How to get from Hezhou Zhongshan to Guilin Tongle?

Introduction How to drive from Zhongshan, Hezhou to Tongle, Guilin: The total distance is approximately 341.6 kilometers. Starting point: Zhongshan County 1. Driving plan in Zhongshan County 1) Start from the starting point due north and drive 5.

How to get from Hezhou Zhongshan to Guilin Tongle?

Itinerary: The total distance is about 341.6 kilometers

Starting point: Zhongshan County

1 Route map in Zhongshan County< /p>

1. ) From the starting point due north, continue 50 meters, turn right into Guangzhou West Road

2) Continue along Guanghua West Road for 30 meters, turn left into Xingzhong Middle Road

3) Follow the road for 810 meters onto Xingzhong Middle Road, pass Siji Muge Solar on the right for about 140 meters, head towards Beihuan East Road/Hezhou, turn right onto Beihuan West Road

4) Follow Beihuan West Road Continue for 670 meters and continue straight into Beihuan East Road

5) Continue along Beihuan East Road for 1.8 kilometers, direction G78/Huilong/ Tonggu, turn right onto Yingbin Avenue

6 ) Continue along Yingbin Avenue for 16.5 kilometers, towards Guilin/Wuzhou, turn slightly right ontoramp

7) Continue along the ramp for 350 meters and go straight on the Shantou-Kunming Expressway

8) Travel 6.3 km along the expressway Shantou-Kunming, direction Guilin/Liuzhou/G65/G78, turn slightly right onto ramp

2. Travel 390 meters along the ramp and continue straight to Baomao. Expressway

3. Travel 146.8 kilometers along Baomao Expressway and go directly into Guilin Ring Expressway

4. Travel 15.5 kilometers along the Guilin Ring Highway towards Airport/Lingui/Urban Guilin. area/Longsheng, turn slightly right onto the ramp

5. Travel 700 meters along the ramp and continue straight into Guilin Ring Road Expressway

6. Travel 5.3 kilometers along the Guilin Ring Road Expressway. towards Guilin/Long In the direction of Sheng, turn slightly right and enter Liaotian Interchange

7. Continue along Liaotian Interchange for 590 meters and turn right to enter Airport Expressway. 8. Follow the Airport Expressway for 420 meters, continue straight onto Airport Road

9. Continue along Airport Road for 140 meters, continue straight onto Airport Road

10. for 5.2 kilometers, then enter the second west ring road

11. Continue along the Second West Ring Road for 2.7 kilometers and turn left into Guangcheng Line

12. Follow the Guangcheng Line for 73.8 kilometers. kilometers and continue straight along Guilong Road

13. Continue along Guilong Road for 1.8 kilometers, pass Dazheng Intelligent Kitchen Appliances Longsheng store on the right for about 240 meters, turn left and enter Xinglong West Road

14. Continue on Xinglong West Road for 27.7 km, turn left

15. Travel 3.3 kilometers, pass itLiuman village on the right for about 270 meters, turn right ahead

16. . Driving plan in Guilin

1) Drive 2.3 kilometers, turn right

2) Drive 3.8 kilometers, turn right

3) Ride 7.8. kilometers, turn left

4) Drive 710 meters, pass Haier (Sanmen) on the left, turn left

5) Drive 540 meters, turn right ahead

6) Travel 8.3 kilometers, turn left

7) Travel 4.3 kilometers to the end point

End point: Tongle

How to take the secondary highway from Hezhou Zhongshan to Nanning

Route: about 291.7 kilometers

Starting point: Jinxiu Town

1 Route plan in the town of Laibin

1) Start from the starting point due north, drive 430 meters along Xiushui Road, turn right

2) Drive 30 meters, turn left back

3) Drive 90 meters, turn right, turn

4) Continue 740 meterss, turn left

2 Continue 90 meters, turn right on X645

3 Continue on X645 for 31.6 kilometers. , ahead on the right, turn into the S307

4. Continue on S307 for 18.6 kilometers, pass Toupai village on the right for about 200 meters, head towards Lipu and turn right into Ruilin Line

5. Continue along Ruilin Line for 39.1 kilometers, towards Pingle, turn slightly right to enter Lita Road

6 Continue along Lita Road for 1.1 kilometers, turn left to enter Lita Road

< p>7. Continue along Lita Road for 180 meters, take the second exit, direction Guilin/Lita Road, and continue straight onto Lita Road.

8 Continue along Lita Road for 180 meters and pass on the road. right After about 290 meters from Kexin Solar on the side, go straight into Lita Road

9. Continue along Lita Road for 80meters, take the second exit and go straight into Lita Road

10. Continue along Lita Road for 890 meters, turn right into Zhongyuan South Road.

11. Continue along Zhongyuan South Road for 1.8 kilometers, pass Haoyouduo Fishing Village on the right for about 160 meters and continue. straight on Zhongyuan South Road

12. Continue on Zhongyuan South Road for 120 meters, take the second exit, direction Pingle, and continue straight on Ruilin Line

13. Ruilin Line for 47.6 kilometers, direction Pingle G65/G78/Guilin/Wuzhou, turn right

14. Travel 430 meters towards Hezhou/Wuzhou, turn slightly right and take the ramp

15. Continue along the ramp for 490 meters, turn right to enter Baomao Highway

16. Drive 55.9 kilometers along Baomao Expressway towards Zhongshan/Fuchuan/Hezhou/Guangzhou, turn lSlightly right and take the ramp.

17 .Drive 740 meters along the ramp and continue straight on the Shantou-Kunming Expressway.

18 Drive 82.7 km along the Shantou-Kunming Expressway. Kunming. At the Xindu/G207 exit, turn slightly right and enter the Xindu Overpass

19. Travel 730 meters along the Xindu Overpass, turn left and enter the Xihai Line

20 driving plan in Hezhou City


1) Travel 6.2 kilometers along the Xihai Line, towards Guangzhou, turn slightly left and enter S301

2) Continue along S301 for 580 meters and turn right

3) Continue 510 meters to the end (on the left side of the road)

End point: Xindu town

Itinerary from Zhaoping City, Hezhou to Fuchuan, Hezhou

Itinerary: about 515.2 kilometers in total

< p>Starting point:Zhongshan County

1. Plan ofe driving in Hezhou City

1) Start from the starting point due north, drive 50 meters, turn right into Guangchang West Road

2) Continue along Square West Road for 30 meters, turn left into Xingzhong Middle Road

3) Continue along Xingzhong Middle Road for 810 meters, pass Siji Muge Solar on the right for about 140 meters. meters, and head north. Towards Huandong Road/Hezhou, turn right into Beihuan West Road

4) Continue along Beihuan West Road for 670 meters and go straight into Beihuan East Road

5 ) Follow Beihuan West Road, drive 1.8 kilometers on East Road, direction G78/Huilong/Tonggu, turn right onto Yingbin Avenue

6) Continue along Yingbin Avenue for 16.5 kilometers , direction Guilin/Wuzhou, turn slightly right onto the ramp

7) Continue along the ramp for 350 meters and continue straight on the highwaye Shantou-Kunming

8) Continue along the Shantou-Kunming Expressway for 6.3 kilometers towards Wuzhou/Huangyao/Luoding/Maoming. Turn slightly right onto the ramp

2. Continue along the ramp for 750 meters and turn right to enter Baomao Expressway.

3. Continue along Baomao Highway for 194.1 kilometers. Toward Yulin/Nanning, turn slightly right to enter Cenxi South Interchange

4. Travel 790 meters along the Cenxi South Interchange and continue straight into Baomao Expressway

5. Baomao Expressway for 230 meters and continue straight into Guangkun Expressway

6. Continue along Guangkun Expressway for 223.9 kilometers, direction Nanning/Baise, turn slightly right onto ramp

7. Continue along the ramp for 980 meters and continue straight onto Quannan Expressway

8. Continue along Quannan Expressway for 52.2 kilometers et continue straight onto Quannan Expressway

9. Quannan Expressway for 150 meters and continue straight into Minzu Avenue

10. Driving plan in Nanning

1) Continue along Minzu Avenue for 10.8 kilometers and continue straight into Jiangbei Avenue

2) Continue along the Jiangbei Avenue for 1.1 kilometers and turn right into Beida South Road

3) Continue along Beida South Road for 250 meters, pass Binjiang Junjing Plaza-Block A on the right for about 150 meters . meters, turn right and enter Beida South Road

4) Continue along Beida South Road for 440 meters, about 190 meters after passing the Nanning Nanda Medical Clinic building on the left, towards from Hengyang Road/Longteng Road/Daxue. Road, turn slightly left onto Beida North Road

5) Continue along Beida North Road for 1.3 km, towards Mingxiu Road/Baise, continue straight onUniversity East Road

6) Continue on University East Road for 1.0 kilometers, turn slightly left and enter the University East Road auxiliary road

7) Along the road branch of University East Road, continue for 200 meters and turn right

8) Continue 120 meters to the end (on the left side of the road)

End point: program for secondary disciplines

How many kilometers are there between Hezhou Zhongshan and Beihai Yintan

Itinerary: the total distance is approximately 86.6 kilometers

Starting point: Guild Town

1. Start from the starting point due north, follow Jianshe South Road for 90 meters, and continue straight into Jianshe North Road

2. Continue on Jianshe North Road for 1.8 kilometers, go straight and enter X706

3. Continue on X706 for 27.2 kilometers, turn right onto Yingbin Avenue

4. Yingbin Avenue on 11.5 kilometers, direction Hezhou/Fuchuan, turn right onto Beihuan East Road

5. Travel 380 meters along Beihuan East Road and continue straight on Ruilin Line

6. kilometers along the Ruilin Line towards Fuchuan. Turn left to enter G323

7. Continue along G323 for 90 meters and turn left to enter Xihai Line.

8. Continue along the Xihai Line for 7.5 kilometers. towards Bucheon and continue straight on S203

9. Continue on S203 for 24.3 kilometers, direction Urban Area/Fenghuang Road, and continue straight on Fenghuang Road

10. for 1.7 kilometers and pass Sangle Solar on the left. After about 90 meters, turn left and enter Jianshe Road

11. Continue along Jianshe Road for 380 meters and turn left onto Xinjian Road. >12. Continue along Xinjian Road for 330 meters and turn right

13 Continue 10 meters to the end point

End point: Fuchuan Yao Autonomous County

Itinerary: about 532.7 kilometers in total


Starting point: Zhongshan County

1 Route plan in the city of Hezhou

1) Start from the starting point due north, drive 50 meters, turn right into the west of the square road

2) Continue along Guangguang West Road on 30 meters, turn left into Xingzhong Middle Road.

3) Continue along Xingzhong Middle Road for 810 meters, pass Four Seasons Muge Solar on the right for about 140 meters, head towards Beihuan East Road/Hezhou, turn right into Beihuan West Road.

4) Continue along Beihuan West Road for 670 meters and continue straight into Beihuan East Road.

5) Continue along Beihuan East Road for 1.8 kilometers, direction G78/Huilong/Tonggu, turn right into Yingbin Avenue

6) Continue alongYingbin Avenue for 16.5 kilometers, direction Guilin/Wuzhou, turn slightly right onto the ramp

7) Travel 350 meters along the ramp and continue straight towards Shantou. -Kunming Expressway

8) Travel 6.3 kilometers along the Shantou-Kunming Expressway towards Wuzhou/Huangyao/Towards Luoding/Maoming, turn slightly right onto the ramp. p>

2. the ramp for 750 meters and turn right to enter Baomao Highway

3. Continue along Baomao Expressway for 194.1 kilometers, towards Yulin/Nanning, turn slightly right to enter Guangkun Expressway

4. Continue along Guangkun Expressway on 790 meters, go straight and enter Baomao Expressway

5.Go 230 meters on Baomao Expressway and continue straight on Guangkun Expressway

6. Travel 77.8 kilometers along Guangkun Expressway towards Yulin East/Beihai/YudongNew District/S2101 and turn slightly right onto ramp

6. p> p>

7. Travel 980 meters along the ramp and go straight into Yulin Ring Highway

8. Travel 71.0 kilometers along Yulin Ring Highway and go straight into Zitie Highway

9 .Drive 88.6 km along Zitie Expressway, direction Qinzhou/Nanning/G75, turn slightly right onto the ramp

10 Drive 740 meters along the ramp and continue straight onto Lanhai Expressway

. p>

11. Drive 27.3 kilometers along Lanhai Expressway, towards Beihai/Lingshan, turn slightly right to enter Lanhai Expressway.

12 Drive 1, 7 kilometers along Lanhai Expressway and continue straight into Lanhai Expressway. Sanbei Highway

13. Follow Sanbei Expressway for 25.8 kilometers and continue straight into Sanbei Expressway

14. Follow Sanbei Expressway for 10 meters and continue straightoit


15. Driving plan in Beihai Town

1) Drive 550 meters towards Beihai Yintan, go straight into Yintan Avenue

2) Continue along the avenue Yintan for 12.6 kilometers, turn left. and enter Shanghai Road

3) Continue along Shanghai Road for 2.8 kilometers, turn right into Yintan Middle Road

4) Continue along Yintan Middle Road for 190 meters, turn around and enter Yintan. Middle Road

5) Continue along Yintan Middle Road for 100 meters and reach the end point (on the right side of the road)

End point: Beihai Yintan

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