Characteristics of ceramic solar panels

Introduction Features of ceramic solar panels 1. Materials for manufacturing ceramic solar panels - low cost, low power consumption, long life The ceramic solar panel substrate is a hollow and flat structure ceramic panel of a wall thickness of 3 mm, facing the sun. .

Characteristics of ceramic solar panels

1. Materials for manufacturing ceramic solar panels - low cost, low power consumption, long service life

The basis of the ceramic solar panel is a hollow flat box structure ceramic plate with a wall thickness. of 3 mm, and the sunny side is The black vanadium-titanium porcelain layer made of vanadium residue extracted from industrial waste is fired at 1200 °C. The absorption rate of sunlight will not attenuate. It is a functional building material that can be integrated. the building and has the same lifespan as the building.

Low production cost:

Ordinary ceramic products such as ceramic wall and floor tiles with low decorative requirements cost more than ten yuan per square meter, which is equivalent to hundreds of yuan per ton. A ton of steel costs around 4,000 yuan and a ton of copper around 70,000 yuan.

Low cEnergy consumption during manufacturing:

The ceramic solar panels spend approximately 5 minutes in the 1200°C high temperature section of the roller kiln. Glass melting or metal material melting typically takes a temperature of 1500-1700°C and takes several hours. Raw materials must go through processes such as melting, flowing, homogenization, reaction and clarification at high temperatures. section. Generally speaking, every time the temperature increases by 100°C, the energy consumption doubles, while the price and consumption of equipment and refractory materials also doubles. The energy consumption of electrolysis is much higher than that of fusion. Therefore, there are essential differences between ordinary ceramic sintering and glass smelting or metal material smelting and electrolysis, and the energy consumption and costdiffer from several to dozens of times.

Long life:

Metal materials are the product of human reduction reactions of natural substances, and nature must oxidize them in a short time. Organic materials are the product of human structures; of natural substances. The product of recombination must be decomposed and aged by nature within a short period of time; The raw material for ceramics is weathered granite particles, which are reshaped and sintered by man into porcelain that is denser and stronger than this. Granite. Porcelain has been around for over 1,000 years. The lifespan of porcelain is not yet known; similarly, concrete has been around for over 100 years. The strength of old concrete continues to increase and humans do not know its lifespan. concrete.

2. Ceramic solar panels adopt a flat and hollow structure: solar energy is une high-efficiency local energy source.

Solar energy is a space energy source and its use requires the cheapest and largest collector converting surface energy into solar flux energy, the straight flat box structure is the structural form of the solar collector with the closest distance between sunlight and the medium, the largest contact area, direct heating and the highest efficiency. .

3. Comparison of solar collectors. Comparison of solar collectors. Vacuum tube ceramic hollow flat plate injection manifold. The main raw materials are quartz, copper ore, bauxite porcelain mud and vanadium mining. tail. The main materials of the collector are borosilicate glass, copper and aluminum. There is a big difference in slag reserves and transportation distance. The main structure of ceramics is very ddifferent. The collector is a double-layer hollow blind tube, copper tube welding and copper-aluminum fin plate. The structure of the ceramic hollow flat plate is related to the material process. The collector has low resistance, brittle, unprotected, high, protected and medium elasticity. rigid and protected. This means that the product is not Material working principle: The outer glass transmits sunlight and blocks heat radiation.

Single tube and blind tube circulating outer glass transmits light from the sun and blocks heat.

Radiation, circulation of upper and lower tubes the outer glass transmits sunlight,

blocks heat radiation, circulation of upper and lower tubes creates a greenhouse effect,

Different structures form different operations

Method: heat collector The heat conduction materialhas poor thermal conductivity and short thermal conductivity distance. The material has good thermal conductivity and long thermal conductivity distance. It is dominated by material and structure. about 50% at noon > 80% Noon > 80% The structure determines the large gap between the black surface of the vacuum tube. Hot water availability is 75-80% 100% 100%. . The self-insulation effect of the collector is good or bad. Flat plate without vacuum insulation Manufacturing energy consumption Medium to high and low Nature of sintering and melting Different manufacturing costs Medium to high and low Lifespan of ceramics without treatment 10-15 years 15-25. years Main components > 50 years Ceramics and cement have no lifespan,

Structure Like natural mineral coating, the coating ages easily and does not age. is stable and corrosive to the metal bracket, the shell is easy to corroder, channel welding, metal support,

The shell is easy to corrode. Inorganic materials do not corrode inorganic materials. oxidize.

The use environment basically has no chemical reactions. Volume reduction and blockage of blind pipes are easily caused by scale and impurities causing precipitation.

Volume reduction and blockage of copper pipes are easily caused by scale and impurities causing precipitation. expensive and the canals are thin.


The canal is tortuous and easy to narrow. The channel is wide and straight.

The resistance to circulation is low and the influence. The scale level is low. The lowest part of the circulation is equipped with flocculating water and alkali.

Suspended matter The sedimentation tank is damaged by external forces and is not protected and can be easily damaged . . The verre hardened can be protected. The strength of tempered glass is high. Effectiveness: 30-50% 30-50% 30-50%. The comparison between the efficiency of the new collector, high school and middle school, is based on unity. black area. System efficiency Initially, the three efficiencies are equivalent. At the beginning, the three efficiencies are completely equal. -long-term use efficiency decreases due to aging of the coating, thin water channels,

Scale has an impact,

The efficiency of long-term use decreases, the black porcelain layer does not age, The channel is wide,

the scaling effect is small, and the efficiency is not easy to decline. It is affected by the material, structure,

manufacturing process,

Glass and metal cannot withstand the forming temperature of porcelain.The conversion of Medium double-cycle energy affects efficiency and increases cost. As a last resort, conversion of energy affects efficiency and increases cost. As a last resort, the hot water in the collector can be released for use. The cycle heat pipe is not necessary and the cost is low. The heat generation per unit illumination area of ​​boiling point phase change substances and antifreeze liquids is high at the beginning, decreases in the later stage, and decreases in the later stage. production is still relatively stable. The first two will age and degrade.

The reduction in heat production is linked to the building. Integration is difficult to integrate into the building for reasons of structure, lifespan and cost.

The structure can be integrated into the building.

It is difficult to coordinate structure, lifespan and cost with the building.

Both can be integrated into the building. .The cost of ordinary buildings

There is a certain tolerance limit. The layer isolante cannot be shared with the original roof.

The insulating layer can be used. shared with the original roof. The original roof and flat collector have layers of insulation that can be shared. The waterproof layer cannot be shared with the original roof.

Waterproof The waterproof layer can be shared with the original roof. .The waterproof layer can be shared with the original roof.The tempered glass plate can replace the original roof.Is the waterproof layer the same as the life of the building? The lifespan is not long enough. It cannot be the same as that of the building. The lifespan of ceramics and cement is medium to high. in copper, aluminum, glass and ceramic. The cost of the system is medium to low. Large-scale application of water storage tanks made of inorganic materials (hot water-based energy production in the desert, electricity production by pipelinets wind turbines in the desert). /p>

Short lifespan,

Energy gained exceeds energy lost,

Uneconomical. The A value is low, the cost is high, and the service life is not long. enough

The energy gained exceeds the energy lost, it is not economical. The economic value A is large, the cost is low, the service life is long, and energy is saved with it. little loss. It's worth experimenting.

This should be feasible. A value = obtained over the life of the device

Solar energy consumption/manufacturing use

Conventional energy

What is the best between monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon solar panels

Flat panel solar water heaters are produced by absorption. It consists of heating plate, cover plate, insulating layer, shell and other parts. (1) Function

Also called abso center panelrbant heat, it is a component that absorbs energy from solar radiation and transfers heat to water.

(2) Technical requirements

① The technical requirements are a certain carrying capacity, good water compatibility, excellent thermal performance, simple processing technology and a reasonable cost. Commonly used materials include copper, aluminum alloys, stainless steel, galvanized sheets, and materials such as plastic or fiberglass in coastal areas with poor water quality.

② Selective coating: In order to increase the thermal performance of the heat absorbing plate, a coating is often sprayed on the metal surface. There are two types of coatings: selective coating and non-selective coating.

③Flat collectors are divided into two categories according to the type of coating, commonly known as black film and blue film (black chrome, anodized)

(3) Heat absorber p>

Also known as heat absorber, heat absorber is the core component of solar water heater flat panel. It must first complete the conversion of light and heat, and then transfer the thermal energy to water. to heat.

The heat absorber is mainly made of metal materials. It was initially a connecting structure made of steel tube plates. Later, welded type, aluminum wing type and copper-aluminum composite type appeared, each with its own advantages. Some have poor thermal conductivity, some have too high power consumption, some have too many consumables, and some have complicated processes. But the common point is that the heat transfer is tens to hundreds of times higher than that of glass. For example, the thermal conductivity of copper is around 320, celThe of aluminum is around 160, that of copper is around 40, while that of glass is only 0.64. The pressure resistance can reach 10KG/CM2, and the glass cannot even withstand 0.5KG/CM2 pressure.

Thus, the metal heat absorber can operate in natural circulation, forced circulation and direct current. Since the flow rate is proportional to the heat transfer coefficient, the heat transfer efficiency of the metal heat absorber is also much higher.

The heat absorber tube plate is combined with new technology. It requires only one punch and two sets of molds for mass production. It can be said that there is less equipment and less investment; punching, wearing and pressing can be completed, it can be said to be simple and easy to implement; there is no need for welding or other materialsauxiliaries, it can be said to save labor and energy by using thin-walled copper tubes as pipes; and thin aluminum plates as fins, it can be said to be scientific in compatibility, corrosion resistance, good heat transfer and material saving.

When this structure participated in the national flat panel solar water heater competition, the average daily efficiency was 0.563 and the heat loss coefficient was 1.75, the same thermal performance than the product that won first prize. at this moment.

(4) Classification

According to the structure of the heat absorbing plate, it can be divided into tube plate type, wing tube type, snake tube type, flat box type, round tube type and heat pipe type.

1. Tube plate heat absorption plate

The tube plate heat absorption plate dA flat plate solar collector is a heat absorption strip formed by connecting the row pipe and the flat plate in a certain combination (such as the one shown in the right picture), then it is welded with the upper collectors and lower to form a flat panel solar collector heat absorption plate. This is the most commonly used type of heat-absorbing plate structure at home and abroad.

2. Wing Tube Heat Absorbing Panels

Wing Tube Heat Absorbing Panels are heat absorbing strips with fins connected to both sides of a metal tube manufactured using 'a mold extrusion. and drawing process (as shown on the right), then welded to the upper and lower headers to form a heat absorbing plate. The heat absorbing plate material of flat panel solar collectors is generally aluminum alloy.

The advantages of flat solar collector wing tube heat absorption plate: high thermal efficiency, the tube and the flat plate are integrated, no combined thermal resistance, strong pressure resistance, the Aluminum alloy tube can withstand high pressure.

Disadvantages of the finned tube heat absorbing plate of the flat solar collector: the water quality is not easy to guarantee, and the aluminum alloy will be corroded; the amount of material is large and the process requires a large thickness of the tube wall and fins; the dynamic characteristics are poor, and the heat absorbing plate has a large thermal capacity.

3. Snake Tube Heat Absorption Plate

The snake tube heat absorption plate bends a metal tube into a serpentine shape (as shown on the right), then welds it. to a flat plate.into a heat-absorbing plate. This type of sstructure is commonly used abroad. The material of the heat absorbing plate is generally copper, and the welding process can be high frequency welding or ultrasonic welding.

Advantages of the snake-type heat-absorbing plate of the flat panel solar collector: no additional soldering of the collector is required, reducing the risk of leakage; high thermal efficiency, no combined thermal resistance, and the copper tube will not be corroded; To ensure quality, the entire production process is mechanized; with strong pressure resistance, the copper pipe can withstand high pressure.

Disadvantages of snake type heat absorbing plate of flat solar collector: high flow resistance, fluid channels are not connected in parallel but in series; welding is difficult and the weld is not a straight line; but a curve.

4. Plaflat box type heat absorbing plate

The flat box type heat absorbing plate of the flat panel solar collector is molded separately by two metal plates and then welded. together to form an absorbent plate. The materials of heating plate and heat absorbing plate can be stainless steel, aluminum alloy, galvanized steel, etc.

Usually, the spot welding process is used between the fluid channels, and the seam welding process is used around the flat box type heat absorption plate of the flat solar collector.

Advantages of the flat box type heat absorbing plate of the flat plate solar collector: high thermal efficiency, the tube and the flat plate are integrated, and there is no combined thermal resistance; the collector needs to be welded, and the fluid channel and the collector are formed by one-time casting.

Disadvantages offlat box type heat absorbing plate of flat panel solar collector: the welding process is difficult and prone to welding penetration or weak welding problems, the pressure resistance is poor, and the solder joints cannot not withstand high pressure. ; The dynamic characteristics are poor, the cross section of the fluid channel is large, and the heat absorption plate has large heat capacity, sometimes the water quality is not easy to guarantee, and the alloy of aluminum and; galvanized steel will be corroded. (1) Function

The upper surface of the heat absorbing plate should be covered with a cover plate, which is necessary to transmit visible light but not far infrared rays. This makes the energy coming in is greater than that of far infrared rays. lost energy, thereby improving the efficiency of the heat absorbing plate. L'Increase in lid temperature is generally called greenhouse effect.

(2) Technical requirements

High total light transmittance, high impact resistance, good weather resistance, good thermal insulation performance and good processing performance. (1) Function

The function of the insulating layer is to reduce the heat dissipation of the collector to the environment to improve the thermal efficiency of the collector.

(2) Technical requirements

The requirement for the insulating layer is good thermal insulation performance, that is, the thermal conductivity of the material is low, it should not be more than 0.055 W/(m*℃), and it is not easy to deform or volatilize, no toxic gas is produced, and no absorption occurs.

(3) Materials

The materials of the insulation layer include rock wool, mineral wool, polystyrene, mpolyurethane foam, etc. (1) Function

The function of the insulating layer shell is to integrate the heat absorption plate, cover plate and insulating material into a whole, so it must have a certain rigidity and strength and be easy to install. The materials are usually steel sheets, aluminum profiles, fiberglass or plastic.

(2) Technical requirements

In order to ensure the life of the hull, certain surfaces of the hull must be sprayed. Generally, the coating should be thin and uniform, have strong adhesion and anti-aging properties, be resistant to moisture and heat and not rust. In addition, the surface should be beautiful and free from deformation, dirt and scratches.

I think polycrystalline silicon and monocrystalline silicon solar panels are better than polycrystalline silicon.

1. Low cost

The speed of polycrystalline silicon solar panels is generally two to three times that of monocrystalline silicon, and the voltage is more stable. The manufacturing process of polycrystalline silicon solar cells is similar to that of monocrystalline silicon solar cells. Its photoelectric conversion efficiency is about 12%, which is slightly lower than that of monocrystalline silicon solar cells. However, the material is easy to manufacture, saves energy. and the overall production cost is low, so there is a lot of development.

2. Beautiful craftsmanship

Single crystals are arranged in an orderly manner, while polycrystalline crystals are arranged in a disorderly manner. This is mainly determined by their processing technology. produced by casting methods, which means pouring silicon directly into a crucible to melt and shape it.nner, while the single crystal adopts the Siemens method to improve Czochralski. The Czochralski process is a process of reorganization of the atomic structure. To our naked eyes, the surface of monocrystalline silicon looks the same, while the surface of polycrystalline silicon appears to contain a lot of broken glass, making it sparkle.

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