The original circuit requires some minor modifications, and the charging current switching elements Q2 and D1 must be removed from the original circuit. Resistors R24 and R25 should be replaced with the new values, R24 should be 6.8K and R25 should be 3.3K. If changed to 40 amps, R24 should be 10K and R25 should be 4.7K. If changed to 80 amps, R24 should be 4.7K and R25 should be 2.2K.
It is very important that the TM1 thermistor is in contact with the battery.
Adding transistors and field effect diodes
The dotted box is the original part of the circuit.
Three pairs of IRF4905 field effect transistors and 20L15T Schottky diodes must be mounted on a large aluminum heat sink. These components must be insulated from the aluminum heat sink using thermally conductive insulators and plastic shoulder washers. Of theThermal radiator grease should be used on both sides of the insulation to ensure good heat transfer.
The three pairs of field-effect transistors and Schottky diodes must have equal lead lengths to ensure the same current distribution.