The method of calculating solar photovoltaic conversion efficiency:
System efficiency
Battery module conversion efficiency inverter efficiency X system loss.
Area X conversion efficiency X1000W/M2 = power.
That is to say:
The calculation method of solar cell modules is: rated power of the module in STC state/(module area*1000) .
With a rated power of 180 Wp, the module dimensions are 1580 × 808 × 50 mm (length × width × thickness) and 72 cells of 125 × 125 mm are packaged in series. The module efficiency is: 180/(1.58 × 0.808 × 1000) =. 0.1410 = 14.10%.
Photovoltaic system efficiency = solar power generation energy under optimal charging conditions/incident power from the sun Theoretically, the efficiency of crystalline silicon can reach 25 % (recommended by Walff), in 2009 the real effectiveness. sgreater than 15%, amorphous silicon is smaller, data is unknown, it can reach 15%. Current efficiency of thin film cells is typically 6%