for a while. I guess I haven't eaten something this cold in a long time, I had a stomach ache and diarrhea when I got home in the evening.

13. I won't eat Lao Gan Ma's pickled vegetables anymore and I still have diarrhea.

14. I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't have drunk two glasses of lemonade and had a barbecue just because I was happy, s 'please spare me, I was wrong, I was really wrong, don't let me get the ddiarrhea.

15. I had diarrhea at this time two nights in a row. Maybe the fate between me and the dragon fruit is that I won't be able to see the sun tomorrow.

16. Is Mercury retrograde this week? I've had diarrhea for two days and my thighs have been inexplicable for two days. I've had lots of big pimples and terrible itching.

17. As I get older, if I have a few drinks in the evening, I will definitely have diarrhea the next morning, I now have to drink hot milk tea, iced tea or at room temperature all year round.

18. I woke up from my sleep, then I had diarrhea and diarrhea until I was sweating profusely and all my clothes were soaked.

19. At this point, I lost count of the times I went to the bathroom. I had vomiting, diarrhea, diarrhea and even dehydration, but I didn'tstill don't know how to take medicine.

20. As soon as I drink the probiotic drink I get diarrhea like crazy. Every time I still don't believe in evil, I get diarrhea after drinking it, and then I will drink it again when I feel better.

21. It started again, it started again, diarrhea and extreme drowsiness, plus the gums were so swollen that they turned into hamsters without realizing it.

22. Drinking a glass of red wine gives me diarrhea, my stomach is like trash.

23. I had diarrhea every day for the first three days after arriving in Jinan, and I had diarrhea for another three days after arriving in Qingdao.

24. My stomach was growling at the start of labor. My colleagues thought I hadn't eaten breakfast, but it was actually diarrhea.

25. I drank a glass of milk before going to bed, and aHalf an hour later I started having diarrhea and collapsing. When I was a child, drinking milk was acceptable. But now I suddenly became lactose intolerant, so I stopped drinking pure milk. milk.

26. I had a cold the last two days and I ate so much watermelon yesterday that I got diarrhea. I really hope I can lose weight.

27. I had diarrhea and went straight to the infectious diseases department. Why, I still have to be hospitalized. Why didn't this doctor come and save me?

28. I got my period on the day of my last physical exam. I woke up early and had diarrhea the day of my last physical. I really didn't have any luck.

29. If you have poor gastrointestinal health, you really shouldn't eat roadside food. If you have diarrhea ande diarrhea, you will suffer from stomach aches and upset stomach.

30. Who would have thought that one minute ago I was so hungry that my chest touched my back, and the next minute I had diarrhea . It was so hard.

31. Last night I ate a hamburger, chicken nuggets, chicken popcorn, drank milk and ate a little peach, then I had diarrhea today.

32. Why is it so difficult for me to have a toothache or diarrhea for the rest of the day and live comfortably for the rest of the day? daytime ?

33. It was so hard for me that I had diarrhea four or five times a night. My sister said my stomach was already crying after leaving six dishes of water.

34. Forget diarrhea. Why do you have to have diarrhea in the middle of the night? There will be mosquitoes biting me.

If you have diarrhea andIf you faint, talk about your mood. Post sentences about diarrhea in WeChat Moments

1. Why do I, a person who likes milk tea so much, get diarrhea easily when I drink milk tea?

2. I love drinking ice cream so much that I have diarrhea all summer.

3. Let's start by soaking the goji in a thermos cup. Who can handle having diarrhea every day?

4. I ate a plate of fried shrimp with broccoli for lunch, and I suddenly had diarrhea just now, and my poop was green .

5. I had diarrhea recently and I doubt my life. I now weigh less than 90 pounds.

6. No wonder I had a stomach ache, diarrhea, lack of energy and a bad mood this morning. It turns out that my loved ones arrived earlier than expected.

7. I found out I had diarrhea after eating too many peaches. I ate two peaches and a pear in one sitting.

8. I have diarrhea and my mentality is broken. I must be strong.

9. What makes me feel the pressure of age is not hair loss, aging, wrinkles or being born in 2000, but the fact that I ate a pound of frozen shrimp without any problems, but now I have diarrhea.

10. Toothaches, stomach aches, diarrhea, colds, stuffy noses, sore throats are all very difficult for me.

11. The day before school started, I had a headache, runny nose and diarrhea. My aunt was in pain and couldn't sleep at night.

12. I'm willing to risk diarrhea the next day by eating spicy fondue.

13. When I was about to start school in a day or two, the little thing got diarrhea, a cold and a nosethat flows. It really showed me: I want you to go to work and not stay at home with me.

14. I think if the chef at the restaurant wanted to poison me, he could be more direct, but he would have to resort to various tricks to make me have diarrhea. My life would be too difficult!

15. I had nightmares for three hours and continued to have diarrhea and even vomited once. My younger sister told me that I was scared to death by the old man and woman in the morning.

16. I really want to eat spicy foods and drink ice-cold dishes without restraint. You don't have to worry about whether you're feeding or not, whether you have diarrhea, whether you have enough milk, or whether your baby will feel uncomfortable.

17. I hurt so much. My waist feels like it's about to break. I always feel like I'm going to havediarrhea, but this is not the case. I have cold sweat all over my back.

18. I had diarrhea right after eating pizza. My colleagues asked me why I was so skinny. I also wanted to wonder about my intestines and stomach.

19. Indeed, you cannot drink cold water after waking up, otherwise I will definitely have diarrhea. If you don't believe it, I drank it again today and my stomach hurts really bad

< p>20. The dates were so delicious that I could eat them all in one sitting. Do not overeat, as overeating will cause diarrhea. I learned my lesson from eating too many dates last time!

21. I've had diarrhea for a week, I'm almost dehydrated and now I have a cold again. Oh my God, it's been so hard lately.

22. Never fart when you have diarrhea! because! WhatWhat you're letting out may not just be farts, but feces too! ! ! Take good care of your stomach.

23. This is no longer possible. I don't know what to eat these days. I have diarrhea every day and go to the bathroom every half hour.

24. Even though I didn't exercise for two days, I lost weight very quickly because of stomach pain and diarrhea. Even though I lost some water, I was still very happy.

25. For several days, I have had diarrhea after lunch. I think it's due to nervousness. Yes, I don't want to start school. It’s hard for me to feel nervous just thinking about school.

26. God, please save me from having my wisdom teeth pulled. I had diarrhea and just caught a cold. The swelling hasn't gone down yet and the sneezing is going to kill me!

27. I had a ddiarrhea in the morning which made me doubt my life, but I did not see the different enteritis tablets on the table.

28. The gastroenteritis has really relapsed. Every time I eat I get diarrhea and I can't stand it. But I feel relieved now that I have sorted out the internship fee issue.

29. I have severe gastrointestinal problems, I have diarrhea several times a day and I have not lost weight.

30. It's so hard to be a woman. My aunt is bleeding profusely and has abdominal pain, and she still has to endure it and go to work.

A 500-word essay for primary school students describing the four seasons in the park

Spring, Summer, fall and winter at Wetland Park are picturesque. In spring, everything is reborn in Wetland Park. In summer, everything in Wetland Park is green...

In spring, everything is reborn and everywhere is full of vitalityyou. The grass revealed her little green head, as if she was reluctant to leave the warm “bed”. Swallows fly over the lake and call while flying, as if praising the mist of the wetland park. The mist looks like a mysterious woman, covered with a layer of white gauze.

In summer, on the quiet lake, there will be some little ducks and their friends eating and playing on the lake. It makes me want to turn into a little duck and play with them! In the green grass, the cicadas sang as if they were singing. A gust of wind passed and the flowers danced gracefully with the wind. Looking under the bridge to the lake, the bridge and its reflection look like two giant dragons are playing. From the bridge, the lake looks like a piece of green emerald. At first glance, it looks like an unpolished mirror.

Autumn is harvest season, and everything turns to **. Looking at the lake from afar, the reed's summer green clothes ont long been replaced by a golden coat and stand up straight, as if hesitating to say goodbye to the flowers, the fish and the magnificent lake that have accompanied it for two seasons. The trees are covered with yellow leaves. When the autumn wind blows, the golden yellow leaves fall with the wind, paving the road with a golden carpet.

In winter, there is a vast expanse of white everywhere. Luwei took off her golden autumn coat and put on a white cotton-padded jacket. The ground, branches, roofs and mountains are all covered in snow. The big trees have fallen asleep, the flowers too, it seems that they will only wake up next spring. These snow scenes look like black and white photos or Indian ink paintings.

Each of the four seasons of the wetland park has its own beauty and characteristics, with beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery. It would be a shame not to visit the Wetland Park when you come to Liupanshui!

Article 2: A 500-word essay written by elementary school students describing the four seasons in the park

During the holidays, I have been to many places, but the place that makes me linger is always Paddy Field Park in my hometown.

In spring, everything is reborn and hundreds of flowers bloom in clusters. The rapeseed flowers show no weakness as they are dazzling in the sun. Looking from a distance, the rapeseed flowers look like an endless sea, and the sea of ​​flowers is like gold dropped on the ground, making people want to grab a handful. Looking closer, the rapeseed flowers look like a little girl wearing a green shirt and green skirt, whispering to her friend next to her! It's like a group of children playing with one, two, three wooden figures. A gust of wind passed and thescent of rapeseed flowers suddenly filled my heart. The scent of flowers also attracts thousands of butterflies and bees that circle in the sky, creating an image of singing birds and fragrant flowers.

In the summer, my parents and I would go to the little river next to the park. The adults played catching fish, swimming and searching for water with their feet. I almost forgot to go home. What an image of playing in the water!

In autumn, the ears of rice bend the pole. The autumn wind blows slowly, and the ears of rice are like layers of golden waves. At a glance, there is a vineyard in the distance. The grapes are purple and green. Each grape is large and sweet. If you pick one and eat it in one bite, the sweetness will fill your entire mouth, making you feel full. aftertaste.

There are not only beautiful scenery, but also fun play facilities, including a variety of bicyclesfamily, trampolines and trampolines. What I want to focus on here is family bikes. Cycling with the family, telling jokes and swimming in the rice field park is very satisfying.

There is also delicious food here. If you are tired of walking, come to the food street. There are delicious and beautiful rice cakes, hot peppers specially added to rice, and delicious pork feet simmered with herbs. Among them, my favorite is chili shake. It is prepared by frying the chili, adding your favorite food, then putting it in a tool to shake. A bowl of chili shake is done!

A 500-word essay written by elementary school students describing the four seasons in the park

In my mind, the four seasons in the park has its own characteristics.

Spring is here, spring returns to earth and spring flowers bloomweave. The wild geese were returning from the south, young leaves were emerging from the trunks of the tall trees, the grass was growing taller and taller, the river ice was melting, and more and more people were slowly visiting the park. To me, spring is a green and vibrant season.

In summer, the park is full of vitality. The entire park is covered in green colors. The lotus flowers in the lake are also blooming. Dense leaves block strong sunlight. is in the shade of the trees! I prefer summer, because in summer I can eat cold ice cream and swim happily.

In autumn, everything is golden. The leaves in the park are slowly turning yellow and falling like light rain. When you step on fallen leaves, you will hear the rustling of fallen leaves. . Autumn is also the harvest season.

After the snow in winter, the park is silvery white and the stubborn pines are covered with a thick layer of neige. The park looks like a white forest. As long as you shake the pines, there will be snow. It will fall on your head and face, and it will be cold. The river in the park is starting to freeze over and you will see a lot of people paddling on the ice. Winter is our children’s paradise. We have snowball fights and build snowmen.

The four seasons show their most beautiful aspects in the park, and also show their differences. I love the four seasons!

A 500-word essay written by elementary school students describing the four seasons in the park

Dingshan Park is a newly built town in Jiangjin. The park has the beauty of Dingshan and Aiping Mountains and combines the beauty of ancient and modern buildings and gardens, like a shining pearl.

Spring is here with the singing of birds and the scent of flowers. There are cockscombs, grasse of yellow peacock, millennial red, periwinkle, etc. The flowers here are blooming and colorful, like a colorful tapestry. Children are like little bees, happily hiding and searching in the sea of ​​flowers. A breeze blew, making the surface of Dingshan Lake shimmer and ripple. Adults hang out and play here. Some were boating on the crystal clear lake, some were flying kites and some were fishing. Seeing this scene reminds me of a saying: Jiang Taigong fishes – those who wish to take the bait.

The scorching sun is here, and the small flowers and grass are falling, but the trees are growing green and leafy, like a big open green velvet umbrella and like a big natural tent. Sweaty people came in groups to enjoy the shade under the trees. The cicada kept screaming at the tree, as if to say: It's so hot, it's so hot! Some lotus flowers in the summerang lotuses are in bud, some are in full bloom and others are not ready. Want to wither away but not be left behind, as if we were competing for beauty. I couldn't help but think of two other poems: the lotus leaves touching the sky are infinite green, and the lotus flowers reflecting the sun are unique red. The little lotus has just revealed its sharp corners, and a dragonfly has already perched on it.

Autumn is here, with crisp, clear air. Although the remaining flowers are faded and the fallen leaves are colorful, there is a unique beauty. Pieces of fallen golden leaves are like naughty children leaving their mother's arms in the big tree and coming to play on the ground. People walk on dead leaves and the sound of dead leaves seems to accompany them.

Winter with the north wind arrives and the park currently offers a unique landscape. The whole park seemed very calme, but there were still many people who insisted on exercising and came to Dingshan Park wearing thick clothes. The rare snow gives the white color to the gentle winter flowers. If the mildness of winter smells good until the cold, the sweet-scented osmanthus is not left out and competes with the mildness of winter, attracting many tourists. The snow also dressed Dingshan Park in silver, which is particularly enchanting from the top of! the mountain below Look, it's a vast white scene!

Ah, Dingshan Park is so picturesque, I love Dingshan Park in Jiangjin!

A 500-word composition written by primary school students describing the four seasons in the park

Do you know? The most beautiful place is Beishan Park. Because it's picturesque all year round.

Spring is here, Beishan Park is full of life: look! The herbs poked their heads out one after the otherthe other and looked here and there wearily as if they had just woken up. The willows tore off some buds, they saw a little bright yellow on the green branches. so beautiful.

In summer it just rained. The rain was neither heavy nor too light. It gently bathed the sky, the earth and the park. Each petal was covered in raindrops. There is no impurity at all. The air is so fresh, it's like having mint ice cream in your mouth, all thanks to the plants in the park.

In autumn, the park at dawn is filled with the smell of dew. The wildflowers sway in the morning breeze, and the dew on the petals is like stars scattered on the ground. When a red sun rises, each drop of dew reflects a red sun. It's my favorite moment. The sky is blue, the clouds are white, and the wind is refreshing. This type of wind is called golden wind because there is a scent of golden osmanthus in the wind.

In winter, the park is dotted with stars, and the forest is quiet under the starry sky, without a trace of sound. The next morning it was cloudy. The sky, the mountains, the forests and the buildings. It looks like they are all dipped in light ink. What a freehand ink painting.

A 500-word essay written by elementary school students describing the four seasons in the park

There is a beautiful park in my hometown—Xiangshan Park. The landscape is charming all year round and makes you forget to leave.

In spring, everything is reborn and the trees in Xiangshan Park sprout new branches and sprout green leaves. In the garden, the jasmine flowers bloomed with smiles, and the morning glories sounded their purple trumpets. The rose could not help but sing the song of spring, attracting flocks of geese returning south to play in the garden.

In summer, theTrees grow lush and green, and the whole park is like a sea of ​​greenery. There is a meadow in front of the garden. Children often read and play games on the grass, enjoying the blue sky, white clouds and green grass that nature brings us.

In autumn, the leaves fell from the tall trees, fell into the arms of Mother Earth, and kissed the face of Mother Earth. Red maple leaves are like flying butterflies. Except for the pine and cypress trees, the leaves of the other trees fell, as if walking on a golden carpet.

In winter, every time it snows, Xiangshan Park becomes a world covered in silver. Everything is white and it seems like the whole world is lit up. Children often build snowmen and have snowball fights in the snow, which is a great time.

I love the magnificent landscapes of these four seasons and Ilove Xiangshan Park!

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