Will solar radiation through glass affect its thermal effect?

Introduction Will solar energy shining through glass affect its heating effect? Although this layer of glass is transparent, it also has some reflectivity.

Will solar radiation through glass affect its thermal effect?

The sun shines through the glass. Although this layer of glass is transparent, it also has some reflectivity. The reflection of sunlight by this reflectivity reduces the amount of sunlight passing through the glass. Therefore, the sunlight received by solar energy is also reduced. Of course, this affects its heating effect. However, the reflectivity of general glass is relatively low, and the effect on solar heating is not very obvious.

When this glass layer is colored or dirty, the effect of solar heating will be more obvious.

If this glass layer has a special device, such as sealing the solar energy in a big box with this glass layer in front, it can also improve the thermal efficiency of the energy solar. Since the thermal insulation capacity of solar tubes is not absolute, they will also lose heat. This box canhelp thermal insulation, and the glass box can also absorb part of the heat, which will improve the heat recovery efficiency.

What are the benefits of basking in the sun through a window?

Window glass is opaque to infrared rays, but transparent to visible light. Therefore, when exposed to sunlight through glass, sunlight can pass through the glass and enter the room. but infrared rays emitted by interior objects are blocked. Inside the window, the temperature in the room gets higher and higher, so it feels warmer.

Scientists tell us that every object in the universe emits electromagnetic waves. The higher the temperature of the object, the shorter the wavelength of the radiation; conversely, the lower the temperature of the object, the longer the wavelength of the radiation.

(According toPlanck's formula, E=h·f, where E is the energy, f is the frequency, which is inherent to the radiating object, and f does not change; h is Planck's constant. And f· λ=c, therefore E=hc/λ, obviously the smaller λ, the larger E~, and vice versa)

The surface temperature of the sun is about 5,500 degrees Celsius and the electromagnetic wavelength it emits is of course very short. This is called shortwave solar radiation (including violet, infrared, and visible light. It's all relativistic. When comparing violet and infrared light, ultraviolet light is a shortwave and infrared light is a long wave).

Detailed information

When ultraviolet rays irradiate the human body or organisms, physiological changes occur. Different wavelengths of ultraviolet rays have different physiological effects. According to the effects of ultraviolet rays on organismsmes, ultraviolet rays are divided into different wavelength bands in medical treatment:

Black spot ultraviolet rays (curve A) are in the erythemic ultraviolet ray band of 320 to 400 nanometers; the rays intended for health care (curve B) are located in the wave band of 280 to 400 nanometers; sterilizing ultraviolet rays (curve C) are located in the 200 to 280 nanometer band; 180 to 200 nanometer band.

The effect of ultraviolet rays causing dark spots: Ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of 320 to 400 nanometers are also called long-wave ultraviolet rays. The biological effect of ultraviolet rays in this band is weak, but it will darken the skin after being irradiated on the human body and have obvious pigmentary effects on the skin. This is the dark spot effect of ultraviolet rays. The ultraviolet rays of this band pecan strongly stimulate the skin, accelerate skin metabolism, improve skin growth and thicken the skin. A-wave ultraviolet rays are used to treat the skin. An important band for skin diseases, such as psoriasis, vitiligo and other diseases.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Ultraviolet Rays

The advantages and disadvantages of basking in the sun through a window

Benefits: < /strong> Sunbathing under glass can prevent skin damage. Glass can prevent ultraviolet rays from penetrating, which can prevent ultraviolet rays from damaging the skin. In winter, the outside temperature is low, the wind is sometimes strong, and the elderly or children with limited mobility can prevent colds and illnesses.

In addition, basking in the sun through glass will significantly reduce the effect of calcium supplementation, because the penetration of rayss mid-wave ultraviolet (UVB) is relatively weak. A piece of paper can block UVB, for example. only thick glass. Ordinary white glass can transmit about 9% of UV rays below 320nm, while the transmission of low-e silver insulating glass is essentially 0%.

Precautions when basking in the sun

The time spent in the sun should not be too long. For most people, 10 to 20 minutes is enough. for children it is shorter and for the elderly it is longer, but it is generally recommended within 30 minutes. People who live at high altitudes and in long-term low-intensity hypoxic environments should extend their sun exposure time to 30 to 60 minutes per day. In winter, you should also extend the duration of exposure to the sun as much as possible.

Be careful when basking in the sun outdoorsand take sun protection measures. For example, wearing sunglasses can prevent eye damage from direct sunlight, and wearing a hat can prevent your hair from getting sunburned. After spending time in the sun, be sure to drink more water and eat more fruits and vegetables to supplement vitamin C, which can inhibit melanin production and prevent sun spots. ?

Who said tanning through a window was useless

The advantages and disadvantages of tanning through a window

Sunbathing through glass Many people think about the advantages and disadvantages of sunbathing through glass, but is this method of sunbathing really effective? Do we really know the effects of basking in the sun through glass? glass. .

Advantages and disadvantages of tanning through a glass 1

1. Indisadvantages: Traditional Chinese medicine experts point out that tanning through a glass has no effect of calcium supplementation. Glass can absorb ultraviolet rays, so tanning through glass actually has no effect.

2. Benefits: Sunbathing through glass can prevent skin damage. Glass can prevent ultraviolet rays from penetrating, which can prevent ultraviolet rays from damaging the skin.

3. Advantages: In winter, the outdoor temperature is low, sometimes the wind is strong, and the elderly or children have limited mobility. Sunbathing through the window can prevent colds and illnesses.


1. Disadvantages: Sunbathing through glass has no effect on supplementation in calcium.

2. Benefits: Sunbathing through glass can prevent skin damages.

3. Advantages: The outdoor temperature is low in winter and can be protected by glass.Stop colds.

Advantages and disadvantages of tanning through glass 2

Dangers: Glass can block most ultraviolet rays, but it has no effect after being exposed to the sun, because it does not promote the synthesis of vitamin D and does not increase the absorption of calcium. Sun exposure to fresh air and sunlight will be best moved to a bright place. When basking in the sun, the sun should be in direct contact with the skin. D alone, which is beneficial for calcium absorption.

Although basking in the sun is an economical way to supplement calcium, it may not be good for babies to be exposed to ultraviolet rays for a long time. At the same time, relying on sun exposure to supplement vitamin D is limited after all.

By cTherefore, you should insist on taking vitamin D supplements, and it is best not to supplement them intermittently. Under normal circumstances, babies under two years old should insist on taking vitamin D supplements, except for babies who have too much. small anterior fontanelle and severe diarrhea. For babies, to avoid premature closure of the anterior fontanel or worsening of diarrhea symptoms, appropriate supplementation is necessary as directed by the doctor.


Detailed information:

Pay attention to these three points when basking in the sun:

1. Pay attention to the time: 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. are suitable. These two exposure periods are that there are more A-beam components in ultraviolet rays, which is a good time to store the "vitamin of the so"leil" - vitamin D in the body. It only takes about half an hour each day.

2. Pay attention to the parts: you can lounge on the top of the head, lounge on the back, lounge on the hands and feet according to personal circumstances. However, excessive sun exposure can easily turn moles on the human body into melanoma or skin cancer. When basking in the sun in summer, be sure to wear sun protective clothing to cover areas covered in moles.

3. Dress appropriately: It is best not to wear black clothes when basking in the sun, take off your hat and gloves, and try to expose your skin to the sun . It is best to bask in the sun outdoors or on a spacious balcony, and not through a glass window.

Advantages and disadvantages of tanning through the verre 3

No, glass will absorb some of the ultraviolet rays and affect the synthesis of vitamin D. It is best to bask in the sun outdoors.

The main function of exposure to the sun is to help the body synthesize vitamin D using ultraviolet rays. Vitamin D is considered both a vitamin and a hormone because it is one of the rare exceptions among vitamins. Most vitamins cannot be synthesized by the human body and must be ingested via dietary supplements or pharmaceuticals. However, vitamin D can be synthesized by skin exposed to ultraviolet rays (direct sunlight is sufficient).

We all know that sun exposure can replenish calcium and zinc. And through exposure to sunlight, the skin can be encouraged to produce vitamin D, and these vitamins provide 90% of the vitamin D that people need.t need it. Therefore, doctors recommend that children, middle-aged and elderly people spend more time in the sun.

You can't feel the heat when exposed to sunlight through the laminated glass, but the laminated glass blocks UV rays for you. Many people wonder if exposure to sunlight through laminated glass can have the effect of supplementing calcium and zinc. Here we clearly tell everyone that this is not possible!

First of all, the main cause of the presence of vitamin D in the skin is that the skin is exposed to direct ultraviolet rays and the 7-dehydrocholesterol stored in the subcutaneous tissue is converted into vitamin D3.

Second, while it is true that you can receive direct ultraviolet light through glass, not all ultraviolet light can promote the skin's production of vitamin D3.

Ultraviolet light can be divided into UVA and UVB. UVA is not blocked by glass and can radiate directly to the human body through glass. Although they do not cause sunburn, they accelerate skin aging. At the same time, it has no effect on the formation of vitamin D in the skin.

First of all, the main cause of the presence of vitamin D in the skin is that the skin is exposed to direct ultraviolet rays and the 7-dehydrocholesterol stored in the subcutaneous tissue is converted into vitamin D3.

Advantages and disadvantages of sunbathing through glass 4


Baking in the sun through glass can prevent skin damage.

Sunlight damage to human skin mainly comes from ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B. Ultraviolet A is a long wave that acts slowly on the deep layers of the skin, but can prcause occasional blackening. Ultraviolet B is a medium wave that acts on the surface of the skin and has rapid effects. It can stimulate skin keratinocytes, dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow. It will first turn red and then slowly brown. Excessive long-term exposure can even cause skin cancer.

When basking in the sun through the glass, the glass can prevent ultraviolet rays from penetrating, thereby preventing ultraviolet rays from damaging the skin. This is probably the only advantage of basking in the sun through a window.


From the above, it can be seen that glass can absorb ultraviolet rays which play a role. Without ultraviolet rays, the body cannot synthesize vitamin D and therefore cannot promote calcium absorption. Therefore, if you want to supplement your calcium intake grThanks to the sun, you should not do it through a glass.

How to replenish calcium in the sun

1. It is best to do it between 9:00-10:00 and 16:00-17:00 every day. time in the sun because the ultraviolet rays are not very strong at this time.

2. The exposure time in the sun should not be too long. For most people, 10 to 20 minutes is enough. It is shorter for children and longer for the elderly, but it is generally recommended to stay indoors. 30 minutes. People who live at high altitudes and in long-term low-intensity hypoxic environments should extend their sun exposure time to 30 to 60 minutes per day. In winter, you should also extend the duration of exposure to the sun as much as possible.

3. Be careful when basking outdoors in the sun and take sun protection measures. For example, wearingSunglasses can avoid eye damage caused by direct sunlight, and wearing a hat can prevent sunburn on your hair.

4. DryBe sure to drink more water and eat more fruits and vegetables after the sun to supplement vitamin C, which can inhibit melanin production and prevent sun spots.

It is also useful to bask in the sun through a window.

Some people think that it is useless to bask in the sun through a glass, but others think that it is necessary to bask in the sun through a glass and bask in the sun outside. The glass in our homes typically contains iron oxide, chromium oxide, chromium pentoxide and some heavy metals. These materials may affect the penetration ability of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, some components of sunlight cannot effectively penetratecement in our homes through the windows. But that doesn't mean there's no point in basking in the sun through the glass.

Although basking in the sun through a window has some effect, the effect is much weaker than basking in the sun directly. If you want to replenish calcium by basking in the sun, you may need to stay in the sun for a full day to be effective. After all, glass blocks the penetration of many components in sunlight. you need to stay in the sun long enough. In this case, it is better to go for a walk downstairs. Even half an hour in the sun is more useful than an afternoon at home.

Risks of frequent skin exposure to the sun

1. Skin inflammation

If you do not take adequate sun protection measures, this can occur half a day after exposure to the sun. During the day, in addition to redness andheat, the skin will also appear swollen and painful, meaning it has become inflamed. Remember to calm the skin to reduce it. pain. If it is not treated well, it may be accompanied by peeling of the skin, which is equivalent to "a certain degree of inflammation", he already had a slight sunburn at that time.

2. Peeling of the skin?

If the skin turns red and then black, it means that the epidermal cells are dead. It will take approximately 2 to 4 days to undergo natural metabolism and. new skin will grow after the peel. , the most important thing at this time is to replenish the water, so that the stratum corneum is healthy so that the skin will not peel and be bruised. Patiently strengthen hydration to save the state of dehydration and enable fragility. skin after exposure to the sun to settle.

3. Tanning of the skin?

Once you notice that yourIf your skin has darkened after being exposed to the sun, this is already pigmentation. Don't think that exfoliation and whitening can improve dull skin color. The more careful you are at this time, the more itchy the skin will be. A week after sun exposure, wait for the flaking to disappear before starting whitening.

4. The appearance of fine lines and aging

After being exposed to the sun, the face, supported by various anti-aging care products, regains its original appearance. shape and all lines appear. It turns out that ultraviolet rays from the sun can destroy skin tissue, slow down skin metabolism, and cause dead skin to accumulate on the epidermis for a longer period of time.

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