The calculator does not display the time for basking in the sun. Solar calculators use solar energy as a power source and can be used when there is energy in the sun. When sunlight hits the solar module, it can power the calculator. There is also a battery inside to store energy. The current reason is probably that the rechargeable battery needs to be replaced. So the calculator doesn't say it's time to sunbathe.
Should the solar calculator be exposed to sunlight?
Yes. A solar calculator is a calculator that can be used under light or in the sun without batteries. The solar panel can still be used if there is not much water in it. After the water enters, you can wait for the water vapor inside to dry to see if it can still be used. If it is still unusable after the steam has driedau, the circuit board must be replaced.
Required. A solar calculator needs sunlight to fully utilize solar panels to absorb light energy and convert it into electrical energy. A solar calculator is an electronic calculator that uses solar energy for energy conversion. , which converts light energy into electrical energy through lighting for use by the calculator.