The reasons why the wind turbine tower will crack are:
1. As the height of the wind turbine tower becomes higher and higher, the natural frequency of the tower becomes smaller and smaller. , and this resonates with the rotation frequency of the wind turbine. The risks are becoming greater and greater, so the materials of the towers are gradually changing from steel to concrete. Concrete towers have advantages that steel towers do not have.
2. It is characterized by: low material costs; it can be cast on site or nearby, saving on transportation costs; it has a high natural frequency and is not subject to resonance etc. However, concrete towers also have some disadvantages, including: immature technology and easy cracking.
3. If the concrete tower cracks, it will cause great operational risks and could causehide its collapse. Currently, strain gauges can only be installed on prototype concrete to measure strain, or to monitor the strain of steel strands. However, since the deformation of concrete is very small, it is difficult to detect abnormal conditions with conventional methods. Therefore, abnormal conditions often occur. Concrete cracking ranges from minor cracks that go unnoticed to possibly severe cracks that cause excessive vibration and shutdowns.