How far is it from Nanxi Town to Maguan County?

Introduction How far is the road distance from Nanxi City to Maguan County: the total distance is about 1,481.6 kilometers. Starting point: Nanxi City 1. Driving plan in Chongqing 1) Start from the starting point heading southeast and follow Qinglong Road.

How far is it from Nanxi Town to Maguan County?

Itinerary: The total distance is about 1,481.6 kilometers

Starting point: Nanxi city

1 Chongqing driving plan

1) From the starting point Start heading southeast, follow Qinglong Road for 90 meters, turn left and enter Zhifu Road

2) Continue along Zhifu Road for 130 meters , turn right

3) Proceed for 120 meters, turn left and enter Zhifu Road

4) Travel 170 meters along Zhifu Road, turn left onto Nanxi Avenue

5) Travel 3.4 kilometers along Nanxi Avenue towards Gaoyang/Kaixian/Wanzhou Direction, turn left straight ahead

6) Continue 1.6 kilometers and continue straight on Changpeng Road

7) Continue along Changpeng Road for 2.4 kilometers and cross Guiqiao on the left. Village, turn left ahead

8) Drive 600 meters, turn right

9) Drive 2.2 kilometers, turn left

10) Drivez 2.3 kilometers, turn left

2. Travel 6.3 kilometers, turn left and enter the S305

3. Continue along the S305 for 20.3 kilometers, continue straight on slip road

4. Follow the ramp and continue for 210 meters, turn right and enter Yingbin Avenue

5. Continue along Yingbin Avenue for 1.1 km, turn around and enter Yingbin Avenue

6. Continue along Yingbin Avenue for 1.1 km. 990 meters. Head towards Kaixian/Wuxi/Nanxi/Huangshi and turn slightly left onto ramp

7. Follow the ramp for 1.7km and continue straight onto Hurong Highway

8. Follow Hurong Expressway for 55.8 kilometers on the highway towards Liangping/Dianjiang/Chongqing City, turn slightly right and enter Hegoutang

9 Bridge. Continue along Hegoutang Bridge for 790 meters and continue straight into Hurong. Highway

10. Browse 127.8kilometers along the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway and continue straight on the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway

11. Travel 92.5 kilometers along the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway towards Banan/Airport. /G5001 and turn slightly right onto the ramp

12. Travel 1.9 kilometers along the ramp and continue straight on Chongqing Ring Expressway

13. Travel 71.3 kilometers along the Chongqing Ring Highway towards. Jiangjin/Simianshan/Hejiang/Luzhou, turn slightly right to enter the Ring Road and Chongqing-Shanghai Interchange

14. Travel 880 meters along the Ring Road and the Chongqing-Shanghai Interconnection, and continue straight into the Chengdu-Shanghai Interchange. Chongqing Ring Expressway

15. Follow the Chengdu-Chongqing Ring Expressway for 121.5 kilometers towards the western section of Luzhou Ring City/Luzhou Naxi/Luzhou Kuangchang/Luzhou Hushi, turn slightlyturn right and enter the Baihelin Viaduct

15. p>

16. Follow the Baihelin viaduct for 590 meters and cross. After about 1.8 kilometers from Wangjiaqiao, continue straight to Xia-Rong Highway

17. Follow Xia-Rong Expressway for 243.6. kilometers, then continue straight to Hangrui Highway

18. Continue along Hangrui Highway for 11.4 kilometers. Continue straight on Xia-Rong Highway

19. 48.7 kilometers, go straight to Liupanshui Airport Expressway

20. Continue along Liupanshui Airport Expressway for 3.2 kilometers, turn slightly left to enter Hangrui Expressway

21. Continue along Liupanshui Airport Expressway for 28.2 kilometers, turn. Turn slightly right onto the ramp

22. Travel 840 meters along the ramp and continue straight onto Weiban Highway

23. Travel 91.4 kilometersalong the Weiban Expressway towards Qujing/Kunming. slightly to the right Turn onto the ramp

24. Travel 730 meters along the ramp and continue straight on Shanghai-Kunming Expressway

25. Travel 105.4 kilometers along the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway. , at the Qujing/Luliang exit, turn slightly right. Turn onto the ramp

26. Follow the ramp for 730 meters and turn right to enter Ziwu Road

27. along Ziwu Road for 910 meters and turn left into Jingjiang Road

28. Continue along Jingjiang Road for 210 meters and continue straight into Caiyun Road

29. Continue along Caiyun Road for 280 meters. towards Jinbao Road South/Sanbao and turn right onto Jinbao Road

30. Continue along Jinbao Road for 1.5 kilometers and go straight into Quhuang

31 section. for 19.6 kilometers towards Huangnibao and turn slightly right toenter the Xiuhe line

32. Continue along the Xiuhe Line for 35.6 kilometers and turn right

33. left

34. Continue for 1.3 kilometers and go straight on Xishi Highway

35. Continue along West Rock Highway for 1.5 miles and turn left

36. Continue for 50 yards and go straight on ramp

37. Continue along the ramp for 680 meters, go straight to Xishi level 1

38. Continue along Xishi level 1 for. 12.0 kilometers, go straight to Shantou-Kunming Highway

39. Continue along Shantou-Kunming Expressway for 25.1 kilometers, go straight until ramp

40. Travel 930 meters along the ramp, continue straight on Shantou-Kunming Expressway

41. Travel 430 meters along Shantou-Kunming Expressway, direction Nanning/G80, turn slightly right onto ramp

42. crawlfor 900 meters, cross the Stone Forest Bridge for about 760 meters and continue straight on Guangkun Highway

43. Follow Guangkun Expressway for 103.9 kilometers towards Wenshan/Nanning/Peng towards Pu. /Suolong Temple, turn slightly right and take ramp

44. Follow the ramp for 1.1 kilometers and continue straight on Guangkun Highway

45. Follow Guangkun Expressway for 117.6. kilometers. At the Yanshan exit, turn slightly right onto ramp

46. Drive 400 meters along the ramp and continue straight

Drive 5.3 kilometers and continue straight into Minhang Road<. /p>

48. Continue along Minhang Road for 5.6 kilometers and continue straight onto S206

49. Continue along S206 for 27.2 kilometers and turn slightly right onto Kaihua South Road

50. Continue along Kaihua South Road for 1.1 kilometers, turn slightlyerly to the right on the ramp

51. Follow the ramp 23.0 meters, pass Xinping overpass, turn right to Xinping overpass

52. Continue along Xinping Overpass for 70 meters, turn right towards Xinping Road

53. Continue along Xinping Road for 1.8. kilometers, go straight to the Wendu

54 line. Travel 36.2 kilometers along the Wendu Line, go straight to Pojiao Tunnel

55. Travel 360 meters along the Pojiao Tunnel, and go straight to Wendu Line

56. Driving plan in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture

1) Follow the Wendu Line for 14.3 kilometers and go straight to S206

2) Continue on the S206 for 590 meters, go straight into the S206

3) Continue on the S206 for 50 meters, take the second exit, towards Maguan County, continue straight into thea S209

4) Continue on S209 for 1.1 kilometers, towards Cheng District/Juncheng Road, turn slightly right into Juncheng Road

5) Continue along from Juncheng Road for 570 meters, pass Hyundai Sunshine Jinbid Solar on the right for about 100 meters, and continue straight into Juncheng Road Cheng Road

6) Continue along Juncheng Road for 190 meters, take the second exit, direction Juncheng Road/Wenhua Road, and continue straight. in Juncheng Road

7) Along Juncheng Road, drive 20 meters onto Cheng Road, pass Sangle Solar Energy on the right for about 300 meters, then turn around and enter Juncheng Road

8) Continue along Juncheng Road for 10 meters and reach the end point

The end point: Maguan County

How many kilometers are there -it between Fangchenggang and Wenshan Maguan

Itinerary: the total distance is about 324.9 kilometers

Starting point: Stone Forest Scenic Area

1 Directions to Kunming

1) Go north from the starting point, travel 80 meters , turn right

2) Go 80 meters, turn right

3) Go 100 meters, turn right


4) Continue 880 meters, turn right into Shilin Middle Road

5) Continue along Shilin Middle Road for 550 meters, continue straight on Fukun Line

6) Go straight along the Fukun Line for 100 meters, go straight into the Fukun Line

7) Continue along the Fukun Line for 390 meters, at the 3rd exit, turn left and enter the Shantou-Kunming Expressway

8) Continue along Shantou-Kunming Expressway for 70 meters, go straight and enter Shantou-Kunming Expressway

9) Continue along along Shantou-Kunming Expressway for 2.9 kilometers, direction Nanning/G80, turn slightly. to the right on theramp

2. Continue along the ramp for 880 meters, cross Shilin Bridge for about 760 meters, and continue straight into Guangkun Expressway

3. Expressway Travel 103.6 km on the expressway towards Wenshan/Nanning/Pengpu/Suolong Temple, turn slightly left onto ramp

4. Continue along the ramp for 1.1 km and continue straight onto Guangkun Highway


5. Travel 117.7 kilometers along the Guangkun Highway. At the Yanshan exit, turn slightly right onto ramp

6. Travel 400 meters along the ramp and continue straight

7. Travel 5.3 kilometers and continue straight on Minhang Road

8. Travel 5.6 kilometers along Minhang Road and continue straight on S206

9. Continue on the S206 for 27.2 kilometers. and turn slightly to turn right onto Kaihua South Road

10. Continue along Kaihua South Road for 1.1 kilometers, turn slightlyerly to the right on the ramp

11. Continue along the ramp for 230 meters. , cross the Xinping Overpass and turn right to enter the Xinping Overpass

12. Continue along Xinping Overpass for 70 meters, turn right and enter Xinping Road

13. Continue along Xinping Road. Travel 1.8 kilometers and continue straight on the Wendu Line

< p>14. Travel 36.2 kilometers along the Wendu Line and continue straight into the Pojiao Tunnel

15. Travel 360 meters along the Pojiao Tunnel and. go directly to the Wendu

16 line. Wenshan Zhuang Nationality Driving Plan in Miao Autonomous Prefecture

1) Follow the Wendu Line for 14.3 kilometers and go straight to S206

2) Continue on the S206 for 590 meters and continue straight on until the S206

3) Continue on the S206 for 50 meters, take the secondexit, direction Maguan County, continue straight on S209

4) Continue on S209 for 1.1 kilometers, direction Cheng District/Juncheng Road, turn slightly right. Enter Juncheng Road

5) Continue along Juncheng Road for 570 meters, pass Hyundai Sunshine Jinbid Solar on the right turn for about 100 meters and continue straight into Juncheng Road

< p>6) Continue along Juncheng Road for 190 meters. At the second exit, continue towards Juncheng Road/Wenhua Road and continue straight into Juncheng Road. >

7) Continue along Juncheng Road for 20 meters and pass Sangma Road on the right. After about 300 meters from Le Solar, turn around and enter Juncheng Road.

8) Continue along Juncheng Road to. 10 meters to the end point

End point: Maguan County

Course: approximately 680.4 kilometers in total

Starting point: GovernanceFangchenggang Municipal Building

1. Driving plan in Fangchengang Town

1) From the starting point, continue due south, travel 10 meters along Yingbin Street, turn around and enter Yingbin Street

2) Continue along Yingbin Street for 1.9 kilometers, turn left and enter Beibuwan Avenue

3) Continue along Beibuwan Avenue for 1.8 kilometers, turn slightly right and enter Qindong Expressway

4) Continue along Qindong Expressway for 3.1 km and continue straight into Qindong Expressway

2. Continue along Qindong Expressway for 20 meters and continue straight into Qindong Expressway

3. . Follow Qindong Expressway for 30.5 kilometers towards Nanning and turn slightly right onto ramp

4. Follow the road for 900 meters on the ramp and continue straight onto Lanhai Expressway

5. 4.5km along Lanhai e ExpresswayIn the direction of Shangsi/Chongzuo/S60, turn slightly right and enter Mibiao Interchange

6. Continue along Mibiao Interchange for 1.1 km and continue straight on Hena Expressway

7.Continue along Hena Expressway for 360.8 kilometers and continue straight into Fulong Expressway

8. Continue along Fulong Expressway for 22.4 kilometers and turn slightly right onto ramp

9. the ramp for 1.1 kilometers, go straight into Guangkun Expressway

10. Continue along Guangkun Expressway for 156.2 kilometers, at Yanshan/Wenshan/Xichou/Malipo exit, turn slightly right onto the ramp

11. Travel 680 meters along the ramp and continue straight.

12. Travel 5.3 kilometers and continue straight on Minhang Road

13. Travel 5.6 kilometers along Minhang Road and continue. straight on the S206

< p>14. Continue on the S206 for 27.2kilometers, turn slightly right onto Kaihua South Road

15. Continue on Kaihua South Road for 1.1 kilometers, turn slightly right onto the ramp.

16. Follow the ramp, continue for 230 meters, pass Xinping overpass, turn right towards Xinping overpass.

17. Continue along Xinping Overpass for 70 meters, turn right towards Xinping Road

. p>

18. Continue along Xinping Road for 1.8 kilometers, go straight to Wendu Line

19. Travel 36.2 kilometers along the Wendu Line, go straight to Pojiao Tunnel

20. Travel 360 meters along Pojiao Tunnel, go straight to Wendu Line

21. Driving plan in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture

1) Follow the Wendu Line. for 14.3 kilometers and continue straight until the S206

2) Continue along the S206 for 590 meters, continue tgo straight and enter S206

3) Continue along S206 for 50 meters, take the second exit, direction Maguan County, continue straight on S209

4) Continue on the S209 for 1.1 kilometers. Go towards Cheng District/Juncheng Road, turn slightly right onto Juncheng Road

5) Continue on Juncheng. Continue for 570 meters, pass Hyundai Sunshine Jinbid Solar on the right for about 100 meters, and continue straight on Juncheng Road.

6) Continue along Juncheng Road for 190 meters, take the second exit, towards Juncheng Road. /Wenhua Road, continue straight on Juncheng Road

7) Continue 360 ​​meters on Juncheng Road and reach the end point

End point: Organization Department of the Party Committee Maguan County

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