I have a compatriot who does this. I am in Guangzhou.
Generally speaking, as a customer, I can give you some small suggestions: first of all, we will choose purified water from a well-known brand, because after all, it is intended for the consumption. Who has never heard of it? Know what type of water it is.
As for Zhongshan, there are suppliers or liaison offices for major brands like Wahaha, Robust, C'estbon and Nongfu Spring. I usually drink Robust mineral water, so I recommend it to you at least. a great water brand.
The gross profit for a bucket of water is generally around 4 yuan. Including house rental, labor costs for water delivery and other expenses, it can reach about 3 yuan. Depending on the sales volume, the profit will be. be different.
Okay, that's all I can help you with. I hope your business succeedshas.