How far is it from Fengyang to Ku Niuxiang?

Introduction How far is the road from Fengyang to Kunniujiang: the total distance is approximately 485.9 kilometers. Starting point: Fengyang County 1. Driving plan in Chuzhou City 1) Start from the starting point due south and follow Huo Lane.

How far is it from Fengyang to Ku Niuxiang?

Itinerary: The total distance is about 485.9 kilometers

Starting point: Fengyang County

1 Route map in Chuzhou City< /p>

1. ) From the starting point Start due south, follow Huoxiang Road for 320 meters, continue straight into Huoxiang South Road

2) Continue along Huoxiang South Road for 340 meters, turn right into Nanhuan Road

3) Continue for 240 meters along the South Ring Road, pass Haier Water Heater Kitchen Appliances on the left for about 140 meters, then enter Huancheng South Road

4) Continue along the along Huancheng South Road for 120 meters. meters, pass Sanle Solar Energy on the left for approximately 110 meters. After that, turn left into Minling Road

5) Continue along Minling Road for 500 meters, turn right into X057

6) Continue along X057 for 350 meters , turn left into X057


7) Continue alongX057 for 3.8 kilometers and turn right onto the ramp

2 Continue along the ramp for 1.4. kilometers and continue straight into the Fengyang Branch of Ningluo Highway

3. Continue for 25.9 kilometers on the Fengyang Branch of Ningluo Expressway and continue straight into Benghuai Expressway

4. along Benghuai Expressway towards Changfeng/Hefei and turn slightly left to enter Cao'an Viaduct

5. Continue along Cao'an Viaduct for 1.3 kilometers and continue straight on Benghe Highway

6. Continue along Benghe Expressway for 60.2 kilometers and continue straight into Hefei Ring Expressway.

7. Travel 29.1 kilometers along Hefei Ring Expressway towards Tongling/Fuzhou/Anqing/G3, turn slightly right and enter Xiaoxichong Hub

8. Travel 1.5 kilometers along the Xiaoxichong hub and continue straight on the highwayacross Beijing-Taiwan

9. Travel 61.3 kilometers along the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway and continue straight. on He'an Highway

10. Travel 61.5 kilometers along He'an Expressway, cross the Renxing River Bridge and head towards Huaining/Anqing/Jingdezhen/G50, turn slightly right and enter Gezidun Hub.

11. Continue along Gezidun Hub for 2.2 kilometers and go straight to Huyu Expressway.

12. Continue along Huyu Expressway for 44.3 kilometers, heading east to /Jingdezhen/Hangzhou/. Ningbo, turn slightly right to enter Andong Expressway

13. Travel 50.6 kilometers along Andong Expressway and continue straight to Jiguang Expressway

14. Continue along Jiguang Expressway for 34.0 kilometers, heading towards Qimen/Huangshan/Hangzhou, turn slightly right into Taoshudian Hub

15. Continue alongFrom the Taoshudian hub for 670 meters and continue straight into Qifu Highway

16. Qi-Fu Highway for 15.7 kilometers and continue straight on Huang-Qi Highway

17. Continue along the Huang-Qi Expressway for 24.1 kilometers and take the Zhukou/Guniu exit and turn slightly right. on the ramp

18. Continue 390 meters along the ramp and continue straight

19. Continue 200 meters towards Zhukou/Guniujiang, turn right and enter S326

20. Continue on S326 for 2.9 kilometers and turn back right

21. Drive 300 meters and turn left to enter the S221

22. Driving plan in Huangshan Town

1) Drive 30 meters and turn left to enter S221

21. p>

2) Travel 26.9 kilometers along the S221 and turn right

3) Travel 1.1 kilometers to the end (on the right side of the road)< /p>

End: Guniujiang< /p>

How many kilometers is the train from Yongjia to Wenzhou South?

Itinerary: the total distance is about 282.4 kilometers

Departure point: Healthy Train · Yongjia Station

< p>1. Driving plan in Wenzhou

1) Go northeast from the starting point, continue along Jiatai Street for 50 meters, turn right into Huancheng West Road

2) Follow Huancheng West Road for 870 meters, pass Sangle Solar Energy on the left for about 170 meters, head towards S10/Wenzhou, turn right into Wangjiang Road

3) Continue along the Wangjiang Road for 1.1 kilometers and continue straight. Enter S223.

4) Continue along S223 for 5.4 kilometers and continue straight through Huangtianling Tunnel.

5) Continue along Huangtianling Tunnel for 240 meters and continue straight on the S223

6 ) Continue along the S223 for 100 meters and continue straight onthe Lion Rock tunnel

7) Continue along the Lion Rock tunnel for 210 meters and continue straight on the S223

8) Continue on the S223 for 660 meters towards Lishui/Hangzhou/Taizhou/S10, turn right

9) Continue for 400 meters towards Hangzhou/Taizhou/Zhuyong Expressway/ On Shenhai Expressway, turn slightly right and take the ramp

10 ) Follow the ramp for 260 meters and continue straight on the Wenzhou Ring Road

11) Follow the Wenzhou Ring Road for Continue on 14, 7km direction Fuzhou/Wenzhou East/Taizhou/G15 and continue straight on Wenzhou Ring Expressway


2. Continue along Wenzhou Ring Road for 1.7 km and continue straight on Shenhai Ring Road


3. Continue along Shenhai Expressway for 79.6 kilometers and turn slightly right at the Taizhou South/Luqiao exit>

4. Continue along the ramp for 660 meters, towards Jiaojiang/Huangyan/Luqiao. , turn right into Yuanao Line

5. Continue along Yuanao Line for 530 meters, turn left into Yuandian Road

6. Continue along Yuandian Road for 4.6 kilometers and continue straight into Shiyuan Road.

7. Continue along Shiyuan Road for 2.0 kilometers, turn left onto Yinshan Road


8 Continue along Yinshan Road for 2.3 kilometers, turn right onto the Second Ring Road East. Road

9. Continue along Second Ring East Road for 7.5 kilometers, continue straight into Second Ring East Road.

< p>10 Continue along Second Ring East Road for 170 meters, take the second exit. , direction Linhai/Shaoxing, turn slightly right onto Daqiao Road

11. Continue along Daqiao Road for 650 meters and turn slightly left into theJingfu line

12. Jingfu Line for 1.5 kilometers and go directly to Huangtuling Tunnel

13. Travel 990 meters along the Huangtuling Tunnel and continue straight to the Jingfu Line.

14. Travel 10.0 kilometers along Jingfu Line towards Yongtaiwen Expressway, turn slightly right. /p>

15. Continue 180 meters, turn right

16. Continue 570 meters towards Ningbo/Hangzhou, turn slightly right to enter Linhai South Interchange

17. Follow Linhai South Interchange for 440 meters and continue straight onto Shenhai Expressway

18. Continue along Shenhai Expressway for 128.2 kilometers towards Ningbo East/Jiangdong/S1/Beilun, turn slightly right and enter Ningbo Taiwen Expressway. >

19. Continue along Ningbo-Taiwan Expressway for 8.7km and continue directly onto Ningbo-Taiwan Expressway

20 City Driving MapNingbo

1) Walk 40 meters. along Ningbo-Taiwan Expressway and continue straight into Century Avenue

2) Continue along Century Avenue for 1.8 kilometers and enter Baizhang East Road

3 ) Continue along Baizhang East Road for 1.1 kilometers. Enter Fuming Road

4) Continue along Fuming Road for 440 meters and turn left into Zhongshan East Road

5) Continue along Zhongshan East Road for 4.2 kilometers and pass Zhongshan Building. right After about 140 meters, turn right into Changtang Street

6) Continue along Changtang Street for 30 meters, pass the Bank of Communications Building on the right for about 60 meters, then turn left into Xianqian Street

7) Drive 50 meters along Xianqian Street and reach the end point (on the right side of the road)

End point: Ningbo city

What is the distance betweenFengyang, Anhui and Guangdong?Far

Itinerary: about 37.3 kilometers

Starting point: Yongjia County

1. starting point head southwest and follow the county road for 220 meters, turn left onto Huancheng West Road

2. Continue along Huancheng West Road for 1.2 kilometers, pass Sangle Solar Energy on the left for about 170 meters. , head towards S10/Wenzhou, turn right into Wangcheng Jiang Road

3. Continue along Wangjiang Road for 1.1 kilometers and continue straight onto S223

4. Continue on S223 for 5.4 kilometers and go directly into Huangtianling Tunnel

5. Continue along Huangtianling Tunnel for 240 meters and continue straight into S223

6. Continue along the S223 for 100 meters and go straight into the Lion Rock Tunnel.

7. Continue along the Lion Rock Tunnel for 210 meters and continue straight ahead. Intake the S223

8. Continue for 660 meters along S223 towards Lishui/Hangzhou/Taizhou/S10, turn right

7. p>

9. Drive 400 meters towards Lishui/Jinhua/Wenli Expressway, turn slightly right onto ramp

10. Travel 630 meters along the ramp and continue straight into Wenzhou Ring Expressway

. p>

11. Travel 10.2 km along the Wenzhou Ring Expressway towards Wenzhou West/Lishui/Fuzhou/Fujian, turn slightly right into Yangyi Hub

12. Continue along Yangyi Hub for 1.5km and continue. directly in WenligaoExpress

13. Continue along Wenli Expressway for 11.7 kilometers, turn slightly right onto ramp

14. Continue along the ramp for 1.5 kilometers and continue straight onto Ouhai Avenue. >

15. Continue along Ouhai Avenue for 340 meters, turn left and enter Ningbo Road

16. ContinuousWalk along Ningbo Road for 890 meters, turn right

17. 350 meters, towards the taxi In the direction of the car park/underground car park, turn left

18 meters and turn right

19. endpoint

Endpoint: Wenzhou South Railway Station

Question 1: How many kilometers are there between Fengyang County, Anhui Province and Huidong, Guangdong Province? The total distance is approximately 1331.8 kilometers

Starting point: Fengyang County

1. Route map in Fengyang County

1 ) From the starting point due south, continue along Huoxiangzi for 320 meters and continue straight into Huoxiang South Road.

4) Continue along Huoxiang South Road for 120 meters, pass Sangle Solar Energy on the left for approximately 110 meters, then turn left into Minling Road

5) Continue along Minling Road for 500 meters, turn right into X057

< p> 6) Continue along X057 for350 meters, turn left onto X057

7) Continue on X057 for 3.8 kilometers, turn right onto ramp

2. Continue along ramp for 1, 4 kilometers and continue straight into Fengyang Branch of Ningluo Expressway

3. Continue along Fengyang Branch of Ningluo Expressway for 25.9 kilometers and continue straight on the highway Benghuai

4. Travel 34.5 kilometers along Benghuai Highway towards Changfeng/Hefei, turn slightly left and enter Cao'an Viaduct. /p>

5. Continue along the Cao'an Viaduct for 1.2 kilometers and go straight into Benghe Expressway

6. Travel 60.1 kilometers along the Benghe Expressway and go directly into Hefei Ring Expressway 7. Travel 29.3 kilometers along Hefei Ring Expressway towards Tongling/Fuzhou/Anqing/G3 and turn slightly right to enter the Xiaoxichong hub

8. Travel 1.3 kilometers along Xiaoxichong Hub and go straight to Jingtai Expressway

9. Travel 61.3 kilometers along Jingtai Expressway and go straight to 'to He'an Expressway

10. Travel 63.6 kilometers along He'an Expressway and continue straight on Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway

11 129.7 kilometers along Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway towards Jiujiang/Huangmei/G70/G105 and turn slightly right. Enter Huangmei Interchange

12. Drive along Huangmei Interchange for 1.5 kilometers and continue straight into Fuyin High School.Speed

13. Drive 145, 7 kilometers along Fuyin Expressway and go directly to Nanchang Ring Expressway.

14. Travel 52.8 kilometers along Nanchang Ring Expressway towards Xinyu/Ji'an/ Changsha. /Towards G60, continue straight to Nanchang Ring Expressway.

15. Travel 1.4 kilometersres along Nanchang Ring Expressway and continue straight to Shanghai-Kunming Expressway.

16. Travel 72.7 kilometers. along Shanghai-Kunming Expressway towards Guangzhou/Ganzhou/Jinggangshan/Jian, turn slightly left to enter Zhangji Expressway

17. Continue along Zhangji Expressway for 108 .2 kilometers, continue straight to Daguang Expressway

18. Continue along Daguang Expressway, travel 295.5 kilometers on the expressway, and continue straight to Longhe Expressway.

19. Travel 100.5 kilometers along Longhe Expressway and go straight to Changshen Expressway.

20. Travel 88.5 kilometers along Changshen Expressway and head towards Guangzhou/Huizhou North/G35/S21, turn slightly right and take ramp

21. Continue along the ramp for 2, 4 kilometers, pass the Xiaojin Viaduct for approximately 330 meters andcontinue straight on Guanghui Expressway

22. Continue along Guanghui Expressway for 11.6 kilometers and continue straight on S21

23. Continue on S21 for 40 meters and go straight into Guanghui Expressway 24. Continue along Guanghui Expressway for 24.7 kilometers, at the Huibei/Pingtan/G324 exit, turn slightly right to enter Wutang Viaduct

25. Walk along Wutang Viaduct for 330 meters, cross Wutang Viaduct and turn right to enter Wutang Viaduct


26. Huizhou City Driving Map

1) Continue 370 meters along Wutang Viaduct towards Huidong/Daling/G324/Shantou, turn right and enter the Huidong Avenue


2) Continue along Huidong Avenue for 10.6 kilometers, direction *** County/Jianshe Road/Renmin Road, turn right into Renmin Road

3) Continue along Renmin Road for 50meters and pass After about 300 meters from Wanxing Home Appliances Mall on the right, reach the end point (on the right side of the road)

End point: Huidong County

Question 2: Anhui How many kilometers is the route between Fengyang Port and Shantou Port, Guangdong: the total distance is about 1332.9 kilometers

Point of departure: Fengyang Port

1. Route plan in Chuzhou city

1) Departure due south from the starting point, travel 410 meters, turn slightly left on the 'Huaihe Avenue

2) Continue along Huaihe Avenue for 2.9 kilometers, turn left ahead

3) Travel 1.3 km, turn right ahead< /p>

4) Drive 300 meters towards Nanjing/Chuzhou, turn slightly left onto the ramp

5) Drive 310 meters along the ramp, go straight into NingLuo Expressway

6) Continue along Ningluo Highway duringt 2.3 kilometers, turn slightly right onto the ramp

2. Continue along the ramp for 670 meters and go straight into Fengyang Branch. of Ningluo Expressway


3. Travel 50.9 kilometers along the Fengyang Branch of Ningluo Expressway and continue straight into Benghuai Expressway

< p> 4. Travel 34.4 kilometers along Ningluo Highway. Benghuai Expressway towards Changfeng/Hefei and turn slightly left. Enter Cao'an Viaduct.

5. Continue along Cao'an Viaduct for 1.3 kilometers and continue straight into Benghe Expressway.

6. Continue along the Cao'an Viaduct. Benghe Expressway for 60.2 kilometers and continue straight into Hefei Ring Expressway

7. Travel 29.3 kilometers along Hefei Ring Expressway, direction Tongling/Fuzhou/Anqing/G3, turn slightly at right into Xiaoxichong hub

8. Travel 1.3 kilometers along the cbetween Xiaoxichong, go straight to the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway.

9. Travel 61.3 kilometers along the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway, go straight to the expressway He'an.


10. Drive 61.6 kilometers along He'an Expressway and cross the Renxing River Bridge, direction Huaining/Anqing/Jingdezhen/G50, turn slightly right and enter Gezidun Hub

11. Travel 2.2 kilometers along Gezidun Hub and continue straight on Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway

12. Travel 44.3 kilometers along Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway, cross Anqing Yangtze River Bridge, head east to /Jingdezhen/Hangzhou/Ningbo, turn slightly right onto Andong Expressway< /p>

13. Travel 50.6 kilometers along Andong Highway, continue straight and enter Ji-Guang Highway

14. Travel 323.7 kilometers along Ji Expressway -Guang Expressway towards Fuzhou/Guangzhou, turn slightly left onto the ramp

15. Travel 1.9 kilometers along the ramp and continue straight. Enter Jiguang Expressway

16. Travel 5.0 kilometers along Jiguang Expressway. and continue straight on Fuyin Expressway.

17. Travel 460 meters along Fuyin Expressway towards Ruijin/Guangzhou. Turn right onto the ramp.

18. Travel 1.5 kilometers along the ramp and go straight onto the highway. Jiguang Expressway

19. Travel 432.4 kilometers along Jiguang Expressway and turn slightly right into Zhuanshui Interchange

20. Travel 440 meters along from Zhuanshui Interchange and continue straight on Changshen Expressway

21. Travel 13.4 kilometers along Changshen Expressway towards Shantou/G78 and turn slightly right.< /p>

22. Travel 790 meters along the ramp and continue straight on the carShantou-Kunming road

23. Travel 25.8 kilometers along the Shantou-Kunming Expressway towards Jieyang/Shantou and go straight on the ramp

24. Travel 820 meters along the ramp and continue straight on Shantou-Kunming Expressway 25. Travel 76.1 kilometers along Shantou-Kunming Expressway towards Chaoyun Road/Shantou/G78 and continue straight on the ramp

26. Around the bends Travel 970 meters along the highway and continue straight on the Shantou-Kunming Expressway.

27. Travel 33.0 kilometers along the Shantou-Kunming Expressway, at Taishan Road/Songshan Road/Shantou North Station/Shantou City exit, turn slightly right and take ramp 28. Travel 490 meters along the ramp and continue all the way straight

29. Driving plan in Shantou Town

1) Drive 540 meters and continue straight on Haihe Road

2) Continue along Haihe Roadfor 220 meters, direction Shanfen Road/Haiwan Bridge/G15/G324, turn right into Taishan North Road

3) Continue along Taishan North Road for 1.9 kilometers, go straight and enter Taishan Middle Road

4) Continue along Taishan Middle Road for 1.3 kilometers, turn right into Shanfen Road

5) Continue along Taishan North Road. Shanfen Road for 1.3 kilometers, towards Songshan South Road/Shantou Port. Turn left onto Songshan North Road.

6) Continue along Songshan North Road for 1.4 kilometers and continue straight onto Songshan South Road.

7) Continue along from Songshan South Road for 3.6 kilometers and continue straight into Zhugang 2nd Road

8) Continue 40 meters along Zhugang 2nd Road to the end point

End point: Shantou Port


Question 3: How many kilometers are there between Zhaoqing, Guangdong andFengyang, Anhui, and how long does it take to drive? The urgent need is 1,485 kilometers, and it takes about 19 hours to drive

Question 4: Where to go on the high-speed highway from Fengyang, Anhui to Guangzhou: The total distance is about 1,359.7 kilometers

Starting point: Fengyang, Anhui

1. Route map in Fengyang County

1) From the starting point due south, continue along Huoxiangzi for 320 meters and continue straight into Huoxiang South Road

2) Continue along Huoxiang South Road for 340 meters, turn right into South Ring Road

3) Continue south Ring Road for 310 meters, pass Meiling Kitchen and Bathroom Appliances on the right, in about 300 meters turn left into X057

4) Continue along X057 for 4.6 kilometers, turn right onto the ramp

2. Continue along the ramp for 1.3 km and continue straight onto the highwaye Ningluo

3. Continue along Ningluo Expressway for 25.6km, turn slightly right to enter the center of Xiquan Street

4. Continue on Xiquan Street Hub for 1.2 kilometers, turn right to enter Jingtai Expressway

5. Travel 90.7 kilometers along Beijing-Taiwan Expressway towards Wuhu/Nanjing/Tongling/ Fuzhou, turn slightly right onto Hefei Ring Expressway

6. Continue along Hefei Ring Expressway for 1.2 kilometers, pass the intersection and continue straight on Hefei Ring Expressway

7. Follow Hefei Ring ExpresswayTravel 31.0 kilometers towards Tongling/Fuzhou/Anqing/G3, turn slightly right to enter Jingtai Expressway

8 .Continue along Jingtai Expressway for 1.0 kilometers and pass Xiaoxichong Hub for about 270 meters. and enter Jingtai Expressway

9. Travel 60.8 kilometers along the expresswayJingtai direction Anqing/Wuhan/G4212/G50, turn slightly right and enter He'an Highway 10. Drive 62.3 kilometers along He'an Highway, cross Renxinghe Bridge, head towards Qianshan/Jiujiang/Wuhan/G50, turn slightly right into Jiguang Expressway

11. Continue along Jiguang Expressway for 610 meters, pass until to Gezidun Hub and continue straight on Ji-Guang Highway 12. Travel 38.1 kilometers along Ji-Guang Highway, cross the Diaoyu River Bridge, heading to Wuhan/Chongqing/G50, and turn slightly right. Enter Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway 13. Travel 92.8 kilometers along Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway, pass Jiadun Bridge, direction Jiujiang/Huangmei/G70/G105, turn slightly at right and enter Huangmei Interchange

< p> 14. Continue along Huangmei Interchange for 780 meters. After passing the Huangmei interchange on approx.for 760 meters, continue straight to Fuyin Expressway.

15. Continue along Fuyin Expressway for 47.4 kilometers, cross Qilihu Bridge and continue. towards Nanchang/Fuzhou/G70, turn slightly right to enter Fuyin Expressway

16. Continue along Fuyin Expressway for 980 meters, pass Qilihu Hub for about 1, 1 kilometers and go straight to Fuyin Expressway


17. Travel 95.7 kilometers along Fuyin Expressway, direction Nanchang/Changsha/Guangzhou/G6001, turn slightly right onto Nanchang Ring Road

18. Travel along Nanchang Ring Road for 610 meters. on the expressway, pass Nanchang North Hub and continue straight to Nanchang Ring Expressway

19. Continue along Nanchang Ring Expressway for 52.3 kilometers and continue straight to Nanchang Ring Expressway

< p> 20. Travel 1.2 kilometersres along Nanchang Ring Expressway and go directly to Shanghai-Kunming Expressway

21. Travel 72.9 kilometers along Shanghai-Kunming Expressway towards Guangzhou/Ganzhou/Jinggangshan /Ji'an and turn slightly left and enter Changji Expressway.

22. Continue along Changji Expressway for 1.5 kilometers, pass Zhangshu Intersection and continue straight in Changji Expressway.

23. Continue along Zhangji Expressway for 104.6 kilometers. Pass Ji'an South Interchange, direction Ganzhou/Guangzhou, turn slightly left to enter Daguang Expressway

24. Continue along Daguang Expressway for 710 meters, pass Ji'an hub and continue straight into Daguang Expressway 25. Travel 182.2 kilometers along Daguang Expressway towards Dayu/Shaoguan/S66, turn slightly right into Sanyi Hub

26. Continue along SanyiContinue on670 meters from the hub, pass Sanyi hub and continue straight on Kangda Expressway

27. Continue along Kangda Expressway for 57.0 kilometers, continue directly on Ganshao Expressway

28. Along the route 123.6 kilometers on Ganshao Expressway, towards Yingde/Lechang/S10, turn slightly right into Nanshao Expressway

29 .Continue along Nanshao Expressway for 490 meters, pass Maba Interchange and continue straight, enter Nanshao Expressway

30. Continue along Nanshao Expressway for 3, 5 kilometers, direction Guangzhou/G4W3, turn slightly left and enter Liuwu Interchange

31. Follow Liuwu Interchange for 550 meters and pass Liuwu Interchange for about 57 ... >>

Question 5: How many days does it take to deliver Zhongtong Express from Dongguan, Guangdong to Fengyang, Anhui? If it's slow, will it take three days? Five daysbear. I sent it several times. If it's quick, it will be about a day. I hope this helps you.

Question 6: How long does it take for SF Express from Guangdong to Fengyang, Anhui, about 5 minutes and two days

Question 7: How long does it take YTO Express from Guangdong to Fengyang County, Chuzhou, Anhui? It usually takes about three days

Question 8: How far is Fengyang, Zhuhai District, from Jinwan, Zhuhai District? Using the bus line mileage as a reference, the total distance is 38.6 kilometers.

Bus route: No. 10a → K6, the total route is about 38.6 kilometers

1. Walk about 1.1 kilometers from Fengyangli, Zhuhai District to 'to Jishan Station

> 2. Take Route 10a and go through 13 stops to Nanxiangli Station (you can also take Route 10f and 10)

3 . Take road K6 and pass 8stops and arrive at Huxin Road Station (you can also take Route 10f and Route 10) No. 609)

4. Walk about 380 meters to reach Jinwan District

< p> Based on autonomous driving mileage, the distance is 39.3 kilometers.

Driving route: The total distance is about 39.3 kilometers

Starting point: Fengyangli, Zhuhai District

1. Start from the point starting point southwest, Drive 210 meters and turn right

2. Drive 180 meters, turn forward right

3. Drive 160 meters, turn right

4. Drive 220 meters, turn left


5. Drive 130 meters and turn right into Daxue Road

6. Continue along Daxue Road for 470 meters and turn. right onto Gangwan Avenue

7. Continue along Gangwan Avenue for 6.3 kilometers, towards Fenghuang North Road/The Fifth Affiliated University HospitalSun Yat-sen/Hengqin Chimelong Street, turn slightly right into S111

8. Continue on S111 for 120 meters, enter Meihua East Road

9. Continue along Meihua East Road for 4.1 kilometers, direction Yingbin North Road/Airport/Airport Exhibition Hall/Gongbei, turn left into Yingbin North Road

10. Continue along Yingbin North Road for 2.8 kilometers , direction Ningxi, turn slightly right onto Yingbin South Road

11. Continue along Yingbin South Road for 2.1 kilometers, turn right onto Jiuzhou Avenue West

p> 12. Travel 1.8 kilometers along West Jiuzhou Avenue, towards Zhuhai Avenue, and enter East Zhuhai Avenue.

13. Travel 3.4 kilometers along along East Zhuhai Avenue and continue straight into Zhuhai Avenue.


14. Continue along Zhuhai Avenue for 17.1 kilometers and turn right



15. Continue 220 meters until'at the end (on the right side of the road)

End point: Jinwan District

Question 9: How many kilometers are there it between Qingtang, Fengyang, Anhui and Fengyang departure, travel 11.3 kilometers along the X060, turn right onto the S101

2. Travel 8.0 kilometers along the S101, turn left

3 .Continue 710 meters, turn slightly right onto the ramp.

4. Continue along the ramp for 680 meters and continue straight into the Fengyang Branch of Ningluo Expressway.

< p> p> 5. Continue along the Fengyang Branch of Ningluo Expressway for 25.3 km, turn slightly right onto the ramp

6. Continue along the ramp for 430 meters and continue straight

7. Drive 800 meters and turn left onto the S310

8. Continuealong the S310 for 5.2 kilometers and go straight to the S301

9. Continue along the S301 for 5.1 kilometers and turn slightly right to enter the S207 < /p>

10. Continue on S207 for 1.5 kilometers and reach the end point (on the right road)

End point: Xiquan Town

< /p>

Question 10: How far is Fengyang County, Fenyi County, Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province from Longjiang, Foshan, Guangdong Province? Long-distance route: The total distance is about 734.9 kilometers.

Starting point: Fengyang People's Government of Fenyi County...

1. Map of driving in Xinyu Town

1) Go northeast from the starting point, drive 320 meters along Chaoyang Road, turn right into S224

2) Continue on S224 for 5.0 kilometers, turn left into Beihuan Middle Road

3) Continuefor 1.4 kilometers on Beihuan Middle Road, turn left into Tiangong North Avenue< /p>

4) Continue along Tiangong North Avenue for 1.3 kilometers, turn right

5) Continue 510 meters towards Xinyu, turn slightly right into Fenyi Interchange

6) Continue along Fenyi Interchange for 310 meters and continue straight on Shanghai-Express Kunming

7) Continue along Shanghai-Kunming Expressway for 11.5 kilometers towards Shanggao/Huangshi/Guangzhou/Fairy Lake, turn slightly right. and enter Xinyu Hub

2. Continue along Xinyu Hub for 1.5 kilometers, turn right to enter Daguang Expressway

3. Continue along Daguang Expressway for 92.7 kilometers, go straight and enter Zhangji Expressway.

4. Travel 640 meters along Zhangji Expressway and continue straight on Daguang Expressway.

5. Parkou travel 266.0 kilometers along Daguang Expressway, towards Longnan/Quannan/Lianping/G105, slightly right. Transfer to Longnan North Hub

6. Travel 1.1 kilometers along Longnan North Hub and go straight to Daguang Expressway

7. Travel 286 .0 kilometers along Daguang Expressway and go directly to Guangzhou Airport Expressway 8. Follow Guangzhou Airport Expressway for 15.9 kilometers , pass Jixiang Building on the left, drive towards Zengcha Road/Foshan/Zhuhai/S81 West, turn slightly right and take the ramp

p>9.Drive along the ramp on 660 meters, pass Yunquan Business Center on the right for about 140 meters and continue straight on the Guangzhou Ring Expressway

10. Continue along the Guangzhou Ring Expressway for 5.3 kilometers towards Zhaoqing/Foshan/S15/S55, turn slightly right and enterin Shabei Viaduct

11. Travel 430 meters along Shabei Viaduct and continue straight to Guangfo Expressway

12 13. Continue along the Guangfo Expressway for 14.9 kilometers, continue straight on Fokai Expressway 13. Continue along Fokai Expressway for 20.4 kilometers, cross Beijiang Bridge, exit At Longjiang/Shatou/S269, turn slightly right and take. the ramp

14. Drive along the ramp for 590 meters, turn right and enter Sharon Road

15. Driving plan in Foshan City

1) Continue along the ramp. Sharon Road for 1.0 kilometers, turn around and enter Sharon Road


2) Travel 4.8 kilometers along Sharon Road, towards Daliang/Zhuhai/Flower World/Changlu Farm, and continue straight on Longzhou Highway.

3) Drive 1.7 kilometers along Longzhou Expressway, turn right.

4) Drive 20 metersand turn right.

5) Drive 100 meters, pass the Bajia. Department store on the right for about 170 meters, and reach the end point (on the right side of the road)

End point: Longjiang Town

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    What is the difference between 18500 and 26500 batteries? The answer above is 18650. The person asking the question should ask what is the difference between 18505 and 26500 batteries. In the case of Fuant ER1
  • What does 3.7V 80mAh written on a lithium battery mean?

    What does 3.7V 80mAh written on a lithium battery mean? 3.7 V, 80 mA = 0.08 A, H means 1 hour, or 3600 seconds. Taken together, it is
  • How long does a lithium battery (cell phone battery) last?

    How long does a lithium battery (cell phone battery) last? The lifespan of mobile phone batteries, under normal conditions of use and without serious impact, the lifespan set by the manufacturer must be 5 years.
  • Will lithium batteries explode when charging?

    Will lithium batteries explode when charged? Will lithium batteries explode when charged? Lithium battery explosions usually occur during the charging process, because the negative electrode material of lithium batteries is graphite or other carbon materi
  • Parameters of lgdas31865 lithium battery

    Parameters of lgdas31865 lithium battery The parameters of lgdas31865 lithium battery are as follows: LGDAS31865 is a model 18650 lithium battery with a capacity of
  • What are the main components of lithium battery electrolyte?

    What are the main components of lithium battery electrolyte? The composition of lithium battery electrolyte is shown below. 1. Ethylene carbonate: molecular formula C3H4O3. Colorless transparent liquid (>35℃), room temperature
  • Who are the lithium battery manufacturers in Shandong?

    What are the lithium battery manufacturers in Shandong? Shandong Shengyang Power Supply Co., Ltd. and Shandong Weineng Environmental Protection Power Technology Co., Ltd. 1. Shandong Shengyang Power Supply Co., Ltd. is located in Shengyang, Qufu City.
  • Types of drone batteries available in 2024

    Part 1. Types of drone batteries available in 2024In 2024, drone batteries have advanced significantly, offering a range of options to cater to various needs in
  • How long does it take to charge 26650 battery?

    How long does it take to charge a 26650 battery? The charging time for a 26650 battery is generally between 3 and 6 hours, but the precise time depends on the power of the charger and the capacity of the battery. in general
  • For what?Sure, here's an article based on the phrase "For what?

    The simple yet profound question, "For what?" often serves as a gateway to deeper reflections on purpose and intention. It is a query that invites us to delve into the reasons behind actions, decisions, and circumstances that shape our lives and the wor
  • Choosing the Right Cart Battery

    This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need about cart batteries, from understanding different types to making an informed purchase decision.
  • 30mAh~500mAh 3.7 V Li-ion Battery

    Welcome to Ufine's collection of 3.7V lithium-ion batteries ranging from 30mAh to 500mAh. Explore a diverse range of compact and lightweight batteries suitable for various electronic devices,
  • Here are 10 essential facts about drone batteries for 2024.

    10 Key Facts About Drone Battery for 2024 In 2024, drone batteries have advanced significantly, offering a range of options to cater to various needs in the consumer, commercial, and industrial sectors. Below are the primary types of drone batteries avai
  • Could you please explain the difference among IMR, ICR, INR, and IFR 18650 batteries?

    What is the Difference Between IMR, ICR, INR, and IFR 18650 Battery?In 18650 batteries, discerning the differences among IMR, ICR, INR, and IFR types is fundamental for tailored and efficient battery usage. These distinct
  • Safety considerations for cart batteries

    Selecting the ideal cart battery is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and longevity of your electric vehicle or vaping device. This comprehensive guide w