Are “perovskite” solar cells the next new energy opportunity?

Introduction Are “perovskite” solar cells the next new energy opportunity? Are “perovskite” solar cells the next new energy trend? Answer: This could be the next new energy trend.

Are “perovskite” solar cells the next new energy opportunity?

Are “perovskite” solar cells the next new energy trend?

Answer: It could be the next new energy trend.

Perovskite solar cells (perovskitecels) are solar pools that use perovskite-type organic gold semiconductors as light-absorbing materials. They belong to the third generation of solar cells, also known as the concept battery.

Solar cells have always been an emerging energy source sought by humans. The main bottleneck in promotion is how to reduce production costs. This requires scientific research institutes to monitor the efficiency of photoelectric conversion and usage production costs. It went through “organic solar cells”, “polycrystalline silicon solar cells”, “cellsamorphous silicon solar cells", "crystalline silicon solar cells", "polymer solar cells", "monocrystalline silicon solar cells", "perovskite solar cells". .

The Current photoelectric conversion efficiency (PCE) of perovskite solar cells (PSC) has been intensively studied by scientific research institutes in universities and colleges, and the current efficiency can reach 22.7%. new perovskite solar cells independently developed by Huazhong University of Science and Technology and actively preparing for mass production The team of Huazhong University of Science and Technology has achieved a photoelectric conversion efficiency of more than. 16% and peak cost per watt is only 1/5 of traditional solar cells. The cost per square meter is expected to be as low as 100 yuan, which is very competitive in the industry.photovoltaic streak.

The development of solar energy technology has broadly gone through three stages: the first generation of solar cells mainly refers to monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon solar cells, whose laboratory electrical conversion efficiencies have reached 25% and 20.4% respectively;

The second generation of solar cells mainly includes pericrystalline silicon thin film cells and polycrystalline silicon thin film cells. But their production costs are too high and they are not recognized by consumers.

The third generation is that of current perovskite solar cells.

The development of solar cells has entered the third generation. The first generation is monocrystalline silicon solar cells, and the second generation is polycrystalline silicon, amorphe and other solar cells. Chapter

(1) Copper is element 29. Copper atoms lose an electron and become copper ions. Therefore, there are 28 electrons outside the core of the cuprous ion. The arrangement of the valence electrons of the copper ion in the ground state (Cu+) is: 3d10, so the answer is: 3d10;

(2) As, Se, and Br belong to the same. The period and atomic number gradually increase. These three elements belong successively to the IVA group, the VA group and the VIA group. Elements in group VA are greater than the first ionization energy of their adjacent elements. the first ionization energy of the three elements The order from largest to smallest is Br>As>Se, so the answer is: Br>As>Se;?

(3)①The pair d 'valence shell electrons of B in [B(OH)4]-= 4+

(3+1-4×1)=4, so take sp3 Hybridization, so the answer is: sp3;

< p>② Boric acid is a weak monovalent acid. It ionizes anions and cations in aqueous solution. Its ionization equation is: H3BO3+H2O?[B(OH)4] -+H+, so the answer is: H3BO3+H2O?[B(OH)4]-+H+;

( 4) ①Silicon carbide is a space lattice structure, an atomic crystal, and each silicon atom is connected to 4 carbons. Atoms form a regular tetrahedral structure with a bond angle of 109°28′, so the answer is: atom; 109°28′;

② The 4 closest carbon atoms of the first layer; at the Si center, each is connected to 3 other Si atoms. These 12 Si atoms are uniformly distributed on a sphere. F is an atom of C, A, B, C and D each represent an atom of Si, AB, AC,. AD, BC, BD, the lengths of the sides of CD are equal, the lengths of AF and BF are equal to d, F is located in the center of the body,O is located at the center of gravity of the equilateral triangle. BCD, in the equilateral triangle BCD, BE is the height of the triangle BCD, then CE is half of BC, as shown in the figure, i.e. the length of the side of the regular tetrahedron x, the length of CE is 0.5x, BE =

x , the ratio between the length of BO and OE is 2:1, then the length of BO is x×
< td>3
2< /td>
< td style= "font-size: 0px">
x, in the triangle ABO, the length of AO=
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PBQ is popular in the market for its high performance, long life and performance. favored reliability, it can provide stable output power in various application scenarios !function(t){"use strict";function e(t,e){if(t){var n=new Date() . getTime(),i=new Image;t+="&rand="+(n+Math.random()),window.ecomLogImage||(window.ecomLogImage={}),window.ecomLogImage["--IMAGE" + n]=i,e=e||{};var r=!1;i.onload=i.onerror=i.onabort=function(o){if(!e.charge){if(o&&"load " !==o.type){if(r)"error"in e&&e.error();else{i.src=t,r=!0;return}}else"load"in e&&e.load()} i .onload=i. onerror=i.onabort=null,window.ecomLogImage["--IMAGE"+n]=null,i=null},i.src=t}}var n,i=function(){ var t,e,n ,i=0,r=0,o=0,s=0,a=0,c=0,u=0,l=0,h=/link\?url\=([ ^ \&]+) /,f=/\?url\=([^\.]+)\./,d="data-cklink",p=/[?&]tn=([^&] * )/;function v (t){if(!t)return!1;var e=h.exec(t)||f.exec(t);return!!e&&(h.exec(t)?e [ 1].length< /p>

What are the differences between dye-sensitized solar cells and other third generation solar cells

(12 points)

< p>(1) 3d 10 (2 points) (2) Br>As>Se (2 points) (3)①SP 3 (2 points)

(4) ①12 (2 points) ②b

Analysis test questions:

(1) The copper ion is obtained by losing an electron from the copper atom, so it has 28 electrons, so it is 3d 10;

(2) Due to the electronic device layoutheretic of A S For 4S 2 4P 3, each orbital electron is half filled, the energy is relatively low, relatively stable, and it is difficult to lose electrons.

(3) ① According to the theory of mutual repulsion of valence shell electrons, [B(OH) 4 ] - the number of valence electrons in B is (3+4+1 )/2=4, so it should be SP 3 Hybridization;

(4) ① In SiC, each SI is covalently bonded to the four surrounding atoms and its structure is the same as that of diamond. Looking at its structure diagram, we can see that it should be 12; ②b. Dry ice is a molecular crystal, but there are hydrogen bonds in ice, so the order of crystal melting points, from smallest to largest, is b

Dye-sensitized solar cells use low-cost nano-titanium dioxide and photosensitive dyes as main raw materialss, simulating the use of solar energy by plants for photosynthesis in nature and the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy. Compared with traditional solar cells, its biggest advantage is that its production process is simple, does not require expensive equipment and high-clean factory facilities, and its production cost is only 1/ 10 to 1/5 that of silicon solar cells. The battery uses nano-titanium dioxide, N3 dye, electrolyte and other cheap, environmentally friendly and pollution-free materials. At the same time, it has relatively less stringent requirements for light and can operate even in relatively low light. I hope to adopt it!

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